The guest disdains: "Three years?"

Li Yu put away one finger and said, "Two!"



Suddenly, there was a scream in the live broadcast room, and an extremely strange sound came from the other end of the connection. After a while, the guest signal was cut off...

Chapter 96 destroys you, what does it have to do with you?

The bright moonlight shone through the clouds into Su Bai's room.

Su Bai, who hadn't slept yet, put the tablet in his hand on the head of the bed after helping Zhou Xue who was sleeping next to him cover the quilt that she had kicked off.

Zhou Xue seemed very active in the first half of today, but quieted down in the second half.And the reason for her quietness was not because she was being honest, but because the bumpy environment in the mountains and forests really tormented her enough, plus the original

I'm weak, I don't have much strength, and I can't be active even if I want to be active

After arriving at the resting place, he fell asleep early.

After reaching out to play with Zhou Xue's little face, Su Bai said, "System, where shall we play next?"

The follow-up of the revenge action still needs some time to ferment, and taking advantage of this time, Su Bai feels that he can still have some fun.

After all, there are so many fun things in this world, she can't be held back by one thing to find fun.

[Have you forgotten the original intention of the establishment of the Luochen program group? At the same time, the great cause of bullying the good and the wicked has not yet been completed. 】

At this time, the system opened its mouth to remind.

Although the Luochen program group broadcast the military exercise live today.However, the original intention of the Luochen program group was not for this.

"Oh~ indeed~"

Su Bai nodded after hearing that, some things can't be left halfway, if you want to bully the good and the evil at the same time, you have to follow through to the end.

So, after ten seconds of consideration, Su Bai made a difficult decision, that is...

"Forget it, let's think about it tomorrow. When you don't know what to do, you force yourself to think about it. Isn't this bullying yourself?"

Well, after making this important decision, Su Bai got under the bed, hugged Zhou Xue, and fell into a dreamland.

While Su Bai was falling asleep, Wei Jianming also welcomed a special visitor.

"Sorry to bother you so late.

After Wei Jianming and other scholars had a celebration banquet, the No. [-] chief came to visit.

"It's okay, I'm old and I don't sleep much. This time, you came here for that little girl Su Bai."

Wei Jianming wasn't too surprised by No. [-]'s visit.

The higher-ups have long wanted to contact Su Bai directly.But because of the report given by Chen Ming, before Su Bai expresses this on his own initiative, don't make decisions without authorization.

In the face of the unknown, even if it is an unknown that has expressed goodwill to the Hua Kingdom, one must still maintain the most rational thinking.Don't be dazzled by interests.

Under such circumstances, the higher-ups can only make further judgments on Su Bai by contacting people who have had a lot of contact with Su Bai and trusted them.

"Well, she was at the military exercise today and had a great time. You are the person who knows the most about the specialized remodeling cells of mothers and fetuses. How much trouble will she cause us by directly disclosing the existence of genetic enhancement technology? You is having a

Basic judgment?"

Number Four asked.

The higher-ups are reluctant to disclose the genetic enhancement technology directly, but they know why Su Bai came up with the genetic enhancement technology.It is short-handed to take people and things, not to mention the value of this technology is beyond imagination.

Therefore, the higher-ups took special measures and directly accompanied Su Bai to make a fuss.

This is also the reason why this military exercise is called nonsense.

"Politically, I can't say anything, but technically, I still have a certain right to speak. Let's put it this way, even if the formula that Su Bai gave us is leaked, they will at most imitate it. ten years

Within a short period of time, don't think about making any changes to this potion. In 50 years, don't expect to make much progress. "

Wei Jianming said at this time.

"Is the technology gap so big?"

No. [-] did not come from a liberal arts background. He also studied science, and he also has a certain basic understanding of biology.For Wei Jianming to say this, I am afraid that the technological difference of what Su Bai produced is beyond imagination

"Well, before she officially taught us, I thought it would take us at least seven or eighty years to fully understand the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. However, after she taught us the basic theory of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, I realized

Until, seven or eighty years is enough for us to study and understand the fur of this cell.My previous estimates were too optimistic, to the point of arrogance. "

Wei Jianming expressed his feelings after studying for a month

One month of study gave Wei Jianming the deepest feeling of fear! Fear of the hopeless technology mastered by advanced civilizations.

He was very fortunate that Su Bai was not a destroyer, otherwise human civilization would have been destroyed long ago.

"The so big!"

Number four was surprised when Wei Jianming said it well.Because what Wei Jianming said now directly overturned the technological gap made in the research report he submitted a month ago.

"The actual gap may be even greater than this, because after a month of study, we only learned the basic programming methods and underlying basic theories of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. To make a metaphor, before learning this knowledge, I

We are in the third grade and only know the ninety-nine multiplication table.And now, one yuan quadratic equation.

When Wei Jianming said this, he seemed a little unwilling.

But this is the reality, Su Bai can easily program genes to make genetic enhancement medicine.And they practiced for a month, and more than 100 people tried for three days day and night, and finally managed to program the least difficult healing factor.


If the difficulty is increased a little to repair the genes, then the time they need may be directly added to zero or doubled, which may not be enough.

"Then, why do you think she helped us?"

After hesitating for a while, No. [-] asked the most important question of his trip, which was what was Su Bai's purpose.

This question is also the question I most want to know the answer to above.

Because, taking too much, too much to fear.

"For this... I can't give an answer. However, she is definitely kind to us. It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. She is not purely giving us things, but also giving us knowledge. She to the whole

Human civilization is beneficial, and she is helping human civilization complete the ascension of civilization level.Instead of asking for an answer to that question, rely on what you know now and ask yourself, can she easily destroy us?"

When Wei Jianming said this, he looked at No. [-] with deep eyes, and said, "If the answer is no, then we are on the same plane as her, and we have the right to speculate on her purpose and thoughts, and even resist her.

If the answer is that she can destroy us, then she is, and must be, kind, and we cannot and cannot guess what ill will she has for us. "

"Because...we don't even have the qualifications to resist. The fact that she wants to destroy us has nothing to do with our own will!"

ps: Try to update a chapter before twelve o'clock.I will definitely not be slack tomorrow, I have enough fishing today.

Chapter 97 Ke Zhenguo's list

"Have any cigarettes? Have one."

Outside Su Bai's temporary residence, after seeing the lights in Su Bai's room turned off, Chen Ming slapped a mosquito that landed on his arm to death, and then looked at Ke who was squatting next to him. Zhen Guo said.

"There are only two left, we are, why are you like this? You are too greedy, there are only two."

Ke Zhenguo took out his own cigarette and planned to give one to Chen Ming, but Chen Ming picked up the two together, put one in his ear, and lit the other directly for himself.

"Today I only smoked three. If you smoke less, you will die."

Chen Ming said with a sinister smile, but still gave Ke Zhenguo another cigarette.

"How does it feel to be a genetically enhanced soldier? Yours is an exclusive enhancement, and the injection is in place. I am very sour."

Ke Zhenguo asked after pointing to himself, and there was indeed a bit of jealousy in his words.

"When we can mass-produce it, you can apply for a shot directly to yourself. It feels... better than ever. You'll know when the time comes."

When Chen Ming said these words, he glanced at the more fleshy muscles in his hands, and there was a little worry in his eyes, but not much joy.

"This needle should also represent that she officially recognized us."

Although there is some envy, it is limited to envy.Ke Zhenguo felt more joy about this incident.This is the first time that Su Bai responded to their Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau and gave positive feedback to their efforts.

"Don't be happy too early. As I said, don't judge any of her actions at any time. Whether this is recognized or not has nothing to do with us. This is her own thinking. We have to do

There is only one thing to do, and that is to do our job well. "

Compared with Ke Zhenguo's optimism, Chen Ming is more worried.

Of course he guessed, but with the understanding of Su Bai, he felt more and more fear.This fear made him dare not make any guesses about Su Bai.

Because he was afraid that his guess would be wrong.Sometimes, no change is the best change.

"Speaking of my job, this is for you."

When Ke Zhenguo heard Chen Ming's words, he gave up thinking about decision-making, and took out a document from his arms and gave it to Chen Ming.

After Chen Ming took it, he opened his mouth and said, "Some fish that escaped the net seem to be about to move. However, if you continue to catch them, you won't be able to hide them."

The list submitted by Ke Zhenguo is personnel information.The names of more than 500 people are marked on it, and the detailed information of some of them is given.

Those who gave detailed information are all people who have long-term financial and intelligence contacts with overseas institutions.

The problem is that there is no detailed evidence from Ke Zhenguo's side. Under such circumstances, these people seemed to be honest when they launched the operation last time.In addition, the scale of Ke Zhenguo's last operation was too large, which has already caused a lot of trouble.

attention of ordinary people.If you continue to do it, it may cause some bad consequences, so he stopped last time.

But now, after the emergence of genetic enhancement technology, some people have begun to be dishonest, so Ke Zhenguo needs to ask Chen Ming directly for instructions.

Chen Ming frowned slightly at this, then turned his head to look at Ke Zhenguo and said: "Next, the higher authorities will definitely wrestle with the West, and they will definitely make trouble at this hot spot of public opinion. It's okay to talk to us ,habit

Get used to it, at most it will be more stressful and difficult to do things.But if they mess with Su you think they will only mess with us and not Su Bai?"

Chen Ming has a bottom line in doing things, and Chen Ming's bottom line now is not to make Su Bai angry.

They really regard Su Bai as the apple of their eye, hold it in the palm of their hands, and take good care of it.I'm afraid that Su Bai will be a little bit unhappy.

After America made Su Bai angry, what did Su Bai do? He gave Hua Guo the genetic enhancement technology and asked Hua Guo to hold a military exercise to anger America.

When a child gets angry, the means of revenge are very childish, but this childishness is a different concept after Su Bai becomes strong to a certain extent.

Especially after seeing Su Bai's laboratory that can be opened anywhere, he never questioned whether Su Bai himself possessed force.

He didn't know if some people in the country made Su Bai angry again, would it be possible for Su Bai to burn his anger on Hua Guo.

No idea, but he didn't want to know either.

"There may be accidental injuries. I can't guarantee that all these people are in contact with outside agencies. I'm afraid that if I deal with the wrong person, Su Bai will be angry. After all, she has a criminal record as a vigilante."

At this time, Ke Zhenguo revealed the most fundamental reason why he didn't do anything.

Among the people he listed, quite a few are ghosts, but there are also quite a few people who have been brainwashed and confused by public opinion.

The sheep, dressed in wolf skins, entered the pack of wolves, making it impossible for the wolf hunter to determine whether the one he shot and killed was a wolf or a sheep.

"Catch all the most suspicious ones, make sure to announce one by one, and finally release the rest, whether good or bad, and enter the observation period. During the observation period, if they do something wrong again, it doesn't matter whether they are stupid or stupid. spy fight

die.For the less suspicious ones, watch and watch. "

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

In an extraordinary period, with extraordinary means, facing Su Bai, he dared not slack off in the slightest.

If it is possible to hit the wrong person in this way, it can only prove that some people are more like spies than spies, so it doesn't matter if he is a real spy or a fake spy, he will be treated as a real spy.

After all, no one can be that stupid.

"Okay, I'm off to work. By the way, I'll transfer some people to Pang De's side. In the next period of time, he will be busy."

After Ke Zhenguo finished speaking, he turned and left.

Although it is true that he is catching spies now, what he is essentially doing is information control, which still belongs to his own job

In their department, the person who is really responsible for catching spies is not him, but Pound.

Compared to his rivalry with these brats, what Pound was fighting against were real well-trained dangerous elements.

There were not many discoveries before, but after Su Bai so blatantly announced that the genetic enhancement technology has been applied in the military, it is not necessarily so.

After hearing Ke Zhenguo's words, Chen Ming silently finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, and said to himself: "Old Pang is really under a lot of pressure, so give him a little something." Surprise, also for those rooms

Spy some little surprises. "

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