-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

How many ways are there to throw stones? This is a question that the propaganda media of the Hua Guo Air Force just posted on the Internet.

Some people say that the development of science and technology is actually changing the way of boiling water and throwing stones.

This sentence is right, but not quite right.

As for what the actual answer is? This is hard to say.

However, not long after this question was issued, the propaganda media of the Hua Guo Air Force also gave their answer.

This answer is a video of about 30 seconds.

"Watch me throw stones!"

A cute female soldier picked up a stone from the ground, and then threw it out shyly.The technique is very gentle and contemptuous, showing a comfortable and elegant style.

If the video only ends here, it is another daily show of cuteness by the Hua Guo Air Force's propaganda media.

As we all know, the army's media promotes everything except the army.

After throwing the stone, this gentle and lovely female soldier patted the dust on her hands, put her hands on her hips, looked up at the sky and said, "The stone I threw just now exhausted me."


The next moment, a loud noise like thunder resounded from the sky. At this time, the camera looked at the sky, and then saw a black shadow flying past at an incredible speed.In less than two seconds, it disappeared from the camera.

Well, the hot comment below this video is "003 finally made its first flight."

After the release of this seemingly ordinary or even non-technical video, it not only caused a shock in the entire Huaguo Internet, but also worldwide.

"Is this a threat?"

After seeing the video sent by her secretary and sent by the official account of the Chinese Air Force, Doreen, the spokesperson of America's Global Council headquarters, looked cloudy and uncertain.

The emergence of gene-enhanced fighters has had a huge impact on America's national security and global hegemony to a large extent.

Because of the blockade of public opinion, Huaguo's huge breakthrough in biology has not been fermented by public opinion and known to the public.But the impact on scientific research has been very serious.

At present, most of the top biologists in the world have the intention to travel to China.If it weren't for their obstruction, many things they didn't want to see would happen.

To reverse this unfavorable situation, the blockade of public opinion alone is useless, and it is not simply to prevent those scientists from going to Huaguo to be ignored.

If we want to reverse the current unfavorable situation, we can only recover the huge scientific and technological gap in biology

America's thinking here is very simple, that is, let Huaguo see who controls the world now.Using their national and international influence to put pressure on Hua Guo, through diplomatic channels, Hua Guo had to compromise by disclosing technology.

But at this critical moment, Huaguo showed off its latest new strategic bomber, which it does not know whether it has already been installed in the army.

Although it is not known whether it has been installed in the army, the emergence of this new type of strategic bomber represents that the comprehensive nuclear counterattack capability of the Chinese Trinity has been fully formed.

This isn't just a show, it's a threat.Although she and Hua Guo's representative haven't said a word yet, Hua Guo may not hand over the technology so easily.

"No, something happened! That genetically enhanced soldier is stronger than we thought! And many times stronger!"

While Doreen was still hesitating about how to respond to Wang Weizhi's inevitable counterattack, her secretary brought her even worse news.

"What happened? Huaguo released the data of the genetically enhanced fighters?"

Doreen said feeling bad.

"look at this."

Doreen's secretary took out her mobile phone and opened a video.

In the video, a man wearing // Huaguo military uniform raised a heavy-duty Gatling machine gun and fired at a target 100 meters away without any support.

If that's all it is, it's fine.There are not many people who can do this, but there are also a few.

The key point of the problem is that when it shoots at a target 100 meters away, all the bullets hit the center of the target, and all of them are within the sixth ring.

The majestic rain of bullets almost shot the target out of a hollow circle.With a huge recoil, even the world's top Hercules can hardly keep shooting the heavy Gatling machine gun in the hands of the Chinese soldier, as if there is no recoil.

There was no unnecessary shaking during the whole shooting process, and the Chinese soldier didn't mean to make any effort in the process of completing this shooting.Looks like it's holding a branch

The video is not limited to this one, but there are also sniper guns aiming at a target 400 meters away, jumping over an obstacle three meters away in a standing long jump, jumping out ten meters in a run-up jump, and taking less than eight seconds for a 100-meter sprint , lifting a one-ton iron ball with both hands.

"Hua Guo sent two new bodyguards to Wang Weizhi. I thought they were just elite soldiers, but after they arrived, they went to a nearby training ground.

These were taken during their training.In more than two hours of training, the two broke almost all the world records that could be broken in that training ground, and raised it to a level that cannot be surpassed!"

Seeing this, Doreen's secretary explained, with a little shock in her words.

They guessed that the genetically enhanced fighters were very strong, but they attributed more reasons to the equipment.Their biologists believe that no matter how strong Huaguo's genetic enhancement technology is, it will be at most a ten percent or 20.00% enhancement.

And now... It seems that their experts underestimated a zero, and the two Chinese soldiers were very relaxed when they did this, not like the limit.

"Who took the picture? Is there any possibility of falsification?"

After thinking about it for a while, Doreen concluded that this was a threat, and it was impossible for human beings to reach this level.

"It was taken by... our people."

Doreen's secretary said with some embarrassment.

If it is a video sent from other channels, there is a possibility of fraud.

The problem is, these videos were taken by their people at the training ground.

"Trouble, this time I'm afraid it's not as easy as I thought."

After hearing these words, Doreen's face became completely gloomy.

Diplomatic wrangling is not just at the negotiating table, as it is now.Doreen obviously did nothing wrong, or even did nothing, but she has already fallen into a disadvantage.

ps: Sorry, failed to adjust the schedule...but the update can still be guaranteed

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Uncle Chen Ming, I didn't expect you to be able to cook."

At Su Bai's home, Su Bai watched Chen Ming skillfully handle a salmon, marinated it with sauce, and made it into raw marinated salmon, he sighed a bit.

Before, she always thought that a person like Chen Ming, who was so big and so thick, would never know how to cook.

But I didn't expect that Chen Ming's knife skills were so good that he almost caught up to one-tenth of her level.

Well, there is still a "billion" distance from her.

"When I was in the army, I was almost transferred to be a tank soldier. The people above me didn't want to leave, so they transferred me to the cooking class for half a year. Cooking skills were learned in that half year. But it only stayed for half a year , Later, I won the first place in the martial arts competition, and I was picked away by Guoan."

When Chen Ming said this, he was very calm, and then he handed over a plate of shrimp with the shrimp string in his hand to Su Bai

"Oh~ from the cooking class, Uncle Chen Ming, aren't there all those martial arts masters in the cooking class who are so awesome that one person can do a group of people!"

As Su Bai said, he began to deep-fry the shrimp in his hand.

However, not all of them were deep-fried, and a considerable part was put into the cauldron Su Baigang sold for cooking Oden.

"There is no such thing. It is undeniable that there is a strong soldier king among them. But because it takes a lot of time to prepare and eat, the training will definitely be worse than others. Don't take some rumors as reality.

Chen Ming said with a smile. After finishing speaking, he opened the pot next to him, took out the popcorn inside, and filled a large pot

On Su Bai's side, after frying the shrimp, he piled up a large pile of ingredients for cooking hot pot or Oden.

On Chen Ming's side, after bringing the popcorn to the coffee table in the living room, he came back and picked up the ingredients neatly stacked by Su Bai.

After several days of deliberation, America's side finally plans to attack Huaguo

However, this is a matter of diplomacy and has nothing to do with Chen Ming's work. All he has to do is to wait for the higher authorities to handle it with peace of mind.He also believes that the above can handle it well.

But because Wu Ting has to go to school today, she can't leave.Under such circumstances, eating melons alone was too boring, so Su Bai invited Chen Ming to eat melons together.

As for what kind of melon to eat? It's very simple, America eats deflated melons.

Thinking of this, Su Bai couldn't help jumping on the spot excitedly, and jumped onto the sofa.


At this moment, Chen Ming noticed that about half of the popcorn brought over just now had disappeared, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Excessive, you just took away all my favorite cuttlefish skewers?"

Chen Ming didn't show too much surprise, but heard Su Bai staring at the oden and complaining.

The reason is that the place where Su Bai put the cuttlefish skewers just now is empty, and there is no more skewers

【Do you think this system is for you to enjoy life? Want to eat your favorite food? Don’t think about it! Be careful that you won’t be able to eat anything!】

The system responded at this time, and after finishing speaking, under Chen Ming's calm eyes, Su Bai just put it in, and now the cooked shrimps have all disappeared.

Regarding this, Chen Ming calmly put down the ingredients in his hands, arranged them, and then returned to the kitchen, and started to process the shrimp and cuttlefish.

During the period, he kept hearing Su Bai talking about tails and tails, but it was a pity that there were too many silencers in it, so he couldn't understand what Su Bai was saying.

Chen Ming is already used to this.Chen Ming was very curious about things like mystery when he first came into contact with them.And now...that's even more curious.

Besides, who doesn't like to see a cute little loli fighting against the air madly there?

"Forget it, I won't compete with you anymore, the meeting has already started now! Show me where it has developed."

After Chen Ming had reprocessed the cuttlefish and shrimp, Su Bai planned to forget about the villain's faults and stop fussing with the system.

After all, the most important thing today is to eat melons.

[The stinky mouth is almost over. 】

After the system finished speaking, the TV turned on, and the scene in the conference hall of the regular meeting of the Global Council appeared on it.

Now the representative of America, Doreen, is speaking, and what she said seems to be accusing a certain country of disregarding the human rights and interests of other countries, launching various illegal biological experiments, destroying human relations and morality, and is harmful to the maintenance of modern society Basically stable human challenges.

After Su Bai heard this, he couldn't help but whet his appetite. He picked up a cooked cuttlefish and put it into his mouth directly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Stretching out his hand and shaking it slightly, Su Bai looked at the overall picture of the scene through this screen, and then noticed Wang Weizhi

The system told Su Bai about this person, and also reminded that Wang Weizhi is a big boss with a speaker LV4.6.

According to Su Bai's knowledge, the difficulty of upgrading the skill of the speaker is extremely high. It is probably difficult for ordinary people to even reach LV2. Many epic masters with a long history have only reached the level of 4.8. Throughout the entire human history, the level of 5.0 can be counted on the fingers.

So, after knowing that this person has level 4.6, Su Bai called it awesome.

And this boss, what is he doing now? Dozing off.

Well, blatantly, while America was madly using humanism and human rights to attack Huaguo, he dozed off blatantly, making that Doreen furious.

Under such circumstances, facing Doreen's pointing, Wang Weizhi calmly took off the earphones connected to the mobile phone, then looked at Doreen and said, "Delegate//America, have you finished your speech?"

"Of course not! You Huaguo..."

Before Doreen finished speaking, Friends of Wang Wei calmly put on the earphones.

Of course, the earphones couldn't isolate the sound of the scene, and of course he could hear Doreen's words.But this is an attitude, which means that Wang Weizhi ignored Doreen's words, and it's up to me whether you hear what you say or not.

"Sure enough, I have a wealth of experience, and I don't need to draw a draft to smear others."

After Chen Ming put down the abalone shell in his hand, he complained, and after he finished speaking, he bought a lobster for himself and Su Bai, and after hesitating for a while, he bought another one.

"Do you have a lot of experience? Oh~ yes! America has the most biological laboratories in the world. If you are black, just use yourself as a template."

After hearing what Doreen said, Su Bai felt that it made sense.

【This Wang Weizhi intends to use this point to fight back. Do you want to give him a little help to make things more fun?】

The system spoke at this time.

ps: I haven't fished since the last chapter was updated late, and I've been stuck for a long time.Then I found that it was too boring to directly write about the confrontation at the meeting, and the amount of text required was too large, which would seriously slow down the plot, so I used a more relaxed way of writing (mainly because I was afraid of being blocked)

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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