After seeing Su Bai throwing the goldfish into the toilet, the system asked.

In the past, these backstroke goldfish were the rations of Erha next door, but today they threw them into the toilet and released them to nature.

"Eating too much of those fish is not good for your health, you should give the dog a slow taste."

As Su Bai said, he picked up the fishing net, caught another goldfish that looked the fattest, and held it in his hand.

【When you consider the feelings of dogs, should you consider the feelings of fish?】

After the system heard Su Bai's words, it couldn't help but spit out another sentence.

Feeding too much backstroke goldfish is not good for the dog's health, but it's okay to change the dog's taste.

Regarding this, Su Bai silently glanced at the goldfish in his hand, nodded, and then said, "It is true that we should consider the fish's feelings. But, two pieces and one piece, it doesn't deserve it!"

After Su Bai finished speaking, he came to the yard happily, with one hand on the guardrail, and the other hand teased the husky in the opposite yard a few times, and then threw the goldfish into the husky's mouth.

After throwing the goldfish into the husky's mouth, Su Bai suddenly felt something and turned his head to look over, and saw a middle-aged woman with a slightly tired face and a little listless spirit looking at her, with a smile on her face. A look of confusion.

It is impossible not to be confused, even though I have seen Su Bai on TV, I also know Su Bai a little bit.But Feng Yufang's imagination of Su Bai is an extremely self-disciplined and intelligent genius who devotes most of his time to study and is very shrewd and capable in handling everything.Even though she looks very small, she still has a maturity beyond her appearance age and peers.

Well, this is Feng Yufang's previous imagination of Su Bai.As for those remarks that said that Su Bai was a brat, with a black belly and a naive vengeance, she scoffed at them.

A genius should have the look and demeanor of a genius.

Then, after actually seeing Su Bai, she suddenly felt that her last wave of hope became even more slim.

Is the naive white fur in front of her that looks no different from a bear child really capable of saving her daughter? Is it really her last hope?

Well, the feeling of disillusioned dreams is nothing like this.

[A desperate mother, a person who is about to lose her nostalgia for this world, is also an interesting bullying target. 】

After Feng Yufang appeared in front of Su Bai, the system popped up and said.

"If you tell me to bully others, I will bully others. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

After hearing that the system wanted her to bully the aunt who suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Bai directly refuted.

She is an adult now!

Adults must have their own opinions and will never listen to the system.

The system asked her to bully someone, but she didn't!

"Well, sorry to bother you"

Just as Su Bai waited for the system's rebuttal, and then forbeared, Feng Yufang said apologetically.

There is no way, Su Bai looks too naive, too young, and he doesn't seem like a person who knows rigorous science at all.

It seemed that she was really in a hurry this time.

After finishing speaking, Feng Yufang turned and left without stopping.


After Su Bai heard Feng Yufang's words, a bunch of question marks popped up in his head.

Wait, she hasn't decided whether she wants to bully this aunt, and then she apologized inexplicably and left? It seems that she is asking her for something, so why don't you say it? How are you?

【Hahaha~ People still don’t bully you~】

After the system saw this scene, it laughed outright.

"Tch, isn't she just an old aunt? Who cares to bully her."

Seeing this, Su Bai turned around and planned to go back to his laboratory and continue to write his own code.

Isn't it possible to bully people at any time? As for going to that person? Isn't it good to bully those plainclothes uncles every day?

Before stepping into the door, Su Bai noticed that the husky next door was still playing with the goldfish she threw, and she also saw that the goldfish's tail was still moving.

"If you don't eat, don't eat. You know how to eat and eat all day long! You eat whatever others give you. Don't you know that fish have thoughts? Eat fish all day long, have you considered the feelings of fish? Even if it is two yuan The fish is alive too, you

It is very wrong to kill fish like this, do you know that?"

After seeing this scene, Su Bai moved a chair directly, jumped into the yard of the neighbor's house, murmured and snatched back half of the goldfish from Erha's mouth, threw it back into the fish tank, and sprinkled two handfuls of fish food on it. .

After seeing the neighbor's Erha lying innocently in the yard with its head drooping, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and went back to continue writing codes.

However, after sitting on the chair for half a day, Su Bai wrote three lines of code.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai left the laboratory again and went back to take a nap.

There are no troubles that can't be solved by taking a nap. If there are, it means that you haven't slept enough.


"Why didn't she ask me if I could solve it before leaving? Why didn't she let me bully me? I feel so uncomfortable!"

Therefore, Su Bai, who had been lying on the bed for an hour and a half without falling asleep, yelled and threw the plush toy in his hand, kicked the pillow at the end of the bed, and said, "System, put that guy's give me the information,

I want to bully her.She dared not ask me if I could solve it, and she didn't bully me, it's too much!"


After hearing Su Bai's crazy voice, the system felt a little happy.

There's nothing more satisfying than watching a stupid loli go berserk.

"If you don't give, you won't give. Do you think I can only rely on you?"

After Su Bai heard it, he roared angrily. After he finished speaking, he didn't even bother to put on formal clothes, and walked out of the room in pajamas and cartoon cotton slippers.

After seeing an uncle who was pruning branches opposite him, he went up and took out a cigarette from his pocket, threw it on the ground, stepped on it twice, and then threw it into the trash can.

After that, under the bewildered eyes of the uncle, he turned and left the villa complex.

ps: I have finally written something that I am quite satisfied with. It feels quite cute. I hope you like it.The rest of today is in the second half of the night, don't stay up late~

Chapter 110 Five People I Want to Bully Don't Even Want to Die!

"Maybe I should try it."

In a restaurant not far from Su Bai's house, after Feng Yufang put down the coffee in her hand, she leaned on a chair and fell into depression for a long time.

Just now, she gave up her last hope.However, she didn't know why she gave up.

Anyway, look at that lovely white fur.Endless worries suddenly appeared in her heart, and that kind of worry made her unable to speak for a while, to seek the last possible chance of redemption for her daughter.

"Drip drop~"

At this moment, the phone rang quickly, and Feng Yufang answered the phone immediately.

"Come back quickly, your daughter has an accident again, be mentally prepared."

"Huh? Immediately!"

After Feng Yufang heard the words from the phone, she calmed down a little, but immediately became nervous again. She got up and left immediately, booked the nearest flight to Kyoto.

"That person's name is Feng Yufang, and my people are watching her. No, something happened to her daughter. She has already booked the latest flight to return to Kyoto, and she is already on the plane."

On the other side, Su Bai, who was going out in his pajamas, found Chen Ming who was nearby.

When Su Bai found Chen Ming, Feng Yufang had already boarded the plane.

"Feng Yufang? Sure enough, there is something wrong. Tell Liu Qin that I will be bullied next, ah no, the people who need to help are this Feng Yufang and her daughter, and then prepare for the plane. I will go to a place now. Go to the research institute and leave a class assignment."

After saying that, Su Bai turned and left. She needed to go home and get her experiment notes.

"Prepare for action."

After hearing what Su Bai said, Chen Ming immediately got up and said.

Almost within 3 minutes, more than one-third of the pedestrians on the road where Su Bai lived disappeared.

As for Su Bai?

The real villain will avenge his revenge on the spot.

And as a real villain, how could he bear the anger of Feng Yufang? So, Su Bai thought very clearly, since this Feng Yufang made her angry.Then she will severely bully Feng Yufang and her seriously ill daughter.

So what if you are seriously ill? What if you are about to die? As long as the people she wants to bully have not died completely, Su Bai will pull them back for her, and then bully them severely, and let them know what will happen if you provoke her! Let them sink into her shadow from now on.

However, before going, Su Bai would not forget those old professors.

Think she’s ready to go away for a while so she can relax? Don’t think so!

As a villain, you don't know the rules.Since Su Bai is going to leave for a period of time, within this period of time, one of these old professors who came to her side counts as one, so don't try to escape.She is going to give two places to the biology laboratory and the military R & D institute, both of which will leave classroom assignments.

"This is my biological experiment notes, I'm going to Kyoto, it may take some time. So I give you a simple homework, summarize my biological experiment notes, and then do something small based on my biological experiment notes Come out. I will give you a score based on your summary and what you have produced, with a full score of [-] and a pass of five."

In the Institute of Biology, after Su Bai stood on the table and finished speaking, he threw his biological experiment notes on the table, then jumped off the table and walked towards the Military Industry Institute .

"Ahem~ I have a speech at Yanjing the day after tomorrow. This time, you will be responsible for overcoming the difficult problems in the early stage."

After Su Bai left, Wei Jianming read the first page of this biological experiment notebook for a while, and then hesitated.

It's not because the things written on the first page are so difficult, but because they are too simple! All are the basic theories of biology that Su Bai had taught before.

But the problem is, what Su Bai just said, [-] points, [-] points pass.The lower the passing score, it means that//the higher-end things they want to research.

Moreover, if they really gave Su Bai a five-point homework, they would probably be scolded bloody.

On this basis, their analysis of Su Bai's biological laboratory in the early stage may be a mess.

"My school lecture was canceled, I said, just decided now. You fucking stay with me!"

In this regard, an academician standing behind Wei Jianming grabbed Wei Jianming by the collar and said.

"Don't do it! I'm just kidding!"

Wei Jianming said immediately, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Stop playing, I don't know how long she will be going. I hope to come back sooner. If we come back earlier, the things we take out are ordinary, and the little girl will not say anything. Once it takes a long time to go, it will be troublesome."

Song Qiuyi was not in the mood to joke at this time, he had already been criticized by Su Bai once, and he didn't want to experience it again.

It's a pity that whether they will be criticized by Su Bai is not up to them, but when Su Bai will come back.

The research on the relatively advanced part of the knowledge given to them by Professor Su Bai has just begun. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to come up with research results that Su Bai is satisfied with.

But what they don't know is that compared to them who have been taught by Su Bai, the problem at the Military Industry Research Institute is really big.

"Ceramic steel armor? Aren't we making guns? The guns haven't been finished yet..."

On the side of the Military Industry Research Institute, looking at the material ratio plan that Su Bai had just written for them, his face felt bitter for a while.

Just now, when Su Bai came over, they also wanted to show off the work that Su Bai had left before, and they had completed it very well.It is possible to complete the finished product manufacturing two days in advance.

As a result, Su Bai didn't look at the progress of their previous work at all, and directly threw over the development idea and material ratio of a heavy armor material called pottery steel.

If that's all it is, fine.Then Su Bai asked that when she came back, they should understand this material called pottery steel and start preliminary experiments.

It sounds like they were given an easy task that didn't even require a finished product.

However, according to what the old experts in the biological laboratory knew about Su Bai, the easier the homework Su Bai left seemed to be, the higher the technological content she left behind.

In this case, they were designing guns, not heavy armor.

"What else can I do? Call the group of guys who designed the heavy armor for genetically enhanced soldiers over from the military region. This is their job!"

In this regard, a military research and development personnel present said.

There is no way, although the weapon Su Bai left for them before is about to be produced, there are still many concepts in it that they don't understand, and they need to study it in depth after it is produced, so as to strengthen their own military research and development experience.

Under such circumstances, they simply don't have time to make pottery steel.

Therefore, calling another group of people is the best way to deal with it.

ps: Sorry, I failed to get up in the early morning last night, and I will update more today.The latest update is stable, sorry, it will be stable in the future

Chapter 110 Death can't even protect the person I want to bully

"Your daughter started to have problems with her blood pressure last night. At that time, we started first aid, and the pressure was suppressed at that time. However, this morning, not long after we got off the operating table, her condition deteriorated again. I can only say that we must I’ll do my best, but I’m also mentally prepared.”

Outside the operating room of Kyoto No. [-] Hospital, a doctor who just walked out came to Feng Yufang and said.

"Is it true that the self-regeneration of the kidney can't be used? Didn't you mention the new technology, can you skip the early stage of fattening? I am willing to do clinical work! Even if something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it. Can't I really try it?" ?”

After Feng Yufang heard the doctor's words, she seemed to speak rationally, but when she said these words, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

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