I don't know why, at this time, each of them felt a kind of nervous, excited, complicated and indescribable feeling when they were young when they were studying, completed the exam, and were about to face the teacher's face-to-face review.

I am afraid that I will be scolded by the teacher if I do not do well, but I also look forward to whether they will be praised by the teacher if they do well.

"Su Bai, this is the report we compiled, please take a look."

With such complicated feelings in mind, Wei Jianming personally published their research results of more than a week, and handed back Su Bai's experiment notes by the way.

"There is no need to return this to me. I have already solved all the above problems, and it belongs to waste paper."

After Su Bai glanced at his experimental notes, he threw them back on the table, then glanced at the research data that Wei Jianming and the others had spent more than a week sorting out, and then a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After seeing this sweet smile, all the professors and academicians present felt a little bit heartbroken.

To be reasonable, Su Bai still looks very cute at this time, but sometimes a cute devil's smile doesn't mean something particularly good.

"System, do you know what kind of teacher is the most tormenting?"

At this time, Su Bai spoke to the system.

【Shen? Gulu~ what kind!】

After the system seemed to swallow something, it responded.

"So, you are really eating, right?"

Seeing this, Su Bai said, feeling aggrieved.

The system confiscated a lot of delicious food just now, some of which she hadn't eaten herself.It's too much to hide and enjoy by yourself now.

[Baji, Baji, Baji~]

Well, the system didn't respond positively, but the sound of eating made Su Bai look aggrieved at Chen Ming who was standing in the corridor, chewing a piece of gum to suppress his cigarette addiction.

There is no way, he really dare not smoke in front of Su Bai.


After seeing Su Bai suddenly looking at him in the laboratory, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment.


Two minutes later, looking at the smoke in the trash can and the chewing gum that was snatched from his hand, Chen Ming silently looked at the flowers that hadn't bloomed in the garden between the two buildings.

Then he silently made a decision, and then he must apply to the higher authorities for funds to buy cigarettes.

Wei Jianming was very nervous. Su Bai seldom talked directly with that unknown being in front of them, but after every conversation, something seemed to happen.

And Su Bai didn't just talk just now, even though he only said two sentences, those two sentences were completely blocked, which made them feel uneasy.

Under such circumstances, after Su Bai said a few words, he ran to throw Chen Ming's cigarettes into the trash can.

Except for occasional spoofs when he is in a good mood, Su Bai will throw cigarettes from Chen Ming and the others, only when he is in a bad mood.

So, what happened to the firearms team still affected them?


After Su Bai walked in, he threw the materials they had summarized on the table, and then took out a very beautiful red test tube from his pocket.

The two ends of this red test tube are fixed by a silver metal, and inside the test tube is a red liquid with ruby ​​luster.

After the red liquid is subjected to a slight shock, it will emit a blue luster, which looks very beautiful.

"I will assign you a homework, which is to find out what this thing is. Next, I will go back to the magic capital. After you figure out what this thing is, you can go to me. I will teach you how to make this Things. The military industry side also let me know by the way, come to me after finishing the work in hand, don’t come to me if you can’t finish it, shame on you.”

After Su Bai finished speaking, he gently put the things in his hand on the table, then turned around happily and left.

"That... don't you take a look at our experiment report?"

Wei Jianming was very curious about the new reagent that Su Bai brought out, and wished he could put it into research immediately.

However, after seeing that Su Bai didn't plan to read their experiment report, his mood was a little complicated.

It's the kind of homework that I worked hard for a long time to finish, but my teacher didn't read it at all, not only didn't read it, but even gave them new homework.

I can't say I'm disappointed, but I can't say I'm happy either.Wei Jianming's mood at this moment was somewhere between joy and disappointment.

Maybe they didn't do well enough and would be criticized by Su Bai, but what if Su Bai was satisfied with the results of their hard work and praised them?

But it's a little bit wrong, it's embarrassing to be criticized by a little girl, and it doesn't seem to be something to be happy about being praised by a little girl.

"Everything you can analyze is contained in this notebook. Under such circumstances, you can still analyze it wrong. What's the difference between that and a straw bag? So don't read it. You can assign people according to the situation and continue to study my notes and I leave something behind.

Su Bai who had already arrived at the door said with a smile on his face.

Mu Zhengyun was bullied by her, and Wei Jianming and the others couldn't escape.

[Bajibaji~ For a student, after finishing the homework, his teacher doesn't check it, and even assigns a new homework.Baji, baji, baji~ But, it's not interesting.Baji Baji Baji~ Next time, find something fun to play. 】

The system spoke at this time, seemingly indifferent.

"Is this meaningless?"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai pouted, feeling a little angry. The bullying method she had worked so hard to think of was actually rejected by the system!

[Well, it’s not interesting, baji baji~]

The system emphasized it again.

"But I think it's very interesting. Don't you think they are in a particularly fun mood at this time? I don't want to be criticized after I check their homework, but I also have the illusion that I may praise them after checking their homework. A large group of old men, unexpectedly Will want to praise them, you say it’s fun! The most important thing is that they have no time to be disappointed or happy, and they have to deal with the little toy I threw to them. Even if they can’t sort out their own mood, isn’t this fun? ?"

Su Bai continued to speak dissatisfied.

[I said it's boring, but it's boring, hum~ baji baji~]

The system replied decisively, and continued to poke his mouth after he finished speaking, as if he was eating something, and the eating was so cheerful that Su Bai couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"It's boring if it's not interesting, and then you won't act anymore, right? You didn't eat when you agreed? What are you doing now? How about being reserved as a system? I agreed to be the pinnacle of noble artificial intelligence Woolen cloth?"

Su Bai said indignantly.

I have been making sophistry before, but now I don’t act anymore, right?

This is not the key, the key is that the system has something to eat, but she doesn't, this makes her very uncomfortable!

She obviously had so much to eat just now, but all of it was taken away by the system.


Well, the sound of mouth babbling is gone, but there is a sound that the system seems to be sucking something.

"I want to eat too!"

Su Bai couldn't help but said.

There's no way, the chewing gum I picked up from Chen Ming has a super cool mint flavor that she doesn't like, the kind that makes my nose feel airy after eating, it's like a dark dish in chewing gum!

[I'll give you one too. 】

The system seems to suddenly have a conscience.

However, after Su Bai saw the pure milk that suddenly appeared in his hand, he fell silent.

So, there are so many delicious foods, all of which are eaten in a short time, and only pure milk is left?

ps: Five changes should be possible...

Chapter 130 The third chapter is just a malfunction of the sound system (fifth watch)

"Fortunately, Su Bai didn't read it. If Su Bai did, he would laugh at us after studying for a long time, but only came up with some trivial things."

On Song Qiuyi's side, after seeing Su Bai leave, he actually took a sigh of relief.

For the earth, what they researched within a week is very valuable.But after reading Su Bai's notes, they are actually clear that their so-called great discoveries are still like babies to Su Bai. After studying for a long time, they finally learned a few words, and then they thought it was a very important breakthrough. , complacent there, but in the end they will only be poured with cold water.

"Forget about that, this thing... what do you think it will be?"

Wei Jianming said while holding the test tube given by Su Bai.

Wei Jianming was a little disappointed that Su Bai didn't check their research results, but he was more curious about the bottle of red liquid that Su Bai took out.

When Su Bai was in class before, he also took some things for them to study, but those things were basically within the scope of their knowledge, and the research time was all set.

But this time, Su Bai didn't say the time of research, or even what this thing is.

"It may be something new, but it shouldn't be dangerous. So far, she has no intention of using biological things in dangerous areas. Do you have any guesses?"

Song Qiuyi looked at Wei Jianming and said.

He was also curious about the thing Su Bai took out.

"The two of us decide who will lead the research on this thing, and who will continue to be responsible for the follow-up research and development of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells."

Wei Jianming did not answer Song Qiuyi's words.

He doesn't know what this thing is, but it is precisely because of the unknown that it needs a high degree of secrecy.

At present, the top handful of people in domestic biology are here.The research work on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells cannot be let go, and the research on the new things that Su Bai came up with must be carried out.

Therefore, as the top two people in domestic biology, they must assign a person to lead a team to study this new thing.

"You study this, I'm not interested. Su Bai has given so much valuable information here, why should I be a headless fly, Mang this new thing. I don't do this kind of dirty work."

Song Qiuyi muttered something, and then he did not look at the test tube in Wei Jianming's hand, but picked up Su Bai's notebook, and carefully put it into the briefcase next to him for safekeeping.

Although they have copied the contents of Su Bai's notebook, the notebook itself is still precious.

"Thank you!"

After Wei Jianming heard Song Qiuyi's words, he smiled, put away the test tube, then turned and left the laboratory.

Su Bai said that if he wants to go back to Shanghai, he needs to change to a better research site to conduct research on the test tube that Su Bai took out.

"Old Song, are you really not going to fight for it?"

After Wei Jianming left, an academician beside Song Qiuyi said.

According to his understanding of Song Qiuyi, Song Qiuyi definitely did not choose to study maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells because it was difficult.

"You often say that I am at the same level as him, but in fact I still know the gap between myself and him. What's more, he leads young people who are more creative and bolder. In Su Bai, there is no Given so much information, he and the young people he led have achieved much greater breakthroughs in maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells than we have."

Seeing this, Song Qiuyi felt a little emotional.

Although he often disagrees with Wei Jianming, he also knows that he has to admit some things, for example, Wei Jianming is better than him in most fields.In some respects, he can surpass Wei Jianming.

But in terms of research on new things, Wei Jianming is far ahead of him.

Under such circumstances, he didn't want the country to lose something because of his stubbornness.

Especially this thing is for Su Bai to see in the end.

Although Su Bai didn't specify a time, but according to Su Bai's personality, the sooner the better.

He didn't think that Wei Jianming could research something new, but he couldn't research it here.But in terms of speed, he will not be faster than Wei Jianming.

"It's true that you can't be too greedy. It's enough for us to study the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells for a lifetime."

Finally, Song Qiuyi let out an exclamation.

Although the people left behind are very curious about what Su Bai took out, they also know one thing, that is, they haven't studied the fur of the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus yet.Taking out any random thing among them is a big subject for a researcher.

It may take hundreds of years for human beings to thoroughly understand the specialized remodeling cells of mother and fetus.

"System, oden is delicious. My favorite is the white radish in oden. It's a pity that there are really too few oden restaurants that can cook white radish."

After Su Bai left the experimental park, he sat down next to the small stall in front of a snack truck that drove up from the gate of the experimental park, and ordered a bunch of food to satisfy his appetite.

There's no way, the system spoiled her just now.

[I said, I am the fourth-generation life form, the pinnacle of super artificial intelligence, the ultimate crystallization of the wisdom of life civilization, the only one who has reached the truth, and a truly perfect existence! How could I have a life form of flesh and blood? That mundane desire!]

The system spoke after hearing Su Bai's words.


Su Bai had just finished hehe, and then the half white radish left in her hand disappeared.

"So you are a pervert! You grab everything I have bitten, there are so many here! What are you doing? If you want to eat it, take it yourself! It's nothing to take half of what I ate!"

Seeing this, Su Bai immediately shouted angrily.

【Heh~ This system just doesn't want you to have a good life.Bullying the host from time to time makes the host feel uncomfortable. This is the meaning of the birth of this system.Suction ~]

Seeing this, the system said, at the end of the voice, there was a strange voice.

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