
The system responded calmly.

ps: There is one more chapter ~ the next chapter is updated, and there are two to three chapters to be updated tonight

Chapter 14 What happens if you eat five ice creams in one go?

"So, my house over there is pretty good, why move? The housing prices in Shanghai are so expensive, it's a waste for me to live in such a big place by myself."

At around ten o'clock the next morning, Su Bai looked at the three suitcases in front of him, feeling a little speechless.

Just now, the system agreed for the first time, and she can buy a bottle of Coke to drink.

Yes, in addition to not being allowed to drink milk tea, Su Bai is also not allowed to drink in the carbonated beverage system.

Su Bai hasn't had Coke or Sprite for a while, and his mouth is very hungry.

So, on the way up, she drank most of the bottle in one go, without being inexplicably replaced by other drinks by the system.

Thinking that the system has finally been modified, after coming up, Su Bai found that his home has been cleaned up.All her things were packed into three suitcases.

Under such circumstances, the system told Su Bai that it bought a suite for Su Bai in a high-end villa area in Shanghai.

【Heh~ This system is not happy to see that you live so comfortably as the host!】

The system spoke up.

Want to stay in bed comfortably every day? It’s a beautiful idea! There are thousands of ways to keep Su Bai from staying in bed.

"I'm weak and can't move."

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai sat down on a suitcase.

Sanction her? Is it possible? Could it be that she can't even settle a small system?

Then, an hour later, when I came to the door of the new house, I saw that the moving company was still helping her to put the clothes in the suitcase where they should be put, and gave her a watch, explaining every day. After putting all these things, Su Bai was a little speechless.

So, where did the system find such a considerate moving company?

As for the violent move against the system...

The new home arranged by the system for Su Bai is in a high-end villa area on the outskirts of Shanghai. It is a two-story luxury villa covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters, with two swimming pools and a small garden.

The environment looks very good. There are basically everything that should be in the house. Su Bai belongs to the kind that can be moved in directly with a bag, and there is no need to prepare anything.

However, Su Bai still felt that he had to resist.

Although, a toilet in the new home is bigger than the place where she lived before.But she was used to living in that place and had feelings for it.

People are creatures with feelings, how could she be so easily bewitched by the system, abandoning the small room she has lived in for several years, and embrace her new home?

[Ice cream is prepared for you in the refrigerator, and the variety will be replenished and changed every week. 】

The system said this.

After Su Bai heard the system's words, he suddenly felt that his hometown was indeed too small. Living in that kind of place for a long time would easily make people sick.

[I also installed a top-end desktop computer in the master bedroom and study room. 】

The system said again.

After Su Bai heard the system's words, he couldn't help thinking that when he was living in his hometown, he was often woken up by the sound of cars honking on the road outside.Once or twice is okay, it really affects the quality of sleep and health after a long time.

[In the future, I will not stop you from making hot pot by yourself.At the same time, there is a bubble machine in the kitchen.In the future, you can squeeze the juice yourself and make it into a carbonated drink. 】

"The new home is really great. System, there is no fool in this world who refuses such a house."

The next moment, Su Bai laid down on the big sofa that was big enough to be her bed.

What hometown? Sorry, I'm really unfamiliar, it's just a rental house.Can a rental house be called home? No! She owns this house, and this is her home


At this time, the system made a disdainful voice.

See? Overlords are so easy to deal with.

But Su Bai couldn't wait to run to the refrigerator in the kitchen, opened it, and saw a variety of ice creams.

Not only ice cream, but also jelly, yogurt, double skin milk, pudding and so on.

“This is paradise!”

After seeing these things, Su Bai's eyes were straightened, and he didn't even know which one to eat first.

Sometimes, the way the system bullied her was so strange that even Su Bai couldn't believe it was the system bullying her.

Well, in order to let her move obediently, I arranged for the top housekeeping company, and gave her a ten million-level house, unlimited snacks, a top-end computer, and even allowed her to eat hot pot and carbonated drinks.

Although she needs to make the last two by herself, at least they can be eaten.

So, after eating five ice creams in one go, Su Bai turned on the air conditioner in the room, adjusted it to the heating mode, and found a blanket.

Facts have proved that no matter how delicious the ice cream is, if you eat five ice creams, something will happen.

"Heh~ deserve it!"

At this time, the system did not forget to sneer.

"It's all your fault, who told you to make the ice cream so delicious!"

Su Bai didn't forget to speak hard at this time.

However, after the mouth was finished, the blanket was wrapped tighter.

At this time, the smart home at home was activated, and a meal delivery nanny robot brought Su Bai a cup of brown sugar ginger soup.

After drinking two sips of brown sugar ginger soup, Su Bai felt a little better, and then said: "How is the follow-up of what I did yesterday?"

After finishing what happened yesterday, she stopped paying attention to the follow-up.

After all, the system says, follow it to do it.

Although the system is usually a bit arrogant, she still does things reliably. Now she mainly wants to know how her bullying plan is going.

[The specific feedback needs to be tomorrow. In short, those who released the animals are numb now. You should be able to see something that makes you happy tomorrow. 】

The system said this.

"Is that so? How is the situation at the orphanage?"

While he was in the mood to take care of this, Su Bai also asked about the situation in the orphanage.

Originally, Su Bai's plan was that he would take care of the orphanage himself.

However, Miao Fangling took the initiative to help Su Bai share all the work, so that Su Bai directly became a hands-off shopkeeper.

It's not shameful to touch fish.

Fishing for a while is cool for a while, fishing is always cool for a while

【Over there at the orphanage, the involution is coming sooner than you imagined.When those children grow up and start to recall their childhood, they will find that there is no difference between their childhood and the environment in which they have entered the cruel society.Cruelly depriving them of their childhood, imposing the difficulties of adults on them at an age they shouldn't bear, is simply the best bullying! For this, host, I decided to add [-] million useless evil props, let them Let’s crush my childhood more thoroughly!]

Seeing this, the system seemed a little excited.

ps: [-] words have reached the standard~ There are three more chapters tonight.With so many updates, it’s not too much to ask for a recommendation ticket, right?

Chapter 15 Sleepless Night

Although the system has added more money, the orphanage is a long-term plan that needs to be developed gradually.

Even knowing this, Su Bai still made a phone call with Director Miao Fangling at night to find out about the situation in the orphanage.

According to Su Bai's understanding of Dean Miao Fangling, she is an unsmiling person, usually in front of the children, she always behaves as a strict elder//, some children's nightmare.

However, during the phone call, Principal Miao Fangling excitedly shared with Su Bai the changes in each child.

Just through Dean Miao Fangling's voice, Su Bai could feel Dean Miao Fangling's happy mood at this time.

Originally, Su Bai just wanted to chat for a while, but ended up making a phone call for more than two hours.

In more than two hours, Dean Miao Fangling mentioned the names of more than one hundred children, so many that Su Bai couldn't remember exactly how many.

However, Dean Miao Fangling can clearly tell whether each child has made progress recently, whether they have been mischievous, what they like to eat, what they exchanged points for, and what cleverness they tried to cheat points and failed.

There are many trivial matters in the orphanage, and Director Miao Fangling is old, so she seldom takes care of these matters.However, she seemed to know everything and shared everything with Su Bai.

"The old man who said yes has a bad memory?"

After Su Bai finally hung up the phone, he opened his mouth to complain.

If she remembers correctly, Dean Miao Fangling is already 80 years old.But in the phone call just now, Su Bai felt that she was in her 50s at most, and her body was still in a mess. She didn't look like she should be in her 80s.

Not long after the phone call with Dean Miao Fangling, Su Bai arrived at ten o'clock, and after eating the sleep aid diet called by the system, Su Bai went straight to bed.

Although Su Bai went to bed, some people are doomed to sleepless.

"Damn it, it's been a day and a night, and this thing hasn't been deleted yet!"

Currently, "The Sea Turtle on the Bite of the Tongue", which is still number one on every video website, has become the biggest topic of discussion on the Huaguo Internet because Su Bai's appearance cannot be remembered by anyone.

Under such circumstances, many people also know one thing, that is, this is really not a special marketing method, it is really a mysterious event.

The reason is that the major video sites in Huaguo are out of control.

It can't be said that it was out of control, but they couldn't delete the short video "Sea Turtle on the Bite of Tongue", let alone the album.

Some of these websites tried to directly shut down the direct server, and finally found out.The server is down, but their website is functioning normally.

Under such circumstances, the video site, which is completely out of control, chose to ignore it completely.

Although this video has not been reviewed by them, there is actually no scene in it that cannot pass the review, and it is still the kind that can pass the review.

As for the businessmen and executives or their relatives who appear in the video?

A day ago, the video platform was really worried about the pressure from those people.As for now? It's all right now.

Because...Guoan directly sent people to all video platforms to take over all matters related to the mysterious loli.

With an official in charge, the video platform did not panic.

On the contrary, some anchors panicked. For those video platforms with a live broadcast function, the live broadcast after twelve o'clock at night will lose a lot of fun

"Opening, how long do you think it will take for the authorities to resolve this matter?"

"Compared to thinking about this, at this time, we should not consider whether we are worshiping Buddha? Or believing in religion! Or believe in God?"

"It's the 21st century. Does anyone still believe in the existence of God? That is definitely not a supernatural event. It should be some kind of technology that we don't know."

"By the way, does anyone know the follow-up treatment of those released in the video?"

"It seems that the organizers were arrested by the police, and the Shanghai police issued an announcement saying that random releases would cause serious ecological problems, even if what the other party did was release freshwater turtles into the sea."

On the Internet, while discussions about this incident were in full swing, Zhang Ya, who was holding two sleeping pills in a residential suburb of Hangzhou, glanced at her mobile phone.

The screen on her mobile phone is the list of Douyin views that she uses most often, and the video "Sea Turtle on the Bite of the Tongue" is still at the top of the list.

"Why haven't you taken it off the shelf? I've reported it so many times!"

Seeing that the video "Sea Turtle on the Bite of Tongue" was still at the top of the list, Zhang Ya, who hadn't slept for more than a day, had a little fear in her eyes.

It was obviously just a very ordinary life-releasing activity, but things developed in some uncontrollable directions.

She has participated in this kind of activity two or three times.Although she was a little confused about what was released every time, but after participating in the activities every time, she felt extremely peaceful in her heart, as if her sins had been alleviated.

Also because of the feeling of being redeemed that she likes, she doesn't care what the things she releases are.

"No one will know what I did, I just scare myself. There are so many people present, it must not be my problem."

After Zhang Ya comforted herself, she planned to take sleeping pills and go to bed.

Life and work have to go on, she can't continue to live in fear because of a weird video.

"Ding dong~"

Just when Zhang Ya was about to take sleeping pills and go to bed, her doorbell rang.


After a little confusion, Zhang Ya came to the door of her house and looked out through the peephole.

Then, I found three or four uniformed policemen standing outside the door.

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