What man can resist a set of heavy armor that looks intimidating?

On the surface, the CH ZY original type [-] ceramic steel heavy armor looks like a set of individual heavy protection system constructed of multiple pieces of ceramic steel, but there is actually a power-assisted exoskeleton inside, which can minimize the user's own

Physical exertion in action.

In addition, it also has a high-efficiency nutrient solution life support system and a set of individual tactical analysis devices.

"For the analysis device, we plan to use the Ming chip. The chip produced by the existing computer technology is too large, the computing power is too low, and it is too fragile to be used. So at present, we can only use an external simulation to carry it.

The situation after getting the Ming chip. "

After the experimenters helped Chen Ming put on the pottery-steel armor and connected an external information transmission device to his waist, Mu Zhengyun explained with some trepidation.

At present, the chip of the tactical analysis device inside the CH ZY original type I ceramic steel heavy armor has not yet been put in place, which is the most imperfect point.

"It's quite knowledgeable."

After Su Bai heard Mu Zhengyun's words, he looked at Mu Zhengyun in surprise.

She originally thought that Mu Zhengyun would know if she had to give some pointers.

However, thinking that Mu Zhengyun's actions would save him a chance to act aggressively, he became a little annoyed, so he took out the candy that he originally intended to reward Mu Zhengyun and ate it himself.

Let her lose a chance to pretend, it's too disgusting!

Chapter 170 The System Doesn't Care

Although the CH ZY original Type [-] ceramic steel heavy armor looks bulky, but after it is actually put into action, it is found that it is a flexible and fat man.

The weight of the armor itself reached [-] tons, and when walking on the ground, one could feel the slight trembling of the ground.

However, due to the existence of the internal booster, in theory, ordinary soldiers can barely drive it, but only barely.If you really want to use it, you still need to use the genetically enhanced fighter.

After finishing dressing, Chen Ming also started various tests, first of all, routine tests, such as [-]-meter acceleration, high jump and long jump, extreme load and so on.

Although it is said to be a flexible fat man, the weight and volume of the armor itself are there, so there is still a limit to its flexibility.

As for how big the limit is? It's very simple. Chen Ming's top speed for [-] meters is [-] seconds, and it can reach [-] seconds under the condition of high-efficiency nutrient solution.After wearing this set of ceramic steel armor, it becomes [-] seconds

This is still under the condition that the high-efficiency nutrient solution is used as the life support system. If the high-efficiency nutrient solution is lost, the speed may drop to about [-] seconds to [-] meters.

However, the positioning of this set of armor is somewhat similar to that of a main battle tank, and it was not originally used for chasing battles.Although a certain degree of flexibility is sacrificed, the strength has increased by about 30.00%.

Because of the reasonable protection of his hands, after Chen Ming threw thousands of punches in one minute, he forcibly dented the front armor of a main battle tank.If it weren't for the consideration of continuing to fight, the ceramic steel armor on the hand would have to be destroyed by itself.

If it is blown up, it is not impossible to break the front armor of the main battle tank with your hands.

Of course, the most important thing is the battle test session. The hard top focuses on the continuous shooting of the heavy machine gun, rushes over 300 meters, reaches the target, and smashes the heavy machine gun. It is such an exaggeration.

Theoretically speaking, the ceramic steel armor given by Su Bai can withstand the frontal impact of a main battle tank's artillery fire.However, because this set of ceramic steel armor is the best that the earth can make at present, it is still a substandard armor.

products, so this kind of overly violent test was not done.

"If there is a high-efficiency nutrient solution to replace the air, this thing should be able to fight in space, right?"

On Chen Ming's side, after taking off the pottery steel armor, he expressed his feelings.

Breathe high-efficiency nutrient solution directly and get rid of the dependence on oxygen.In addition, ceramic steel itself has the ability to resist all kinds of strong radiation in space. If some shortcomings are improved, this thing can be used directly as a space suit, and it is quite

As a solid spacesuit.

"This used to be worn by miners, and only some rubbish civilizations used it as combat uniforms."

After Su Bai heard what Chen Ming said, he said it directly without mercy.

This is also a truth, because the level of civilization Tao Gang itself is in is a bit embarrassing.Low-level civilizations can refine, but because they are too low-level, they cannot really discover the existence of pottery steel from material science.

When a civilization is qualified to discover pottery steel, it will basically start to set foot in the multidimensional field.However, there is no difference between Taogang's multi-dimensional expressiveness and non-existence.

Low civilizations can't use it, and high civilizations don't like it, so it eventually became the work clothes of space miners.

Of course, there are also accidental luck that rubs out pottery steel with your own hands or accidentally discovers some low-level civilizations of pottery steel left by higher civilizations, which will be deeply developed and made into a nearly

The all-round individual combat uniform.

"Well, our country of Hua is very weak."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Mu Zhengyun was silent for a while, and then admitted the reality.

"System, have you seen it? Forcing the weak, admitting your own weakness, and forcing my malice on them, it's amazing!"

After Su Bai heard these words, his mood immediately improved.

As for Mu Zhengyun?

As for Su Bai’s words that only garbage civilizations use this kind of thing to make combat uniforms... don’t care at all, okay? Isn’t the garbage of higher civilizations the treasure house of lower civilizations?

Not only did he not feel discouraged by Su Bai's words, on the contrary, because of Su Bai's attitude, he let go of his previously hanging heart.

Wei Jianming said that Su Bai seldom praises others, completing the homework assigned by her without being criticized is a kind of praise in itself.

And what Su Bai did just now was almost saying that she was still very satisfied with Mu Zhengyun's performance.

As long as Su Bai is satisfied, nothing else matters.

As for the system?


Well, this is the answer given by the system, perfunctory visible to the naked eye

After Su Bai heard the system's perfunctory answer, he frowned slightly, then opened his mouth and looked at Mu Zhengyun and said, "How do you plan to continue to develop ceramic steel armor?"


"In the current situation where it is impossible to continue further refining of ceramic steel, and in the case of a breakthrough in mass production, functionalize the ceramic steel armor itself. After all, a full set is too expensive, and it is too expensive. too bulky

, there is no way to adapt to all terrains, so allocation reduction and functionalization are a must. "

Mu Zhengyun didn't care who Su Bai was speaking to in the encrypted conversation just now, and directly expressed his thoughts on Taogang's development in the future.

"What about individual soldiers?"

On Su Bai's side, after asking another question, the system's voice came out again and said: [I don't care at all, you are bullying someone now, why don't you tell me in advance~]

"For this, I am currently planning to use it on the new reactive armor of the tank. The energy-absorbing properties and its own strength are excellent reactive armor materials. Moreover, if the tank is used, it can be improved in some manufacturing processes.

It can be greatly reduced and cost reduced, and it may eventually be cheaper than the reactive armor we are using now, and the reusability rate is also very high!"

Mu Zhengyun, who didn't know the existence of the system, expressed his thoughts, but became nervous again

Although I feel that Su Bai is quite satisfied with him, sometimes Su Bai's mood is really unpredictable.The most important thing is that Su Bai may give new classwork, which is the small gift Su Bai mentioned before.

"Come on then~ I'll give you candy!"

Su Bai said and handed Mu Zhengyun a candy.

[Heh~ Bullying people like this is not fun at all. 】

The system spoke again at this time, but was ignored by Su Baihua again.

Mu Zhengyun took the candy hesitantly.Could this be that little gift? Just a piece of candy?

Reasonably speaking, while Mu Zhengyun was grateful, he was also a little disappointed.

However, after finishing the candy, he found that Su Bai was still looking at him with a playful smile, and then handed Mu Zhengyun a small note, saying: "Then I will give you a few simple math problems to exercise Let's do your math

home brain.

[It’s not fun, it’s not fun at all, it’s definitely not fun to do this, it’s not fun at all, it’s super not fun! Ah~ I’m ignoring you. 】

After being ignored by Su Bai again, the system also chose to shut up after finishing speaking arrogantly, and ignored Su Bai.

Chapter 170 What Is Truth?

Compared with Mu Zhengyun who was nervous, the person who was more nervous was actually Shi Zhu

The reason is also very simple. When Mu Zhengyun was doing something, even if he didn't do it well, at least he did it, and that was the limit of what he could do.

And when Shi Zhu handed in his homework last time, he pissed off Su Bai!

After deep introspection, Shi Zhu also let go of his previous ideological confinement, and added more of his own ideas to this gun.

As for the final result?

The result is...

"You... how did you manage to produce so many design drawings in a month?"

After Su Bai looked at the CH ZY—— model in front of him that had been shrunk down by a large circle and its hundreds of replaceable parts, he was a little surprised.

After a month of introspection, Ishisuke carried out a comprehensive modular design of the entire gun.

In addition to the most basic gun body, it can be configured and added through about [-] replaceable parts to meet various complex battlefield needs

The final result will become like this, Su Bai has considered it, the problem is to produce the design drawings of [-] replaceable parts within a month, and make them

This efficiency still surprised Su Bai.

"I am only responsible for the disassembly of the modules of the firearm body, and other modules are designed by others. What's more, it has not been tested in actual combat, and it is not clear whether all modules are applicable. The next step is to

A certain degree of actual combat drills are all that is required. "

Compared with the confidence he had when he handed in his homework last time, this time Shi Zhu fully knew his position.He is not just a laborer who does what Su Bai told him to do just to complete the task, but a serious

Forerunners who are learning and fighting for the future of human civilization.

It is wrong to only think about how to better complete Su Bai's mission. What he really needs to do is to figure out what he needs?

After thinking about this point clearly, he improved his previous firearm design, and then split the firearm designed by Su Bai into modules to better meet the complex battlefield needs.

After all, genetically enhanced fighters never exist alone, and everyone does not need to be an all-round fighter.

Of course, this is only the result of the limitations of material science and gunpowder science in the current era.

For example, when testing the lethality of firearms against main battle tanks, Chen Ming still had the problem of concussions on his hands.

In terms of whether to choose lethality or stability, Shi Zhu still chose lethality.

However, this time Su Bai was not angry.

The reason is also very simple. The modular design of firearms is an improvement plan that weakens the individual capabilities of genetically enhanced fighters and enhances the division of labor in the genetically enhanced fighter squad.

When facing the main battle tank, a team of genetically enhanced fighters needs to stand up to an existence that can confront it head-on.And this existence can do anything for the sake of firepower.

As for the point that its combat effectiveness will be reduced in a short period of time after the battle? The other people in its team are not decorations

Fighting alone, a male lion will be torn apart by a pack of wolves, but a pack of lions is by no means an existence that little bad wolves can challenge.

This also coincides with Mu Zhengyun's next idea of ​​armor functionalization.

If you can't be superhuman with all members, then form an all-around team.

After all, the combat power that the earth needs at present has not reached the level that Huaguo must turn all its troops into genetically enhanced fighters in order to deal with it.

"Here, I'll give you some candy too~"

After watching the actual performance of the firearm, Su Bai also took out a candy and handed it to Shi Zhu.

Reasonably speaking, Shi Zhu himself does not eat candy, but this time he put the candy given by Su Bai into his mouth without much hesitation, and then fell silent.

"It's delicious!"

After seeing Shi Zhu's silence, Su Bai said with a smile.

On Shi Zhu's side, he turned his head and glanced at Mu Zhengyun, who had been watching the battle just now, but was very silent, then glanced at Su Bai again, and nodded.

"Su Bai is often a child who can't grow up, and he is a bear child! If you are pranked by her, don't think that she is angry. It's just that she is in a good mood, so she wants to bully you. This is also a treat for you.

Ability recognition. "

At this time, Shi Zhu remembered the situation of Su Bai that Wei Jianming had told him, and he immediately relaxed.

As for the reason for the silence?

Meow, this candy is bitter! It's not so bitter that it can't be swallowed at all, but it makes people feel like they can't open their mouths, afraid that they will vomit directly.

"Then~ Your detention homework is the same as his, it's just a few simple math problems. When doing those math problems, just follow the actual combat requirements and improve the current firearms."

Su Bai said with a smile, after he finished speaking, he turned around in a good mood and came to Mu Zhengyun, and then said: "I'll take this set of prototype armor away to pretend to be tough, no problem, right?" !"

"We made three sets of prototype armor, no problem."

Reasonably speaking, such top-secret things cannot be disclosed in advance.Except for Su Bai's proposal

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