[Just because of his pattern, he deserves to be rich! 】

[Unexpectedly, after watching a variety show, I even took an ideological and moral class by the way! 】

[I am not only rich and handsome, but I am also inferior in character!It's my fault that I don't get hugs! ! ! 】

【Suddenly feel that I am so high...】

[Compared to Wan Xiaocong next door, Brother Feng is simply the light of humanity! 】

[Can the garbage surnamed Wan be compared with the wind?Please don't insult us Brother Feng, okay? 】

[Wan Xiaocong is not worthy!The scam that caused me to lose 10 yuan! ! ! 】

[Completely fancied by Brother Feng!I'm sorry Xiaolu, I climbed the wall! ! ! 】


The audience praised Lin Feng's words one after another.

But no one paid more attention to Lin Feng's prediction that the price of sand and gravel would skyrocket due to floods.

But Lin Feng's video was edited separately.

It quickly spread widely on the Internet.

Of course, most people's attention is on Lin Feng's phrase "don't make money for the country".

The major media forwarded the video one after another, and accompanied it with various positive titles.

resulting in greater attention.

When everyone is admiring,

The Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Province H held an emergency meeting overnight.

The reason for this meeting,

It was because one of the staff accidentally browsed this video of Lin Feng on the Internet.

Unlike other netizens,

The staff member immediately focused on the beginning of the video,

Lin Feng's well-founded analysis on floods will cause flood control materials such as sand and gravel to skyrocket.

When he heard this analysis, he immediately sensed the crisis.

As a flood control worker, he knows the actual weather conditions in H province better than anyone else.

As Lin Feng said,

Up to now, the flood limit water level of 32 large and medium-sized reservoirs in H province has risen to a very critical state.

If the heavy rainfall does not stop, then breaking through the water level and causing flood disasters will happen soon.

At that time, it will be necessary to purchase a large amount of emergency flood control materials mainly composed of sand and gravel.

At that time, prices will definitely soar accordingly.

Even if a country comes forward to control the situation, the work of flood control and flood fighting will inevitably encounter great resistance.

the reason is simple.

As the demand for sand and gravel increases, the price will naturally rise.

But in order to save people, even if the price rises too much, the flood control unit will buy it.

This will cost a lot of money.

Of course, this is not a problem.

For the safety of the people's personal and property, money can solve all problems.

Just be afraid, some profiteers take this opportunity to make huge profits.

Even if he has the goods in his hand, he doesn't sell them, just waiting for the price to rise.

At that time, emergency materials for flood prevention and fighting cannot be purchased in time,

It is bound to make the flood disaster worse,

Bring a heavy blow to flood control and flood fighting work!

If the flood really happens, all the consequences will be disastrous!

After watching the video, the staff member immediately sent the video to the leader.

After the leader read it, he immediately attached great importance to it.

An emergency meeting was called immediately.

During the meeting, all the staff watched Lin Feng's analysis video,

This has attracted great attention.

Just yesterday morning, their department had received instructions from their superiors,

You are required to be ready to enter the emergency state of flood fighting and rescue at all times.

Therefore, after Lin Feng's analysis was over,

The person in charge of the H Provincial Flood Control Headquarters immediately made a decision:

"Immediately purchase a large number of emergency supplies for flood control and flood fighting, especially sand and gravel, and must purchase in large quantities!"

"While the price is normal now, the 4000 million on the books is definitely enough to support our success in flood fighting and rescue."

"Even if, fortunately, there is no disaster, we will only lose about [-]% of the depreciated value if we return these materials to the supplier at a discounted price. The loss is not too big."

"The most important thing is that we are now making preparations in advance. Once a disaster occurs, we can immediately enter the state of rescue!"

"You must not have a fluke mentality, and you must be prepared!"

"Absolutely don't take people's personal safety as a trifling matter!!!"

Finally, through a vote of thirteen staff present,

The decision to purchase anti-flood materials in advance was unanimously approved 0 ..

After the meeting, they actively carried out the work of purchasing materials according to the assignment of tasks.

For the staff participating in this meeting, this move is a very risky thing.

If the disaster does not happen in the end, they will cause the unit to lose tens of millions of capital reserves.

Everyone has to write a self-criticism report to show self-criticism.

But none of them hesitated.

The interests of the people outweigh the sky, so what is a mere review?

What's more, they hope that the final result will be their own self-criticism.

In this case, it means that there is no disaster and the people's property is safe.

Relevant departments purchased a series of emergency materials for flood control, such as sand and gravel, flood control sandbags, tips, oil, life jackets, life buoys, and shovels, on a large scale.

It will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

After Lin Feng's analysis, the relevant departments immediately started to take action.

People have to associate the purchase of flood control materials with Lin Feng's remarks.

In this regard, netizens couldn't help but whispered in their hearts.

【Is Lin Feng's influence so great?A few words can drive the zhegnfu department to carry out such a large-scale operation? 】

[Even if he accurately predicted the gold price trend last time, it was based on the fact that the war has already happened. Now that the floods have not happened, why do you send so much money for purchases? 】

[It's understandable to plan ahead, but now the rainfall is not as much as before, and the weather is showing signs of turning fine. I don't understand why it suddenly...]

[If you want to purchase materials, you should also purchase them when it rained heavily a few days ago. Now that it is almost sunny, you should purchase ass! 】

[I suspect that there are fans of Lin Feng among the staff, right? ? 】

【So you don’t take taxpayers’ money seriously? ? ? 】

Doubts abound on the Internet.

The main reason is that after the procurement work was carried out, the rainfall in province H suddenly became less heavy.

The common people naturally do not believe in the occurrence of flood disasters.

Doubts are also justifiable.

All the staff of the flood control department are suffering now.

None of them expected that this decision would cause such big doubts.

Some people began to regret it, feeling that this decision was made too hastily and impulsively.

Due to the pressure of public opinion, the superior department also sent a monitoring team to supervise the operation.

Make sure someone doesn't take this opportunity to get corrupted.

Now, these staff who originally intended to consider the interests of the people,

Only under heavy pressure,

Bite the bullet and move forward bravely, preparing for an unexpected event.

Everything, time will give the answer.


During the day on the third day, the heavy rain completely turned to light rain.

The sky is starting to clear.

At that time, the staff members who participated in the meeting sat together with a sad face and began to write a personal review.

Although the higher authorities haven't asked them to make self-criticisms, writing is what they write, so it's better to prepare in advance.

It's nothing, it made them suffer,

In fact, it is the question of the common people.

Several people sighed deeply and buried themselves in writing the 5.9 report.

Early morning of the fourth day.

In the pitch-black night sky, the tiny raindrops suddenly went berserk, twisted into strands in an instant, and fell from the sky, turning into a torrential downpour!

It landed in the entire central region of H province overnight.

More than a dozen cities, including Zzhou City, Jkou City, L[-] City, Cfang City, and K City, were all brutally hit by this torrential rain.

The sudden torrential rain washed away the soil and trees in an instant, causing many mountains to collapse directly, causing mudslides.

If this amount of rainfall continues, floods will inevitably come soon!

This sudden heavy rainfall instantly aroused great attention across the country.

The people who questioned the procurement work before were even more shocked!

The rainstorm is coming, and the flood is coming!

All flood control and flood fighting staff gathered quickly to prepare for the next severe rescue work.

Disaster prevention is urgent.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, two large dams collapsed at the same time under the strong offensive of the torrential rain.

The flood officially broke out!

At the same time, all provincial, municipal and even national official media quickly broadcast the latest disaster situation to the outside world.

Soon, this news became the top trending topic on V blog and exploded.

It quickly aroused the great attention of the whole network!

The appearance of this news is like a hot slap,

He slapped everyone who maliciously speculated on the procurement staff in the face with hatred.

At the same time, the video of Lin Feng predicting the impact of floods was once again on the top of the trending search.

attracted a new wave of attention.

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