Lu Wendong smiled without saying a word,

Now all the major shares of Lu Guo Group are in his hands.

The little Jew and Rhodes are always in charge of accounts,

Behind it is Christian Statistics,

plus his power,

Anyone who dares to play tricks on the Lu Guo Group will be a birthday star who always eats arsenic-he thinks his life is too long.

It's a joy to ride a helicopter,

But it's full of dust,

Lu Wendong walked into the house and prepared to take a shower and clean himself.

But saw Feiying and Bu Tonglin,

Due to the special attributes of flying eagles,

He is outside of Lu Wendong's power center,

And after Lu Wendong recruited him, he just threw him outside to let himself go,

Unexpectedly, this rare visitor came to the door today.

Lu Wendong stepped forward with a smile: "Seeing that you have a spring breeze on your face, is something good?"

"Brother, a good thing, definitely a good thing."

Eagles are treasure hunters,

Its main task is to find treasures from all over the world,

What can make him so excited is of course the incredible baby.

"The Treasure of the Mox Salt Cave."

Feiying repeatedly emphasized: "Brother, one of the hidden treasures of the Nazis in World War II, the secret treasure of the Mox Salt Cave!"

Nazi gold is a topic of concern around the world,

According to analysis,

Its great sources of gold are twofold,

One is the bank stock gold looted from the conquered countries when the Nazis conquered Europe; the other is the wealth that the Nazis looted from the Hebrews,

Even the rings and gold teeth of the Hebrews.

In addition to gold,

It is said that the Nazis also collected rare treasures, cultural relics and works of art from various countries in Europe.

These riches are hidden in Europe and North Africa.

How big is wealth?

According to a joint report provided by British and French intelligence agencies after the Europa War in 1945,

The gold seized by the Nazis throughout Europa weighed more than 6000 tons!

You must know that the gold reserves of Eagle Sauce in the 21st century are only more than 8000 tons.

6000 tons of gold,

This is an astronomical fortune no matter in which era!

And now,

Feiying actually said that he had this clue? .

230: Uncle Dong's goods are the only one in the world with no other branch!

The incandescent lamp shines on the green onion arms raised like jade,

Orchid-like fingers hold a piece of ice,

light shines through,

like a diamond,


It was Ding Yao who spoke,

Her eyes were full of surprise,

"this is?"


Ding Yao muttered: "Why~ so white?"

Conventional "pork" for reasons of purity,

Usually pale yellow or green in color,

Clear as a diamond,

It was her first time seeing her.

Sitting opposite him is Liu Haoyu from Haoyu Group,

he laughed,

"Because this is the best product in the world, with a purity of 90%."

"We call it Diamond, but people here like to call it Dragon Ball."

"Boss, I can tell you clearly that there is no other branch in this one!"

to be frank,

Liu Haoyu also doesn't know why Tazhai can produce such a superb thing,

After all, there is no equipment there at all.

Conditions are also very simple,

He didn't even know how it was extracted.

"But you have to re-dilute it when you take it back."

Liu Haoyu looked proud,

I even feel a little humorous,

"It's best to add some glucose, otherwise fellow daoists will be overwhelmed."

Ding Yao threw it to the pheasant next to her and smiled sweetly,

"I think Mr. Liu's name will soon surpass Mr. Kunsha's."


Liu Haoyu's face turned pale,

He laughed outrageously,

"It's all destiny."

Ding Yao smiled and looked at the greasy middle-aged man opposite,

He was right,

It is indeed destiny.

Inexplicably, a force of justice appeared in the Golden Triangle,

It's like making a movie to fight against drug lords,

The most powerful Kunsha and the Eight-faced Buddha have been standing still,

The other small drug lords are not its opponents,

After several times of tossing, the white powder that the Golden Triangle can transport out is almost a quarter less,

Hugh seems to be few,

But white powder needs to be planted,

Its output is limited,

But there are too many Taoist friends in Asia Pacific and the world who need it,

That quarter is a bit much.

Now the big demolition houses can still get the goods,

But the amount is not as good as before,

The market is an invisible big hand that will naturally adjust the price spontaneously,

And when the price goes up,

There must be friends who can't bear the price,

So the market needs new gadgets,

It has to be cheap and exciting,

Not many things can meet this requirement.

Liu Haoyu said mysteriously: "Pork cooking is much more exciting than chasing dragons."

"It can make people enter Paradise Lost."

Ding Yao looked at his lecherous eyes and immediately disdain,

The old lady is also you can be greedy?

She smiled and said: "It turns out that Liu is always a master in this way."

"no no."

Liu Haoyu waved his hands in panic: "Although I sell this thing, I never touch it."

"The rules."

Clouds and mist billow in the glass bottle on the alcohol lamp,

A straw goes deep,

The little brother took a breath and shook his head,

After a while,

He gave a thumbs up: "Sister-in-law, it's great."


Ding Yao raised her small hands and applauded: "Amazing, awesome."

"Mr. Liu, we don't have this over there yet."

Liu Haoyu immediately said: "Understood, new things must be tried."

"5 kilograms are free, please take it back and put it on the market to see how fine it is."

Ding Yao brushed her hair down and pursed her lips and smiled,

"The boss is really generous in his work, but our Sanlian Gang never takes advantage of others."

"Well, I'll take the 50 kilograms first."

"Mr. Liu, please transport it to Keelung, and the ephedrine you requested will be delivered there."

"light and spacious."

Liu Haoyu is doing wholesale,

So the price given is quite cheap,

1 kilogram is equal to 4 US dollars,

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