He Shangsheng slowly approached the front door of the bank 09,

He only has a walkie-talkie in his hand,

"I am Inspector He Shangsheng, and I don't have any weapons on me."

While He Shangsheng was talking, he deliberately turned around so that Qian and the others could see clearly.

"I'm here to help you, but I need to make sure the hostages are safe first."

"This kid is very brave."

A compliment from Qiandi,

He went to the front door,

"Just talk here."

He Shangsheng looked at the hall through the glass door,

He could only vaguely see a few bandits wearing masks,

"I really want to help you, but the police's rule is to confirm the safety of the hostages."

"If you really want to help us, then don't come in."

Qian Di said without hesitation,

"Since you are an expert in negotiating, can you directly contact the police department?"

He Shangsheng was startled suddenly,

This gangster understands the rules of negotiation?

"Yes, if you have any requirements, just ask."

"I'll report it."

"Three explosion-proof cars with full gas."

"Free our brothers in Stanley."

Qiandi took out a piece of paper from his pocket and pasted it on the glass door,

"Don't play tricks."

He unbuttoned a tactical suit to reveal the bomb inside,

"Everyone here wears bomb suits."

Qian Di's smile is not a smile,

His voice was full of cruelty,

"And all connected to the pulse, one person died, or the pulse beat too violently."


"The entire Jordan Road will be wiped out."

"Please come back."

Qiandi doesn't seem to say much,

But in the eyes of the professional He Shangsheng, he has obtained very useful information.

The hostages to be released are the bandits who made the Galactic Center bomb,

When these gangsters blew up the entire Dasha,


Unexpectedly, there are still surviving companions.

He Shangsheng hurriedly turned his head and ran,

He ran and yelled over the intercom,

"disperse the crowd."

"Everyone on the entire Jordan Road must be evacuated."

"What plane are you flying?"

Huang Qifa rushed forward,

"This is making the job more difficult. Maybe these bastards are bluffing us."

He Shangsheng roared: "Are you responsible for the accident?"

"Human life is more important than heaven."

"Evacuate the hostages."

Huang Qifa pulled his face and pressed the intercom,

"Call the white car, the fire engine."

"All military uniforms, PTUs, and patrol police evacuate the crowd along Jordan Road."

He Shangsheng is already calling his boss,

"Preliminary suspicion that the gangsters are the same gang as the gangsters involved in the Galaxy Center bombing."

"It may also be due to suspicion."

"Okay, I'll arrange the interrogation."

Said over the phone,

"You stabilize the gangster's mood, and find a way to go in and see the hostages."

The entire Jordan Road is full of people running,

Police are evacuating from house to house.

Qiandi looked out through the glass,

"The police can still do something."

He turned his head and looked at the hostage with a half-smile,

These people are all dressed up like Qian Di and others,

of course,

It is inevitable to have bomb suits on the body.

Qian Di is not only cruel to himself,

be cruel to others,

His life principle is like this,

Absolutely no room for failure.

"Eat something to replenish your energy."

He pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket,

While chewing and thinking,

The big brother should also be moving.

Of course Lu Wendong has already started to act.

The telephone is the best tool to convey orders,

Innumerable orders were communicated to the Quartet through telephone lines.


Outside Lujia Village,

Liang Junyi, Yang Zhen, and Lin Yixiang who were staying in the packaged delivery truck found themselves surrounded.

The Lu State Security team in uniform forcefully opened the car door,

They stared at Liang Junyi and the others with a half-hearted smile,

"Officer, brother wants to see you."

The expressions of Liang Junyi and the three of them changed abruptly.

Is this revealing?

They have been working on wiretapping for the past few days,

But Lujia Village is like a tortoise shell,

There's nowhere to start,

So we can only use sound amplifiers outside for limited intelligence gathering,

I thought it was secretive enough.

Unexpectedly, it was still discovered.


My heart suddenly sank.

Of course they don't know where they lost,

On the one hand, Lujia Village has its own security regulations,

Pay attention to stops, passing traffic, and crowds,

Although their car looks ordinary,

But they couldn't escape the eyes of Lu Guobao.

on the other hand,

While the three of Liang Junyi were doing things with due diligence,

Little did they know that their superior's superior had backstabbed them,

Just shake them clean.

Liang Junyi forced a smile: "Big brothers, did you make a mistake?"

"We were just passing by."

The security guard made a serious face,

"Is there any mistake? You all have to go to see Big Brother."

"It's okay to get acquainted."


The security guard took a cold look at Lin Yixiang who was about to climb to the driver's seat,

"The cement piles on the construction site still lack support."

Lin Yixiang stopped immediately,

He looked back at his two buddies,

Liang Junyi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot,

Old Yang's face was covered with cold sweat.

"get off."

The front, back, left, and right are all people from Lu Guo Security,

There is no escape,

Liang Junyi could only bite the bullet and walk ahead,

"You must not mess around."

"We are the police."

288: Anyone who dares to provoke me, Lu Wendong, will definitely end badly!

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