no financial loss,

So far only the public sector and the police force have been victimized.

Of course not,

The moment the bank was cut off,

The Y[-]K activation condition is triggered,

Tens of dollars were randomly withdrawn from millions of bank accounts of HSBC around the world.

Each account is drawn only once,

Then the withdrawn money will automatically go into the fake account established by the Y[-]K virus.

These fake accounts are endless,

Money rolls in and then enters the cistern.

It's like a spider's web,

Money flows at each node above,

After flowing through a node,

The node automatically disconnects and cancels the account,

There is absolutely nothing to check.

"So the money has been laundered?"

on the cruise,

Lu Wendong is listening to Robert Science,

Although what this guy said was a bit complicated,

But it's very clear anyway,

So he heard it very clearly.

"Yes, brother."

Robert beamed,

"That's clean money."

"Even if a customer later reports that the money is missing, it will not be found out."


he shrugged,

"It's tens of dollars less for one account, no one should care, right?"

Lu Wendong thought it might not be so,

Money is the fairest thing in the world,

And the most wonderful and unfathomable baby,

Some people regard it as a block,

It smells bad.

Some people regard it as life,

No way baby.

It's only a matter of time before it's discovered.

But it doesn't matter to Lu Wendong at all,

The most important thing is how much money you make.

He called Christian,

"How many?"

"Five billion dollars."

Christian, who has been hiding behind the scenes and is responsible for manipulating Lu Wendong's accounts, replied,

"It's all in the account, very safe."

$20 billion...

Lu Wendong murmured: "156 billion."

"This money is spent more and more."

plus this money,

Lu Wendong already has more than 480 billion cash in hand,

He is a well-deserved rich man in the world.

The so-called murder and arson gold belt,

The remains of repairing bridges and repairing roads.

Lu Wendong thought in his heart that what his ancestor said was right,

If you want to get rich, you can only rely on windfall.

Gentleman Lu, do good deeds,

Dong Ge, who is a celebrity on Hong Kong Island, is ready to continue accumulating virtue.

no way,

The explosion on Jordan Road caused heavy losses to the police force.

On the one hand, political

On the other hand are the police officers at the scene.

Lu Wendong is a kind person,

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Although he is taking the opportunity to suppress and purge the police force,

But it doesn't affect him to brush up favorability.

The Plaza of the Police Headquarters on Armory Street was overcrowded,

The police force who received the notice temporarily set up a rostrum,

Below the stage are people from all walks of life in the media.

no way,

The police force is now battered by wiretapping and bombing cases,

As a result, Mr. Lu came over to give him warmth in this situation,

What kind of spirit is this?

Corporal Mr. Lu!

"I, Lu, have always believed that some things must be done by the police."

Lu Wendong stood on the rostrum and talked freely,

"Although the police force has various deficiencies, it still does not affect that it is the most elite force in Asia."

...... 0

A group of police officers in the audience were moved,

It has to be Mr. Lu's benevolence,

Always come to the police force at the first time,

This is simply a moral role model!

I don't know why those bastards have the nerve to eavesdrop on Mr. Lu?

This is against the people.

"Bentong Ren'ai Church will establish a special charity fund for the families of the Jordan Road bombing."

Lu Wendong's expression was heavy,

"The dead are dead, but the living must live well."

"I, Lu, can't do much, that's all."

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu!"

The whole audience applauded and shouted the tsunami,

Sure enough, Mr. Lu is doing good deeds,

Mr. Lu has deeply implemented what is a good country gentleman who loves the people,

It would be great if Hong Kong Island had more benevolent people like Mr. Lu.

"Everyone, don't do this, I can't stand it."

Lu Wendong pressed his hands empty,

When the roar of the mountain and the tsunami subside,

He then said: "In addition, I will donate 10 assault vehicles and 20 cars to the police force."

Lu Wendong smiled and looked at a member of the constitutional committee of the police force standing in the audience,

Among them are Li Shutang, Zhuo Jingquan, Cai Yuanqi and others,

"Don't be discouraged, the general public still needs you to maintain law and order."


"You are the sword of Hong Kong Island and the cornerstone of the people."

"Don't let down the trust of the general public in you."

"Yes, Sir!"

The police saluted in unison,

Mr. Lu expressed his support,

Let them all feel the solemn sense of mission. Wan.

296: I heard that HSBC lost money?Short me HSBC

The major media on Hong Kong Island all reported Lu Wendong's speech at the police headquarters.

See the truth in times of crisis,

When Mr. Lu was illegally wiretapped by the police force,

Still donated money in the past to call on the citizens of Hong Kong to continue to trust the police force,

The nobleness of its character has amazed the general public.

At that time, Mr. Lu was called the incomparable benevolence and righteousness.

"Mr. Lu."

police headquarters,

A group of senior officials at the constitutional committee level, all stars Gongyue,

They are both ashamed and happy,

It's been a difficult time for everyone,

There is a guillotine on the head that will fall at any time,

There are vigilant citizens behind,

Fortunately, Mr. Lu came to support the scene,

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