This man is not a policeman,

Otherwise, they will not disregard the lives of students,

The sharp marksmanship of 657 is amazing,

Hands are hard enough,

I am also very confident in myself,

The leader has already analyzed the situation in a few clicks,

He hid behind the machine and shouted: "I have no grievances with you, can you buy a way out with money?"

The students have run away,

The only thing left is the stupid yellow turtle,

Lu Wendong shot Huang Xiaogui at the foot: "Still leaving?"

The sound of gunfire awakened Huang Xiaogui,

He looked down,

Look at Lu Wendong wearing a mask again,

Hurry up and run.

Suddenly only Lu Wendong and the leader were left in the basement.

He took off his mask,

"Come out."

is the target!

The chief was astonished,

He never expected that the biggest variable would be Lu Wendong,

According to my own observations over the past few days,

Lu Wendong should be a gentleman,

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a master of guns.

"Which organization?"

Lu Wendong stared at the leader's hiding place expressionlessly,

He's ruthless enough,

But this group of people is even more frenzied,

There is simply no bottom line at all,

This kind of person has broken through Lu Wendong's bottom line,

must die!

"One message, exchange my life."

The leader thought for a while and felt that he had little chance of winning.

He secretly unfastened the grenade from his armed belt,

Said in a low voice,

"It's about you."

Lu Wendong's face changed abruptly: "Are you here to assassinate me?"

Murder in his heart suddenly,

Hire someone to pretend to be a terrorist to assassinate yourself?

Whose handwriting is it?

The leader was startled,

Why does the target think this way?

Did I miss a show on my side?

He calmly pulled out the safety pin of the grenade,

Then said,

"Just say the deal is successful?"


Lu Wendong said: "As long as the news can move me."

"Triple Gang."

The leader raised his hand and threw the grenade,


The guns are thundering,

The bullet hit his protruding palm,

No grenade was thrown,


fireworks go off,

Turning around, Lu Wendong was nowhere to be seen.

"Mr. Lu."

The members of the Flying Tigers who were searching were overjoyed when they saw Lu Wendong in the music room.

They hurried forward to salute,

"It's safe outside, we will escort you out."

Safe is sure safe,

The terrorists were all dealt with by Lu Wendong and Gao Jin,

So far, neither the Anti-Terrorist Special Service nor the Flying Tigers have fired a single shot.

"Mr. Lu."

There are a lot of media around the school gate,

Seeing Lu Wendong walking out, he immediately squeezed in,

"Please say a few words."

Lu Wendong saw Gao Jin and King He Li together with Xu Xi who rushed over,

Seeing Zhuo Jingquan who came to "Chihiro's first show" in a hurry,

Then he said without haste,

"I am very satisfied with the efficiency of the police force today."


Zhuo Jingquan stood up and saluted,

He knew that Mr. Lu was giving himself a step up,

to salute without hesitation,

All the policemen on the side also followed suit and saluted.

click, click,

Fluorescent lights flicker,

The media quickly captured this classic shot.

Lu Wendong left Gao Jin to cooperate with the police investigation,

Then they left under the escort of Xu Xi and others,

Things seem to have calmed down,

In fact, the turmoil has only just begun.


Cib constables gallop back,

"I have confirmed with the Immigration Department that all these people entered the country with fake passports."

"Send the photo to Interpol for verification."

The news poured in,

Zhuo Jingquan handled it in an orderly manner.

"Check source of explosives."

"Also, find all the students who were present at the time of the incident."

Ma Shaoguang, assistant director of the Operations Department, winked at Zhuo Jingquan,

The two walked aside,

Ma Shaoguang said softly: "The gangsters have all been killed, not the anti-terrorism special service team or the Flying Tigers."

They looked at each other,

Only Mr. Lu's people have this kind of means.

"First unify the caliber of the special service team and the Flying Tigers."

Zhuo Jingquan looked at Gao Jin not far away,

"I'll ask Mr. Gao."

Gao Jin is Lu Wendong's personal bodyguard.

His words and deeds represent Lu Wendong,

When Zhuo Jingquan asked him, he was actually asking what Lu Wendong meant.

"Brother, he doesn't want to cause trouble."

Gao Jin stayed here for this purpose.

Corpses don't lie,

Lu Wendong didn't want the outside world to know his skills,

So I'm going to give this credit to Zhuo Jingquan,

"He doesn't know about it, you arrange it yourself."

Zhuo Jing fully understood,

He said calmly: "Please tell Mr. Lu, no one will know."

Gao Jin just nodded,

"It's none of my business."

In theory, he should make up a statement,

But a theory is a theory,

In the actual operation process, of course, double-standard processing is possible.

"Mr. Gao, go slowly."

Zhuo Jingquan recruited Ma Shaoguang and ordered in a low voice,

"Let the anti-terrorism special service team that participated in the attack today sign a non-disclosure agreement with all members of the Flying Tigers."

"This operation is to wipe out terrorists in one fell swoop under the auspices of the police."

Ma Shaoguang blinked,

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