He then dialed Qian Tian's phone number: "The people who organize the trade union will go to Lan Kwai Fong to help maintain order."

"Right now."

"Who dares to drop the chain at this time, I want him to look good."

christmas bell,

end of christmas,

Lu Wendong and his entourage rushed to Lan Kwai Fong,

The heaven of pleasure has now become hell,

The streets are full of sirens, screams, and white cars,

Zhuo Jingquan is leading a team to maintain order,

There are also Qian Tian, ​​Liang Kun and others to help,

Wait for Lu Wendong to get off the bus,

A group of people stepped forward together: "Mr. Lu."

Zhuo Jingquan didn't expect that Lu Wendong would rush over,

He saw that Lu Wendong was only wearing pajamas,

Immediately, I felt extremely ashamed: "It's the police's dereliction of duty."

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Lu Wendong walked forward quickly: "The most important thing is the safety of citizens."

"The Governor will be here shortly."

Zhuo Jingquan followed closely behind,

"It is not yet known how many casualties there are, and the guys are still evacuating."

Lu Wendong recruited Qian Tian: "Listen to Sir Zhuo's greetings."

He approached the Rue D'Aguilar,

Even with his hard-hearted heart, there is something unbearable.

blood slime,

The bloody mud on the street,

It looks startling.

Zhuo Jingquan lowered his head: "Dozens of corpses have been transported here."

"What's wrong with the citizens."

Lu Wendong looked at D'Aguilar Street,

This is a small ramp uphill,

Beer and champagne and spray ribbons everywhere,

The road surface is too slippery is the main reason,

He quickly sketched the scene in his mind,

It must be someone who is drunk, walks unsteadily and falls,

This Rue D'Aguilar is so slippery,

There are many people,

Those who fell down pushed down those who were further ahead,

If so, more people were pushed down one after another,

form a domino effect,

Until the people who are pushed down are stacked to a certain height,

People who are squeezed in the rear row no longer fall on the pile of people who were pushed down in front,

forming a human wall,

That's why this stampede happened.

This is the worst accident since the opening of Hong Kong Island!

Zhuo Jingquan saw that Lu Wendong's face was ashen,

He was involuntarily terrified,

"Mr. Lu, this is a public street. According to regulations, festivals are not parades or demonstrations, and crowd control is not allowed."


Lu Wendong's eyes pierced into Zhuo Jingquan's heart like a sword,

"That's no excuse."



 "Chihiro's debut" Fat Peng hurried over: "How is the situation?"

"Your Excellency the Governor."

A group of people hurried forward,

Fat Peng's eyes wandered and landed on Lu Wendong,

"Chairman Lu, make up your mind."

"The purpose of our squires is to serve the people."

Lu Wendong's throat was a little dry,

He said slowly: "I think an investigation committee will be established to investigate."

"Festivals turn into festivals, and extreme joy begets sorrow. The general public is definitely not reconciled."

Fat Peng nodded: "I have appointed the Chief Prosecutor's Independent Investigation Committee to conduct an investigation, and an explanation must be given to the general public within two weeks."

When he walked to the scene of the accident, he looked sad,

"My God!"

The once-in-a-hundred-year event was encountered by him in office,

It was simply the bloody bad luck of eight lifetimes.

"The police force and the fire department must do their best to rescue them."

When Fei Peng came over, he had already seen the non-governmental organizations led by Qian Tian and others,

Then I add one more sentence,

"Coordinate civil organizations."

The head of the Department of Health said on the side: "Sir, I have ordered all hospitals to vacate part of the emergency room."

things have happened,

We can only make up for it as much as possible,

Fei Peng winked at Lu Wendong,

The two walked to the corner,

"Chairman Lu, I need your help."

"As long as I can do it, but it's okay to talk."

Fat Peng said in a low voice: "Things have already happened, all we can do is try our best to remedy it."

"But the media..."

"I will inform them to proceed from the standpoint of justice."

Fat Peng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Such a big event cannot be hidden from the whole world,

All he can ask for is a fair angle,

Because no one is insane enough to want this to happen.

But this incident also reminded Fei Peng,

Although Christmas is a grand festival in Hong Kong Island,

But it's better than New Year's

At that time, more people will come out to play,

"I plan to implement festival crowd control."

Fat Peng has a troubled look on his face,

This violates the principles of liberty,

But if there is no control,

He worried that a worse stampede would happen later.

After all, sometimes once the crowd starts to party,

After the emotions are detonated,

Many unexpected things will happen.

Lu Wendong immediately answered: "I fully support Your Excellency. But this is not enough. It is also necessary to implement necessary crowd flow and age restriction measures, strengthen publicity for citizens to pay attention to the safety of large-scale events, and arrange medical personnel and public security service teams to support large-scale events."

He spoke quickly,

"Also, the subway needs to perform overnight service."

"God bless you."

Fat Peng looked at Lu Wendong in pajamas,

Xin Dao Although Chairman Lu is a bit unscrupulous in his actions,

But at least I'm doing my job as a squire,

He took a deep breath: "Chairman Lu, I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely in the future to build the future together.".

320: Since you are a trade unionist, you must know what it means to buy people's hearts

Lu Wendong didn't come to make deals,

He does grieve,

In the business field, he can be unscrupulous and domineering,

But these citizens~ are innocent,

The huge Lu's Kingdom needs the support of the general public,

So Lu Wendong announced to the rushing media,

"Wentong Ren'ai Church will be responsible for the stampede to the end."

"At the same time, I will donate 10 ambulances to the Fire Department."



Fluorescent lights keep flickering,

The photo of Lu Wendong in pajamas quickly hit the headlines of newspapers.

Lan Kwai Fong stampede has far-reaching impact,

There has never been such a serious stampede to death on Hong Kong Island in the past century.

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