So there is often a situation here on Hong Kong Island,

house prices rise,

the stock market goes up,

house prices fall,

The stock market falls.

Or in absolute terms,

Hong Kong Island's stock market is basically supported by the housing market!

Most of the people Lu Wendong convened today are Chinese real estate tycoons,

The combined market value of their companies exceeds 7 billion,

This force is enough to determine success or failure.

Lu Wendong single-handedly created the stock market crash,

causing misery to all peoples,

And now,

He is ready to turn the tide to save the stock market,

Become a living Buddha of all families.

God is also him,

The ghost is also him!

Others do not have this organizational power,

nor this prestige,

But Lu Wendong has.

He smiled and looked at the pairs of eyes looking over,

"Everyone, the difficulty is only temporary."

"I believe that as long as we work together, any roadblock is just a clown.".

355: Cancel the public sharing, Mr. Wan Jiasheng Folu

The real estate market on Hong Kong Island is a deformed market.

High land prices lead to high housing prices,

That's all.

Empty six wallets and gritted his teeth, it was still able to withstand,

After all, the income of Hong Kong Island is quite good.

As long as the family works hard 996,

Can still stand in front of it.

However, the most criticized and unacceptable is the public sharing.

Only the real estate market on Hong Kong Island in the world has the idea of ​​"common sharing",

There is a reason for this, of course,

It doesn't appear for no reason - anything,

Shares are no exception.

The real estate market on Hong Kong Island was not booming back then.

At that time, the Hong Kong government was very addicted to collecting opium taxes.

Also don't pay attention to the income of the housing market,

Naturally, there is no complete real estate system,

In those days, houses on Hong Kong Island could only be sold one by one.

As a result, very few people can afford housing.

The final result is that most of the developers develop small buildings like honeycombs.

Later, a patriotic businessman Guo Yingnan discovered this problem when he intervened in the property market.

He found that it was too difficult to sell houses one by one.

It is difficult for the developer to recover the funds in the first time,

If one is not good, it may lose money.

In order to change this situation,

He changed from selling buildings one by one to selling one by one,

But even so,

Not many people can afford it.

Developers still have to be tied up with funds,

After some time,

He simply bought the house by floor first,

Such a floor is a deed,

Then they are divided into households and sold one by one.

In this way, many people can buy a house and have their own nest.

As a result, the real estate market on Hong Kong Island has flourished.

Speaking of,

Guo Yingnan has contributed to Hong Kong people in this regard.

because without him,

A lot of people really can't even afford a house.

But then came the problem,

Because when you buy it is layer by layer,

Including public areas such as stairs and aisles,

These are also costly.

So then Guo Yingnan came up with the idea of ​​using a public contract,

Allocate the cost of the common part to each owner to bear,

This is where the term for the pool area appears!

From the heart,

At the beginning, public sharing did solve the problem of difficulty in buying a house.

But the whole world abides by one principle,

This is called the prosperity of the world is for profit,

All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.

In Guo Yingnan’s era, the public stalls were not that big.

And at the opening of the market, the formula for calculating the pool area will be made public.

Also specially ask a lawyer to do a market notarization to tell the buyers,

Where is shared,

How much was shared.

So at that time, most people could barely accept it.

Guo Yingnan also cleverly used this method,

Achieve big things with little money,

Then he rode the wind and rose straight to become a Hong Kong Island tycoon.

But the business of decapitation is mostly people who want to do it,

Sharing such a good tool was quickly discovered by developers as a good tool for making money.


The public stall will no longer be publicized,

And began to pour a lot of water into it,

Also started to engage in water injection competitions,

The houses made are like water-filled pork,

It is the four real estate tycoons headed by Lin Jiacheng who carry forward this set!

The pool starts from their hands,

Since the 50s,

The housing rate has dropped from 90% to 80%.

The amazing thing is that the room rate is only 29%!

Known as the water tower!

This is way off the mark,

Therefore, there have been many criticisms from the public in recent years.

Developers have also fallen from the altar and become sinners.

If Lu Wendong wants to save the stock market, he must have a big killer.

The sharp sword he prepared was to cancel the public sharing!

Those who follow the will of the people are like the sun that just rises in the morning,

The light is unstoppable,

Those who go against public opinion are of course doomed.

Lu Wendong looked at the group of real estate tycoons with a smile,

The citizens of Hong Kong Island are really in trouble,

In the past, ghosts lay on them and sucked blood,

Now it's the real estate tycoons who suck the marrow out of everyone,

"Everyone, I, Lu Zhou Real Estate, will cancel public stalls for all Hong Kong citizens."

"Including the properties that Landmark will develop in the future, all of them will also be cancelled."


five thunderbolts,

A group of real estate tycoons have changed dramatically,

Cancel the sharing?

Isn't that messing with everyone's jobs?

Li Daheng couldn't hold back at first: "Chairman Lu think twice."

He said quickly,

"If the house is sold according to the usable area, the unit price will rise.

and also,

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