"Yes, understand, good."


The envoy hung up the phone,

The whole person seems to have been taken out of the bone,

Looks limp all over,

quite a while,

He sighed faintly,

"God's Whip Wins."

Watson was dumbfounded.

The president's brain is really trapped by the door.

Will you accept Lu Wendong's threat?

$10 billion a year,

My God,

If you have so much money every year,

What else are you trying to do?

"Let's go."

Envoy refreshed,

He shrugged: "The whip of God must be happy."

He guessed wrong,

Lu Wendong was actually not very happy,

Although it is said that compassion does not control soldiers and righteousness does not control wealth,

But remembering the dead who died heroically,

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

He was still a bit bleak in his heart,

Under the foundation of my own empire are the accumulated bones of countless dead soldiers.

"Mr. Lu."

Special envoy speak quickly,

He looked at Lu Wendong as if he was in a low mood,

Xin Dao, the whip of God, has a good appetite,

Can't you be happy with a billion dollars?

"Congratulations, the White House has initially agreed to your terms."

The special envoy was quite emotional in his heart,

There are many people who blackmail the empire these days,

But someone like Lu Wendong who threatens 10 billion dollars a year,

That's really not many,

Heroes come from teenagers,

He thought that this income alone can guarantee that Lu Wendong will become the world's top rich man.

"For specific details, a special team will come to negotiate with you."


"Call this year first, and then we can talk."

The envoy was taken aback,

He thought he had heard wrong,

Then he asked, "Mr. Lu, what are you talking about?"

"Shall I repeat that?"

Lu Wendong's half-hearted smile,

"The Golden Triangle is already in my hands."

"Of course, you can also organize coalition forces or blockade again."

The envoy's face was a little stiff,

The bird place in Southeast Asia is full of grass-headed kings,

more jungles,

The empire has once sunk deep there,

How could it be possible to jump into the fire pit again?

Even if Congress agrees,

The people will not agree,

Lu Wendong is like uncovering the scars of Ying Jiang and not forgetting to sprinkle salt in it,

This is mocking the empire's inability to use force there.

The special envoy suddenly got a little bit waxy,

He wanted to lose his temper but knew it was useless,

I can only hold back and say,

"Mr. Lu, there is no such rule."

"My rules are rules."

Lu Wendong looked at his watch,

"Sorry, in a hurry."

The envoy knew that this greedy guy must have dated Dongfang again,

This is nothing but grass.

swing left and right,

Either side will benefit,

Met such a slippery old fritters,

He also has a little headache,

I can only stand up triumphantly: "I will report to the White House, as to whether it will be successful..."

"If it can't be done, it won't be used."

Lu Wendong is not polite at all.

"Everyone's time is precious." Wan.

396: As the King's Pioneer, Brother Dong Doesn't Take the Unusual Path

Defeated like a mountain,

No one thought that the menacing coalition forces would be dealt with so easily by Wendong's army.

Even cha guess,

The three parties lost at least 10 generals above the rank of colonel before He Meng's battle.

They have fought for so many years without such a big loss,

Rumors abounded for a while,

Siam and other countries are in turmoil.

The special envoy just left

The director of the East is here again,

Wen Dongjun, who turned the game over in one fell swoop, is no longer a pawn on the chessboard.

People can even defeat the government army,

Then they have the right to speak in Southeast Asia,

Its meaning is extraordinary,

"Mr. Lu, we have joined hands with Emerald, Vantaa, and Siam, and they agreed to sit down and talk."

said the director,

"Peace does not come easily."

His eyes are deep,

"The first "[-]" plan is to hold a meeting in Bangkok in a week. Do you have time?"


East holding hands is the summit,

As the master behind the Wendong Army, Lu Wendong,

In theory,

He should go to the meeting.

The director saw that Lu Wendong was silent,

just said,

"Don't worry about safety."

"We will send guards to be responsible for safety, and you can also lead the guards."

Southeast Asia is a troubled place in the Asia Pacific,

The intelligence agencies of various countries have established branches there.

Of course, there are also mafia, killers and the like,

The situation there simply cannot be understood with common sense,

That's why the director said that Dongfang will be responsible for the safety of the venue.

Lu Wendong wasn't too worried about safety.

Having just been promoted, he is now King Kong Invincible,

This is the invincible foundation that the system gave him,

Who can kill himself?

It’s just that Dong Ge wants to evaluate whether the place in Southeast Asia is worth going.

After all, there are no beauties there,

Looking around, they are all monkeys with human faces and animal hearts.

It feels almost like a zoo.

Lu Wendong pondered,

Either way,

so long,

I haven't seen Wen Dongjun yet.


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