Three vans surround the perimeter of the villa,

Yang Rui picked up the binoculars and took a closer look at the condition of the villa.

The gate is guarded by the police.

There are also 2 patrolling policemen in the yard,

For private use,

This Bassoon is quite majestic.

"Check the table."

Yang Rui pulled down the goggles,

"Action in 5 minutes."

whoosh whoosh,

8 figures mixed in the night,

Rushed to the villa like a leopard hunting,

The policeman guarding the gate was knocked down by the bullets ejected from the silencer before he could react.

A group of people rises and falls,

In the blink of an eye, the two policemen patrolling the yard were brought down,

Yang Rui led people into the villa like a cat,

Inside is playing wine pool meat forest,

Bassong is blindfolded and catching chicks in the dark,

But the chickens were obviously terrified,

Trembling all over, he was about to shout when he was knocked down by a bullet.

bang bang,

Bassoon finally realized something was wrong,

He just took off the blindfold,

The butt of the gun has been smashed down,

"Group C came in to clean up."

Yang Rui ordered through the microphone in his throat,

Then he took Basong hostage and left.

Bassong was tied head to foot to a sink,

The water in the faucet keeps flowing out,

It is flooding his hair, forehead, eyes layer by layer...

"What are you doing?"

Bassoon is like a drowning man,

He closed his eyes and shook desperately,

"Do you know who I am?"

The water was soon over the bridge of his nose,

Yang Rui stepped forward to turn on the faucet,

His movements are steady and accurate,

The water stopped when Bassong's nostrils were about to be flooded with "Chihiro's First Start".

"Someone bribed you to get out of the security line at the venue."

"I know it's not the Eight-faced Buddha."

Yang Rui pressed his hand on the faucet,

"who is it?"

"I have no idea."


the faucet is turned on,

The water sprayed from it poured into Basong's nostrils in an instant,



Bassoon coughed loudly,

The lungs are like fire,

He was coughing so hard that his body was congested with blood.

Yang Rui grabbed Basong's hair,

Pull it out of the washbasin,

"A person is worthless when he is dead."

"Others own what is yours."

Yang Rui persuaded like a life mentor,

"Think about it."

He said quietly: "I believe you must have offended many people."

"If these people know that you are dead, guess what will happen to your family?"

Bassoon shuddered,

Tiger poison does not eat its seeds,

Of course he knew the consequences of rushing to the street,

"What do you guys think?"

Bassoon hissed,

"I only know that he is from the CIA, but I really don't know who it is."


Yang Rui twisted his eyebrows into a V shape,

"You are one of the participants in tomorrow's security. What arrangements does the CIA have?"

Bassong stopped struggling instantly,

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Yang Rui who was condescendingly looking at him,

His face was painted with oil paint,

Can't see the real face,

But he already guessed where the other party came from,


Yang Rui said unhurriedly: "CIA can kill you, we can kill you too."

"It's nothing more than the difference between dying early and dying late."

"Please answer me now, do you want to die now, or try your luck?"

Between life and death there is great terror,

Basong is bold enough to accept bribes from the CIA.

But he wasn't ready to die right away,

"I cooperate, I cooperate."

"They've got a group coming this evening."

Bassoon said quickly,

"I will arrange for them to replace the guards at that time."

Yang Rui was secretly startled,

what a fluke

If you don't know the news today,

Tomorrow there will be rivers of blood.

"Where did they disembark?"

Bassoon shook his head,

He saw that Yang Rui's expression was a little serious,

I quickly explained,

"It's all over there who contact me and tell me what to do."

"I don't have the initiative."

Yang Rui doesn't think so,

"Don't they need to change clothes?"

Tomorrow's meeting is proposed temporarily,

It is impossible for the opponent to prepare the equipment of the special operations brigade in advance.

wanting to make a falsehood come true,

The equipment must be replaced.

Bassoon's eyes lit up,


"They want me to prepare 24 sets of weapons."

Basong also fought hard to survive,

He said quickly,

"I'm going to send it to the warehouse in the early morning."


Yang Rui looked at this corrupt guy with a bad expression,

If you don't ask yourself,

He stopped talking?

Bassong shrunk his neck,

He stammered, "Sorry, I just remembered."

Yang Rui was more thoughtful,

After filtering in his mind for a while, he asked again,

"You also provided the bullets?"

Bassoon nodded,

"Yes, full set."

Yang Rui let out a cry,

That's hardly good news.

He checks the time,

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