After dinner, Jiang Chen counted, and the total was 523 yuan.

There are also some berries that have been eaten by the elves as snacks.

A wild rabbit was roasted by Jiang Chen, and he didn't finish it.

There is no other gain.

Jiang Chen decided to change direction and go a little further tomorrow, leaving this bad place.

Nothing happened that night, and I slept soundly until the next morning.

Jiang Chen rode the wind speed dog, changed direction, and ran out for half an hour.

Only then did he stop, and start a new round of experience leveling in this strange place.

Sure enough, if you change the place, you will change your luck.

Treasure map, first-level scan, a golden cursor appeared.

Jiang Chen turned around with a few elves and followed the direction of the golden cursor to collect experience.

This golden cursor was found in the nest of a colony of echinacea.

For this reason, the entire swarm of large needle bees had to be defeated.

Jiang Chen found a light green gemstone in the lair, with a peculiar dark green leaf-shaped pattern in the middle of the gemstone.

This is a top grade leaf stone.

[Leaf Stone: A magical stone that enables certain elves to evolve, with leaf-like patterns. 】

The value is around 500 million, which can be regarded as a windfall.

Jiang Chen, who made a small fortune, felt a little happy.

When I took the elf to brush experience, I was not so eager.

Little Ibrahimovic hurriedly displayed his coquettish skills, begging for a hug.

Jiang Chen hugged Ibrahimovic, rode on the back of the wind speed dog, changed direction, and continued to harass the wild elves.

・・・ Flowers・・・

This wave of experience leveling continued until noon.

I found a deep pool formed by a stream and used it as a place for a temporary rest at noon today.

Jiang Chen prepared energy cubes for the elves.

Jiang Chen was eating compressed biscuits and drinking mineral water.

Jiang Chen threw away the overcooked hare, it was really not tasty.

Jiang Chen took a sip of mineral water and opened the treasure map casually.

Apart from the leaf stone, there was nothing else to gain in the morning.

He estimated the distance, and directly activated the first-level scanning function of the treasure map.

This was supposed to be him eating lunch, a little boring, casual scanning.

Unexpectedly, this random move brought him a pleasant surprise.


A golden cursor appeared and coincided with the red dot representing Jiang Chen.

Is the treasure right next to you?

Jiang Chen didn't care about chewing on the unpalatable compressed biscuits, so he searched nearby.

Searched around, but found nothing.

Jiang Chen couldn't help turning his gaze to the deep water pool beside him.

In the deep pool, there is only the carp king that will appear wherever there is water, and there are no other water attribute elves.

Originally, Jiang Chen wasn't going to take care of these carp kings, but now it's necessary to go into the water to have a look.

Jiang Chen sent Menus and Blue Crocodile into the pool to clean up the carp kings.

All the carp kings were knocked out and thrown to the shore.

Jiang Chen just took off his clothes and dived into the bottom of the water under the protection of Menus.

Now this season is halfway through November, the capital is in the north, and the weather is already very cold.

However, after Jiang Chen has strengthened his body many times, he didn't feel particularly cold when he jumped into the water in this season.

His lung capacity is huge, and his lungs have been remodeled many times, allowing him to plunge into the bottom of the water.

Jiang Chen found an obviously man-made object at the bottom of the water.

A wooden box soaked in water for an unknown amount of time.

"This is an undeveloped area, how could there be wooden boxes soaked in such a pool?"

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

He was holding the wooden box, stepping on the water with his strong legs, and after a while, he surfaced.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 125 6V Leolu's Fairy Egg, An Ancient Treasure Map!

Jiang Chen carried the wooden box back to the shore.

His body was wet, and he didn't put on his clothes right away.

"Wind speed dog, use hot air."

Wind speed dog? ? ? ? (¬?¬)?

However, it obeyed Jiang Chen's order and sprayed a hot air towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen hurriedly stood a little further away from the hottest center. The temperature at the edge of the hot wind was also quite high, but it was bearable.

The moisture on Jiang Chen's body evaporated quickly.

After being very dry by the hot air, Jiang Chen put on his clothes and began to check the wooden box.

This wooden box is very slippery, indicating that it has been in the water for a long time, and some algae have already attached to it.

But for some reason, the box showed no signs of decay.

Of course, it may also be a special wood material.

The entire wooden box has no traces of "[-]" or any nails, and is all embedded in a tenon-and-mortise structure.

It took Jiang Chen a long time to open the lid of the box.

The inside of the box was not as full of jewels as Jiang Chen had imagined.

But there is another layer of protection.

Layers of oil paper wrapped a small jewelry box.

From the waterproof use of this oil paper and the style of the jewelry box, it can be seen that this box has been sunk in the pool for at least 50 years.

Jiang Chen opened the jewelry box and found an elf egg inside.

Under the elf egg, there is a stacked piece of rice paper.

Jiang Chen picked up the elf egg. There were some yellow patterns on the shell, and the race could not be seen.

He activated the insight word, and the information of this elf egg appeared in front of his eyes.

【Riolu (Fighting)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: Unhatched]

[Characteristic: Spiritual Power (By exercising the spirit, it will not shrink from the opponent's attack.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Flash of Lightning, Hold, Feint, Metal Claw, Double Return, Self-motivation, Rock Breaker, Vacuum Wave. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

This elf egg gave Jiang Chen an unexpected surprise.

The elf egg with full attributes and the potential master level is still the elf egg with fighting attribute that Jiang Chen has been sorely lacking.

I didn't expect to gain experience in the Fragrant Hills Secret Realm, but there are still such gains.

Most of the elf eggs that Jiang Chen harvested in the wild were not worth the price.

If it weren't for the mysterious energy of the secret land behind Jiangcheng University, many elves would not be able to reach the full individual value.

As a result, now he directly picked up an elf egg with a full-level individual value.

Jiang Chen put the elf egg back into the jewelry box, and picked up the rice paper underneath.

This piece of rice paper was quite thick, Jiang Chen slowly opened it, and there were actually three pieces of paper.

Each piece of rice paper has a hand-painted map on it.

However, the hand-drawn map is very scribbled and looks like it was hand-drawn impromptu.

Jiang Chen took a closer look and found that the larger map was a map of the capital.

The three directions should point to three secret realms.

The smaller map is the map of hidden treasures in the secret realm.

It seems that some stories happened many years ago, nothing more than stories of fighting for family property, chasing after enemies, winning treasures, and so on.

Someone hid the treasures in the secret realm, and finally the map was thrown in this pool.

I don't know if it was because all the insiders were wiped out, so after many years, Jiang Chen was taken advantage of.

However, this map is very scribbled. If someone else got this map, it would be very difficult to find the treasure.

But for Jiang Chen it was easy.

As long as you judge the general direction, you can definitely find it with a first-level scan or second-level scan.

Jiang Chen refolded the rice paper and put it back into the jewelry box, then put the jewelry box into the backpack and put it away.

The harvest is full, but don't forget that the initial purpose is to gain experience and level up.

The elves who rested for half a day began to usher in a new round of busyness.

Don't know if it's because the wooden box has drained his luck.

Until the evening, the sun sets.

Jiang Chen didn't get any other gains.

In the evening, we continued to find a location against the mountain, and asked the wind speed dog to dig a cave as a camp for tonight.

Tonight is the last night of this secret trip.

Tomorrow, we will head towards the exit, and we will leave the secret realm at noon.

Inventoryed the receipt at night.

Menus is already level 35, other crustaceans are at level 32, giant pincer mantis is at level 29, blue crocodile is at level 27...

The blue crocodile can evolve after three levels.

Little Ibrahimovic entered the secret realm at level 8, and now at level 16, it has doubled.

But even so, it still clings to the fresh milk bottle at night.

Thanks to Jiang Chen's preparation, Ibrahimovic was not left hungry.

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