The two sides rushed to attack at the same time, and the needle pointed against Mai Meng.

The ice ghost guard opened its mouth wide, blowing out a cold wind full of cold air, the cold wind condensed in the air, and the frost was blown towards the wind speed dog.

Almost at the same time, the wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and crimson flames spewed out from his mouth.

It turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames and shot at the ice ghost guard.

The icy cold wind and the scorching flame met in the air.

Ice attributes are restrained by fire attributes.

The ice, snow and cold wind were all dispersed by the flames, and Yu Wei continued to shoot at the ice ghost guard.

However, blocked by the ice and snow wind, Bing Guihu easily avoided the flames.

"Ice Ghost Guard: Use boulders."

[Ice Boulder: Instantly make ice cubes and quickly throw them at the opponent.Must be able to preempt the attack. 】

Bing Guihu opened his big ice blue eyes, with a faint blue light, and pieces of ice flowers floating around.

The ice flower immediately condensed into a huge ice ball with a diameter of more than one meter, which flew towards the wind speed dog like a cannonball.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode."

The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and red flames gathered in its mouth.

A large font of flames spewed out from the wind speed dog's mouth, heading towards the huge ice ball.

In mid-air, a large font of flames hit the ice puck.

"Boom!" With a bang, the ice puck was shattered, and flames and ice shards flew all over the sky.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed, use Flame Fang."

In the next instant, Wind Speed ​​Dog appeared beside Bing Guihu.

It opened its bloody mouth wide, its teeth covered with crimson flames, and bit down fiercely towards the Ice Ghost Guard.

Song Qiling was secretly surprised: Not good!

"Ice ghost guard, use to defend."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Bing Guihu, covering it tightly.


With a loud noise, the wind speed dog bit the shield viciously with its big mouth.

The entire shield is full of cracks and is crumbling.

"Ice ghost guard, use the wave of evil."

[Evil wave: A terrifying aura full of malice is emitted from the body.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

The ice ghost's blue eyes stood up, and a terrifying aura erupted from his whole body.

The wind speed dog felt very frightened and couldn't help shrinking back.

"Ice Ghost Guard, use Mount Tai to suppress the top."

【Taishan Pressing: Use the whole body to press down on the opponent to attack.Sometimes paralyzes the opponent. 】

The ice ghost guard weighs about 260 kilograms. It jumped high and smashed towards the wind speed dog like a shell thrown by a trebuchet.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Feng Speed ​​Dog.


The wind speed dog's white shield was smashed instantly.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use high-speed movement."

At the moment when the white shield was smashed, the wind speed dog used the high-speed movement skill (Liao Zhao Hao), and the speed was like a flash, and escaped from the impact area.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the flame vortex."

A crimson flame spewed out from the wind speed dog's mouth, forming a vortex, covering the ice ghost guard.

"Ice ghost guard, use to defend."

This is the second time that Ice Ghost Guard has used the defend skill bar.

Although the white shield appeared, it was much thinner.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Charge."

The wind speed dog, covered in flames, charged fiercely towards the ice ghost guard.

The thin white shield was shattered by a single impact.

Bing Guihu had no time to dodge, and was slammed into the body viciously by the wind speed dog covered in flames.

Bing Guihu was hit directly and fell to the ground with a "bang".

The scorched ice ghost fell to the ground and was unable to move.

【Ding!Wind Speed ​​Dog defeated Ice Ghost Guard and gained 1153 experience points!Half】

"In the first round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University won!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 133 The Ice Queen's Defeat!

The second round between President Jiang Chen and Ice Queen Song Qiling will begin soon.

Although Jiang Chen did not approve of this title.

But as the fans kept shouting.

He suddenly also felt quite emotional.

The second class is full of breath, and the man is a teenager until he dies.

The elves sent by both sides in the second round were beyond each other's expectations.

Obviously both sides want to steal chicken.

Jiang Chen dispatched a level 29 Giant Pincer Mantis.

Song Qiling dispatched level 28 Ma Yula.

Ma Huanla is a very ferocious elf with an oval golden jade inlaid on his forehead.

It has a crest, neck, and tail of bright red broad feathers, as well as a thin feather on each ear.

The body is mainly dark gray, the eyes are red, and when the corners of the mouth are split open, several fangs are exposed.

Its palms and toes are white, and it has long, sharp claws.

【Ma Yula (Evil) (Ice)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV28 (Elite)]

[Characteristic: Take the sheep with the hand (stealing items that touch your opponent.)]

 277 【Character Talent: Innocence (+Speed, -Special Defense)】

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: grasping, staring, high-speed movement, lightning flash, splitting, malicious pursuit, boulders, metal claws, freezing wind, grinding claws, tricks, harsh sounds, freezing punches, freezing beams, destroying death rays, kicking down , high-speed stars, split tiles, spiritual blade, cross shears, hail, avalanche, hold. 】

[Carrying Item: Sharp Claw]

[Potential: Heavenly King]

Jiang Chen smiled softly and thought to himself: Although both sides have cheated, if it is such a coincidence, the second round will be the victory, so I will not be polite.

The giant pincer mantis has a clear advantage against Ma Huanla.

The level is one level higher, and there is not much difference, but Ma Huan's pull is twice as weak as steel and twice as weak as insects, and it is just restrained by the giant pincer mantis.

After sending out the elves, Song Qiling directly attacked.

"Ma Huanla, use Flash of Lightning, use Splitting Tile."

 (.) Ma Huanla was very fast, appearing in front of the giant pincer mantis as if teleporting, raised his hands and slashed down viciously.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use Bullet Punch."

[Bullet Fist: Use a bullet-like fast and hard fist at the opponent.Must be able to preempt the attack. 】

The giant pincer mantis directly gave up its defense and used offense against attack.

The fists of the Giant Pincer Mantis were covered with white light, and they hit Ma Yula like raindrops.

"Ma Huanla, use to hold."

As a last resort, Maxuanla had no choice but to give up the attack. It crossed its hands on its chest and a huge white shield appeared in front of it.

The stormy fist of the giant pincer mantis smashed on the white shield.

The white shield creaked when it was smashed, and there were many cracks, but it finally blocked the attack of the giant pincer mantis.

Song Qiling sighed helplessly, the ice-attribute skills only deal half the damage to the Giant Pincer Mantis.

There are not many skills that Ma Yula can choose, but if she loses this round, it will be difficult to deal with later.

"Ma Huanla, use boulders."

Ma Huanla spread her hands, and endless coldness gathered in her hands.

It pushed it with one hand, and the cold air immediately condensed into a huge ice ball with a diameter of more than one meter, which hit the Giant Pincer Mantis like a cannonball.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use Air Slash."

[Air Slash: Attack with an air blade that can split even the sky.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

The Giant Pincer Mantis rushed a few steps forward, chopping with both arms in the air.

A blade of air nearly three meters long struck the ice puck.

With a loud bang, the puck was split into ice shards.

The remaining power of the air blade continued to strike at Maxuanla.

"Ma Yula, use high-speed movement and dodge."

Ma Xuanla became faster and dodged the air blade.

"Giant Claw Mantis, use Lightning Flash, use cross scissors."

[Cross scissors: Cross the sickle or claws like scissors to split the opponent. 】

The Giant Pincer Mantis appeared next to Ma Yula as if teleporting, its arms crossed and it slashed downwards vigorously.

"Ma Huanla, use Kick Down."

[Kick down: Kick the opponent's foot hard to make it fall and attack.The heavier the opponent, the greater the power. 】

Ma Yula has no way to dodge, and can only use the skills that hurt both sides.

The Giant Pincer Mantis slashed at Maxuanla, but was also kicked hard by it.

Both sides fell heavily to the ground at the same time.

"Giant pincer mantis, use iron head."

"Ma Huanla, use the iron head."

Jiang Chen and Song Qiling had similar ideas, and chose to attack at the same time.

"Clang!" There was a loud noise.

The two iron heads collided together.

The giant pincer mantis is of steel attribute and insect attribute, and Maru is twice as weak as steel and twice as weak as insect.

From this impact, Ma Huanla took twice the damage, and the Giant Pincer Mantis took half the damage.

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