However, instead of getting up early, he stayed in bed for a while.

Don't be in a hurry to go out today, Shiwanzi will hatch today.

I don't know how Ji Man would feel about such an ugly elf.

However, such an ugly elf can set off the beauty of Fairy Eevee.

Jiang Chen fell asleep holding Xanadu and returned to the cage.

Xanadu was puzzled, not understanding why Jiang Chen didn't get up.

In its impression, Jiang Chen was never one who had trouble getting out of bed.

Waiting until Ji Man yelled loudly outside the tent.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to get up, take a shower and have breakfast.

"Can't you let me sleep late?" Jiang Chen complained while drinking the porridge.

"No, I want to protect Xanadu! It's been in for a long time, but you haven't come out yet!" Ji Manjiao said angrily.

"Giggle!" Xia Zhenyue couldn't help laughing out loud, and squirted out some porridge.

This made her very embarrassed, her face flushed slightly, and she quickly wiped the table.

"Can you stop talking nonsense!" Jiang Chen said, rolling his eyes.

"This is not nonsense! The beautiful country is already discussing the legal issue of the union of humans and elves!" Ji Man said solemnly.

"Puff!" Jiang Chen sprayed the porridge directly on the ground.

"A country like the beautiful country, don't compare it! They have 97 different genders of humans!!"

Just when the three of them were eating breakfast and making noise.

The incubator on the table made a "bang bang" sound.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man have now been very calm after hatching the elf eggs many times.

Jiang Chen began to prepare to heat the fresh milk.

The wind speed dog took a breath of hot air and heated the water in the tub until it was boiling hot.

Jiang Chen soaked the fresh milk bottle in hot water.

"Crack" sound.

Jiang Chen took a glance and found that Shi Wanzi's elf egg had cracked a crack.

Shiwanzi is worthy of the rock attribute, and it is very hard when it is born.

Hit the crack faster than other elves.

After the crack appeared, there was a louder crash than before in the elf egg.

This hit directly hit the second crack.

The gap between the two cracks began to grow wider.



With continuous impacts, the elf egg shell was split in two.

The elf inside the elf egg appeared in front of Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man.

This is (.) a very strange elf, its whole body presents a stone-like body.

On the head there is a brown stone standing up in a cone shape, which seems to be its horn.

The color of the main body part is navy blue.

There is a pale yellow hexagonal hole in the center of the body with a black core.

In addition, it also has two polygonal yellow stone-like feet.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, what kind of elf is this!" Ji Man didn't recognize it.

"This is Shiwanzi!" Jiang Chen handed Ji Man a clean towel.

Ji Man picked up Shiwanzi with a towel, wiped the mucus off its body, and said hello with a smile.

"Hello, Ishimaruko, nice to see you!"


A voice suddenly came out from inside Ishiwanko's body.

"Oh, it doesn't have a mouth, how can it drink fresh milk!" Ji Man suddenly exclaimed.

"Let me see!" Xia Zhenyue also came over.

She looked at it for a while but didn't see where Shiwanzi had a mouth.

"Let me see!" Jiang Chen also came over with the heated fresh milk.

"Is it the black spot in the middle?" Jiang Chen was also very puzzled.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing what he said, Shi Wanzi directly hid her chest towards Ji Man.

"It seems not!" Jiang Chen pondered for a while.

"How about we get a basin and soak it in fresh milk to see if it will be absorbed!"

"Okay, give it a try!"

Ji Man and Xia Zhenyue quickly got a wooden basin, poured fresh milk into the wooden basin, and put the stone balls into the wooden basin.

Sure enough, the fresh milk was decreasing, and it was really absorbed by Shiwanzi.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect the elves with rock attributes to be so complicated.

【Ishiwanko (Rock)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV5 (novice)]

[Characteristic: Strong (Even if it is attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one hit. The one-shot kill move has no effect.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(27)]

[Skills: Sand splashing, impact, hardening, invisible rock, shooting down, iron wall, head hammer, rock crit, sandstorm, sharp stone attack, mud throwing. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Talent and potential are very good.

With the energy of Thunder Pool Water, the next evolution should be able to directly break through the limit of individual value.

Ji Man took out an elf ball, and put away Shi Wanzi who was sitting in the tub and didn't know whether she was asleep or in a daze.

Shi Wanzi was born at a very suitable time, just in the morning, without delaying other things.

The young Kiras and the fairy Ibrahimovic who turned back three times at one step were taken away by Jiang Chen again!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 149 The daily routine of brushing experience, the mysterious fangs!

Because there is an upgrade system.

So Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time.

For him, the fastest way to level up an elf is to fight.

As long as his elves can defeat those wild elves, they can get a lot of experience ~ points.

So the journey of young Kiras and Fairy Ibrahimovic's hard work-experience journey began again.

Jiang Chen has been to many secret places.

The best leveling effect is near the Thunder Pool - these elf populations.

Because of the energy of the thunder pool.

The nearby elves are of higher level and have better talent and aptitude.

Defeating them will give you more experience points.

【Ding!Fairy Ibrahimovic defeated the one-horned rhino and gained 523 experience points! 】

【Ding!Young Kiras defeated the flying mantis and gained 682 experience points! 】

【Ding!Fairy Ibrahimovic defeated Deluby and gained 667 experience points! 】

【Ding!Young Kiras defeated the three-in-one magnet monster and gained 986 experience points! 】


【Ding!Young Kiras has been upgraded to level 21! 】

【Ding!Young Kiras comprehends skills, etc. Hold on! 】

[Hold: Completely resist the opponent's attack, if you use it continuously, you will easily fail. 】

Young Kiras and Fairy Ibrahimovic, who had just finished a new round of battle, lay on the ground directly, sticking out their tongues out of exhaustion.

Although Jiang Chen was strict, he was not stingy with praise.

"Young Kiras, you did a great job. You have been promoted to another level, and you have learned a skill. It's amazing!"

"Fairy Ibrahimovic, you are about to level up, you need to work harder!"

The fairy Ibrahimovic folded his ears, buried his head under his body, and would not listen to it, so he recited scriptures bastardly.

"Okay, it's almost time to rest, we're going to start again!"

Hearing this, Young Gilas grunted his throat, and Fairy Eevee let out a mournful cry directly.

"Okay, stop being coquettish, I'll give you a hug!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hugged Fairy Ibrahimovic onto Fengsugou's back, and he also jumped up.

Fairy Ibrahimovic snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms.

Its big blue eyes looked at the young Kiras who was on the ground in a daze.

"Young Kiras, follow!"

Under Jiang Chen's command, the wind speed dog started to run towards another group of wild elves.

Young Kiras could only trot behind the wind speed dog.

There's no way, it's not that Jiang Chen favors one over another.

Young Kiras weighs about 80 kilograms, and Fairy Ibrahimovic weighs less than 30 kilograms.

If you hold both of them, it will be too tiring.

Moreover, Young Kiras is easier to coax, and a gem can make him happy for a long time.

He is a foodie, and he only likes to eat all kinds of ores and gems.

The sun is going to set.

Jiang Chen embarked on the way back.

The young Kiras, who was already tired, finally sat on the back of the wind speed dog.

Jiang Chen sat behind the young Kiras and hugged it to prevent it from falling.

Fairy Ibrahimovic changed its place. It sat on Jiang Chen's shoulder, its front paws hugged Jiang Chen's head, looking leisurely.

When we rushed back to the camp, we finally didn't miss dinner.

Fairy Ibrahimovic saw Ji Man, and immediately rushed over, looking for comfort.

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