"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed ​​to dodge, use Jet Flame."

Although the wind speed dog does not move instantly.

But it is originally an elf known for its speed, coupled with the cooperation of divine speed skills.

The wind speed dog disappeared in place like a teleportation, making Elledo's attack fall into the air.

Wind Speed ​​Dog appeared on the right side of Elledo.

It opened its mouth wide, and red flames spewed out from its mouth.It turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames and shot at Elle Duo.

"Ai Lu Lei Duo, use to defend."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Elledo, blocking the flames sprayed by the wind speed dog.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode."

The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and red flames gathered in its mouth.

A large-shaped flame spewed out from the mouth of the wind speed dog, and shot towards the white shield in front of Elledo.

The large-shaped flame hit the white shield.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang,

The white shield was shattered, and the sky filled with flames enveloped the entire shield area.

"Elledo, use teleportation, use the spiritual blade."

[Spiritual Blade: Use the materialized blade of the heart to split the opponent, and it is easy to hit the key point. 】

There was a wave of energy in Elle Duo's body.

It is a sharp blade of spirit condensed directly in the air.

This mental sharp blade cut towards the wind speed dog like lightning.

"¨. Wind speed dog, use high-speed movement, dodge."

The wind speed dog raised its speed to the limit and hurriedly dodged to the side.

The ice and snow ground was hit directly, and a huge crack appeared on the ice and snow ground.

"Elledo, use teleportation, use the holy sword."

[Holy Sword: Slash the opponent with a long horn to attack, ignoring the opponent's ability changes, and deal damage directly. 】

Elle Duo teleported behind the wind speed dog, and directly pointed at the wind speed dog with the horn on the top of its head.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Speed, use Crazy Volt."

[Crazy Volt: Let the current cover the whole body and slam into the opponent to attack.You will also suffer a little damage. 】

The wind speed dog disappeared in place as if teleporting, and it appeared beside Elle Duo's (Haohao Zhao).

Elle Duo's attack on the wind speed dog failed directly, just when it was about to make other reactions.

The wind speed dog was covered with a dark electric current, and it hit Elle Duo's body viciously.


Elle Duo let out a scream.

"Elledo, use teleportation, run quickly."

"Wind speed dog, use high-speed movement, catch up, and crush."

At this time, Elle Duo was at an absolute disadvantage, relying on instant movement to avoid attacks.

However, it only has one evasion skill for teleportation.

Wind speed dog, speed skills and high-speed movement cooperate with each other.

No matter where Elle Duo teleports to the field.

In the next instant, the wind speed dog was in place.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 193 One wears two, a hot match!

Following the pursuit of Feng Speed ​​Dog and Elle Duo on the ice and snow field.

The more than 7 spectators in the elf battle hall of Jiangcheng University were in an uproar.

They witnessed a very rare chase at the scene.

Elle Duo used teleportation skills to keep appearing in every corner of the field.

The wind speed dog is extremely fast, no different from teleportation.

The two elves flickered on the field, chasing and avoiding them.

Su Bi looked serious, he did not expect that he sent the most powerful elves to end up like this.

He couldn't help thinking to himself: What is the level of Jiang Chen's Wind Speed ​​Dog?How exactly did you train?Why so strong?

Soon, Elle Duo gradually, each use of teleportation time began to become longer.

A few times, the moment the wind speed dog bites, it will hide.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only a matter of time before Elledo loses.

Su Bi urgently thought about ways to turn defeat into victory.

He decided to take a chance.

"Eluredo, use guard, use hypnosis."

As long as you can hypnotize the wind speed dog and use the dream eating skill, you can turn defeat into victory.

[Dream Eater: Eat the sleeping opponent's dream and attack, recovering half of the 340 HP of the opponent's damage. 】

The only worrying issue is that the defending skill has been used once before.

A huge white shield appeared in front of Elledo.

This white shield is much thinner than when it was cast for the first time.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Lightning Teeth."

[Lightning Teeth: Bite the opponent with teeth full of electric current.Sometimes causes the opponent to cower or paralyze. 】

The wind speed dog opened its big mouth, and a dark electric current flickered between its teeth. It bit the white shield viciously.


There was a sound of electric current, and the white shield shattered.

Because the white shield's resistance time was too short, Elle Duo had no time to cast the hypnotism skill, and was bitten by the wind speed dog.


Elle Duo screamed, trembling from the electric current all over his body.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use melee combat."

The wind speed dog didn't let go of its mouth, and its claws kept waving like two sharp knives.

After a few screams, Alreado slumped in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

It is completely unconscious and incapable of fighting (.).

【Ding!Wind Speed ​​Dog defeated Elle Duo and gained 1312 experience points! 】

"In the singles match, the first round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University won!"

With the loud announcement of the referee.

Boiling cheers and thunderous applause resounded in the Elf Battle Hall of Jiangcheng University.

This round of competition was really exciting, especially during the chasing battle just now, the audience did not dare to blink their eyes, for fear of missing the most exciting moment.

"Fuck, this Jiang Chen is so strong, obviously everyone is a freshman, why is there such a big gap!!"

"The wind speed dog is too fierce, crushing it all the way! Opposite is a senior student!"

"Why didn't you send Meinas, although the wind speed dog is fierce, but Meinas is beautiful!"

"Ah, little brother Jiang Chen is so handsome, and his spirit power is still so strong, why is there such a fairy little brother!"


The commentator at the scene also exclaimed in disbelief.

"I didn't expect it to end like this at all. It's unbelievable. A freshman directly crushes a senior!"

"I feel that there is no chance at all in the whole process. It's amazing. I am optimistic that Jiangcheng University will go further this year!"

At this time, on the field, Su Bi put the injured Elle Duo into the elf ball.

In the Poké Ball, Elledo can be restored.

In the singles match, each player has three elves.

Su Bi can send out his second spirit.

And Jiang Chen chose to continue to let the wind speed dog play.

This time, Su Bi sent his second elf, the level 45 Koga Ninja Frog.

Koga Ninja is a Water-type and Dark-type Pokémon.

It has a certain restraint effect on the fire attribute wind speed dog, but the level difference is too large, and the restraint of this attribute is almost equal to no.

"Joga Ninja Frog, use Lightning Flash, use sneak attack."

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man in the audience could hear the opponent's command through the live video.

Xia Zhenyue couldn't help laughing when she heard Su Bi command Jiahe Ninja Frog.

Koga Ninja Frog's skill is flashing, and it is using a sneak attack to attack the vital points. If it is against other elves, even if it doesn't work, it can be forced to deal with it in a hurry.

However, it is useless to deal with the wind speed dog.

The wind speed dog is originally a super fast elf.There is also the ability to accelerate.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed, dodge."

Sure enough, the wind speed dog disappeared from the spot on the field.

It completely evaded the Koga Ninja's sneak attack, and even appeared behind the Koga Ninja.

The speed of the wind speed dog is too fast.

Coupled with the speed skill, it is like teleporting, and the naked eye can't catch it at all, unless you use a high-speed camera to see it clearly.

"Wind speed dog, use jet flame."

The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and crimson flames spewed out from its mouth.It turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames and shot at the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Koga Ninja, use the water cannon."

The Jiaga Ninja Frog opened its mouth wide, and a column of water more than three meters thick spewed out from its mouth.

The flames collided with the water column in the air.

"Time! Time!"

Puffs of white water vapor rose from the air.

"Wind speed dog, moving at high speed, using crazy volts."

[Crazy Volt: Let the current cover the whole body and slam into the opponent to attack.You will also suffer a little damage. 】

The wind speed dog appeared on the right side of the Koga Ninja Frog as if teleporting.

It was covered with dark electric current all over its body, and directly hit the Koga Ninja Frog viciously.


The Jiahe Ninja Frog let out a scream. It was hit first and then electrocuted. It fell heavily to the ground.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode."

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