After the venue was changed, the referee announced loudly through the radio.

"Singles players enter!"

"Go!" Gao Xiangyi said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen left his seat, walked up the aisle, and walked directly into the competition field.

The trump card of the singles match sent by Chuanshu Spirit Academy is Qin Wenbin.

"The players on both sides are ready, the game begins!"

As the referee's voice fell, Jiang Chen and Qin Wenbin sent out their elves at the same time.

Jiang Chen, as always, sent out his ace, the Elf Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The elves sent by Qin Wenbin are quasi-god Pokémon.

It is covered with an armor-like green shell.

Several spikes of different sizes protrude from the back of the head, neck, and shoulders, and there is also a ring of smaller spikes at the end of the tail.

It has a pair of sharp teeth on each upper and lower jaw, and three claws on its hands and feet.

There are two triangular holes on both sides of the chest of its shell, the center of the back and the knees of the legs, and the holes are black.

There is a diamond-shaped gap on the lower part of the abdomen and the back, exposing the gray carapace.

It is the rock-type and evil-type Pokémon Bankiras, commonly known as Bangira.

【Banquilas (Rock) (Evil)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV55 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: blowing sand (when playing, it will turn the weather into a sandstorm.)]

[Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Attack Speed, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Impact, Flame Fang, Stare, Frozen Fang, Falling Rock, Iron Wall, Thunder Fang, Bite, Rock Avalanche, Stomp, Crush, Harsh, Earthquake, Spike Attack, Sandstorm, Destroy Light, Make a Big Bang , Ultimate Impact, Dragon Dance, Flame Fist, Ghost Face, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, Mount Tai, Frozen Beam, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Digging, Big Character Explosion, Hold, Hold, Iron Tail, Splitting Tiles, Dragon Claw, Earth Force, iron head, dragon wave, malicious pursuit. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Good guy, no wonder you are so crazy, you really have crazy capital.

A quasi-god-level elf with 6V individual value master potential.

The level is as high as level 55. If it were not for Jiang Chen, Jiangcheng University would have been in danger this time.

Jiang Chen's ace spirit is Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The wind speed dog is twice as weak as the ground attribute, no wonder this Qin Wenbin is so dragging and crazy...

He thought he was sure of Jiang Chen.

Moreover, his Bangira has the characteristic of Yangsha, which means that wherever he plays, he is his home court.


The moment Bankiras appeared on the stage, he let out a roar.

Its Janscha character is directly activated automatically.

The soil of the entire geotechnical site is rapidly desertified.

Almost instantly, the rocky site becomes a desert site.

Countless yellow sand flew, and Bankiras directly had the home field advantage.

The Elf Battle Arena, which had been a little quiet because of the loss in the team competition, suddenly boiled over.

This kind of devastating power can arouse the emotions of the audience too much.

"Damn it, it's so awesome, the whole venue changes all of a sudden!"

"It's so handsome! If you don't win this time, the people of Jiangcheng will pee their pants!"

"Bangira is so cruel, haha, I like it, let's be more cruel later!!"


The rest area of ​​the Jiangcheng University team.

Gao Xiangyi 5.2, Xia Zhenyue, Ji Man and others were also surprised.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of this classy lass would cause such a big sensation.

I don't know if Jiang Chen will be affected.

Sometimes, the suppression of momentum is invisible, but it does affect the rhythm of the game.

Qin Wenbin is also very proud of everything in front of him.

He looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side and thought in his heart: Freshman is the trump card, right?Mr. President, right?The sword refers to the champion, right?I'm going to show myself today!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 201 Intense battle, stalemate game!

Seeing Qin Wenbin's haughty look, Jiang Chen directly ordered the wind speed dog to attack.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use God Speed, use Jet Flame."

The wind speed dog disappeared in place like a teleportation.

When it appeared again, it had already come behind Bankiras.

The wind speed dog opened its bloody mouth wide, and the crimson flames gathered.

In the next moment, a sea of ​​red flames shot towards Bankiras.

"Bangira, use the power of the earth."

[The power of the earth: Release the power of the earth at the feet of the opponent.Sometimes lowers the opponent's special defense. 】

Qin Wenbin directly asked Banguilas to use offense instead of defense.

Fire attribute skills can only bring half of the damage to Bankiras.

However, the ground attribute skills can bring twice the damage to the wind speed dog.

No matter how you look at it, Bankiras will not suffer.

Bankiras raised one foot and stomped hard on the ground.


The yellow sand splashed in all directions, and a huge force spewed upward from the ground.

Following the position where Bankiras stomped, a huge crack 21 appeared towards the wind speed dog.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use high-speed movement and dodge."

The wind speed dog is like a phantom, quickly moving away from the attack range of the power of the earth.

However, its jet flames did not attack Bankiras either.

"Bangira, use Sandstorm."

Bankiras swung his front paws, and energy gathered around his body.

The surrounding yellow sand formed a sandstorm, raging across the entire site like a tornado.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed, use Big Character Explosion Flame."

The sandstorm cannot cause fatal damage to the wind speed dog.

It appeared on the right side of Bankiras' body against the sandstorm.

The crimson flames began to condense in the wind speed dog's mouth.

A flame in the shape of a large character spewed out from the mouth of the wind speed dog, and went straight to Bankiras.

Qin Wenbin saw that things were not going well, and he didn't dare to let Bangiras face the flames.

The power of the Big Character Explosion Flame is too great, even if the damage is reduced by half, it is no small matter.

"Bangira, use hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Bankiras.


A loud explosion.

The shock wave of the explosion sent yellow sand and flames flying all over the sky.

The white shield blocked the huge explosive power of the big character explosion.

"Bangira, use the wave of the dragon."

[Dragon Wave: A shock wave is launched from the big mouth to attack the opponent. 】

Bankiras opened his bloody mouth, and the purple energy gathered in his mouth, turned into shock waves, and shot directly at the wind speed dog.

"Wind speed dog, use high-speed movement, use flame vortex."

In the long yellow sand, the wind speed dog, like a phantom, quickly left the place and came behind Bankiras.

The purple shock wave hit the place where the wind speed dog just left.

"Boom!" A loud bang.

A huge bunker was blasted out.

The wind speed dog who came behind Bankiras opened its mouth wide and spit out crimson flames.

These flames swirled in the air, forming a huge vortex, soaring into the sky, surrounding Bankiras.

"Bangira, use digging."

Bankiras dug a big hole directly in the sand and got in.

"Bangira, use Earthquake, use Crunch."

Bankiras directly used the earthquake skill underground, and the entire site shook violently.

Due to the relatively hidden skills, the wind speed dog didn't notice it for a while, it didn't stand firmly, and its figure shook a little.

It was hit by the waves of the earthquake, and the wind speed dog showed a painful look.

At this time, Bankiras suddenly jumped out of the hole, opened his bloody mouth, and bit the wind speed dog viciously.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Speed, use Crazy Volt."

The wind speed dog is like teleporting, avoiding Bankiras' bloody mouth.

In the next instant, Wind Speed ​​Dog's body was covered with gloomy lightning, and a fierce impact hit Bankiras' body.


Bankiras let out a terrible cry.

"Bangira, use Rockfall."

[Rock avalanche: slam a large rock into the opponent to attack.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

Bankiras endured the pain, and it spread its front paws to gather energy.

Immediately condensed a huge rock with a diameter of more than three meters.

The front paw raised the rock, flew up like a cannonball, and smashed viciously at the wind speed dog with a whistling sound.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use high-speed movement and dodge."

Qin Wenbin looked a little dignified, he didn't expect Jiang Chen's wind speed dog to be so difficult to deal with.

Its speed is too fast, and with the two skills of rapid speed and high-speed movement, Bangira's skills are almost completely emptied.

However, fortunately, the wind speed dog has no way to break through the defense of Bankiras.

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