・・・ Flowers・・・

This is a forest, but there are no wild elves forming populations in the forest.

So this golden cursor treasure is not very easy to find.

At least not in a wild elf lair.

After a lot of work, a solid orange gemstone was buried under a stone.

The entire gemstone is slightly transparent, and red and yellow lines intertwined can be seen inside, like flames.

[Fire Stone: A gemstone that can evolve a specific type of Pokémon. 】

This is a top-grade fire stone, worth about 500 million.


With just one gem, five tertiary scans are possible.

Jiang Chen put away the Fire Stone very satisfied, and continued to spiral down the mountain, sweeping away all the wild elves.

The second golden cursor is easier to find. This treasure is collected by a group of coconut apes.

Jiang Chen found this treasure in the lair of the leader of the Coconut Ape.

This is a green gemstone with strange leaf-shaped patterns growing on it.

To evolve a Coconut Monkey into a Coconut Monkey, you need to use a Leaf Stone.

This is probably a treasure in their collection, I don't know why they haven't used it.

[Leaf Stone: A magical stone that enables certain elves to evolve, with leaf-like patterns. 】

Another top-grade leaf stone was obtained, worth about 500 million.

Sure enough, it is still quick to get rich in the secret realm, so 1000 million has already been obtained.

There is one last golden cursor, but it is at the foot of the mountain.

Although Jiang Chen was full of anticipation, he still led the spirit down the mountain step by step.

The brush to the wild elves cannot be forgotten.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 205 Ancient Palkia, the mysterious water drop that was worn!

Jiang Chen rode on the wind speed dog, hugging Xanadu.

The army of 7 experienced elves in front swept all the wild elves in front of them.

Jiang Chen would not intervene too much unless he encountered a particularly high-level leader of the elf population.

Some leaders of individual elf populations with relatively high levels can be easily dealt with by Xanadu.

Before they knew it, they came to the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Chen opened the treasure map and checked the location of the last golden cursor.

The location of the golden cursor is still some distance away from Jiang Chen and the others.

Go south along the foot of the mountain.

Here on a slope they saw a cave hidden in the bushes.

The golden cursor on the "Three Four Three" treasure map seems to be pointing to the inside of the cave.

The cave is not big, a normal adult can bend down slightly to enter.

But it's too small for the wind speed dog, it can't squeeze in at all.

Jiang Chen put the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Pokkisi, and Lightning Bird into the elf ball.

The wind speed dog is too big, and it is inconvenient for Pokkisi and Lightning Bird to fly in the cave.

Jiang Chen let Kedola and Shakilas take the lead.

He walked in the middle with Xanadu and Lucario.

Yaya, Hackron, and Ultrasonic Larva walked behind.

They began to enter the cave separately.

It was very dark inside the cave, so Jiang Chen turned on the flashlight for illumination.

The entrance passage in front was very narrow, and Jiang Chen had to bend over to pass.

After walking more than ten meters, the passage became wider, and the back became wider and wider, as if entering a cave.

Jiang Chen has been looking around cautiously, not seeing any wild elves, and nothing unexpected happened.

At this moment, Jiang Chen could hear the sound of water in the cave.

In the depths of the cave, there is either an underground river or a spring seeping down from above, forming a cave water dropstone.

Kodora and Shakiras looked around cautiously.

The pace of their progress is not slow.

Xanadu was on guard with all his attention. Once any crisis appeared, it would be able to protect Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

They continued to go deeper into the cave, and suddenly the front opened up.

They entered a huge karst cave inside the cave.

After entering the cave, the place is wide enough.

Jiang Chen released the wind speed dog, because the wind speed dog is more secure in terms of safety.

After entering the cave, I saw a water pool in the middle of the cave. Sure enough, there is an underground river here.

The cave is a bit big, so Jiang Chen didn't see any danger for the time being, so Jiang Chen let the elves disperse.

The treasure map is not good at this point, there is no clear location, only a general direction, which needs to be searched.

Jiang Chen is also going to check around.

Suddenly, water splashed in all directions.

"Cool cough!!! (▼皮▼#)"

A huge roar sounded, and a huge elf suddenly came out of the pool.

It threw itself at Jiang Chen viciously, swinging its giant pincers towards Jiang Chen.

Giant claw crab!

Only the head and pincers of the giant claw crab are red, and the rest are white.

Its head is covered with bumps, the pincer on the left is much larger, and its mouth has many teeth.

This giant claw crab is much larger than the average giant claw crab, but its level is not high, only level 35.

"Kodora, use the iron head."

[Iron Head: Attack with a head as hard as steel.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

Kodora's hard helmet, with a metallic luster, directly hit the giant claw crab.

The giant claw crab was directly knocked out by Kedora and fell to the ground.

[Hackron, use Taishan to press the top. 】

With a flick of Hackron's tail, his body jumped into the air and hit the giant claw crab heavily...


The giant claw crab was directly knocked unconscious, completely losing its ability to fight.

【Ding!Kodora defeated the giant claw crab and gained 331 experience points! 】

【Ding!Hackron defeated the giant claw crab and gained 326 experience points! 】

At this moment, the whole pool vibrated, and the water seemed to be boiling.

In the next instant, seven giant claw crabs rushed out of the pool.

One of the giant claw crabs is extremely large, almost two meters high.

【Giant Claw Crab (Water) (Leader)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV59 (quasi-king)]

[Feature: Hard shell armor (protected by a hard shell, the opponent's attack will not hit the vital point.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(28)]

[Skills: wide-area defense, water gun, metal claw, harden, stare, arm hammer, mud shot, hold, foam light, stampede, crazy, shell blade, beat, sword dance, crab claw hammer, guillotine, destruction Light, ultimate 5.2 impact, rock avalanche, freezing wind, rain, hail, tidal swirl, diving, tile splitting, salt water, wild swing, water cannon, surfing, hot water, water bursting. 】

[Carrying item: mysterious water droplet]

[Potential: Champion Level]

[Note: Under the influence of the mysterious water drop worn by the ancient Palkia, the potential and the essence of life have been improved. 】

The mysterious water drop worn by ancient Palkia? ,

When Jiang Chen saw the giant claw crab in front of him, he didn't feel threatened at all.

Instead, he sincerely thanked him, this is the boy who gave away treasures!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 206 The treasure is in hand, the Axodontosaurus evolves!

Jiang Chen stared at the giant claw crab with bright eyes.

First-class god!


It's still ancient Palkia!

Look at these undeveloped giant claw crabs in front of you.

It is conceivable how much energy is contained in this mysterious water drop!

There is no need for Jiang Chen to issue any orders.

Several elves entangled six giant claw crabs respectively.

Only the leader of the giant claw crab was left to the wind speed dog.

Xanadu did not participate in the battle, it was responsible for protecting Jiang Chen's safety.

As a wild elf, level 59 is already at its peak.

If other trainers and adventurers encounter it, it is estimated that there will be more or less bad luck.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen brought the wind speed dog, which ensured more safety.

Crab Claw Hammer!

【Crab Claw Hammer: Hit the opponent with the big pliers to attack.Easy to hit home. 】

The leader of the giant claw crab waved its huge front claws, and smashed viciously at the wind speed dog.

In the cave, the whistling sound of falling down can be heard very clearly.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed, dodge."

The wind speed dog appeared on the right side of the giant claw crab leader as if teleporting.

The giant claw of the leader of the giant claw crab hit 21 heavily on the ground.

For a moment, gravel flew randomly on the ground, one can imagine how powerful this blow was.

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