Soon, the staff informed them to wait in the entrance channel.

As the name was read, the contestant with the three elves entered the field through the passage.

In this venue they can hear both cheers and boos.

Apparently, the audience at Shancheng Elf Academy disagreed.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 216 Three evil dragons, terrifying strength!

When the home team entered the field, they were greeted with cheers from the stadium.

Players from both sides shook hands with each other on the court.

Then go back to your rest area.

The team leader Gao Xiangyi stayed with the opponent's team leader to draw the field at the referee's place.

The venue for the team competition is rock and soil.

Rock and soil venues are almost the venues with the most chances of appearance.

The giant elevator rumbled, and the rock and soil site was slowly lifted up.

Before the competition, Gao Xiangyi changed the contestants' events to the organizing committee in advance.

But she didn't do it secretly like the Guizhou Elf University.

Instead, he told Shancheng Elf Academy openly.

It's not without reason that Mountain Spirit University can be a dark horse this year.

Their school team has a main ace player Song Yi.

In Song 21, there is an ace elf and three evil dragons.

The minimum level of the three dragons needs to be 64 to evolve.

That is to say, the minimum level of the three evil dragons is 64 or above.

Although I don't know what kind of adventure Song Yi has.

The three dragons at level 64 were in the Southwest Division of the University Classic.

Their combat strategy is very simple.

Song Yi participated in two events, the team competition and the singles competition.

He played the finale of the team competition, and handed over all the previous battles to his teammates. If the teammates win, everyone will be happy.

If a teammate loses, he plays in the finale and beats all opponents.

In the singles match, he ignored any opponent and directly crushed the whole process.

That being the case, after seeking Jiang Chen's opinion.

Jiang Chen will also change to participate in team competitions and singles competitions.

Facing Jiangcheng University, the odds of Shancheng Spirit Academy's victory rested entirely on Song Yi.

In the team competition, Xia Zhenyue was the first to play.

She dispatched a level 52 Charizard.

The player from Shancheng Spirit Academy was Yunyangde.

The elf sent by Yunyangde is the level 46 Miao Frog Flower.

Xia Zhenyue's fire-breathing dragon wins.

Immediately afterwards, Quan Yaqin appeared from Shancheng Spirit Academy, and the spirit she sent was a level 45 Pangyan monster.

The fire-breathing dragon is four times weaker than the rock, and although it is seven levels higher than the Pangyan monster, it is still in a hard fight.

In the end, despite the victory, the fire-breathing dragon is already at the end of its battle.

Xue Ningle, the No.3 contestant from Shancheng Spirit Academy, sent a level 43 Long Longyan as the elf.

Relying on the wheel battle, the fire-breathing dragon was finally defeated.

For Jiangcheng University, the No.2 player was Ji Man, and she sent a level 52 Flaming Roaring Tiger.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger first defeated Longlongyan, and then defeated the fourth elf mosquito-repellent swimmer of Shancheng Elf Academy.

In the end, he was defeated by the fifth elven water arrow turtle of Shancheng Elf Academy.

In Jiangcheng University, the No.3 player was Xia Yu, who sent the 46th-level Miaowahua.

By this time, there were only two players left in the Shancheng Elf Academy, and two elves that could be dispatched.

As for Jiangcheng University, there are still four players left, and four elves that can be sent.

In the overall situation, Jiangcheng University currently has the advantage, but the ace players of both sides have not been dispatched.

The fifth elf Water Arrow Turtle from Shancheng Elf Academy was defeated by Xia Yu's Miao Frog Flower.

The last appearance of Shancheng Elf Academy was their ace player Song Yi.

The elves he sent were exactly his ace elves, the three evil dragons.

The Three-Headed Dragon is a dragon-like Pokémon with six thin, black wings, each with a forked end.

It has a purple-red collar-like structure on its neck, a dark blue head, and black eyes with purple-red pupils.

Its arms are also black, with a head protruding from each end, and two blue heads with similar black eyes.

But among its three heads, only the middle head is the real head, and the head on the arms has no brain.

Its tail has violet stripes and a tuft of black down at the end.

【Three Heads of Evil Dragons (Evil) (Dragon)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV65 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Float (float from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves 347.)]

[Character Talent: Restraint (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: impact, bite, dragon's breath, gas gathering, triple attack, double combo, roar, malicious pursuit, head hammer, self-motivation, smashing, crushing, ghost face, dragon's wave, Taishan pressure, loud sound, dragon's Swoop, Trick, Reverse Scale, Destroy Ray, Jet Flame, Water Cannon, Earthquake, Steel Wing, Hold, Iron Tail, Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, Frozen Fang, Flame Fang, Cannon Light Cannon, Mind Hammer, Meteor Swarm, Wild swing, electromagnetic wave, hold on, pray for rain, sunny day, tornado. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up when he saw the message of the three evil dragons.

Good guy, no wonder it became a dark horse, this elf is too powerful.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 217 (It's Yang, how much more it can be! Sorry!) Fight against the three evil dragons!

When Song Yi from Shancheng Spirit Academy sent his level 65 three-headed dragon.

The duel in the team competition was destined to be between Song Yi and Jiang Chen.

Soon, Xia Yu and the other two players in the Jiangcheng University team competition were defeated by three evil dragons.

Although the three evil dragons pierced through three at once, it was very easy, basically retaining their complete combat power to face Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, the last player in the team competition of Jiangcheng University, finally made his debut.

The fire attribute skills and water attribute skills of the three evil dragons can only cause half of the damage to it.

The most suitable ones to deal with the three-handed evil dragon are Tyrannosaurus and Ice Nine-Tails.

But the level of these two elves is not enough.

Jiang Chen thought about it and decided to send a level 74 Gyarados.

Although the water attribute is restrained, the Gyarados still has the flying attribute.

"Three evil dragons, use Dragon Dance."

[Dragon Dance: A mysterious and powerful dance is vigorously danced.This increases your attack and speed. 】

Song Yi didn't come up and attack directly, but let the three evil dragons dance the dragon dance.

After hearing the order, the three evil dragons waved their wings and danced very strange and weird dances in the air.

As the three evil dragons danced strangely, there were some strangely colored energy fluctuations around its body.

As the dance continued, the momentum of the three evil dragons continued to rise, becoming more and more ferocious.

Jiang Yu didn't attack first either.

"Three evil dragons, twice as weak as ice.

"Gyarados, use Blizzard〃¨."

[Blizzard: Blow the violent blizzard towards the opponent to attack.Sometimes freezes the opponent. 】

The Gyarados opened its bloody mouth, a faint blue light appeared, and frost floated up.

It blew out a breath, and instantly condensed into countless snow and frost flowers in the air.

Blown by the wind, a blizzard like ice blades swept across the entire venue.

"Three evil dragons, use Dragon's Dive."

As soon as Song Yi's words fell, endless dragon attribute energy gathered on the three evil dragons.

It summoned the phantom of the ancient evil dragon, and the phantom of the ancient evil dragon overlapped with the three evil dragons.

With endless momentum, he swooped towards the Tyrannosaurus.

"Tyrannosaurus, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Gyarados.

"Boom!" A loud bang.

The white shield was violently shaken by the impact, and it blocked the dragon's dive of the three dragons.

Only lasted for a moment.

There are cracks all over the translucent white shield.

Immediately afterwards, the white shield collapsed, shattered into pieces, and dissipated in the air.

"Gyarados, use the freezing beam."

The Gyarados opened its bloody mouth wide, and a chilly aura gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, spraying towards the three evil dragons with deadly killing intent.

"Three evil dragons, use and defend."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the three dragons.

The extremely cold freezing beam hit the white shield.

The white shield was directly shattered, but it also blocked the freezing beam.

"Three evil dragons, use the meteor cluster."

[Meteor group: Meteorites fall from the sky to the opponent.After using it, due to the reaction force, your own special attack will be greatly reduced. 】

The three evil dragons spread their wings and flew into the air, and endless dragon-attribute energy gathered inside its body.

Around the bodies of the three evil dragons, huge rocks with a diameter of more than one meter formed.

These rocks fell towards the field like meteors.



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