The huge lift in the middle of the site began to "rumble", and a grassland site was slowly lifted up.

In the Jiangcheng University team competition, the first player sent out was Ji Man.

In the University of Minnesota team competition, the first player sent out was Shan Li, a small boy with a height of about 165 cm.


"The players on both sides are ready, the game will start now!"

With the referee's loud announcement, the team competition officially began.

Ji Man and Shan Li each sent out their own elves.

Ji Man sent out an elf who was the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

The elves sent by Shan Li are four-legged reptile Pokémon. They are very huge, and they are all more than two meters tall when lying down.

It has blue-green skin with bumps that resemble warts on the back of a toad.

It has a pair of ears on the top of its head, the ears are red inside, and the eyes are still orange. In addition to the two fangs on the upper row of the mouth, two small fangs grow on each side of the lower row.

The buds on its back open into a large flower supported by a light brown trunk that resembles a palm tree.

The flower consists of six red petals and yellow stamens. Four large leaves similar to banana leaves grow from the base of the trunk, distributed in a cross, extending to the top of the head, behind the back and on both sides of the body.

Under the thick thighs are claws, with three toes.

This is a Grass-type and Poison-type Pokémon, Frogflower.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 229 Strong dialogue, the opponent's tactics win!

Jiang Chen looked at the Frog Flower on the field and found that its strength should not be underestimated.

Sure enough, entering the national competition, there is no particularly weak opponent.

【Fana flower (grass) (poison)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV50 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass-type moves will increase.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (30), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Colorful Fallen Flowers, Petal Dance, Impact, Scream, Vine Whip, Growth, Colorful Fallen Flowers, Parasitic "Three Five Threes", Flying Leaf Knife, Hypnotic Powder, Poisonous Powder, Seed Bomb, Slamming, Sweet Aroma , Photosynthesis, Troubled Seeds, Desperate Charge, Sun Beam, Magic Leaf, Mysterious Guardian, Hold, Ultimate Absorption, Sunny Day, Seed Machine Gun, Venom Impact, Stomp, Grass Field, Stomp, Sword Dance, Mount Taishan, Earthquake, Instant Amnesia , Double, Sludge Bomb, Hold On, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Force of the Earth, Leaf Storm, Strong Whiplash, Grass Knot. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

At this point, the game on the court is about to begin.

This game can only be said to be evenly matched, and Ji Man cannot win 100%.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use Fallen Flowers."

【Colorful Fallen Flowers: Violently blows snow-like falling flowers, attacks all surrounding Pokémon, and inflicts damage. 】

The frog flower exudes a blue light.

The cyan light turned into countless snow-like falling flowers.

These fallen flowers were like sharp flying knives, sweeping towards the blazing roaring tiger.

Ji Man ordered calmly.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Jet Flame."

The Blazing Roaring Tiger opened its mouth wide, and crimson flames gathered in its mouth.

In the next instant, a sea of ​​red flames sprayed towards the falling flowers all over the sky.

The fallen flowers withered and burned one by one in the sea of ​​fire.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Mount Tai to suppress the top."

The Blazing Roaring Tiger slammed its legs on the ground, jumped up high, and smashed viciously in the direction of Miaowahua.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the rattan whip."

[Vine Whip: Use the curved and slender vines like a whip to beat the opponent to attack. 】

The body of Miaowahua exudes a blue light, and four thin and long vine whips grow from the bottom of the trunk on its back.

The vine whip was thrown out and wrapped around the flaming roaring tiger that was still falling in the air.

Then, Miao Frog Flower swung the rattan whip vigorously, throwing the Flaming Roaring Tiger far away.

The Frog is twice as weak as Fire, and is easily defeated if it gets too close to the Flaming Roaring Tiger.

Dan Li's determined doctrine is to consume the blazing roaring tiger remotely.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the seed bomb."

[Seed Bomb: Smash a large seed with a hard shell from above to attack the opponent. 】

Six hard seeds, the size of footballs, fly from the giant red flowers of Bhagavana.

These hard seeds flew into the air and fell in the direction of the blazing roaring tiger.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the blazing roaring tiger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several loud crashes sounded.

The white shield blocked these hard seeds falling from the sky.

A good opportunity, the Blazing Roaring Tiger lost the initiative, Shan Li hastily continued to give orders.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use hypnotic powder."

【Hypnosis powder: Sprinkle hypnosis powder to make the opponent fall asleep. 】

Purple hypnotic powder suddenly appeared in the sky above the blazing roaring tiger, and slowly sprinkled down.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger suddenly felt sleepy. It yawned and fell asleep on the ground...

Seeing this scene, Ji Man was taken aback, and she immediately shouted: "Blazing Roaring Tiger, wake up quickly!"

Shan Li quickly took advantage of the situation and launched an attack.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use venom shock."

[Venom Impact: Splash special venom on the opponent, and the power will be doubled for the opponent in the poisoned state. 】

Frogflower opened its mouth and spit out a large cloud of purple venom.

The Flaming Roaring Tiger, who was in a coma, didn't dodge at all.

A large mass of purple venom enveloped its entire body.


The severe pain caused the Blazing Roaring Tiger to let out a scream, and it was awakened directly by the pain.

"Myriad Frog Flower, use Flying Leaf Storm."

[Flying Leaf Storm: Use the pointed blades to roll up a storm towards the opponent.After using it, your own special attack will be greatly reduced due to the reaction force. 】

The frog flower exudes a blue light.

The cyan light turned into countless blades, like sharp flying knives, and swept towards the blazing roaring tiger like a tornado.

Ji Man shouted anxiously: "Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Jet Flame 5.2."

It's a pity that the power of the flames ejected by the blazing roaring tiger in the poisoned state is not as powerful as before.

The pointed blades rolled up the storm, and all of them hit the blazing roaring tiger, making it worse.

With the winning ticket in his hands, Dan Li smiled slightly and continued to consume the blazing roaring tiger.

A few minutes later, the Blazing Roaring Tiger fell heavily to the ground, completely losing its ability to fight.

From the beginning to the end, Miaowahua didn't give it a chance to get close, and has been consuming the blazing roaring tiger remotely.

"In the team competition, in the first round, Shan Li from the University of Minnesota won!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 230: The Quasi-God Sticky Meilong Appears!

Jiangcheng University's loss in the first round of the team competition can be said to be a bad start.

However, the team leader Gao Xiangyi was not discouraged, and she immediately sent the No.2 player Xia Zhenyue.

Since Jiang Chen did not participate in the team competition, the team competition of Jiangcheng University was the weakest link among the three competitions.

It's best to win, and you won't be discouraged if you lose.

After Xia Zhenyue appeared on the stage, she sent out a very tall and strong elf.

Most of the elf's skin is purple and very smooth.

It has a huge tail with green spots on the tail and neck.

It has two powerful tentacles on its head, which can attack or grab enemies and throw them out.

In addition, it has mucus all over its body, and the mucus on its hands and chin is the most concentrated and obvious.

This is a Dragon-type Pokémon, Slimy Dragon.

【Slimy Dragon (Dragon)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV52 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristics: 21 Wet Body (When it rains, all abnormal states will be removed.)]

[Character Talent: Gentle (+Special Defense, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: water tail, teary eyes, feint attack, poison tail, acid bomb, dragon breath, impact, absorption, water gun, hold, madness, water fluctuations, praying for rain, cursing, Mount Tai, turbidity, slamming, coquettish , Dragon Wave, Retreat, Sleep, Substitute, Splashing Cold Water, Freezing Beam, Mud Shot, Double Reward, Life Drop, Snoring, Hold Up, Iron Tail, Hard Hold, Stomp, Dragon Tail, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Dragon Claw, Surf, [-] Volts, Water Cannon, Sludge Bomb, Destroyer Beam, Meteor Swarm, Chi Bomb, Sleep Talk, Stomp, Sleep, Rockfall, Pounce, Double. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

The second round of the team competition will start soon.

"Slimy Dragon, use Dragon Wave."

Nian Meilong opened his mouth, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turned into shock waves, and shot directly at Miaowahua.

"Myriad Frog Flower, use Flying Leaf Storm."

The frog flower exudes a turquoise light.

The turquoise light turned into countless leaves, like sharp flying knives, and swept towards Nian Meilong like a tornado.

The shock wave formed by the dragon wave and the flying leaf storm formed by countless blades collided in the air.


The shock wave exploded, the wind rolled up, and the flying leaves and weeds flew around.

"Nian Meilong, use the dragon's breath."

[Dragon Breath: Blows a strong breath to the opponent to attack, sometimes causing the opponent to fall into a state of paralysis. 】


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