[Warrior Eagle (Normal) (Flight)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV68 (King of Heaven)]

[Feature: Sharp Eyes (Thanks to sharp eyes, the hit rate will not be reduced.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

... 0

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (21), Speed ​​(31)]

【Skills: Brute Force, Wing Attack, Staring, Pecking, Divine Bird Slam, Claw Grinding, Tailwind, Ghost Face, Swallow Back, Cleave, Blow Fly, Tear Claw, Air Slash, Clear Fog, Make a Big Bang, Broken Rock, Feather Roost, Brave Bird Attack, Rampage, High Speed ​​Movement, Ghost Face, Hold, Acrobatics, Hard Hold, Metal Claw, High Speed ​​Star, Rock Blockade, Air Blade, Hold On, Sunny Day, Begging for Rain, Mind Head Hammer, Rapid return, Shadow Claw, Bodybuilding, Mount Tarzan, Dream Talk, Sleep, Rockfall, Fly, Iron Head, Stand, Hot Wind, Help, Resurrection, Ultimate Impact, Storm, Destructive Light, Melee Combat, Taijing Burst. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Fuck, level 68 Warrior Eagle?

Who is cheating?

How could a freshman have such a high-level elf!

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sit up straight when he saw the elf's message on the field.

Now, Xia Zhenyue's Pokkisi is in danger!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 244 Lost in the team competition, the competition of the strongest freshman!

At this time, Xia Zhenyue on the field did not know the seriousness of the matter.

Jiang Chen has no way to notify her right now.

Moreover, the level gap is too large, and it is useless to notify.

There is a high probability that the team competition will be bad luck.

Because Jiang Chen was not on the list for the team competition.

Things were indeed slipping in a bad direction.

In just a few rounds, Xia Zhenyue's Pokkisi was defeated by the Warrior Eagle.

It seems that Pokkisi, who killed the Quartet in the last two rounds, is like a dream.

Immediately after Ji Man who appeared on the stage, she dispatched a level 54 Arrow Eagle.

It was also a competition of two flying attributes, and the Arrow Eagle was completely defeated by the Warrior Eagle after only resisting the "[-]" for a short time.

The No. 3 player from Jiangcheng University was Xia Yu.

He dispatched his 52-level Dadian Haiyan.

It's a pity that a little attribute restraint has no way to offset the level suppression.

"Team competition, the eighth round, Shen Luan of Capital University won!"

"Congratulations to Capital University for winning the team competition!"

"The second singles match will be held soon! Please invite the leaders of both teams to draw the match venue!"

As the referee loudly announced that Capital University had won the team competition.

The entire Modu Gymnasium fell into silence.

In the first two rounds, Xia Zhenyue played really wonderfully.

She is also very beautiful, a beautiful girl, and the audience in the entire Shanghai Stadium can't help but feel into it.

Who knows that the situation will change suddenly.

A player sent by Capital University directly completed the one-through-six.

The audience at the scene were a little stunned.

The loss of the team competition made Gao Xiangyi very depressed.

But the singles competition is about to start, she can only hope that Jiang Chen will continue to create miracles in singles.

The team leaders of both sides drew the field from the referee.

The venue that was drawn in the singles match was actually a rock and soil venue.

However, the previous team competition has almost destroyed the entire rock and soil field.

The gigantic elevator began to rumble, lifting the spare rock and soil field up.

"The venue is ready, players from both sides are invited to enter!"

Hear the sound of the radio.

Jiang Chen stood up and walked to the field through the entrance passage.

To his great surprise.

The singles player sent by Capital University was Shen Luan who had just finished the team competition.

Shen Luan is definitely not their school's singles ace.

Then, the reason why Capital University sent him to lead the battle is easy to explain. They want to consume Jiang Chen.

They have already won the team competition, and as long as they win the singles competition, they can directly advance to the semi-finals.

Obviously they don't want to drag the rhythm of the whole game into the doubles.

Sure enough, Shen Luan sent his level 68 warrior Eagle.

Jiang Chen dispatched his level 74 Gyarados.

The two elves have no mutual attribute restraint relationship, and the Gyarados has a higher level and has a slight advantage.

"Gyarados, fly up and use Freezing Wind."

The Gyarados took a deep breath and let it out. The icy breath was like the cold current of the Arctic, turning into countless ice crystals and blowing towards the warrior eagle.

"Warrior Eagle, use the heat."

[Hot Wind: Blow the hot breath to the opponent to attack.Occasionally leaves opponents in a state of burns. 】

The warrior eagle flew in mid-air, ignoring the deadly freezing wind, and opened its mouth wide, blowing out a scorching hot wind.

The scorching hot wind met the freezing wind, offsetting and annihilating each other.

The first round of attack was just a tentative attack, Jiang Chen continued to order...

"Gyarados, use the wave of the dragon."

The Gyarados opened its huge mouth, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turning into shock waves and shooting directly at the warrior eagle.

"Warrior Eagle, use high-speed movement, dodge, use tearing claws."

[Tearing Claw: Use the hard and sharp claws to split the opponent to attack, sometimes reducing the opponent's defense. 】

A phantom moved, and the warrior eagle was very fast, disappearing from the spot like a teleportation.

It kept avoiding the dragon wave of the Gyarados, and even came to the sky above the Gyarados.

The two claws of the warrior eagle shone with sharp light, and it grabbed the tyrannosaurus viciously.

"Gyarados, use the wave of evil."

[Evil wave: A terrifying aura full of malice is emitted from the body.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

The Gyarados suddenly exuded an extremely empty, terrifying and vicious aura.

Affected by this aura, the warrior eagle fell into a state of fear and cowering, and its attack state stopped immediately.

"Gyarados, use the freezing beam."

The Gyarados opened its bloody mouth wide, and a chilly aura 5.2 gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, shooting at the warrior eagle with deadly intent.

"Warrior Eagle, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the warrior eagle.



There were a few sounds of ice condensing, and the white shield blocked the freezing beam of the Gyarados.

In an instant, the translucent white shield was completely frozen, and then the white shield collapsed, directly smashed into pieces, and dissipated in the air.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 245 A life of adventure is not as good as a life of cheating!

Shen Luan didn't want the Warrior Eagle to be on the defensive all the time.

"Warrior Eagle, use high-speed movement, use air slash."

The Warrior Eagle appeared behind the Gyarados as if teleporting.

I saw gusts of wind around its body, it swung its wings vigorously, and immediately condensed a huge air blade more than three meters long.

Its wings swung down vigorously, and the air blade was like a huge long knife, slashing directly at the Gyarados.

"Tyrannosaurus, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Gyarados.

"Clang!" There was a loud noise.

It was as if the sound of metal swords chopping each other appeared.

The air blade slashed heavily on the white shield, and the white shield stood upright, blocking the air blade's attack.

"Burricane dragon, use Blizzard."

The Gyarados opened its bloody mouth, a faint blue light appeared, and frost floated up.


It blew out a breath, and instantly condensed into countless snow and frost flowers in the air.

The transparent snow and frost flowers instantly turned into a blizzard that covered the sky and the sun, and hit the warrior eagle.

"Warrior Eagle, use Storm."

[Storm: Sweeping the opponent with a strong wind to attack.Sometimes it confuses the opponent. 】

The warrior eagle flapped its wings, creating gusts of wind, which instantly condensed into a whistling storm in the air.

The howling wind turned into a blizzard that covered the sky and the sun in an instant, blowing away all the blizzard.

"Gyarados, use one hundred thousand volts."

The Gyarados was shining with lightning all over its body.

Lightning shot up into the sky, countless lightning bolts fell, and the golden electric current densely covered the warrior eagle with a radius of tens of meters.

"Warrior Eagle, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the warrior eagle.


There was a tearing sound.

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, countless beams of thunder and lightning struck down directly.

Black smoke rose from the white shield, and the surface flashed with lightning.

"Warrior eagle, use high-speed movement, use brave bird to attack."

[Brave Bird Attack: Fold your wings and attack your opponent by flying at low altitude.You will also suffer a lot of damage. 】

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