King Juming Treasure Tree is still bargaining with Xie Xun and others, wanting Xie Xun and the others to put them back in advance.

As for why he didn't look for Su Chen, it was because Su Chen just closed his eyes and rested his mind, and ignored them at all.

In the confrontation between the two sides, time soon came to night.

Xie Xun and the others set up a fire on the island, and many torches and braziers were also lit for illumination on the Persian fleet.

But these dim lights are only enough for the two sides to see the outline of each other.

Su Chen saw that the time had come, so he told Xie Xun and Dai Qisi: "Wait, don't let your weapons leave the neck of the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings, and be careful to guard against the Persian Mingjiao, who come ashore in the dark Sneak attack."

"Subordinates obey!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Dai Qisi and Xie Xun respectfully responded at the same time.

Fu Junmei, Zhang Wuji, Zhu'er also agreed without hesitation, Shi Feixuan didn't make a sound, just nodded in agreement.

Su Chen pondered for a moment, then sealed Shi Feixuan's acupoints casually, making her unable to move, and then said to Fu Junma: "`" Shi Feixuan is under your watch for the time being, I plan to go to the big ship of the Persian Ming religion. "

"Yes, son!"

When Fu Junmai heard Su Chen's words, she immediately agreed to speak out without hesitation.

Concubine Shi Xuan's eyes widened, her expression contained anger, but it was of no avail at all, and she couldn't even speak.

Su Chen explained a few more words to Xie Xun and Dai Qisi, and then he used the Lightning Walk, and quickly headed towards the big ship of the Persian fleet.

Seeing this, the Twelve Treasure Tree King suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't understand what Su Chen wanted to do.

In fact, even Xie Xun, Dai Qisi and the others didn't know what the purpose of Su Chen's trip was.

Su Chen didn't give them the idea of ​​explaining, he used the Lightning Walk, and soon arrived on one of the sea ships of the Persian fleet, easily subdued the Persian Mingjiao believers next to the artillery, and then directly cast the universe Move, unload the cannon from the ship.

Then the thought moved slightly, and the artillery was put into the system space.

Not long after, Su Chen unloaded all the (good) artillery from one of the big ships and put them into the system space.

Of course, Su Chen would not let go of the shells next to the artillery.

Next, Su Chen continued to collect artillery on the Persian Mingjiao fleet in the same way.

The Persian fleet has a total of [-] to [-] large ships. At first, the Persian Mingjiao people on board did not react at all.

When the last few big ships arrived, some Persian Mingjiao people reacted, but they couldn't stop Su Chen's actions.

When they saw the cannon disappear out of thin air, their expressions were even more frightened, as if they were seeing ghosts and gods!

After more than an hour, Su Chen received all the artillery on the Persian fleet into the system space!

Twenty or thirty large ships, each equipped with more than a dozen cannons, add up to a considerable number!

"That's right, I've harvested four or five hundred cannons all at once, and I can equip them for the rebels when I go back!"

Su Chen counted the cannons in the system space, spoke with satisfaction, and then unceremoniously attacked the nearby sea ships!Ear.

Chapter 209 The whole army is wiped out, a new lottery draw! 【Subscribe】

"Jiutian Xuansha, turned into divine thunder. Huanghuang Tianwei, lead it with a sword!"

I saw Su Chen standing in the air, holding the Lingshuang sword, chanting the formula in his mouth, and at the same time the true energy in his body was frantically mobilized, and the terrifying breath was suddenly released from him!

Around his body, an invisible and insubstantial protective shield was formed, and it seemed that there was a glorious divine power overwhelming all directions from his body!

At the same time, the dark night sky above the heads of the Persian fleet suddenly turned into a vortex, as if the sky was trembling!

But at the same time, there were bursts of lightning and thunder in the sky from time to time.

Xie Xun and others on Spirit Snake Island, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, and the Persian Ming Cult followers in the fleet were also able to witness that shocking scene!

I saw a huge and deep dark vortex above the sky, spinning rapidly in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and the whistling of the wind, just like the punishment from heaven!

"What happened? How could there be such a vision in the sky?"

Seeing the scene in the night sky, Zhang Wuji couldn't help being shocked.

Xie Xun took a deep look in Su Chen's direction, and said in a deep voice: "If my prediction is correct, this is probably the method used by the leader!"

At this time, in Xie Xun's heart, the awe towards Su Chen couldn't help but become much stronger!

Dai Qisi also nodded in approval and said: "I also think so. The leader's strength is really unfathomable, and his methods are even more mysterious. I'm afraid this is the method he intends to deal with the Persian Mingjiao!"

Shi Feixuan looked at the night sky, Su Chen, who was like a god and a demon, couldn't help feeling very complicated in her heart. She was worried about the future of Cihang Jingzhai, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little reverence.

As for Fu Junmao, in her eyes, Su Chen is like a Buddha and a god, so it is nothing to be able to use this method.

The Twelve Treasure Tree King also heard the discussion of Xie Xun and the others, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

They really did not expect that such a terrifying leader would appear in the Middle Earth Ming Cult!

To make matters worse, their attitude towards the Ming Cult of China deviated from the direction from the very beginning!

At the same moment, above the sea, Mingjiao disciples looked at Su Chen in the night sky, their eyes were full of reverence.

And the people on the Persian Mingjiao fleet looked at Su Chen with endless fear!

At this time, Su Chen didn't have the time to understand other people's thoughts, and suddenly let out a long cry, as if he had given an order to the sky!

In the next instant, the sky was filled with lightning, and it spread far away, as if tearing the sky and the earth apart. Everyone who saw this scene was beyond shocked!

In a very short period of time, in the depths of the clouds, countless electric lights gathered rapidly, and the sound of thunder exploded non-stop in the sky.

In half a moment, in the depths of the dark vortex, a huge electric glow gathered, soaring down into the sky, and landed on the Persian fleet on the sea!

Undoubtedly, what Su Chen used was the magic sword of controlling thunder that he had just mastered!


Suddenly, there was a deafening sound in the Persian fleet.

That was the sound of the large ship with the Persian fleet being blasted by the terrifying attack of the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue.


Immediately afterwards, there were screams from a group of Persian Mingjiao congregants.

Some people were injured by the sword energy, some were injured by the mast of the sailboat, some were washed into the sea by the wind and waves, and some were directly turned into coke by the terrifying lightning force, and they couldn't even scream!

Even the Persian Ming Cult members who were lucky enough not to be injured were filled with fear at this time, and kept screaming loudly with the injured congregation, screaming and running around like headless chickens!

All of a sudden, the entire Persian Mingjiao fleet was in complete chaos!

"What a terrifying power!"

On Spirit Snake Island, Xie Xun and others were shocked when they saw that four or five large ships were directly destroyed by Su Chen's sword, and an unknown number of Persian followers died on the ship.

The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings of the Persian Ming Cult watched this scene, their eyes tearing apart!

However, at this time, they have no way to change the situation at this time!

Xie Xun and others were shocked by such an attack, but Su Chen felt a little dissatisfied.

"It seems that I am still unable to display the true (.) power of the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, and if it comes to group attack skills, in this environment, it is the wind god's anger in the Four Elephants Jue of Heaven's Will, Seems more appropriate."

After Su Chen saw the result of his blow, he muttered to himself a little dissatisfied.

Immediately, Su Chen raised the Frost Sword in his hand again, but changed his attacking moves!

From the perspective of Xie Xun and others, a crack in the void suddenly appeared in the sky, and a tall and majestic phantom full of violent aura suddenly appeared behind Su Chen!

"What kind of martial arts did the leader perform this time?"

Xie Xun was shocked again when he saw the scene of Su Chen displaying Fengshen's Fury.

Dai Qisi said: "I don't know the name of the specific martial arts. But not long ago, when the [-] Tartar army besieged Guangmingding, I saw the leader perform it. It is a very powerful and wide-ranging martial arts. study!"

"Fengshen is angry!"

Su Chen let out a low drink, and holding the Lingshuang sword in both hands, he slammed down towards the Persian fleet!


As Su Chen's attack fell, a terrifying hurricane rose up within the entire Persian fleet at the same time!

The Persian fleet was already restless because of the attack of Su Chen's Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue, and when the hurricane came, it was even more chaotic!

Countless people rushed to flee, which increased the chaos of the fleet and broke the precarious balance of the ship.


Under the force of the hurricane wind, huge waves suddenly rose on the sea around the Persian fleet, crazily hitting towards the fleet!

Suddenly, the ships at the edge of the fleet were completely overturned by the wind and waves!


Countless Persian Mingjiao disciples screamed and fell into the sea along with the overturned ship.

The Twelve Twelve Tree Kings looked at this scene, their eyes were tearing apart, and their hearts were full of regret. They wished to tear Su Chen into pieces. Unfortunately, they could only think about it in their hearts, and they couldn't even curse out loud. arrive!

Under the double impact of the violent hurricane force and the force of the sea waves, the dozen or so ships on the periphery were directly destroyed!

Even if the ship in the middle hadn't been completely destroyed, it had already been smashed to pieces by the overturned ship next to it, so it obviously couldn't last long.

Su Chen only made two moves, and more than half of the entire Persian fleet was destroyed!

Su Chen looked at the miserable state of the Persian fleet, without any compassion, and said lightly: "The third measure, send you to reunite!"

After the sound fell, Su Chen swung the Frost Sword in his hand again, and used another move of Fengshen's Wrath!

In the next moment, the terrifying power of the wind and waves reappeared, and directly knocked all the remaining ships down in the sea!

The Persian Mingjiao fleet has been wiped out so far!

After destroying the fleet, Su Chen used the sword control technique, and returned to Spirit Snake Island in an instant, absorbed the skills of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, and then eliminated them all!

At this moment, the familiar notification sound from the system sounded again.

[Ding, the host killed the Persian Mingjiao fleet to change the original plot and get a lucky draw chance! 】.

Chapter 210 Rich Rewards, Encounter Dongming Sect! 【Please customize】

Hey, another lucky draw?

Finally, it was not a waste of work.

The reason why Su Chen didn't choose Duhua, but directly killed the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, was that on the one hand, he didn't have a good impression of foreign races, and couldn't use them; on the other hand, he wanted to use their skills to improve himself.

It's a pity that after continuously absorbing the skills of the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue and the Twelve Twelve Tree Kings, his cultivation level still failed to break through, and he still remained at the peak of heaven and man.

This made him quite disappointed.

However, to be able to get a chance to draw a lottery is - not bad.

"Let's draw both prizes!"

Thoughts surged in his heart for a while, Su Chen directly issued a lottery drawing instruction to the system from the bottom of his heart.

As for the other lottery draw, it was obtained after capturing the Torch Token. Su Chen hadn't drawn it yet, and now it happened to be a double draw.

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette soon appeared before Su Chen's eyes again, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the system's notification sound for awarding rewards also sounded.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, you have obtained ten blood bodhisattvas! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Ghost Valley! 】

Ten blood bodhisattvas, ghosts and valleys, this reward is not bad!

Hearing the content of the system reward, Su Chen whispered in his heart.

Blood Bodhi is a rare and exotic fruit from the Lingyun Grotto of the Great Buddha in Fengyun Leshan. It will be cured if there is a serious injury, and it will increase the power without injury.

A piece of blood bodhi can increase one's skill for 50 years!

However, only the first one can increase the power, if the same person continues to take it later, the power will not be improved.

Even so, Blood Bodhi is very precious!

After all, 50 years of skill is not a small amount!

As for Ghost Valley Zongheng, it is the collective name of Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang in the Qin Shi series.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang both came from Guigu sect, Gai Nie is the inheritor of Guigu vertical swordsmanship, and Wei Zhuang is the descendant of Guigu horizontal swordsmanship.

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