"Indeed, this person can enter our Tianxiahui quietly, if he has no skills, he will definitely not be able to do so."

"No need to guess, he is my master."

A young man holding a hero sword slowly approached them.

Bu Jingyun turned his head.

The opponent was Jian Chen.

"Your master?"

"Could it be the legendary Wulin Myth Wuming?"


Jian Chen nodded.

"My master has been wanting to see for himself when he heard that Su's sect leader is powerful and powerful. Today, the two of them's sparring is probably even more exciting than the battle with Jue Wushen that day."

as a disciple.

He naturally hoped that his master Wuming would win.

But Su Chen is a rare genius in Shenzhou, who has already reached such a level at a young age.

Even Jue Wushen is no match for him.

Whoever loses wins.

Jian Chen was still not good at judging.

"So it's Senior Unnamed! I've heard that he has great swordsmanship, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet him today."

Nie Feng regained his spirits immediately.

Witnessing masters' moves is also an important learning opportunity for them.

If you can get a glimpse of one or two.

It is very important to help yourself.


On the martial arts arena.

The two confronted each other for a long time.

"Is it time to do it?"

Su Chen said calmly.

"I can't bear it so soon? Can't it be?"

Nameless' meaningful answer.

The confrontation between the masters before the knife is not just overwhelming in momentum, but more important than the heart.

Especially when the two of them reached the realm of land gods.

Moves are often already a limitation.

The pure will in martial arts, on the contrary, is the level that can truly reflect one's own strength.

"` "That's not true, but if we really want to compare ideas, I'm afraid you and I will fight here for three days and three nights, and we may not be able to tell the winner. "

Su Chen said with a light smile.

"Since it's a martial arts competition, why don't we do it more directly? Each person only uses ten moves, and ten moves use their own housekeeping skills. If they can tell the winner, they will be willing to bow down from now on."

"If not, how about fighting again next time?"

He is different from Wuming.

I am the leader of the Tianxiahui.

There are still many things to deal with.

It's impossible to really play here with Wuming, right?


Nameless nodded.

Both sides lowered the long swords in their hands one after another.

The other hand is behind the back.

In an instant.

(Li Zhao) A cold light flashed across.

The figures of the two flickered at the same time.

Phantoms appear in midair.

"Fifteen swords to kill!"

"Inexplicable swordsmanship!"

In an instant.

The world seemed to change color because of these two people.

The two long swords criss-crossed in mid-air, constantly displaying various unimaginable strengths.

Everyone in the Tianxiahui was stunned.

The Fifteen Killing Swordsmanship and the inexplicable swordsmanship are both martial arts that the two are relatively good at.


In the hands of the two of them, the two long swords seemed to have turned into two wandering dragons.

Come and go freely, superb.

Seeing people stunned and shocked.

"Is this the martial arts myth, the nameless strength of Tianjian? Qing!"

Seeing this, Aotian couldn't help taking a breath.

Chapter 314: Teachers come from the same school? 【Seek full order】

All the disciples of the Tianxiahui were so shocked that they didn't even dare to breathe when they watched this peak duel between land gods.

Although standing on the sidelines.

But the terrifying aura displayed by the two of them seemed to be like the raging waves on the sea.

Wave after wave rushed towards the shore.

"I can't stand it anymore! I have to stand farther away!"

"You are such a waste. Could it be that you can't stand the fight between the gang leader and the unknown senior?"

"Go up there and try it if you have the ability! If you can win the Martial Arts Field, I'll take care of this month's wine!"

Everyone discusses with each other.

What's more, they are just around the corner, eager to try.

But as soon as they arrived at the martial arts arena, they felt the waves of air blowing towards their faces.

Su Chen gathers the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

Possess a variety of top skills.

Tianjian Wuming has comprehended the way of the sword to the essence, and the sword moves are full of strange and strange things, emerging one after another!

Jian Chen stood on the sidelines holding the Hero Sword.

His brows were tightly furrowed, he didn't dare to blink his eyes, and he followed Master for many years.

He thinks that 457 has won the nameless true biography.

Although the strength cannot be compared with the land gods.

But in the arena, he can already be regarded as a first-class master.

He even thought that he would not be inferior to anyone.

But today.

After seeing the top duel between Su Chen and Master Wuming, his heart was greatly shocked again.

I'm afraid that even with all my life's efforts, I will never be able to be like these two people.

One is to understand all kinds of martial arts and form a school of one's own, and the other is the supreme swordsman!

The two have their own strengths, but it's hard to tell the difference.

After trying the sword tactics.

The two of them competed swords in an extremely tacit understanding.

"The Great Wall! Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Countless sword lights burst out from behind Wuming.

The whole person seems to be a dazzling star in the sky.

The pressure on his body was even more terrifying.

All the people in Tianxiahui who were standing by the side of the martial arts arena couldn't help but backed away.

This deterrent is too powerful.

(.) is simply not acceptable to them!

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Su Chen also used the same move.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are bright, if Wuming is called rough waves, then he is like that rock in the middle of the sea that is immovable like a mountain.

Optimus Prime.

No matter how the world changes, it will not move him in the slightest.

There was a look of shock in Wuming's eyes.

In any case, he never thought that the leader of the Tianxiahui would know the sword technique he had practiced.

Compared with other sword techniques, Wanjian Guizong may be called a sword array.

The power contained in it is far stronger than the sword formula.

Sword art is the first choice for anyone who is familiar with it.

The sword array can only be used after the strength and cultivation reach a certain level.

Wuming was not surprised that Su Chen was able to use the sword array.

He just couldn't imagine that the other party actually understood the sword array he was practicing.

Not only that.

The power is not even the slightest bit inferior!

Reaching above the sword formation, even if you practice the same sword technique, you will have completely different effects.

The figures of the two flickered.

It's like subduing a dragon and subduing a tiger in mid-air!

Teachers come from the same school but each has its own merits.

Seeing this, Jian Chen's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"how is this possible?!"

"Major Su uses this set of sword techniques, and the power is not inferior to my master?"

As far as Jianchen knew, his master Wuming also obtained the sword manual of Wanjian Guizong from Wushen Juegong by chance, and according to Wuming, this is the secret of Jianzong.

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