The disciple coughed repeatedly and his face was pale.

It seems that the injury is not serious, just from the outside, it is estimated that several ribs are broken.

"Help him down to heal his wounds."


Bu Jingyun turned his head again.

His eyes swept over the people of Tianmen one by one.

"Bold and lunatic, dare to come to my world and act wild? You really can't control yourself!"

"Hehe, if you guess correctly, you should be Bu Jingyun, one of the four main hall masters of the Tianxiahui?"

The leading man said confidently.

There is a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I saw it today and it really lived up to its reputation."

"It's best to know, before I make a move, you all still have a chance to escape, otherwise I will make you come and go!"


This time it was Tianmen's turn to laugh loudly.

The man who takes the lead seems to take it to heart at all.

Swaggeringly came to Bu Jingyun.

"Master Yun, what are you daydreaming about?"

"That's right, the Tianxiahui is indeed well-known in Jianghu, but do you know what kind of strength our Tianmen has?"

"Don't say it's you, even if all four of you hall masters are dispatched, plus the rumored Chief Su, I'm afraid they may not be opponents."

The man suddenly looked up as he spoke.

"Speaking of which, why didn't your leader Su come? Could it be that he went mad because of his practice? He still didn't dare to come to see us!"

Everyone in Tianmen burst into laughter again.

The sound was extremely harsh.

Full of sarcasm and ridicule.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

There was a cold light in Bu Jingyun's eyes.

"If you want to see my master, you are not worthy!"

It's too late to say.

With a flash of Bu Jingyun's figure, Paiyun Palm moved out instantly.

Although he learned the essence of various martial arts from Su Chen, Paiyunzhang is still his special skill.

Tianmen should not be underestimated, even such an insult to the world.

Bu Jingyun must let these guys taste his power, otherwise he will lose the face of the Tianxiahui.


What he never thought of was.

This man's strength is surprisingly strange. He seems to be slightly inferior, but he is always evenly divided.

Occasionally it even gets the upper hand.

The more Bu Jingyun fought, the more strange he became.

This method is unheard of and unseen. It looks like a collection of martial arts from all the world's major sects.

But it's messy, and I don't know how to deal with it at all.

My own cloud-dispelling palm felt like it couldn't hit the cotton very hard.

All the disciples of Tianxiahui looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's okay if you can't fight yourself!

Bu Jingyun is one of the four hall masters, if even he is defeated, it would be really embarrassing.

I'm afraid that Tianmen will continue to laugh at him.

The three of Nie Feng also sensed that something was wrong, and they left the stage one after another.

"Senior Brother Yun, we are here to help you!"

"Will the world bully the few because of the number of people? It's really interesting!"

The man leading the Tianmen said.

at the same time.

There were also three people who came out to fight against Nie Feng respectively.

The fight between the two sides was extremely intense, and you couldn't tell which was which.

Everyone in the Tianxiahui watched with great anxiety.

The four main hall masters all shot, but they still can't gain the slightest advantage?It's really strange.

Where did these guys from Tianmen learn their skills!

far away.

Su Chen and Wuming looked carefully.

There was another reason why they didn't leave the stage, that is, they hoped to get a glimpse of Di Shitian's strength from the Tianmen crowd.

The scariest thing about that old guy is that no one else knows about his tricks and skills.

Su Chen didn't dare to assert that he understood it thoroughly.

Facing a powerful enemy.

Blind self-confidence is always taboo!

"Senior Unnamed, can you see some eyebrows?"

Anonymous shook his head.

"The moves these people have learned are extremely messy. Look, the person who fought against Bu Jingyun now uses Shaolin's 72-way grappling hand and the powerful diamond finger!"

"And the person who fought against Nie Feng is the Seven Injuries Fist of the Kongtong School, and the Little Formless Kung Fu outside the Western Region Pass!"

"The most unimaginable thing for me is that Aotian's opponent in the fierce battle turned out to be a foreigner's kung fu practice, the golden bell cover 473 iron cloth shirt, and the kung fu he used was from the northern sky eagle sect. Skyhawk Claw!"

It is really difficult to find any clues about Di Shitian from these people.

Su Chen nodded.

"Indeed, if Wu Wudi, who once learned Shiquan martial arts in the martial arts world, is still there, it may be able to provide us with some help."

"Wu Wudi? Are you talking about a former martial arts legend?"

Wuming frowned.

His eyes were full of surprise.

He never expected it.

Su Chen even knew martial arts figures hundreds of years ago.

The source of this guy's news is simply terrifying!

"That's right. Ever since Di Shitian learned the world's martial arts, the only time he lost was at the hands of Wu Wudi."

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile.

Rumor has it that Wu Wudi has enlightened to the essence of martial arts in the world, he is proficient in all eighteen kinds of weapons, such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

There is no shortcoming in fists, palms and legs, hidden weapons, and internal strength.

This kind of people.

Looking at it, there has only been one in a thousand years! .

Chapter 328 Collective acting? 【Seek full order】

In fact, if Su Chen followed his practice method, he should be able to reach the realm of Wu Wudi in the end.

But the biggest problem is that I probably don't have enough time.

The enemy is at hand.

It could take their lives at any time.

If Su Chen wants to win, it seems that he can only take a slanted sword and win by surprise.

There is no other way.

"Could it be that you and I can't deal with it?"

Wuming felt uneasy at this moment, which was rare.

He hadn't felt this uneasy in decades.

The point is that this situation is like a dead end.

All those who stepped into it had no choice but to be played around by Di Shitian.

"Do not."

Su Chen answered meaningfully.

"Maybe we can overcome it in another way."

Wuming's face was filled with incredulity.

It is even more difficult to guess where the other party's confidence comes from?

What kind of character is Wu Wudi?

Only he can defeat Di Shitian, looking at the whole world, it is absolutely impossible to find a second Wu Wudi.

Also use other methods?

There were not many choices.

"Are you confident enough?"

Anonymous asked anxiously.

"Don't worry about this, even if Di Shitian can live for tens of thousands of years, he is still human!"

"As long as a person has weaknesses, if we can take advantage of his weaknesses, we can change the situation. Do you really think he is an unkillable person?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Wuming seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Su Chen is not a boastful person.

He said that if there is a way, there must be a way.

As for how to do it.

Wuming doesn't want to know too much now.

The only thing he has to do is, when he needs to make a move by himself, he will turn into the purest sword weapon to open up the world.

This is the dignity of the Heavenly Sword in the martial arts mythology.

at the same time.

Bu Jingyun and the other four hall masters gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The situation is very pessimistic.

The disciples of the Tianxiahui around were even more worried.

If the four hall masters are all defeated, not only will they lose face, they will even be unable to stop Tianmen's attack!

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