"How about it, will you bring me the remaining magic weapons needed to slay the dragon?"

"Master, please forgive me. This subordinate has failed your high expectations. There are so many people in the world. It is indeed not easy to solve it."

The leading man whispered.

The voice was unusually calm.

If it were normal, I'm afraid they would have already been shaking with fright.

But this time.

In fact, Di Shitian gave them two tasks.

On the one hand, it is to inquire about the strength of Su Chen and Wuming of the Tianxiahui.

On the other hand, it is to seize the dragon slaying weapon.

As for the second task, it doesn't matter whether it is completed or not.

What Di Shitian hoped more was to pick it up himself.

But for him.

 (.) Knowing the strength of the enemy first is the key.

Su Chen and Wuming, one of these two is the current martial arts myth in the Central Plains, and the other is a young talent who has just risen, and his power shakes the world!

He wanted to know if the two of them needed to do it themselves.

If the strength is enough.

Di Shitian didn't mind playing with them.

But it's really a false name.

Then let your disciples solve it once and for all.

"Master, Su Chen and Wuming fought hard, and now they are both seriously injured!"

The leading man raised his head abruptly.

There is excitement in the eyes.

"This may be our best chance to replace the Tianxiahui!"


Di Shitian was very surprised.

"How could the two of them go shopping?"

"I don't know, but according to the information we have inquired, it should be that there is a grievance between the two, or that there was a conflict during the period of the Tianxiahui, so they chose to resolve it in the most direct way!"


The corners of Di Shitian's mouth rose slightly.

There is playfulness in his eyes.

Su Chen didn't appear in Jianghu for a long time.

In fact, he didn't know much about it.

But nameless is different.

As his descendants, he is also a martial arts myth in the Jianghu.

It is also the legendary Heavenly Sword.

Di Shitian had already started paying attention.

He also knows the opponent's strength well.

Su Chen was able to draw with him?

That also proves that this person is very talented and has an unlimited future.

"Master, this disciple suggests that we send more people, so that we can seize the opportunity to take down the entire Tianxiahui! So as not to worry about the future!"

"Worries about the future?"

Di Shitian laughed directly.

"Just relying on Su Chen and Wuming?"

"The two of them pose no threat to me, but speaking of it, I would like to meet the legendary Lord Su in person."

Another plan emerged in his mind.

To be able to play with the whole world between applause.

In the end, you can even win the Dragon Slayer without any effort.

That's what makes it interesting!

Rely on hard power to push?

Di Shitian has long passed that passionate age, and now he prefers to play games.

And the object of the game is all living beings in the world! .

Chapter 330: The World's Will Will Be the World! 【Seek full order】

"From today onwards, you go to sweep away the major sects in the rivers and lakes, and at the same time tell them that Tianmen has reconciled with the Tianxiahui."

"Anyone who dares to hinder Tianmen and Tianxiahui from doing things will pay a heavy price!"

When the Tianmen disciples heard this, their eyes showed surprise.

Even more incredible.

"Master, why do you have to go through so much trouble? It's not that difficult~ to destroy a Tianxiahui."

The leading disciple asked curiously.

Di Shitian tilted his head.

The eyes are cold.

"You want to teach me how to do things?"

When the disciple heard this, his face suddenly changed.

At the same time, the back feels cold.

The past is vivid in his mind, he doesn't want to turn into a puddle of blood.

"Disciple obey!"

Then he turned to look at the people behind him.

"Have you all heard Master's order clearly?"


"From today onwards, if anyone dares to reveal Master's plan, they will be killed without mercy!"

The leading disciple said blankly.

When everyone heard this, they nodded.

This is Tianmen!

A place of strength.

If you want to have the right to speak, unless you are stronger than Di Shitian, you can only obey what you say.

And no one dares to violate it.

They couldn't even understand the way Di Shitian killed people.

But the only advantage is that with such a powerful master at his back, no matter who in the rivers and lakes dares to oppose Tianmen, the end will be extremely miserable!

"Master, I will take my leave first!"

The leading disciple bowed and saluted, and then led the crowd to leave quickly.

After Di Shitian was the only one left around, he flicked his hand lightly, and the ice mask on his face disappeared instantly.

A middle-aged face was revealed.

Looks kind and loving.

I am afraid that no one in the world can imagine that the true face of the murderous, perverse and violent Emperor Shitian Lushan would be like this.

"Su Chen, nameless?"

"Interesting, let the old man come and play with you."

There was a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are extremely deep.

Thousands of years have made him no longer have any love and love, and he is even more contemptuous of everything in the world.

But in the same way, Di Shitian can pretend to be anyone due to his rich experience.

Immediately, he galloped towards Tianxiahui.


The world will meet.

The four hall masters led their disciples to practice martial arts.

Su Chen and Wuming stood on a high place and watched.

Both of them had satisfied expressions on their faces.

"Nowadays, the strength of the Tianxiahui is really extraordinary. If you pick out a random disciple, I am afraid that you can be alone."

Nameless said meaningfully.

Over the years, I have traveled extensively and experienced a lot.

He has seen almost all sects.

Needless to say, a thousand-year-old temple like Shaolin Temple has a lot of masters, whose strength is unfathomable.

And most of the other sects or forces have only a few people who can stand up and take the lead.

The other disciples either had a shallow cultivation base or were not talented enough.

However, a sect like Tianxiahui where everyone can become a master has never been heard of or seen before.

All benefited from Su Chen's generosity.

If he hadn't passed on the unique skills he had learned to the four hall masters, and taught each disciple separately.

I'm afraid these people will never have the chance to learn superior martial arts.

"Senior, you are serious. You are at the pinnacle of martial arts, so you should be very clear about the contest between real masters and masters. The fight is not only about cultivation, but also about talent."

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"They can deal with most situations at most, but if they encounter people like seniors and Jue Wushen, it will not be very helpful."

Su Chen said calmly.

There has been a saying since ancient times.

Soldiers are more expensive than many.

There are advantages to having a large number of people, but if there are hundreds of people who are carefully selected and talented, it is enough to even share the same status with the disciples of the congregation all over the world.

"You can't say that."

Nameless smiled.

"There are many talented people in the Jianghu, but there are only a few famous people. Do you really think that they are talented?"


"Is not it?"

Su Chen frowned.

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