But when the host told him the truth, he realized that the person in front of him turned out to be a big devil in the world.

"Amitabha, the Buddhist gate is originally a quiet place, this person has killed too much! But this temple was built by him."

The host puts his hands together.

40 years ago he was just a little novice.

I have seen Di Shitian before.

At that time, the other party funded and built a temple in the middle of the mountain, giving him and his master a shelter.

Personally speaking.

The host should actually thank Di Shitian.

If it weren't for this big devil, he would have starved to death in the wilderness by now, so how could he concentrate on studying Buddhism here?

But the Buddha intends to save all living beings.

Even if the host was still there back then, after knowing all these things, I am afraid that he would not be willing to accept Di Shitian's kindness.


"Master, are we really going to let this kind of person run amok in the Buddhist land?"

The young monk's eyes widened.

He was extremely shocked by the news he received.

I'm afraid he didn't expect this to be the case.

"Amitabha, everything in this world has a cause, and everything has a predestined relationship. Since this temple itself was built because of him, we should do our best."

was talking.

Di Shitian's aura suddenly surged.

Then it returned to calm.

He opened his eyes slowly.

The complexion of the whole person has recovered a lot.

During the few days of recuperation here, although his strength has not yet fully recovered, he can barely cope with the strength of the five thunders in his body.

This thing is really scary.

On the way of fleeing, Di Shitian tried many times to promote his internal power, but the result was always backlash!

There were several times when he almost got seriously injured.

until after arriving at the temple.

Indra was able to truly heal his body and mind with all his heart.

The reason why the Sacred Heart Jue is terrifying is that it integrates the essence of martial arts from all major sects in the world. If you want to fight against the Five Thunder Transformation Extreme Hands, you must be extremely careful.

Even now.

He also didn't really solve the hidden dangers in his body.

"Old monk, don't think that I can't hear what you have to say because I am healing here."

"From today onwards, you will be responsible for my three meals a day, with meat and wine!"

Di Shitian said expressionlessly.


The young monk's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"This is the land of Buddhism, how can you touch these meat and wine!"

"Benefactor, aren't you embarrassing us!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Di Shitian's eyes.

In the next moment, he pushed his own cultivation level, unexpectedly sucked the young monk towards him forcefully, and even grabbed his neck with his hands.

"It's not for you to talk here, I'm telling you the same thing, I don't want to say it again, if I don't see what I want, then what you hear is not my voice, but your neck being wrung broken voice."

After speaking, he threw the young monk to the ground.

The young monk backed away in fear.

He looked at the abbot helplessly.

"`" Amitabha. "

The abbot's decades of Buddhist practice have not been in vain, and he is still calm and calm at this moment.

"You go down first."


"Benefactor, it has been 40 years since we parted. In these 40 years, the poor monk has changed from a little novice monk to the abbot of this monastery today, but the benefactor has not aged yet."

"It's really surprising."

"Old monk, I'm not interested in talking to you about this. I didn't build this temple for your master and apprentice at all, but just for the sake of finding a quiet place for me one day."

(by Li Le) Di Shitian gave him a cold look.

"You don't have to persuade me at all. I don't even care about those theories of your Buddhist school! Why can you go to the Western Paradise after death? This old man will not die!"

"I will stay forever in the world."

He had already seen the abbot's thoughts.

Seeing this, the abbot shook his head helplessly and had to leave alone.

the following few days.

The two monks really satisfied Di Shitian's request, and they had wine and meat every now and then.

While recovering his strength, Di Shitian did not forget to inquire about the news in the Jianghu.

Carrier pigeons fly in every day.

ten days later.

When he saw the latest news, his whole face changed!

"You actually want to slay a dragon?!"

Chapter 349: Even the Buddha Can't Pass Indi-Shi Heaven! 【Seek full order】

Di Shitian never thought that Su Chen's ambition would be so big, after learning all the truth.

This person naturally also understands what kind of changes Long Yuan will bring.

There is no way for any martial arts practitioner to refuse such a temptation.

Originally also within reason.

But Di Shitian couldn't bear it.

Originally, it was something that was easily available to him, but now it was calculated and handed over.

Di Shitian had never suffered such a big loss.

If Su Chen really got Longyuan this time, he would definitely become his greatest enemy ever!

Now the Tianxiahui has not yet slaughtered the dragon.

I have already failed miserably once.

If you really let the other party do it.

The consequences are unimaginable!

But the biggest problem is that Di Shitian's strength has not fully recovered at this time.

Wuleihuajishou still has a certain influence.

I'm afraid it will become a flaw at that time!

Think about it.

Di Shitian called the abbot.

"Where is the box I left in the temple back then!"

"Benefactor, 40 years have passed, and the poor monk has long forgotten."

A cold light flashed in Di Shitian's eyes.

The next moment, he went straight up and locked the opponent 520 Fang's neck.

"Smelly monk, I don't have the patience to go around in circles with you. Don't you Buddhists say that monks don't tell lies?"

"Why are you playing tricks on me?"

"Benefactor...I don't know...what are you talking about..."

The old monk's face turned red.

Breathing also became extremely rapid.

"Is it true that you will never die until you reach the Yellow River?"

"I'll ask you again, where is that box?"

"I really do not know……"

The abbot even gave up struggling, just hanging his hands like that.

It was as if he was waiting to die in peace.

"Very well, let me see how tough you are."

In this way, Di Shitian directly carried the abbot into the courtyard.

The young monk who was sweeping the floor was shocked when he saw this.

He threw away the broom and ran over.

"What are you doing! Let go of my master!"

It's too late to say.

The moment he just finished speaking.

Di Shitian raised his hand with a palm.

The young monk was beaten to the point of spitting out blood, and fell heavily to the ground without moving.


Seeing this, the old monk screamed heart-piercingly.

Incomparable pain.

How could he have thought that his persistence would bring disaster to the only person close to him.

Di Shitian showed a cruel smile.

"Didn't your Buddhist school say that the six elements are all empty? If that's the case, then the person who died has nothing to do with you. Why are you so sad?"

"All living beings are equal, and everything is a thing. My Buddha is merciful, and I will pray and mourn for every life that died in vain."

The old monk has indeed done a lot of research on Buddhism.

Up to this moment, it is still preaching.

"Almsgiver, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, if you look back, you will see the shore, why should you pursue the things of the past when you are today."

"That's why I hate those of you who are Buddhists. You talk about it all day long, thinking that you can educate the world."

Di Shitian showed an impatient look on his face.

"Have you ever known that in these thousand years, there will never be any change, and human nature will always be despicable! No matter how many years pass, they can't really be good!"

This is cruel.

But it's also the closest to the truth.

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