Su Hao thought while listening.

The founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ji Tianqi, was the strongest master in the invincible world, and reached the highest level of martial arts in the world.

Now it is a walking dead, controlled by the ghost king.

. . . .

There are too many secrets in this.

"Was this Ji Tianqi dug out from the Imperial Tomb of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or did he never enter the Imperial Tomb?" Su Hao seemed to be talking to himself, "Why did the ghost king put him in that lake in the ghost city? Woolen cloth?"

"There are very few records about Ji Tianqu Wannian." Luo Yuheng raised his eyes and said, "The imperial court is compiling the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty. There must be a lot of information there. You can go and have a look, maybe there will be clues."

Su Hao nodded.

He suspected that Luo Yuheng still had some information that he had not revealed.

"It's very convenient to trade with the national teacher." He smiled, "When the national teacher breaks through, please say hello in advance, and I will serve you right away."

The corner of Luo Yuheng's mouth showed a smile of success.

Su Hao had a feeling of being fooled.


After coming out of Frost Moon Hall, Su Hao returned to the Liubu Yamen through the back door.

He went straight back to Zhongshutai.

"Hey, Mr. Su, do you still know how to go back to the Ministry of Education?" Zhang Juzheng looked over.

Su Hao looked sad:

"Prime Minister, it's not like you don't know that the emperor wants me to try the case."

Zhang Juzheng snorted coldly:

"I saw Liu Qian and Song Yin busy there, but I didn't see you."

Su Hao continued to cry out:

"I want to go out to find evidence. I can't let the two old men go out, can I?"

Zhang Juzheng simply ignored him.

Su Hao went directly to the Imperial Academy and found Xie Xifeng and Kou Jiangdong who were copying there.

The two of them were sorting out the history books of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Junior brother? You are so busy, why do you have time to visit us today?" Xie Xifeng asked.

Su Hao supported his forehead.

I really didn't come to see you.

"Third senior brother and fourth senior brother, I want to read the historical materials about the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty." He asked directly.

Kou Jiangdong's stall:

"I knew this guy didn't come to see us."

As he spoke, he pointed to a bookshelf:

"That is, why are you interested in Ji Tianqi?"

Su Hao waved his hand:

"I want to do a storytelling recently. Ji Tianqu's journey from the wilderness of the Jianghu to the founding emperor is very eloquent."

Kou Jiangdong looked puzzled:

"Why are you going to tell a book again? Second senior sister doesn't give pocket money?"

Su Hao was full of black streams and didn't bother to talk to him.

He started flipping through the books one by one on the shelf.

Not long after, he seemed to have walked into the life of the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for a long time to customize.

100. Luo Yuheng: You have royal blood from two dynasties, and you have a noble status

There is a cool breeze outside the window.

Su Hao sat under the bookshelf, reading each book.

The founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was born in a reckless family, but there is no origin.

This is not only the case in this world, even in previous lives, the founding emperor has no origin.

The emperor never said his birth.

The historians at that time asked, and they were all dragged out and beheaded.

Since then, the emperor has gradually become extravagant, not like when he was young, he was a young knight-errant who drew his sword to help when he saw injustice.

The emperor did not show super martial arts talent at the beginning.

It was after a trip to Zijin Mountain that the emperor's martial arts cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

His domineering true energy is getting stronger and stronger.

At that time, the emperor liked to travel the rivers and lakes and make friends.

His reputation grew, and finally at the martial arts conference, he overwhelmed the heroes and became the leader of the martial arts alliance.

"Purple Gold Mountain?"

Su Hao noticed this node.

The emperor came from Zijin Mountain, and his martial arts suddenly became stronger, and he was full of domineering and true energy.

From the looks of it now, that domineering zhenqi is the zhenqi of the imperial way.

In other words, the true energy of the imperial way originally came from Zijin Mountain?

Could it be that temple?

That's not right, I practiced the Imperial Dao True Qi first, and then went to the temple to activate it.

"I'll go to Zijin Mountain next time."

Su Hao continued to look down.

After the "[-]" emperor became the leader of the martial arts alliance, he made friends with a group of talents, including Zhao Baxian, the ancestor of the Daqian royal family.

At that time, the Dayin Dynasty was full of wars.

The emperor gathered a group of heroes in Nu Cang Mountain and raised the banner of rebellion.

After seven years of fighting, they unified the country.

"Raging Cang Mountain?"

Su Hao was startled.

How could it be in Nu Cang Mountain?

Isn't this the place where I am secretly training soldiers now?

I looked at the map and chose the location, but I didn't expect it to be the place where Ji Tian drove his troops.

What a coincidence.

I have some fate with this big week.

Last time I was in that temple, I sucked up all the things on the Great Zhou Yuxi.

If I knew it earlier, I took out the jade seal.

"Next time you go to the temple, take out the Great Zhou Yuxi."

Su Hao put down the book and continued to open a new one.

The next thing is after the unification of the emperor.

After ascending to the throne, the emperor changed himself and killed people at every turn.

Many brothers who fought with him were killed by him.

In his later years, the emperor began to practice Taoism in pursuit of immortality.

While sending people to various places to search for elixirs, he locked himself in the alchemy room to make alchemy, and ignored the government affairs.

He also recruited [-] civilian husbands to build the imperial mausoleum.

Three years passed like this.

The emperor became more and more tyrannical, his temper became more changeable, and he killed people at every turn.

The courtiers were afraid to see him.

Even the concubines and maids in the palace were afraid to see him.

Only the little princess at that time dared to meet the emperor.

The emperor can still maintain a little tenderness in front of the little princess.

But one day, the little princess went to see the emperor, but the emperor disappeared.

The imperial army searched the capital, but did not find the emperor.

Three months later, the crown prince ascended the throne and announced that the emperor had passed away.

"So, is the emperor dead or not?" Su Hao put down the book.

At this time Kou Jiangdong came over, looked at the book in his hand, and said:

"About the life and death of the Great Zhou Emperor, there are many unofficial histories. Some say that he ascended, some say that he was trapped in the imperial mausoleum and died. Another is that the little prince killed the increasingly uncontrollable emperor. .”

Su Hao frowned and asked:

"Little princess? How to kill? The emperor is the supreme martial artist."

Kou Jiangdong shook his head and said:

"So it's unofficial history, but what's strange is that not long after the emperor disappeared, the little princess also disappeared."

"Perhaps her disappearance is also a good thing. Four years later, the Great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed. The rebel army at that time slaughtered the royal family completely, and the blood of the royal family surnamed Ji was cut off."

Su Hao sighed for a while.

The emperor who was invincible all his life, his dynasty ended up that way.

What happened to the emperor in the end?

There is still no record here.

It is very strange to use [-] people to build the imperial mausoleum.

The emperor cultivated Taoism and pursued longevity while building a mausoleum for himself?

Moreover, the imperial mausoleum of the Great Zhou Dynasty is the most glorious imperial mausoleum of all time.

Why did the emperor do this?

Then Luo Yuheng didn't find anything in the imperial tomb?

Maybe she found out and didn't say it.


Frost Moon Hall.

Luo Yuheng looked at a painting on the table.

The painting is a woman, a gentle and elegant woman.

"Ji Yaohua, I have met your son." Luo Yuheng murmured, "He is now married to the daughter of the King of the Northern Territory, who is also the court's Zhongshu Zuocheng, and has inherited your talent for music. He actually entered the court As an official, do you want revenge?"

She muttered to herself.

As he spoke, he unfolded another painting.

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