The Ministry of Officials is the head of the six ministries, which is in charge of the appointment and dismissal, examinations, promotions, honors, and transfers of civil servants all over the world.


After the dynasty was dispersed, Su Hao made a simple handover in Zhongshu Province, and then went to the Ministry of Officials.

Dozens of people stood there in the lobby of the Ministry of Officials, waiting for his arrival.

"See Mr. Su." They bowed to Su Hao.

Su Hao glanced over.

This bureaucracy was originally the crown prince's territory, and with Wang Zhao's fall, all the crown prince's people were wiped out one after another.

The rest are not simple either.

Su Hao needed a right-hand assistant, so his eyes fell on Gao Gong.

This will come in handy when he was saved when the provincial officials were incorporated.

"Why should you go, Gao Gong, come with me." Su Hao said in a deep voice.

They were shocked.

high arch?

This person who was suppressed by Wang Zhao in the Ministry of Officials for more than ten years was suddenly selected by the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials?

Su Hao entered the office of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Gao Gong followed behind him.

"Congratulations, my lord, I didn't expect this day to come so soon." Gao Gong said after closing the door.

"Old Gao, I'm new here, so I need your help." Su Hao said, "From today on, you will be the servant of the Ministry of Rites."

Gao Gong was overjoyed.

Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the third grade, the deputy of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

After so many years of suffering, I finally made it through.

"You have been in the official department for more than ten years, and no one is more familiar with the affairs of the official department than you." Su Hao said, "Resume the operation of the official department as soon as possible. If someone is dissatisfied, I just come to a new official to take office. Take him Liwei!"

"Of order." Gao Gong said excitedly.

The two discussed behind closed doors for half an hour before Gao Gong went out.

With Gao Gong, Su Hao has a bottom line in his heart.


In the evening, return to the princess mansion.

Xu Weixiong was walking back and forth in the hall, and she got the news that Su Hao was Minister of the Ministry of Officials in the morning.

She was stunned.

how can that be possible?

"Daughter-in-law, how about I being the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

She remembered Su Hao jokingly asking last night.

This guy already knew?

How did he do that?

It was unexpectedly recommended by Liu Qian.

"Young master is back." Hongshu shouted happily.

Su Hao walked in swaggeringly, as if he had done something remarkable.

"Daughter-in-law, my lord is hungry." He sat down vigorously.

Xu Weixiong was amused by him, and said:

"Tsk tsk, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, that's amazing."

Su Hao pretended to be surprised and speechless, and said:

"Daughter-in-law, do you know all about it? Which bastard told you? I want to surprise you."

In fact, of course he knew, with the ability of Fushuifang, he must have known it immediately.

"I'm curious, how did you do it?" Xu Weixiong asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Su Hao spread his hands and said:

"It depends on two points, one is talent, and the other is handsome."

Hongshu poohed:

"Grandfather is not ashamed."

Seeing that he wasn't telling the truth, Xu Weixiong didn't continue to ask.

It is indeed a great joy for Su Hao to become Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

At least, it will be much fairer for students from the northern border to take the imperial examination in Beijing in the future.

"Daughter-in-law, the Gao Gong you recommended to me at the beginning has come in handy this time." Su Hao said.

Xu Weixiong sat down beside him, pondered for a while and said:

"You are only in charge of the Ministry of Officials. What you want at first is a balance to balance the forces of all parties. Let me remind you of a few points..."

Su Hao has a feeling that there is a female Zhuge at home.

Just like Huang Rong next to Guo Jing.

Xu Weixiong's talent far exceeds that of Huang Rong.

In the future, the husband and wife will work together to dominate the world.

Su Hao secretly smiled triumphantly in his heart.

Ps: Please ask for flowers and evaluation votes, give me some motivation, brothers.

57. The only person who knows the identity of the Sage Monarch of the Demon Sect is him

With Gao Gong as his right-hand assistant, Su Hao quickly resumed operations.

He used a group of experienced and oppressed people like himself.

Of course, some people jumped out against it.

Su Hao directly told him to pack up and leave. After that, everyone became honest.

this day.

Su Hao was working in the official department when he heard the guards shouting outside.

He went out to watch.

It turned out that what they said was that Meng Zhi, the commander of the imperial army, had returned to Beijing today after his filial piety had expired.

Meng Zhi, the ninth in the martial arts list, the commander of the [-] forbidden army.

"Finally back." Su Hao smiled faintly.

On the same day, news came from the palace that Meng Zhi regained control of the Imperial Army.

Emperor Qian also rewarded Meng Zhi with many things.

This Mongolian commander is deeply trusted by the emperor.


Spider Pavilion.

Since the ghost king failed to attack the spider pavilion last time, there has been no movement since then.

"My subordinates sent people to investigate the ghost market, and everything there is as usual." Startled Salamander chuckled, "Is the ghost king afraid, and dare not come again."

"Keep an eye on the ghost market and continue to investigate the identity of the ghost king." Su Hao said in a deep voice.

He was very afraid of that ghost king.

Sword 23 and Nine Suns Daboli failed to defeat the King of Ghosts.

That guy is too strong, especially the terrifying domineering true energy.

"We have a visitor tonight, you have to show your strength, so as not to be underestimated by him." Su Hao smiled, "Of course, you can't hurt him."

The startled salamander took the lead and left.

Su Hao was drinking hot tea in the hall.

At a moment of Xu, there was the sound of fighting outside.

The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, and after half an hour, it subsided.


The door was pushed open, and Six Swordsmen came in with a person under their pressure.

Su Hao looked at the person who came and laughed:

"Brother Meng, how about this meeting ceremony?"

The person who came was Meng Zhi, the commander of the Forbidden Army, with a shocked expression on his face, and he hadn't recovered yet.

"Let go of him, you all go down." Su Hao waved his hand.

After the six sword slaves went down, Meng Zhi came back to his senses.

His eyes were moist, his hands trembled a little, and he tremblingly said:

"Your Highness, it's been ten years, and you've grown so much."

Su Hao spread out his hands:

"No, it's been ten years, Brother Meng, you are old."


Meng Zhi knelt down towards him and bowed:

"Your Highness, do you know how shocked I was when I received your letter?"

"The first prince still has a queen. Back then, I followed the first prince to fight in the south and north. Hey, I didn't go to the last south. I... I..."

Su Hao smiled:

"It's a good thing you didn't go, otherwise, you wouldn't be alive now."

Meng Zhi forced himself to calm down.

Su Hao helped him up and said:

"Brother Meng, you can still recognize my handwriting. In this world, you are the only one who knows who I am."

Meng Zhi sighed lightly:

"Back then the crown prince entrusted you to me. Ten years ago, if I hadn't been transferred out of Beijing, I wouldn't have..."

Su Hao smiled:

"Fortunately, it's all over, and now, I'm back."

Meng Zhi's eyes were full of shock and said:

"I didn't expect that your highness is so powerful now, that you are actually the master of the Demon Sect."

"It's unbelievable that you, a scholar, control such a powerful magic gate."

Su Hao spread his hands and smiled:

"The hardships involved, I will tell Brother Meng in detail later."

"Only you, Brother Meng, know the identity of my Demon Sect Sage Monarch, not even my daughter-in-law."

Meng Zhi bowed earnestly:

"Your Highness, I, Meng Zhi, was indebted to the great kindness of the former crown prince, otherwise I would have died long ago, please believe me, Meng Zhi."

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