They didn't say anything to each other, and some of them turned to leave.

The two protagonists of this battle have left, so why are they still staying?

But the most important question is.

The faces of these students were extremely excited. They didn't know why they got excited!

That must be because Lin Mo gave them too much shock today!

Although everyone was scared, they couldn't help but look forward to it even more!

Today's battle is very strange.

They didn't see anything, and the six-eared macaque was solved by the speed of light!

So everyone still didn't see Lin Mo attacking with all his strength, and they didn't even know about the other party's imperial beast.

They don't even know what the familiar monster is!

So everyone is looking forward to having the opportunity to see Lin Mo really make a move in the future!

And this opportunity should not be too far away.

Because this month's monthly exam is about to start!

By the time.

They probably will have a chance to see Lin Mo's true strength with their own eyes!

And the real body forms of his mysterious royal beasts!


Chapter 180 Nine: The Multidimensional Gate and Incubation Room, the Recent Situation of the Xia Gai Zerg! (Please subscribe!)

It didn't take long.

Lin Mo returned to his No. [-] villa.

There are basically no people in the villa area now.

They all went to the duel field to watch the show when they received the news, and they probably haven't come back yet~.

After Lin Mo returned to the room.

He didn't directly mobilize his talent without ink marks, and calmed down to bring his consciousness to the world of gray fog.

at this time.

Not much has changed in the world of gray mist.

The Gug giants are now more powerful, and they intend to build a more magnificent pyramid.

But only half of the giants were separated to build the god site, and the other half were perfecting the houses where the group lived.

Now the giant civilization has developed relatively well, and there is a large spherical residence near the mountains.

Those conical pyramids seem to be more exquisite, and there are many wonderful patterns on the outside.

Moreover, there are many huge stone gates near the pyramid.

The construction of these stone gates is very strange.

The outer layer is first a huge frame, and the inner layer is covered with stone doors one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo felt something was wrong.

Those patterns on the pyramid, and these interlocking stone gates...

Guge giants do not have this kind of craftsmanship.

Lin Mo sensed the situation a little bit.

Soon large numbers of Chagai were found near the mountains.

The Shaggai Zerg is not dormant in the gray mist now, and has come to this giant mountain range.

They circled back and forth near the pyramids, seeming to guide the giants in their work.

There are also Shagai insects that directly parasitize in the minds of the Guge giants.

Take the initiative to control the body of the Guge giant to complete the construction of various god sites.

The Shagai insects may dislike the Guge giants for being too stupid, and they can't teach them no matter what.

Simply do it yourself...

The Shaggai Zerg would actually integrate into the Guge giants and actively help them develop their civilization.

This surprised Lin Mo a little.

But it's normal to think about it.

The Shaggai swarm possess highly developed intelligence, which is their greatest advantage.

But physical limitations prevent them from doing much work.

So the Shaggai Zerg chose to cooperate with the big guys like the Guge Giants.

With complementary advantages.

In this way, the civilizations of both ethnic groups can develop rapidly.


In the Cthulhu mythology story.

The Shaggai are interstellar refugees who arrived on Earth centuries ago.

Their home world is Shaggai, a world orbiting the twin green stars.

In their heyday, they lived in bulbous dwellings in huge cities.

As a worshiper of Azathoth.

They built many pyramid-shaped temples containing multidimensional doors.

So that the incarnation of Azathoth, Sadar Hegra, could enter from outer space.

one day.

A mysterious object appears in the universe.

day to day.

The object is getting closer and closer to Shaggai.

until a certain day.

A blinding red light from this strange alien destroys the planet.

The "Book of Eibon" mentions that it awakened the Night Eater, causing it to devour everything on Shaggai.

Those Shaggai who were teleported to the temples of Azathoth survived the disaster.

Survivors teleport to their colony on Cykrotor.

The Shaggai Zerg stayed on Cyclothor for a while.

But after discovering that they were slaves to terrible religious practices.

They teleported again to the planet Tugon, where some terrible discovery prompted them to migrate once more.

This time it was the star of Legerges, the planet Uranus.

When the planet is proven uninhabitable.

A small group of Shaggais came to Earth and descended on the Severn Valley in England during the Middle Ages in Europe.

After coming to earth.

The Shaggai Zerg established some colonies in Europe and the Middle East, and some members also visited the dreamland of the earth.

They brought with them the creatures of Cyclotor and Rajheth as slaves and guards.

The Shaggai Zerg Infiltrated Human Civilization

Some of the pyramids in Egypt and south-central Africa were designed and built by them.

They experimented with humans and created Shaggai, a hybrid of Shane and humans.

The pyramids were originally used as hatcheries for Shaggai, but they have since destroyed the mixture.

Most of the Shaggai were wiped out, but a small number of survivors fled between the Shaun and the humans.

It is said that the Shaggai Zerg is still inhabiting the earth.

Due to certain components in the Earth's atmosphere, they can no longer be transferred to other worlds.

They plan to conquer the planet, at which point humanity will either die out entirely or remain as an ancillary workforce.

The descendants of Shane will build cities and temples.

At last.

The great multidimensional portal will allow Azathoth to enter this universe in its original form.


According to this fairy tale.

Lin Mo had to suspect that the Guge giant chose to build the pyramid as the site of the gods in the first place.

Is this a hint given by the Shaggai Zerg?

The Xiagai Zerg has now expanded so many pyramids, it is estimated that they want to serve as an incubator for the group.

The stone gates built nearby are probably intended to create multidimensional gates.

It is hoped that one day the "God" will descend on their land in person.

But that day is still far away.

The civilization of the Shaggai Zerg and the Guge Giants is still too low-level.

The strength of the Xiagai Zerg is not high, and most of them are now at the commanding level.

Those built stone gates only have spiritual power and a trace of space fluctuations.

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The power of space depends on the runes, and it is estimated that they were bestowed by the "Wheel of Fortune".

But as long as they're developing, that's a good thing.

Wait till the end.

The era of Cthulhu mythology has come completely, and the Shaggai Zerg can also regain its former glory.

Now there is an extra mythical race in the gray mist world.

Those are the "Void Hunters" hatched by the black goats - "Empty Ghosts".

These empty ghosts wandered unconsciously in the gray mist, and seemed to have very low-level intelligence.

Moreover, it seems that there is no other advantage when it comes out of the original power of space.

It is completely inferior to the "old friends" of the Guge giants.

It's no wonder that the Shaggai Zerg didn't choose them as partners.

But when the empty ghost group is stronger, the Shaggai Zerg will probably let them play a role.

After all, their original space power is of great help to the construction of dimension gates.

........ 0

Lin Mo feels that the Xia Gai Zerg can really create a real "door" in the future.

Let's not talk about the "Multidimensional Gate".

There is no problem in building a space portal.

The Shaggai Zerg may also develop some kind of terrifying mechanical technology weapon.

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