"Isn't everything going to end so easily?"


Inside the dormitory of Shanghai University.

Opening the curtains, Solanum nigrum looked at the surging moonlight outside, like the waves of the sea, the waves were rough, but it gave people a feeling of tranquility and warmth.

A vague smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she drew the curtains, turned off the lights, lay down on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Is the moonlight good tonight?"

"It's obviously not fifteen, why is the moon so round and so bright?"

"Not bad, not bad! We can sleep in peace of mind. The moonlight tonight is so bright that it's weird."


Although it was late at night, the discussion on this matter on the Tianshui University forum was still not over.

Many students are still afraid of the deep-sea diver. According to the news released by Lin Mo, it is said that behind the deep-sea diver, there are two high-ranking gods.

Their strength is much more terrifying than those mermaids that the teaching director dealt with before.

If the gods behind these two really come out of the ocean, I don't know if Tianshui University can bear it.

"Brothers, I'm still a little panicked. You said that the two gods behind the deep-sea diver will make a move?"

"Me too! The deep-sea divers themselves are terrifying, and the gods behind them are probably even more terrifying!"

"Do you still remember the huge monster that was floating on the surface of the sea at noon that day, but never made a move? Do you think he is the god of deep-sea divers?"

"Probably not? I feel... Are we thinking too much?"

Just as everyone was discussing this, Tianshui University issued an announcement.

[Students, don’t worry, the Holy See of Light has already sent several strong men to sit in our Tianshui University. The so-called deep-sea divers are all ghosts of the Shanghai University, just to intimidate us deliberately. ]

[The gods behind the deep-sea divers are just ants in front of the powerful Vatican of Light, not worth mentioning! ]

Following the announcement issued by the teaching director, he specially invited a group of sailors to deliberately wash the ground.

It didn't take long to appease the flustered emotions of those college students.

"Today I saw the powerhouse of the Holy See of Light, that is the real master! If the deep-sea divers really come over, they will be tortured and killed in minutes!"

"That's right, I don't believe that deep-sea divers can beat our bright Holy See powerhouse!"

"As students of Tianshui University, we should keep our hearts in our stomachs!"


The teaching director lying on the bed tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

The emergence of the strong members of the Holy See of Light did help them resolve the crisis temporarily, but it still could not reassure the dean.

What the headmaster did made him very chilled.

The dean is considering whether to leave Tianshui University as soon as possible, otherwise, sooner or later, he will be honored and die as the principal's backer.

If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid...

Boom! ! !

At this moment, a deafening sound suddenly rang in the ears of the dean, and the ground seemed to be trembling.

The building where he lived shook, his body was uncontrollable, and he fell from the bed to the ground.

what happened?

He rushed out and opened the door. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, but all the lights in the dormitories of Tianshui University were turned on.

Very conspicuous in the dark.

The rolling thunder above the head flickered back and forth. The moonlight was shining brightly tonight, but who would have thought that there would be thunder on the ground.

On the surface of the sea not far in front of Tianshui University, the moonlight melted and shimmered, and the waves kept coming one after another.

The sound of explosions came again and again.

The principal and other teachers were also shocked by the strange sight.

They stood on the corridor and looked into the distance, watching the undulating sea surface, sweat flowing from their palms.

Not only Tianshui University College, but also those around the university were attracted.

No way, this movement is really too big.

"Principal? What's going on here? Could it be the deep-sea divers who came to retaliate?"

The principal snorted 500 coldly and said, "What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful the deep sea divers are, they will never be stronger than the Holy See of Light!"

"If they really dare to come tonight, Shui University will be their burial place that day!"

This incident quickly caused a sensation on various online forums and aroused discussions among many people.

"Brothers, have you all seen that, Tianshui University, will you suffer another disaster tonight?"

"I feel that it is very possible now, there seems to be a lot of movement over there!"

"What do you say will happen?"

"I don't know, I don't know. Now I have set up a telescope and watched it from a mountain more than 20 kilometers away from Tianshui University. If there is any latest movement, I will let you know immediately!"


A huge explosion sounded suddenly, and a moment later, a huge wave hundreds of meters high suddenly filled the entire night sky.

When the huge waves finally dissipated, a tall and strange monster appeared in people's field of vision.

His two eyes are like huge moons, but the light they emit is golden yellow.

His whole body was covered with scales, with almost no gaps. Standing under the moonlight, he made a strange and bizarre sound, like an elegy from hell.

Desperate and painful.

Everyone was stunned.


Chapter 260 Seven: The Father God and Mother God of the Deep Diver! (Please subscribe!)

The monster suspended in mid-air was almost hundreds of meters tall. Standing in the moonlight, he couldn't see the end at a glance, and only cast a huge shadow on the ground.

Before people could react from the horror, there was another huge explosion, and the sound was even stronger than before.

In the next second, another monster appeared in people's field of vision.

He is not as huge as the first monster, and is slightly thinner in comparison, but he is still a terrifying existence that ordinary people dare not look directly at.

Its body is black, its face is extremely ugly, and the dissatisfied fangs in its mouth are like steel nails in the wind, as if it can pierce everything.

A black mist hung over his body.

The two monsters gradually approached Tianshui University.

Someone took a picture of this scene and posted it on the Internet, and the forum immediately exploded!

"Do you think these are the two gods of deep-sea divers?"

"No, I still want to sleep at night, so don't scare me!"

"What do you mean scaring you? Isn't all of this obvious? Not long ago, the deep-sea divers were killed so many by the dean of Tianshui University, and their gods must have been alarmed!"

"I think that monster looks terrible!"


Watching them gradually approaching, the headmaster's body froze in place, and he froze in fright.

He even had difficulty breathing, and his eyes were full of fear.

What kind of terrifying evildoer is this!

Facing those two aloof gods, they didn't even have the slightest means or room to dare to resist.

At this moment, a golden light lit up, people looked up one after another, and there was a golden figure standing under the cold night sky.

The armor on his body is dazzling and bright, the red cloak is hunting in the sea breeze, and he holds a sharp spear in his right hand.

It is the strong man sent by the Holy See of Light!

"Everyone don't have to worry, there are people from the Holy See of Light here, those two monsters, it is impossible to cause a storm' ‖!"

The headmaster's words gave everyone a reassurance. Everyone who was flustered before gradually calmed down a little.

Everyone can still vividly remember the performance of the bright and strong man during the day.

His methods are absolutely terrifying!

Those two huge and terrifying monsters may be really strong, but they are more willing to believe in the powerhouses of the Holy See of Light.

"Where did the ugly monster come from!"

The bright eyes of the strong man were as sharp as knives, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

"Leave Tianshui University immediately!"

As the voice fell, the spear in the hands of the strong light was thrown directly into the air, and a deafening sound came, and a golden dragon sprayed flames around the strong light.

The giant dragon was hundreds of meters long, with its wings spread out, the entire sky was lit by him.

The bright and strong man sat on top of the dragon, his eyes were looking straight ahead, full of victorious attitude.

People were all amazed when they saw it.

"I'm going to say that this strong man should be at the quasi-king level!"

"Look at the royal beast he summoned, it's so mighty, it's probably the quasi-king!"

"There is a strong king who is expected to sit in the town. I believe that Tianshui University will be fine tonight?"

The headmaster immediately regained his confidence.

He looked at the two monsters in the air and sneered, and said to himself: "Stupid thing, dare to come to our Tianshui University to make trouble, I don't care if you are a god or a ghost, you will die!"

Facing the words of the strong man of light and the headmaster, the two huge monsters in the air seemed not to hear them, but they still approached in an orderly manner.

Every time they moved, there was a strong stench in the air.

There was still liquid flowing down their bodies, it was a kind of light blue thing, and it looked extremely weird under the moonlight.

"court death!"

The huge fire dragon in the sky spread its wings completely, and a golden fireball, burning with raging light, quickly bloomed in the air.

The darkness of the earth was completely removed, and the moonlight above the head also dimmed at this moment.

The fiery red sphere lingered in the air, and after a while, one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight!

The eight fireballs flew towards the two huge monsters like mountains.

People were all dumbfounded in shock.

"Damn it! Why didn't I realize that Tianshui University has such a rich background?"

"Awesome! With the terrifying attack power just now, even if it is not the Zhun Wang, it is probably not far from the Zhun Wang!"

"At first, I was still worried that I might not survive Tianshui University tonight!"

"Tonight was really an eye-opener!"

Several huge photospheres were arranged in lowercase, neatly, and rushed towards the two monsters.

The monster that appeared at the very beginning showed no sign of moving when it saw the fireball appear.

He seemed to have lost consciousness, his body suspended in mid-air, motionless.

"It must have been frightened!"

"¨‖The two monsters are not opponents in front of the powerhouse of the Holy See!"

"I feel excited just thinking about it. It's so cool to see those two monsters being killed on the spot!"

The students of Tianshui University regained their previous arrogance and arrogance.

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