Not only can he go in, but he can also bring other people in.


The next moment, Chen Fan and everyone disappeared in place in an instant, appearing in a mysterious space.

Perhaps because this independent space was bred under no man's land, it was very dark.

A little light is emitted by some items in the space.

Chenfan sensed it, and found that the independent space has the size of a hundred miles.

It is pregnant with mountains and water, and its aura is particularly strong.

He even felt the aura in the air, nourishing him autonomously.

"Are you nourished by spiritual energy?"

Dust Fan asked.


"The aura here is extremely rich, and it is nourishing us independently."

Medusa's voice was a little excited.

"So, in this space, we are equivalent to those treasures or creatures buried under no man's land..."

"What a chance..."

Wu Mei's voice was also very excited.

In this way, as long as they come here to practice independently in the future, wouldn't it have at least double the effect.

"It should be like this!"

"It is indeed a heaven-defying chance!"

"If you join this space and continue to grow and transform with no man's land, it will be even more against the sky."

Chenfan calmed down.

"My lord, do you think there is such an independent space in the no-man's land?"

The elf princess asked curiously.

"There will be!"

"(aebj) is estimated to be quite a lot, and the level is not lower than ours..."

"It's even possible to evolve into a secret realm, or a dimensional world."

Chen Fan's tone was a little excited: "In two days, I will enter the no-man's land again, and try to see if I can find such an independent space."

"If we find it, we can build a city on it!"

Wu Mei's voice was very excited.


Dust Fan laughed.

"Let's find out if there is any treasure in this independent space."

"According to my husband's guess, this independent space is most likely formed after the decomposition and fusion of various storage rings and storage spaces."

"Then the treasure in the storage ring, I don't know what kind of existence it will become..."

Medusa's voice fell, and then the figure jumped slightly, and began to hunt for treasure.

The rest of the people also dispersed one after another.

Seeing how positive people are.

Chen Fan smiled, then opened his golden eyes and double pupils, and in an instant the scene in front of him seemed to have turned into daylight.

Chenfan discovered that those shimmering lights turned out to be night pearls inlaid on the mountain.

Ye Mingzhu was incomparably huge, laughing like a basketball.

And these luminous pearls are not luminous pearls that come from the ordinary world and are only for viewing.

They radiate energy fluctuations themselves.

"I just don't know whether these luminous pearls already existed in the storage ring, or they were formed after the treasures of the storage ring were disassembled."

Chenfan is very curious, but he also knows that he has no way to study it.

"The mountains and water here? Where do they come from?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

This space has a radius of a hundred miles.

Seriously, all the junk in the dumps, all added up, doesn't have a big mask.

Is there no one who can put a mountain of room storage rings in it?

Therefore, Chenfan thinks that the treasures in the storage ring should be purified and decomposed into energy, which is more likely to manifest.

A treasure contains more energy than a mountain.

"Husband, there is a seedling here!!"

"It should be a seedling of some kind of precious fruit..."

Medusa's excited voice came.


The dusty figure flashed and appeared directly beside Medusa.

Sure enough, a dark green seedling grew here.

It is only half a meter high and has a few green leaves.

I don't know what kind of plant it is, but it exudes a dark green light, forming an enchantment indistinctly.

"At least it's a precious medicine!"

"It's just a seedling, and it has to emit an enchantment to protect itself, and the possibility of magic medicine is relatively high..."

Chenfan murmured, very excited.

"Young master, I also found a vine here!"

The voice of the elven princess attracted Chenfan and Medusa.

After several ups and downs, the two came to the place where the elf princess was.

In an instant, the two were extremely shocked.

A vine actually climbed and entangled with the space, and it was already more than one meter long.

"What treasure is this?"

"It's just a seedling, and it can grow by clinging to the space."

"This vine should be related to the attributes of space."

Medusa sighed.

"The water here is a spiritual spring..."

"Contains a strong aura."

Yinling's happy voice came, and she took a mouthful of Lingquan and drank it.

"I made a decision!"

"From now on, I'm going to do a long-term retreat here!"

"The spiritual spring here was born for me..."

Elizabeth was extremely excited.

She is a mermaid, and the environment in the water is the most suitable for her.

I couldn't bear the loneliness before, so I chose to go ashore.

Now, she is even more eager for strength, to improve her own realm, and to enter the extraordinary as soon as possible.


"Here, a formation of dragon veins is bred!!"

Wu Mei's voice came.


"I saw!"

Chenfan was also very excited.

Dragon vein, another dragon vein.

Although it has not yet formed, it will be born sooner or later.

Perhaps, when the mortals break through to the divine realm, it may not be fully formed yet.

However, his appearance provided Chen Fan with a clue to find the dragon vein.

Finally, everyone found another cave.

In the cave, there is a Gangjin Pond, exuding a powerful Gangjin Qi.

For the rest, there are no other treasures.

"Two precious medicines, a spiritual spring, a dragon vein, and a Gangjin pool..."

"This is the treasure bred in an independent space."

"This is obviously the prototype of a secret realm at the beginning of its birth."

After the exploration, everyone made a summary.

"Gangjin Pond should be transformed by various weapons. The formation of dragon veins may be related to the formation of formations, the elixir may be related to precious fruits, and the words of Lingquan may be related to various treasure pills..."

"As for the mountains and rivers here, they should be transformed by the spiritual energy of various other treasures..."

Dust made a supplement.

"Then, how many treasures have been bred in the century-old secret realm in the no-man's land!!"

The killing angels are extremely eager to try.

"We have to hurry up and comprehend the self-formation formula."

"At that time, we can rely on our self-array to find various secret places in no man's land."

But Jin'er was eager to try, and she found this world more and more interesting.

"The secret realm is buried underground after all."

"It is estimated that after maturity, it will be born spontaneously."

"It seems that the competition for praise in the secret realm in no man's land is indispensable!"

"Strength is the most important thing!"

"How long has our no-man's land been bred."

"Besides, I am the master of no man's land, so we can easily control everything here."

"No man's land has existed for hundreds of years. If a mature secret realm is born, it will definitely be full of danger..."

Chenfan took a deep breath, he was still relatively calm.

"No matter what, no man's land is a must!"

Medusa nodded.

"I basically solved the funds for building the city."

"Right now, what we lack is being able to find a secret treasure and overall strength."

Chen Fan said with a smile: "Let's go out first, when the time comes, we will set up a legend gate, so that you can come here to practice at any time!"


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