He found that the surrounding area of ​​Baigu Ridge was full of wasteland.

Wherever the dark wind goes, there is no life at all.

If a plant can grow against the invasion of the wind, it is definitely a super treasure medicine, or even a miracle medicine.

However, Chenfan found that Baiguling seemed to have a sense of territory.

Moreover, the occupied territory is not very wide.

The Yin wind seems to be emanating from Baigu Ridge, and the sweeping area will not exceed ten kilometers.

However, there is no life in the ten-kilometer radius centered on Baigu Ridge.

Here, it seems to be a forbidden area of ​​life.

"I want to see what the so-called opportunity is."

"It's so mysterious."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, then took a step towards the restricted area of ​​life.

Here, it is about one kilometer away from the restricted area of ​​life.

Although separated by a distance, Chen Fan has already felt the incomparably strong evil spirit.

"Not surprisingly, the surrounding creatures should have been attacked by evil spirits..."

Dust is vigilant.


Sure enough, he had just walked a short distance when the ground in front of the ground exploded, and a huge black shadow broke through the ground directly and rushed towards Chenfan.

It was a giant python, estimated to be more than ten feet long, with its bloody mouth wide open, and the bloody evil spirit was rolling.


Chenfan turned sideways lightly, drew his knife and slashed, directly cutting off the giant python's neck.


The corpse of the giant python that was instantly killed was still rushing out with inertia.

I saw countless scales on the giant python's body had decayed.

Corpse gas is surging.

Obviously, this giant python has been eroded so badly by the evil wind and evil spirit here that it has already begun to turn into a corpse.

"Will there be corpse pills?"

Chen Fan was very curious, his golden eyes and heavy pupils glanced around, and found a black bead on the giant python's body, so he picked it out with the phoenix bone blade.

Holding it in his hand, Chenfan could feel the extremely pure evil spirit emanating from the beads.

"It should be the corpse pill that can't be wrong..."

Chen Fan directly accepted it with a smile.

"So, Fairy Haogu is here to test my combat power?"

"It's not too challenging!"

Even though Chen Fan said so, his golden eyes and double pupils were always open.




Just walking a few steps, the ground suddenly burst out with bone spurs...

Chen Fan turned his body slightly and avoided them all.

However, the bone spur that had just strayed from Chenfan turned back in an instant, and continued to shoot towards Chenfan.

In an instant, the bone spurs that appeared back and forth formed a circle around Chenfan.

What's more frightening is that this bone spur seems to be able to track him.



Chen Fan's body flashed and turned into countless afterimages.

He performed the swimming dragon technique, erratic, countless bone spurs seemed to lose their target, all stabbed towards his afterimage, finally collided and broke.

The bone spurs that split on the ground were emitting poisonous gas.


Chen Fan's figure fell, and the phoenix bone blade in his hand pierced the ground fiercely.

Afterwards, Chen Fan pulled out the phoenix bone blade and provoked a huge creature.

It's a hedgehog.

It was also cadaverized.

At this moment, he was still struggling slightly, his eyes were extremely scarlet, and he had no emotion at all.


Chen Fan took out a corpse pill and casually threw it aside.

"Fairy Haogu's territory is really a restricted area for many people."

Looking at Baigu Ridge in the distance, Chenfan's eyes are full of fear.

Whether it is a giant python or a hedgehog, they are all just mortal realms.

This hedgehog is about level 70 in Mortal Realm.

However, it is not weak.

Don't look at Chen Fan beheading him lightly.

It is estimated that there are more than 90 layers of evildoers in the mortal realm appearing here, and they are all in danger of falling.

Especially its bone spurs seem to be able to lock life and carry out tracking attacks.

Once entangled, if there is no absolute speed response or defense, it is really possible to hate on the spot.

What's more, this bone spur is full of corpse poison, even if it is scratched, it may fall into crisis.

"Heaven-level movement technique?"

"Golden Eye Ability!"

"Good guy!"

"It's too monstrous, enough to be called invincible."

"Once he breaks through and is supernatural, it is estimated that even the evildoers who are born supernatural and born with dragon veins cannot be his opponent..."

Although Haogu returned to Baigu Ridge, the battle in the world seemed to happen under her nose, and she could see it clearly.

For a moment, she was filled with emotion, and her eyes shone with anticipation.

After Chen Fan killed the hedgehog, he walked a long distance without being attacked.


Suddenly, an extremely violent roar sounded.

In the distance, endless evil spirits were rolling, a terrifying coercion lay in the secret of madness.


Along with that, the ground shook violently.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the dark jungle, a pair of scarlet eyes are like hanging lanterns.

"Corpse bear?"

"At least 90 floors!"

"What a violent force..."

Chenfan made a judgment.


The tyrannical breath hit, and the mortal figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

The huge bear's paw slapped hard on the place where Chen Fan used to be, blasting a big hole.

What's even more frightening is that the soil that was blown out was instantly stained with horrible corpse aura and turned black instantly.

"What a strong corpse!"

"I can't fight in close quarters..."

"So, this is deliberately testing me?"

Chenfan was thinking in the distance.


After missing a single blow, the corpse bear once again turned into a storm of evil spirits and swept towards the mortal world.

"Heavenly Sword Slash!"

Chen Fan shouted coldly, the phoenix bone blade in his hand suddenly raised, and then he slashed.


The space he was going to was faintly chopped into two halves.


Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit storm exploded, and the huge corpse bear was cut in half and fell down with a bang.


Chenfan heaved a sigh of relief, his face pale.

The blow he just performed, using the Heavenly Sword Slash, only hurt the extraordinary powerhouse.

The loss is naturally a bit large.

"It's a heaven-level combat skill again!!"

"The Mortal Realm, how did you do it?"

"Learning one may be a chance and a fluke, and learning two is definitely his talent and understanding..."

"Is this guy simply an evildoer without any shortcomings?"

Chen Fan's attack once again amazed Hao Gu.

"The harvest is not bad!"

At this moment, Chen Fan has almost recovered, and took out a corpse pill the size of a basketball from the corpse bear.

Corpse pill, but a good treasure.

Among the alchemy recipes passed down by Chen Fan, there is an alchemy technique that specializes in purifying and purifying corpse pills.

Through this alchemy technique, the corpse pill can be refined into a very rare treasure pill.

After taking it, you can strengthen your physical body.

After collecting another corpse pill, Chenfan continued to move forward.

This time, there was no attack at all.

Soon, Chenfan came to the edge of the restricted area of ​​life.

As soon as he got close, he felt an endless chill.

This kind of coldness is not only the coldness of the body, but also an indescribable coldness in the depths of the heart.

"' 〃 I don't know if my physical body can bear it..."

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