The Argo's next step was to sail into the Sea of ​​Marmora.

After entering this sea area, it is a little closer to Colchis.

It's just an accident on board...

Probably the reason for the overindulgence of so many heroes on Lemnos.

They are collectively infected with a disease that is not easy to talk about.

Especially Jason.

He began to have scars all over his body, large and small blood pox spread all over his body, and his face was even more terrifying because of this.

The stench continued to emanate from his body.

Anyone who saw him was bound to feel sick.

Compared with Jason, the rest of the heroes have similar illnesses, but they are not so serious.

After Hojo saw their signs, he immediately recognized that they had the disease of 'big pox'. If this disease were put into modern times, it would be called 'syphilis'.

But in present-day Greece it is called the Great Pox.

Hojo, who is familiar with medicine, knows that pox is contagious.

Without saying a word, he immediately decided to leave the Argonaut.

Although he won't get sick thanks to Apollo's protection, the 3.1 pox patients on the ship are really disgusting.

Then he jumped out of the boat with Anna and Atalanta and Hercules.

Fortunately, the Argo was approaching land at this time.

After the four arrived on land, they looked at the Argo from a distance.

Hercules sighed and said:

"I never thought that Teacher Chiron would have such an apprentice, it really ruined Teacher Chiron's virtuous name..."

Atalanta said coldly:

"A man who can't control his lower body deserves it!"

Hojo didn't say anything, just smiled lightly.

Then the four of them set off again.

Their target is still Colchis, but no longer with the 'heroes' on the Argo...


Today's sixth update!

Grass, Argentina! ! !I'm stupid, this can be an upset! ! !

Oh shit! ! !

Ask for flowers, ask for votes! .

Chapter 230 Four: The Goddess Suddenly Hanging on Her Body! (First update, please subscribe)

on Mount Olympus.

When the gods saw that the heroes on the Argo were all infected with the big pox.

The faces of these gods all changed.

They originally had opinions on Jason and his group, but now they have even bigger opinions.

"The more people look at this group of people, the more they feel angry! How can such people be in charge of this expedition?!"

"Meeting women is such an indulgence! Can't they learn from Hojo and the others?!"

" don't seem to be qualified to talk about them, do you?"

"Hey, I'm different from them."

When Zeus uttered these words awkwardly and pretending to be calm, the hall, which was quite serious just now, suddenly became joyful.

Just only Athena.

Her eyes and face are always serious and angry.

After all, she was the main god involved in this expedition.

And she was also optimistic about Jason at the beginning.

As a result, Jason is acting like this now.

This made the goddess feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at this time, there is no god to touch her bad luck.

"In other words, according to Jason's physique, he shouldn't have this kind of disease, and it still looks so serious..."

When Apollo said so, Ares next to him gave him a sneak signal to Aphrodite on the opposite side.

Apollo suddenly thought of the curse that the god of beauty had cast on Jason...

For a moment, he couldn't help but shiver.

Then he looked at his sister Artemis again.

Artemis also cursed Jason.

Then when will that curse be fulfilled...


on the ground.

The Hojo four traveled all the way in this piece of land called Asia Minor.

This place is already nearly a thousand kilometers away from the mainland of Greece in a straight line.

And Colcas has to continue along this land for nearly 1000 kilometers.

It's no wonder why this trip to the Golden Fleece is an expedition.

In this age of extreme danger on the ground.

The nearly [-]-kilometer journey back and forth is undoubtedly a journey with more luck than luck.

Fortunately, the Hojo four are not ordinary people who can overcome the difficulties and obstacles along the way...

After jumping off the Argo, Hojo originally wanted to go straight all the way to Colchis.

But Atalanta said she wanted to go to a city—


It was a city-state in the west of Asia Minor.

Among them stands the most majestic Temple of Artemis.

Devout huntresses want to go there on pilgrimage and worship the goddess.

Both Hojo and Hercules had no opinion.

Hojo was thinking that he would also try to worship the goddess of the moon.

And Hercules wanted to see more of the world.

So a group of people finally came to this city-state after a few days of trekking.

But Hojo and the others were rarely recognized at the gate of this city-state.

Although this is also within the scope of Greece, it is too far away from the mainland of Greece, which has led to the fact that many things in Greece cannot be transmitted here.

For example, about the heroic deeds of Hojo and others....

The feeling that not many people knew him made Hojo and the others feel quite happy.

After all, it was too ostentatious in mainland Greece as before.

This low-key feeling at the moment is actually very satisfying.

It's just that Hercules' size and Hojo's appearance inevitably caused some exclamations.

Then the four of them entered the city and went to the Temple of Artemis in the city-state.

There are also a lot of sights attracted along the way, but there is no trouble to get entangled.

They stopped at the temple of the Moon Goddess.

At this time, standing in front of several people is a temple somewhat similar to the Parthenon Temple.

But lean more toward simplicity and primitiveness.

At the same time, at the very front of the temple, there was a fountain spouting water.

Coupled with the people coming and going, it sets off the prosperity and prosperity here.

Looking at the temple in front of him, Hojo hesitated for a while.

And at this moment Atalanta said to him:

"Come on, come in with me."

Hojo took a deep breath and walked in with Atalanta.

Hercules looked at the backs of the two with curious and expectant eyes.

This hero known for his strength is very curious about what will happen next.

A goddess who can only accommodate female devotees, and a man who is about to pay homage to each other.

It really is enough to catch anyone's eye.

Anna thought that she didn't have the spectatorial attitude of Hercules.

The girl was just praying to Hojo.

You must succeed, Hojo-sama!


When Hojo followed Atalanta to the gate of the temple.

Two women in white clothes with bows stopped them.

"Stop, what are you trying to do?!"

"We have come to worship the goddess Artemis."

"I can understand you paying homage, so what's going on with this man?!"

The female guard turned her gaze to Hojo.

Hojo couldn't help being a little embarrassed for a moment.

At this moment, Atalanta said lightly:

"He is a person authorized by the Goddess to pay homage, do you want to stop him?"

While speaking, she released the strong moon god breath on her body.

As a huntress personally blessed by Artemis, Atalanta can actually be said to be the saint among the believers of the Moon Goddess.

The two female guards immediately changed color after feeling the breath of Atalanta.

Then they respectfully planned to salute Atalanta, but were stopped by the huntress, she said lightly:

"Just let us go."


Although the female guards still got out of the way, their eyes were still strange.

Of course, they are not the only ones to blame.

What's even more strange are the various women in the temple.

Some of them are carrying bows and arrows, some are wearing white robes, and each of them is beautiful.

And as believers of the Moon God, they are all virgins.

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