He sat by the window, the moon shining in his hair, chilling its soft green color.

Enkidu felt sad, he couldn't understand why things developed like this.

Obviously the Humbaba he knew was so cute and friendly.

Why...why did it become like this now! ! !

How could that girlish Humbaba brutally kill lives? ! !

It's obviously impossible to do that! ! !

Enkidu didn't have many friends in his life.

Humbaba was his original one.

When Enkidu had no reason and power, it was Humbaba who took care of him!

That's why he couldn't believe it!

Such a gentle Humbaba, such a kind Humbaba!


But at this moment, a heartless voice suddenly resounded in Enkidu's heart:

"Enkidu, your speed is too slow. We have created an opportunity for you. Tomorrow, while Humbaba is fighting with the two of them, you will throw this thing at any one of them. Then your mission will be accomplished."

It was the voice of the god who created him.

The moment the sound sounded.

Enkidu suddenly realized.

Yeah, why Humbaba suddenly became like this...

It turns out...all of this is manipulated by the gods behind the scenes...

I'm too slow....

Yes, my mission was to split the two of them, so I forgot before I knew it...

Enkidu looked at the dagger that appeared in his hand at this moment.

His expression was silent, and his eyes changed alternately.

after a long time...

His face was covered with tears.

Those jewel-like eyes were full of confusion.



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The new book sets sail, I hope all readers can give some flowers and tickets, okay, the little author kneels down for you here! .

Chapter 42·The Decision Belonging to Enkidu! (New book, ask for flowers, ask for votes!)

The next day.

Outside the city-state of Uruk.

The residents cheered and saw off the three kings who were about to go on an expedition against Humbaba.

Only three kings participated in this crusade.

The rest of the soldiers had none at all.

This is what Hojo Yuhito ordered.

In front of Humbaba, simply stacking up the number of people is nothing more than losing more lives in vain.

It's better to have only the three of them to deal with it.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu also agree.

After receiving the send-off, the three of them rode their horses towards the forest.

After driving all day, the three finally approached the edge of the forest.

At this moment, standing in front of the three of them was an extremely large and dense forest.

Each of the trees is extremely tall.

In this era full of magic power, trees also absorbed magic power invisible, which made them stronger.

The sun is rarely seen in the forest, and it is all blocked by the dense branches and leaves.

Before Humbaba goes mad, people who pass through the forest or get lost in the forest will get help from Humbaba.

At that time, the forest exuded a gentle and joyful atmosphere from the inside out.

But at this time, the forest is filled with a dreadful magical atmosphere.

Obviously this is a mutation brought about by Humbaba.

"Rest here for one night, and we will go in tomorrow."

Gilgamesh said.

Then the three dismounted.

Hojo Yuhito randomly lit a bonfire.

Then he took out some food from the void.

This is the result of his practice of space magic.

The three sat around and chatted while resting.

Gilgamesh then said:

"Enkidu, if you still feel incapable of killing your friend, you can stay outside the forest and wait for Hojo and me."

Enkidu's complexion has not been very good since he came out today.

Although he smiled reluctantly, it could not hide Gilgamesh and Hojo Yuhito.

Gilgamesh thought that the other party was still like this because Humbaba was the other party's friend.

Hojo Yuhito is not as pure as Gilgamesh.

"No, I'm fine. No matter what, Humbaba is my friend. Even if I want to send the other party away, I hope I can be there in person."

Enkidu smiled reluctantly.

Gilgamesh nodded slightly.

Then the three of them prepared to rest on the spot.

Gilgamesh just fell asleep on the ground, defenseless.

As far as he is concerned, he is surrounded by close friends he can trust, and there is no need for any defense.

Hojo Yuhito was meditating silently, and seemed to be asleep.

until late at night.

Hojo Hirohito noticed a strange noise around him.

He opened his eyes, and what he saw was Enkidu getting up and walking into the distance.

Hojo Yuhito didn't speak, but silently restrained his breath to keep up.

By the way, a defensive magic was applied to a certain king who stayed in place.

Then he followed Enkidu to a cliff.

From the top of the cliff, you can clearly overlook the entire forest.

Endless starlight slanted down from the sky, and this cliff was the closest to the sky at this time.

Enkidu's robe sleeves were blown by the night wind.

The same goes for his hair.

Just such a back view already made people feel an unspeakable sadness.

But soon, the words from Hojo Yuhito interrupted Enkidu who was silent and sad at this moment.

"What's the matter, are you still feeling sorry?"

Enkidu looked at Hojo Yuhito beside him in surprise.

He couldn't help being startled, because he was completely unaware of Hojo Hirohito's aura.

He has always been unable to grasp the strength of Hojo Yuhito, and now he finally has a little understanding.


Enkidu nodded quietly.

Hojo Yuhito then said silently:

"If you want, maybe we can think of other ways, not the only way to kill Humbaba."

There was excitement in Enkidu's eyes when he heard this, but when he realized something, the excitement eventually turned into silence.

If you don't kill... so what.

In the end, they will be targeted by the gods and then used...

In that case, maybe Humbaba doesn't want to...

Enkidu's silence didn't make Hojo Yuhito open his mouth to persuade him.

He stood side by side with Enkidu for a while, when he wanted to persuade him to leave, Enkidu suddenly said:

"Hojo, why did you accept me? You didn't know anything about me when Jill brought me here."

"Maybe you should ask Jill this question. He is the one who accepted you first. My acceptance of you comes from Jill's recognition of you."

"I see..."

Enkidu sighed slightly.

Hojo Yuhito said again at this time:

"But no matter what, you are now an indispensable person in Uruk. You are no longer accepted by Jill and me, but by the entire Uruk."

"Yeah, the whole of Uruk has accepted me... I'm really grateful..."

After Enkidu's emotion, the atmosphere fell into silence again.

After a long time, Enkidu spoke again:

"If one day I did something heinous, Hojo, what would you do?"


Hojo Yuhito thought seriously and rationally, and then said:

"If this matter is serious to Uruk, I will enforce the law and punish you, even if it is Jill, I will do the same."

"The country is lawless, and I will not tolerate things that violate principles to happen in Uruk."

"But if Jill makes the decision, he might forgive you."

"After all, he is such a willful king."

After hearing this, Enkidu suddenly smiled, and said softly:

"Indeed, he is such a wayward king..."

While speaking, Enkidu's eyes became firm and outstanding.

Like he made a decision...



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