51. Experience built on blood and tears

In this reincarnation, Ivan finally realized one thing. What he learned about the American Marine Corps during World War II through materials, commentary, videos, film and television dramas, and all information from third parties... If only Focusing on the lowest level, there is basically no big problem. Everyone is brave and good at fighting without fear of life and death, just to defend their home and country.

However, it is not written much in the data, but in reality, the number of officers is more than double that of generals, and the number of officers who can decide the life and death of many soldiers is full of various problems. Not all officers are like Lieutenant Colonel Puller. Even if the soldiers had to risk their lives, it was only necessary to do so, otherwise the entire battle situation would be reversed by the enemy.

Therefore, there are very few school officers who can leave their names in historical materials, and most of the bright ones are survivors. Half of people's views on war in the 21st century stay at the country, and most of the rest stay at the commander-in-chief and the ace hero. A small number will focus on the generals.

As for the school officers and lieutenants, no one cared what a deputy battalion commander, battalion commander, and company platoon leader did in a battle.


Ivan continued to take deep breaths to calm his heart, and thought about the center of Mount Tapocho, which he stayed at the 301 height yesterday and kept observing. It was a rather steep highland. Concave, convex, small steep slope.

If the little devils take advantage of these terrains, they will definitely cause great damage to the attacking US troops, but there is one thing to be thankful for-both the US military and the Japanese army have scrapped a lot of bones and blood on the 303 Heights.

The bones and blood of any army are not only veterans who have fought many battles, but also a large number of junior officers.

The two determine the organizational ability of a company. The Japanese army, which is very short of officers, does not dare to leave the bunker. It is not 133% possible to organize patrols while repairing the position at the [-] Heights after being prepared by artillery fire.

But that's tantamount to giving hope to the enemy, betting that the kid won't organize a patrol because of a lack of officers.

In addition, Ivan thought of other ways to deal with it, such as marking the area where the patrol team would definitely appear. If the little devil really dared to send someone out, he would directly call the artillery fire from the rear to blow up the gang of bastards.

This method comes from the summary after the last vanguard mission...Even if Peter died in that mission, it is not the reason for Ivan to forget all the circumstances he encountered at that time.

Any experience in war is fraught with blood and tears.

The only problem is that the vanguard is usually very close to the marked point, and is more likely to be accidentally injured by own fire than the artillery spotter.


After returning to the station, the two whisperers and Foudino didn't sleep, as if they were waiting for him to come back.

Ivan looked at them and said softly: "No matter what, this order cannot be cancelled."


Foudino's expression was very calm, and he accepted the order calmly.Ivan really felt that Lieutenant Colonel Andres and Major Crowley should have a look at this soldier, without resistance, doubt, or disgust, and just accepted this unreasonable task.

The current 3rd Battalion is almost an empty shell. The casualty rate of the main company is close to 80%. There are three infantry companies and one heavy weapon company. Only the latter has maintained a perfect organization. The combatable soldiers can gather at most one infantry company .

Tomorrow's attacking force is the 2nd Battalion, not the 3rd Battalion, and the candidates for dispatching leading soldiers should also be selected from the 2nd Battalion. Why should they be transferred from the almost exhausted 3rd Battalion! ?

Even so, Foudino accepted the task calmly—isn't such a fighter worth cultivating?Isn't it worthy of respect?Do you have to be a vote for two dogs?

Ivan hated this kind of thing, but he knew very well in his heart that similar things abound in the future reincarnation.

Whether you are a small soldier or the commander of a small team, you will eventually be sent to a path of death—the 8-person team that saved Private Ryan, although it is a fictional story, the reality is far from reality. It is more cruel than what is described in the movie, and there are so many things that the mission goals are completed but no one survives. How many of them are like Ryan promising Captain Miller to live up to their hardships along the way! ?

There are also many things like what Ivan encountered. It is purely a self-righteous abuse of power by the well-dressed people sitting in the command post, just to satisfy their own selfish desires... and it is so ridiculous Even if the entire battalion/regiment suffered heavy casualties, they would not be dismissed like Colonel Puller.

Lieutenant Colonel Andres gave Ivan the impression that he was a guy who was training a domestic dog. He said a series of words that you couldn't refute in a seemingly peaceful tone, and the words were full of 'you can't resist me' 'You must submit to me' 'I admire you only because you are a dog that obeys orders very much and is brave and good at fighting'.

Sooner or later, Ivan will roar in front of him: "Fuck you——!!!"

Before that, he needs to think about tomorrow's mission.

"It's still the same."

Ivan lit a cigarette, feeling the irritating gas wafting through his lungs, and there was an indescribable liking to that uplifting feeling.

"Yaz, Charlie, you don't have to go this time."

"Then who will communicate?" Yaz asked.

"I will do it myself."

Yiwen decided to only sleep for three hours. There are at least three hours before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. He just needs to learn how to use the communication tools.

After all, it is now 1944. It was not the time of the Battle of Guadalcanal, and telephone lines needed to be laid to ensure efficient communication. The inhumane U.S. military had already used low-power wireless telephone transceivers such as walkie-talkies.

Although the communication distance is very short, it needs to be transferred to the rear command post, artillery position, navy, and Aslit Airport many times. In terms of efficiency, it cannot be compared with the Whisperer, but it is better than letting the Whisperer bear such a high risk.

Thinking of this, Yiwen suddenly realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't grasp the key point, like a fog that was about to be revealed but couldn't find where it was hidden in the next moment.

"That's the decision..."

Before Ivan finished speaking, Charlie interrupted.

"I go."

It was just a time to breathe. Yaz, Foudino, and Ivan all focused on this introverted Navajo, their faces full of disbelief.

"I'm going...to be a vanguard with you."

Charlie raised his head slightly, without stage fright at all, as if he had undergone something and completely reborn.

Before Ivan could speak, Foudino said in a cold tone, "Do you know what this means?"

"Of course I know." Charlie turned his head to look at Shanzi, with a fearless expression on his face, "If you want to stop me, please ask Sergeant Ivan to give an order."

At this time, Yaz quickly grabbed Charlie's combat uniform and murmured in their language: "*@#¥#%!!!"

Only Charlie in the tent could understand what he was saying, but his expression didn't change at all, and he answered him in the same language in a low voice.

So Ivan and Foudino saw Yazi's expression change little by little, from anger to incomprehension, then to worry, and finally his face was full of helplessness.

It is possible to know what the content of the conversation between them is.

Ivan never said a word, nor did he force Charlie to stay behind safely.

The Battle of Saipan has continued to this day, and no one's will has changed because of his few words. Even if the order of the Whisperer to stay behind is given, will Charlie, who is so persistent, be able to obediently carry it out?

The answer is obvious, he is very likely to directly disobey Ivan's order, and follow Ivan and Foudino after they set off.

Could it be possible to shoot Charlie directly for disobeying military orders?

'It's not so easy to be a commander, especially the most basic commander. '

Ivan inevitably thought of Captain John Miller in "Saving Private Ryan".

Although he is the company commander of an infantry company, the real core of the film is instead focused on the 8-member team. Compared with their G team, the internal contradictions are more acute... The origin comes from [The Whisperer], but the real The biggest conflict maker comes from the immediate boss.

Thinking of this, Ivan seems to have grasped something suddenly, but he didn't fully grasp it—it's like a loach in memory and thought, its body is covered with mucus, and the instant you think you've grasped it, it's gone. An easy escape.


Yaz looked into Ivan's eyes, as if giving him his last hope, but he didn't get any response.



At 6 o'clock in the morning on June 26, the soldiers on duty woke up Fodino, and Ivan, who woke up immediately, washed himself with cold water, and then solved his breakfast and personal excretion problems-until he left, he had to make sure that he would not be injured because of Excrement and urine affect the combat state.

At this time, various types of artillery have already started the saturation bombing of the 402 and 394 highlands.

The huge explosion seemed to be able to engulf the entire Saipan Island, and there was such a terrifying battle on the landing day.

The number of shells consumed may be more than the sum of the previous few days. The reason is that Aslit Airport can be used, and the navy has also ensured the sea control. The army will not be short of food and ammunition on the island, and many middle and senior officers can also enjoy a hot bath every day.

As a third-class person, Ma Run has no shortage of food, drink, or ammunition. The only thing he lacks is clothes and meals with better taste and taste. In contrast, the Army has changed its combat uniform twice and provided Coca-Cola. It can be seen that there is an earth-shaking gap in the treatment of the two armies.


Non-combat supplies such as cigarettes, water bottles, chewing gum, and rations are not brought.

Since Charlie also has to carry communication tools, he does not carry projectiles, and the ammunition is reduced by about 20.00%. Even so, the load is more than two veterans.

At exactly 6 o'clock in the morning on June 26, the artillery coverage ended and the pioneers set off.

Whether it is Height 301 or Height 303, at least a dozen people rushed from different directions to the center of Mount Tapocho, which had been bombarded by artillery fire for two hours. When they formed their respective combat teams and set off, the 81mm on the starting position The mortar fired a round of smoke bombs, the main purpose of which was to block the sight of the little devils and provide maximum cover for the vanguard.

After 5 minutes, the second round will be played, and after 10 minutes, the third round will be played, and then the whole army will be silent until 8:[-] in the morning. artillery fire to cover their retreat.

Group G is in charge of the far left of Highland 402, which is the northeast side of the Garapan area. Some time ago, the 2nd Marine Regiment stabilized the front line in this area and deployed a large number of light artillery. Among them, there is a medium-sized artillery company belonging to the army. An artillery battery over there under the command of Captain Johnson Williams.

Even though this artillery company has made great achievements in the battles of the previous few days, and quickly transferred to areas suitable for firing through Ivan's shouts to provide precise bombing, the G group, which is their eyes, doesn't like them.

"Keep your distance, neither too far nor too close."

Yiwen used tactical sign language to remind his subordinates while sprinting towards the 402 Heights.

This time, Team G adopted an inverted triangle formation. Ivan and Foudino were on the same line, and Charlie stayed behind the right and left of the two veterans. The straight-line distance between the three was about 8 to 10 meters.


However, it is said that it is a small soil slope, but in fact the altitude of these areas has exceeded 200 meters.

Looking down from the sky, the mountains are fixed in this area like waves. If there is no war, it must be a very beautiful scenery.

With the experience of last time, Yi Wen did not lead the team to move forward.

There are two reasons.

First, since there are so many places in the impact area that are suitable for lying down, although it is impossible to get the best view, it is still possible to use the existing terrain to prevent the little devil's patrol team from discovering it too early. The terrain can also give oneself a big advantage, so why continue to move forward?

Second, the last time when Ivan was a vanguard, apart from his lack of experience, he wanted to make some military exploits so that Fodino could "make a crime and make meritorious service", but the reality told him a cruel truth.

The medal is in the process of being applied for. Can it come down and talk about it... The crime and meritorious service has been completed, and Foudino's behavior that affected the morale of the army will not be pursued, but letting him continue to be a vanguard has nothing to do with the previous incident.

If you want a reason, it's very simple-this is an order, if you are a soldier, you can execute it, if you want to go to a military court, you can refuse it.

The U.S. military is not an RM army. The only difference between it and many armies in the world is its wealth and wealth. Every army will be mobilized before the war, but when it comes to specific orders, it will not tell you the reason for executing this order.

When a company of a non-RM army hits more than half of its casualties in an area, the commander hopes to get reinforcements and everything, but the order he gets keeps urging you—why are you still in ink here, hurry up to me .When all the officers were beaten to death, and the remaining commander looked at the few remaining soldiers, but still received an order not to retreat, it must be desperate enough to cause a mental breakdown.

On the other hand, even though the establishment has been defeated, the RM army has been firmly carrying out orders. Not only did it not make people feel the possible mental breakdown, but it was passionate and tragic.

That's because most of the time the former don't understand 'why' and don't understand 'what's the purpose of fighting all out', while the latter, from the commander to the recruits who have just joined the battle, understand one thing deeply-whether our success determines the entire In the battlefield situation, it is not difficult to sacrifice anyone, but how to complete the task is difficult.

Yiwen, who was in the first and second reincarnations, actively played his own initiative to complete the task, but not everyone else could understand and take the initiative to undertake it. There are such a group of people in this reincarnation, but they all died in 303 on the high ground.

'I'm afraid I'm not fit to be a soldier in that army. '

Yiwen lamented this kind of thing in his heart while observing the 402 Heights where the smoke bombs were about to dissipate.

In that army that can only be described as a legend, there are a lot of people rushing to do any dangerous or even fatal tasks, and it is even necessary to rely on the depth of seniority to finally decide who will undertake it. I am afraid that a big soldier like Yiwen Not even qualified to raise your hand.

'There are quite a lot of areas where patrols may appear. If they do appear, the only thing they can rely on is artillery. I hope they learn to be smarter and don't come out. '

If Yiwen was a pioneer for the first time, he definitely didn't have such an idea.

The high casualty rate means that few veterans of this unit stay and impart valuable experience-where to arrive, how to observe, how to use artillery reasonably, and how to predict the enemy's actions.

In addition, the United States attaches great importance to the air force and navy, and often ignores the infantry. It often happens that a veteran comes back after completing the mission of the vanguard, and he will be the next time.

A large number of officers regard the vanguard as a meat scout who can provide sufficient reaction time for large troops.

Yiwen focused on the areas where patrols might appear. As for the mountainsides, mountains, and ridges of the 402 highland, he just sketched them casually.

After finishing the work, he quickly came to Charlie, handed him the tactical map, and said: "Tell the coordinates to the rear and pay attention to my tactical sign language."

"As ordered."

52. The Transformation and Growth of the Whisperer

Just as Ivan was about to leave, Charlie suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

"what happened?"


Facing the question of the officer with a slight smile on his face, Charlie's expression seemed to be constipated, and his five sense organs squeezed together. He wanted to say something but seemed unable to say it, and finally spit out a few words.

"Why didn't you ask me why I did this?"

Charlie respects Sergeant Lawrence Ivan, the commander of Group G, even when he learns the truth about the [Whisperer] and what he is to Peter and Ivan.

I will never forget the commander's careful teaching to the recruits on Pavovo Island. The smiling face brings endless warmth like the sun in winter. When he landed on Saipan Island, he was like a The elder brother in the members also took good care of his subordinates, even though Harry, Anderson, and Peter died, he still didn't change much.

The Ivan in his cognition can always carefully observe the state of his subordinates, and then detect some problems, and finally solve them to ensure that everyone has no distractions when fighting, including Charlie himself.

It is impossible for him to forget that the intersection with the Army Artillery Company started with himself. Even if Ivan repeatedly emphasized that kind of thing, even if he didn't keep reporting the received communications like himself, the deputy commander of the 3rd Battalion, Major Crowley, would not waste this opportunity.

Even so, Charlie felt guilty.

Ben has always thought about when to do something for his comrades, but what he ushered in was news of death one after another, and the truth that almost broke his nerves.

——The guardian who cares for the Whisperer like that, but the task on his shoulders is not as simple as 'protecting'.

The truth is so cruel, naked and bloody, the guardian is not a sharp sword to protect oneself, but a demon who will cut off his head all the time.Charlie's spirit fell into a black hole that seemed to swallow everything at that moment, until he learned the news of Peter's death.

Charlie never thought that the death of a guardian who should have been hated and loathed would bring him such a huge awakening, probably because a deeper level of terror spread in his heart, forming a bigger black hole than before and swallowing up the previous one. A vortex that is fragile in comparison.

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