Where's the company commander, Captain James?

27. Postwar Stinks

The last time I saw the Mountain Man and the Scud came to deliver ammunition when they were fighting fiercely on the beach, but they only stayed for a short while before continuing to deliver ammunition. It can be seen that not only the left wing, but the right wing is also very tight, so Ivan, Levin Ji and Smiling Tiger didn't know what they saw when they delivered the ammunition.

The chanting on the battlefield did not last too long, because the deputy company commander, Lieutenant Hugh Ligan, gave the order to quickly clean up the battlefield.

More than 20 hours of sleepless nights, including four hours of fierce fighting with the Japanese army, but victory does not mean that everything is over. Every soldier must pull himself together and use his last strength to collect everything the intelligence department needs.

The one-night battle changed the color of their uniforms, and a lot of mud and sand on them seemed to become traces that could never be washed off. The existing supplies of the 1st Marine Division were not enough to support the Ma Runmen to replace their uniforms. Combat uniforms, there is no way to even let them take a good bath.

Sweat, smoke, body odor, the smell mixed together is probably more sour than stinky ditch or snail noodles... If it's just these smells, it's okay, after all, Ma Run is used to smelling it. However, after a night of humidity and sweltering heat, the corpses of the Japanese soldiers had a disgusting stench... the result is self-evident.



Ma Run, who was defending the beach, walked to the beach first, and it took only half a second for several people to walk up.

Clutching his throat and vomiting frantically towards Alligator Creek, he was in a state of embarrassment.

Ivan glanced at Lai Ji, and the latter glanced at Smiling Tiger, the three of them looked at me, and I stared at you, looking at each other.

"Looking at their performance, this might be as powerful as expired and rotten bread?" Leckie said.

"Is what you're talking about more stinky than your shit?" Ivan asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

I thought Lai Ji would laugh and scold, but when he thought about it seriously, he nodded firmly after about ten seconds.

"That stuff is definitely the most suffocating smell I've ever smelled in my life."

"Compared to other people's shit?"

"Trust me, Chef!" Lakie patted Ivan on the shoulder and said, "There is nothing in this world that can compare to what I said!"

Ivan cast his eyes on the smiling tiger, and he shrugged his shoulders to express the professor's special penchant for smells, so let's not jump to conclusions.

When they got to the beach, Scud and the mountain man rushed over from behind. Although they didn't want to take out their stomachs like the three guys who vomited just now, the painful expressions on their faces seemed to be a terrible punishment.

"Holy shit, the smell of this damn place almost killed me!" Scud quickly took out a cigarette, broke it in half and stuffed it into his nostrils.

The smell is really smelly, and the corpse began to rot slightly in just one night. I am afraid that many people have never experienced the smell that can make people faint.

Ivan has heard of the smell that rots after death, but it is much more intense than expected. In contrast, the smell from the gap between the big toe or the things in the belly button can be called perfume. None of them are worthy of a group arena with the smells that are flooding the beach.

"Anything with writing is collected. After a while, a special person will come and collect it. All unimportant things will be burned!"

What this meant was that Ma Run had to not only resist the smell but also remove the clothes of the dead Japanese soldiers. I am afraid not many people wanted to do this kind of work, but Company H was in charge of this area, and no one could avoid it.

When Ivan was picking up a Japanese military carrying tool, he saw a rather funny scene - it was Ma Run, the deputy company commander, Lieutenant Hugh Keligan, who was brought over from the second line to clean up the battlefield, "vomit... Ugh..." Holding a dagger, he tried to knock the gold and silver teeth out of the Japanese soldier's mouth.

As we all know, the American imperialists are rich and rich, and they don't care about soldiers doing similar things when cleaning the battlefield. As long as you complete the order requirements, other...even if you find a warm corpse to do some dirty things , the higher-ups won’t care about you, it’s just that you have to be mentally prepared to do this kind of thing.

After tidying up the corpse in front of him, Ivan found that Lai Ji was dazed with a photo, so he walked over.

Yi Wen noticed that the photo was a photo of a family of three of the Japanese army at the foot of Lecky.

"It's pretty."

"It turns out that animals also have families." Lai Ji couldn't help sighing, "After losing her husband, this family may..."

Literary and artistic youth is literary and artistic youth, and sometimes they are inexplicably hypocritical.

"Don't worry, the fate of this woman and her daughter is already doomed." Yiwen saw that the little girl in the photo was about fourteen or fifteen years old, "Do you know the comfort women in Little Japan?"

"what is this?"

Probably because they heard topics related to women, even on this stinking beach, Scuds, mountain people, and smiling tigers gathered around.

Yiwen described what "comfort women" are in the most straightforward words, causing Ma Run and the others to exclaim with strong smiles on their faces.

Some things are inevitable, just like the mother and daughter in the photo, the empire's propaganda machine has long made them hysterical and even crazy, the husband and father died not because of the evil FXS but because of the hateful people of the United States, for Being able to take revenge and respond to the call to enter the barracks was drained of the last trace of value for the victory of the empire.

"That is to say, as long as we enter the Japanese mainland, we can fuck different women every day? Even such a fourteen-year-old girl?" Scud was extremely excited.

Yiwen nodded, but changed the topic: "Actually, it would be good if there are one-third of the volunteers in this 'profession', and the rest are women who were coerced and persecuted by the little Japan from the invaded country. North Korea , Huaguo...even today's Southeast Asia."

In just a blink of an eye, the interest in Ma Run's eyes turned into anger.

Although these guys are not well-educated, swear words are sloppy, and they can't even date a woman in the United States, but their nature is not bad or even kind-they must be full of interest in 'Yamato women', but think more The 'woman' is forced by a deranged little Japanese, interest will turn into anger.

"Go to their native land—!" Lai Ji's tone was full of coldness, "Let them kneel down and atone for the crimes they committed for life after life!"

Hearing what Lecky said, the others followed suit: "Live together, and land on their land together!"

Ivan was surprised to find that this bunch of rough guys were completely different from the US military in the main world, and even the army that landed in Europe with horribly bad military discipline was not worthy of carrying shoes for them.

It's right to think about it carefully, the rough embryos are all volunteers, and they definitely did not participate in this war for a monthly salary of 50 US dollars and a 50% salary subsidy.

It is also possible that Lecky, Laughing Tiger, Scud, Mountain Man, Phillips, these people are relatively special soldiers in the US military.

When they came back to their senses, the group of Ma Run had already planned their own "heroism". They didn't know which one would arrive first tomorrow or the accident. They seemed to have stepped on the Japanese mainland, performing heroic deeds to save the suffering people.

Ivan didn't want to interrupt them, but Lieutenant Huckleberry who came over wouldn't let them continue daydreaming.


He first yelled a laughing tiger.

"Yes, sir." Smiling Tiger stepped forward.

"The battle at night was very heroic. You have been promoted to corporal, and the procedure is over." Lieutenant Huckleberry said, patting him on the shoulder.

Hearing the news, Smiling Tiger was dumbfounded at first, and after looking at the brothers around him, he realized that he was not dreaming, and then he showed a very happy smile, and his lips biting a cigarette were like the arc of an inverted rainbow.

"And, Douglas Irwin."

Lieutenant Huckleberry walked over slowly, "I have reported the truth to the battalion headquarters. You will also be promoted to corporal, and you will also receive a Purple Star and a Navy Cross."

Before the comrades in arms cheered for Ivan, the lieutenant said with regret: "I'm sorry, the commander has tried his best to fight for it. I thought it would be at least the Silver Star Medal."

"It's okay, sir." Ivan didn't care.


Thank you guys for your appreciation, I won’t use PS in the future, it will affect the reading experience~

28. Luck is reflected in all aspects

For soldiers, medals are the most honorable thing. Whenever a soldier walks on the street with medals on his chest, he will always attract cheers and applause, because each one represents his achievements on the battlefield. What a credit.

There are not many types of medals in the United States.

The highest award is the Medal of Honor, followed by the Silver Star and finally the Purple Heart.

Hundreds of thousands of Purple Heart Medals were awarded throughout World War II. The biggest effect is just to get an extra $2 when you get your salary every month. There are so many that it is difficult to reflect the merits of the recipients.

The Navy Cross is different.

Now it is the second highest medal, mainly awarded to those who are outstanding in combat bravery but cannot get the Medal of Honor. Although they also get an extra $2 a month, it is not so easy to get this medal.

"All the good things have been said, it's time to say something bad."

Lieutenant Huckleligan said: "Rivers, Murray, Albert, McDougal... We killed 8 people, injured 13 people, and 9 people were judged missing. The total loss Three squads of infantry, and..."

Compared with the loss of a brigade of 800 people by the Japanese army, the US military's battle loss was less than a fraction, which can be said to be a huge victory.

But Ivan never expected that they were all fighting together, yet there would still be such a thing as nine missing people. He could pat his chest to ensure that the left wing was fighting bravely, and there would never be a single deserter.

But after thinking about it, I found the root cause-the US military death standard is quite strict. First, someone must prove that the deceased died on the battlefield, and second, he died in the battle. Then he must have a military identification plate and a sufficiently recognizable face. If you are injured and return to the hospital and die before rescue, it is not counted as a death in battle.

As for the soldiers who were bombed by the shells and have no bones left, they can't be counted as killed in battle, they can only be included in the missing.

That is to say, at least half of the 9 missing persons were unrecognizable due to the Japanese artillery fire. Although they died heroically, the pensions their families could receive were probably only one-third of the soldiers who died in battle.

Ma Run was silent when he heard this sentence. Although the volunteers didn't care about the salary, the fact that the dead comrades were judged missing didn't make them feel good. Just now, they wanted to celebrate and cheer for Smiling Tiger and the chef. This temperament is completely gone now.


Lieutenant Huckleberry, who was about to leave, suddenly turned his head, "I forgot to tell you——Captain James has been dismissed, and I am currently in charge of Company H."

"Captain, he..." Ivan's eyes widened and he was at a loss.

Lieutenant Huckleberry ignored him and hurried away from the beach, as if the dismissal of the company commander had hit him hard.


"It's very simple." The mountain man came over and said, "He was scared stupid within half an hour of the start of the battle, lying motionless in the trench. By the end of the battle, he had already run back to the rear."

Ivan directly remembered the trash talk that Captain James, the company commander on the warship, said... He was not used to it at first, but now that he talks too much trash, he thinks it boosts morale.

At that time, he looked like a war madman, but now he has become a deserter.

"Lieutenant Hugh Ligan hated him very much, saying that our company commander is not as brave as a soldier who dares to fight back, let alone...even a smiling tiger is a hundred times braver than him, and Chef, you are a thousand times braver than him, even Ten thousand times!"


Yi Wenming obviously wanted to say a lot, but couldn't say a single word—the big soldiers were fighting bloody battles on the front line, and Yi Wen even risked his life, but the commander of the company just lay down and abandoned more than 100 people of H Company for his own life. No. [-] became a deserter, which is undoubtedly a kind of betrayal that makes people angry.

'Perhaps... from now on, we will see many officers like this. '

Ivan calmed down while admonishing himself.

'Hey...don't think about it, it doesn't make any sense anymore. '



The award ceremony and the promotion ceremony were held on the same day. On the morning of August 8, Ivan and the smiling tiger were called to the division headquarters. At this time, there were warships belonging to the two countries floating on the sea, looking for each other like crazy, and Henderson Airport Engagement with Japanese aircraft from Rabaul continued from the 23st to the present.

The ceremony started during the dogfight between Japanese planes and American planes. The division commander, Brigadier General Vandergrift, personally adorned the brave soldiers with medals, but he looked at the group except for their clean faces, and the rest were either tattered or dirty Dirty Ma Run showed guilt on his face. It was this group of tattered Ma Run who beat the Japanese up, but it was difficult for him to give Ma Run a clean and decent military uniform.

Ivan is the most prominent in this batch of more than 20 people, because only he has received the Navy Cross, and the rest are Purple Hearts.

"August 1942, 8, this day will definitely be recorded in the history books of the United States of America, because the 21st Division of the Navy and Army Corps won a battle, and a hero appeared in this battle—!"

I could feel the envious looks from the Ma Runs who had won and those who hadn't won the medals, and I could even see the drooling gestures of some logistics officers. His waist was straight, his chin was slightly raised, and his arrogance was written on his face. He almost didn't learn how Guan Erye looked at people with his nostrils.

Although the medal is of no use to him, what he has at this moment is not only the medal, but also the inexplicable feeling brought by the subconscious bowing of the head to show respect when everyone looks at him.

Compared with the award ceremony, the promotion ceremony is much simpler.

During the process, Ivan saw Lieutenant Shock Ligan and Second Lieutenant Stone. The former was promoted to captain and became the company commander of Company H, and this guy seemed to be favored by the division commander and wanted to be trained more. The latter was promoted to lieutenant and became the commander of the weapons platoon. As the deputy company commander, the three infantry platoon leaders in the company were suppressed at once.

Ivan noticed the three infantry platoon leaders of Company H standing in the 'audience stand'. They were also dressed in rags but could only watch Stone's promotion like a rocket. Congratulations to Lieutenant Stone.

After the end, every time Ivan passed by, enthusiastic soldiers greeted him, cheered and applauded him.

"Look, our hero—!"

"The 1st Marine Division will go down in history because of its heroes!"

"Look, the hero is coming towards us, that's the Navy Cross!"

"Hero? It's not just a hero, I've heard that...the one who rides a horse is called the God of War!"

It wasn't until we returned to the place where Company H took a break for a while that it became quieter.

"Let's see, the treatment of returning heroes—!"

There is a bed when you are resting. Although it is very simple, it is at least a bed. The scud and the mountain people clean it very clean.

As soon as Ivan came back, Lai Ji threw an apple at him, and after catching it, the saliva secreted in his mouth like crazy.

This is fruit——!

You must know that the coconuts on the island have been picked clean long ago, and the value of fresh fruits is quite high.

"It seems that you have taken care of the logistics." Ivan glanced at the brothers, then took out the machete that could not be used to kill the enemy, and divided it into eight parts.

"I knew that the chef would not forget the brothers when he was promoted." Smiling tiger came over and took one of the petals, and his face was full of happy smiles when he ate it.

There are five people in the tent, and there are three shares left. Naturally, they cannot be divided equally, so use the tradition of American soldiers to solve the distribution problem - Texas Hold'em!

Since the taste of apples is the best when cut open and eaten directly, the winner is determined. After only two rounds, Smiley Tiger, Mountain Man, and Scud folded their cards and left. Only Ivan and Laiji were fighting in the final battle.

The latter's cards are particularly obvious, three 3s are clear cards, and Ivan's 9, K, and J suits are hearts.

The upper limit of the former is 4 nines, while the upper limit of the latter is a straight flush. However, everyone knows that the probability of a straight flush with five cards is much lower than that of a bomb.

How could Lakey believe that Ivan's hole cards were 10 of hearts and Q.

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