It took more than ten minutes to cross the area full of craters and come under a tree. Through the telescope, Ivan saw the craters created by Xu Jin's barrage, densely packed like the surface of the moon, and the third echelon moving forward.

"Well—it seems that we don't need it anymore."

The order was to advance 300 meters, but the other heavy machine gun squads moving together in the field of vision crossed the 300 meters point and chased the infantry in front like desperately.

Yiwen obeyed the order, even if it was 0.5 meters, he did not exceed it.

Because judging from this situation, most of the Japanese army fled directly when the artillery fire washed the ground. The heavy machine gun squad’s load far exceeds that of ordinary infantry. Slavic Superman.

As a young soldier, I'd better save my energy, piss and shit, smoke two cigarettes and brag about it.

The fight ended around 4pm.

Two marine battalions occupied the Japanese stronghold at Taiwujiao, but found that the supply of supplies here was a bit scary, enough to ensure rations, medicines, and ammunition for more than 3000 people for 2 to 3 days.

Colonel Edson immediately ordered the collection of all text-related things, and then destroyed all other things that could be destroyed. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the whole army withdrew to Henderson Airport.

The food was brought back to a truck, and the rest were destroyed. The ammunition and shells were all blown up, leaving no usable supplies for the Japanese army.

"If there are more than 3000 devils, why didn't they encounter any resistance when they fought over?" the mountain man asked.

"Didn't the division tell you?"

Ivan leaned back against a rock and gnawed on the D-grade rations and said, "Obviously this is a planned attack—!"

"Will the Japanese army come from this place?"

"It's very likely, otherwise we wouldn't need to spend so much trouble."

It is now at noon on September 9th, and the command of H Company still has not returned to the 11st Regiment and 1nd Battalion. At the same time, it is arranged on a ridge parallel to the Lunga River to the south of the airport. The ridge is 2 meters long. Sen Airport.

In fact, this place is considered an old location for Yiwen, because he came here on the first day of landing, but the current location is not the one when he first arrived.

They stayed at the commanding heights on the left flank of the ridge, an area marked on the tactical map as Position 19.

To the north is a cliff close to 85°. Unless some climbing enthusiasts want to climb it, it is very difficult for soldiers. Except for a little gentle slope in the east, it is a huge swamp. Although that place connects the forest east of Henderson Airport and several A river, but three or four scouts went in a few days ago, and there has been no news until today.

To the west is position No. 18. The up and down slopes are relatively gentle and the terrain is not too complicated. It is just that there are more than a dozen rocks that cannot be solved by manpower at the joint between the two positions. The other places are spacious and flat, which is very suitable for As the road leads to Henderson Airport.

There is a depression within 40 meters to the south, and there is no suitable bunker. Further forward is the Austin Mountains with even more weird and complicated terrain.

Using the messy rocks and sandbags filled with soil, three heavy machine gun firepower points were arranged towards the south to facilitate rapid transfer. Since the soil under his feet was densely packed with stones, Ivan did not dig foxholes at all, but piled sandbags to match the hard Rocks serve as shelter.

The mountain doesn't look long, but it looks very slender because of its low altitude. The lowest altitude is probably less than five meters, and the highest is only 30 meters.

Ivan looked at the forward position below, where two infantry squads were deployed, and the most basic trenches were built - dug out foxholes and connected them with trenches, and finally dug out traffic trenches to facilitate reinforcements and retreat.

The main position No. 19 is a commanding height, but if it is successfully occupied, it can effectively suppress the enemy with a radius of 200 meters.

But not too much firepower and troops were deployed, because these deployments came from Colonel Edson, and Captain Huckleberry didn't count - as mentioned before, this 45-year-old senior officer in his prime of life likes and even is good at' micromanagement'.

He deployed 60% of the firepower and troops of H Company in the No. 18 position on the right wing, where there was a full platoon of infantry and two infantry squad reserves (assigned by the battalion headquarters), plus three heavy machine guns (assigned by the battalion headquarters), two One 60mm mortar (equipped with H Company), and even the battalion-owned 81mm mortar will mainly take care of the 18th position, which is quite rich in firepower and troops.

Perhaps in the eyes of the general who is arranging troops, one infantry squad can be placed on the left wing of position 19 because of the steeper slope, and two infantry squads, one heavy machine gun, and one infantry squad can be placed on the relatively flat terrain of position 18. The defensive effect of the door mortar is the same.

The general has many things to consider, but the chief soldier often has to consider very simple things - Ivan doesn't want to get out of reincarnation.

"I think we have to set up at least three positions on the left flank."

Yiwen found that there was only one infantry squad stationed in the east, and the main defensive position in the west emptied 60% of H Company's firepower and troops. There is no road that can be quickly attacked at that place, but the slope is not vertical 90°, about 60~70°, and it is about 40 meters from this place to Yiwen's location.

After lunch, Scud was asked to go to the company commander, Lieutenant Shock Ligan, to ask for reinforcements, but he couldn't deduce the troops no matter what, so he gave Scud a walkie-talkie so that Scud could communicate with the artillery company behind and call for support from 81MM mortars.

When the time comes to fight, only God knows whether the artillery company can fire the shells.

That being the case, then do it yourself to reduce the risk of death in battle, make all preparations perfect, and leave the rest to destiny or luck.

Ivan patiently told Lecky and others his views.

"Then do it!"

The team members didn't have any objections, they picked up the guys in their hands and started the civil work, connecting the six machine gun positions with simple traffic trenches almost before nightfall.

"I hope that what I do is useless."

When he first arrived at this position, Ivan felt that at least two machine guns were needed, one on the front and the other on the left wing, otherwise he would need an extra half infantry squad to stay with Ivan to increase the firepower of the left wing.

However, a fatal problem cannot be ignored-troops, firepower, ammunition, food, medicine, clothes... There is nothing that is not lacking.

Even if the 1st Marine Division received reinforcements from 3 battalions during this period, and the total number reached 1.3, the proportion of personnel who did not participate in or indirectly participated in the battle had reached 65%, because many of them were ground staff related to the airport. And technical non-commissioned officers, that is to say, the actual number of infantry filling the line is probably less than 4000. This is the fundamental reason why a division of the US military loses combat effectiveness when it loses two to 3000 men, and directly becomes disabled when it loses three to 4000 men.

Just these 4000 people have to divide troops to guard the airport and guard the east and west sides.

Does the defense-in-depth system have to be set up?A reserve team has to be set up, right?

The former lengthened the front and rear distances, which naturally required soldiers to be stationed at key locations, while the latter directly reduced the number of troops, and there was really no extra troops to be placed in position 19—would no one think that the US military's cooking squad and transport team have combat effectiveness?

Ivan knows that there are many difficulties, but he thinks that the biggest problem lies in the deployment—the combat staff beside Colonel Edson seem to have not expected that after the loss of positions 17, 18, and 19 defended by Company H, they will face a very serious problem— —The north of positions 17 and 19 are steep cliffs. The former is flanked by position 16, which is also at a similar altitude. The north is also a cliff, so after losing it, you can only attack position 18. The Japanese occupy the dominant terrain on the left and right wings. The condescending shooting was enough to kill Ma Run like a pig.

So, while digging, Ivan repeatedly asked Scud to inform Lieutenant Stone, hoping to persuade Colonel Edson to give more fire support to positions 17 and 19.

Before nightfall, the construction of the other three machine gun positions was completed, but the news was rejected again and again.

Ivan was very disappointed, but he didn't give up completely. Before coming to position 19, he successfully bribed the quartermaster with half a month's salary, asking for a full 2 rounds of ammunition, six spare water tanks, a box of MK1911 defensive grenades, and There is an M28 pistol equipped with [-] rounds of ammunition. The former is placed in the ammunition depot on the reverse slope only a dozen meters away from the machine gun position. It was dug in the morning, but the ammunition and water tank were delivered in the evening .

Ivan's current salary is not low.


For so many things in exchange for 50 dollars, other Ma Run would feel that it was a loss, but Ivan thinks this is a pretty good deal.

Other Ma Run would feel that the reason for the loss is that money is very valuable in this era. A single hamburger is 25 cents, and a set meal in a high-end restaurant is 2.5 dollars. A tip of 1 dollar for the waiter is considered inhumane.

However, these have no other function for Ivan other than bribing the quartermaster. The reincarnation system can help him store the salary he gets in each reincarnation, so that he can use it when he participates in the next reincarnation.

"No open flames and loud conversations, pass it on—!"

The codes and orders were passed all the way to the infantry squad on the far left. Ivan and his comrades silently gnawed on the salty and stinky D-grade rations while obeying the orders and staring at each other.

After 12 o'clock tonight, the first benefit brought to me by [heroic performance] will come to an end.

He naturally wanted to use his second heroic performance to refresh the 'storage time', but he had to have this opportunity, didn't he?


[The reincarnation has spent the 37th day, accumulating 72 points and 3 free attribute points]

[The side mission has been triggered]

[Dangerous mission has been triggered]

【Reincarnation please check】

33. Cold weapons?Have you seen my M1911?

[Submission 1: Frustrating the Japanese attack]

[Note: The loss of position 19 does not affect the success of the mission. If the entire ridge is captured by the Japanese army, the mission will be judged to be a failure.]

[Reward: 30 points]

[Submission 2: Hold Position 19]

[Reward: 100 points]

[Dangerous mission: kill 5 Japanese soldiers with cold weapons while holding the position]

[Basic rewards: 500 points, 1 free attribute point]

[Special kill reward: Killing with a cold weapon until the end of the mission will be based on the modified kill reward * 3 times (below the assistant officer), 4 times for the assistant officer, 10 times for the general officer]


Cold weapons do not include everything related to firearms and shells]

[Note: It must be killed with a cold weapon; after being wounded by a hot weapon and then killed with a cold weapon, it will not count]


Looking at the series of explanations, Ivan felt nothing in his heart.

Cold weapon?

See that machete on your waist?The peel of the coconut is all three, five and two, let alone a few animals, but his hand still involuntarily touches the M1911 small pistol.

Did you go to fight the Japanese army hand-to-hand, and you still have 3 points of explosive power left, so you have to fight with the bayonet?The brain is sick!

Fighting bayonets is a tradition of the Japanese army, but Ivan is on the horse. Even the third-class people in active service and the fourth-class people in the future will also be the U.S. military.

The army fighting with the little Japan and still fighting with bayonets, just has no other way to do so!

Therefore, this [Dangerous Mission] is the same as the [Special Mission] last time, the reward value given to the land is extremely explosive. It looks tempting, but it is full of pits inside. Yiwen feels that he must take the initiative to complete this mission. Skills, you have to let your own attributes, such as physical fitness, explosive power and other key values, break through 20 points.

Just like last time, Ivan directly ignored this [dangerous mission] and focused on the [side mission].

Two tasks are simple and easy to understand.

The first one completely defeated the Japanese attack, and the second one has a meaningful meaning in it.

Defend the machine gun position where Yiwen is, and give 100 points as a reward after completion. There must be bombs in such a generosity!

"That said... the area is going to be under unimaginable defensive pressure."

Due to the lack of sufficient heavy firepower, and the fact that Colonel Edson penetrated the Japanese stronghold at Taiwujiao and destroyed all supplies a few days ago, these beasts will not be stupid to attack during the day, so as long as they hold on until daytime Evan's victory.


The 60mm mortar from the rear of the right-wing position fired an M83 flare. From this moment on, the flare will hang high in the night-shrouded sky forever. Although it cannot drive away the eerie and cold night, it can also give a little warmth.

Originally, Yiwen and the mountain people needed to stay in the ammunition depot behind the machine gun position. As soon as they heard the gunshot, they immediately went to Lecky's location with spare bullets, but the mountain people took care of this task.

He said this: "I don't have the precise marksmanship like you, nor do I have the calm mind and judgment of the situation, the future, and the terrain like you, and I don't have the courage to surpass ordinary people like you, but I have one specialty—— —Mountain people, you will definitely surpass you in terms of responsibilities!"

Therefore, Ivan changed from an ammunitionist to a rifleman, and also the commander of the No. 19 main position—well, there is a machine gun squad in this main position, and all he can command is a group of familiar rough embryos around him.

Captain Huckleligan, the company commander of H Company, stayed between positions 18 and 17 to command the mortar unit, and Lieutenant Stone was on the right wing machine gun position. Colonel Edson believed that the right wing, which was flat and easy to attack, would be the focus of fierce fighting. , so all the lieutenants of Company H were concentrated in that place and given the power to shoot deserters directly if they found deserters.

"Chef, Lieutenant Stone called me on the walkie-talkie." Scud walked carefully to Ivan and whispered.

"Ask if we can get some more support, even if it's two riflemen." Ivan is like a beggar now, he can give and want anything, "If it's not good enough, let Phillips' mortar team come If it is impossible, give me a Thompson submachine gun with hundreds of rounds of ammunition."

"Okay, I'll tell him."

Seeing that Scud was about to leave, Ivan quickly grabbed his clothes and said, "If you can't give me weapons and soldiers, then at least you have to get me a medical kit."

"Aren't you embarrassing me?" Scud frowned, "Are you asking me to rob medical soldiers?"

"Think about the consequences of not being able to deal with it in time when you are injured, and you have to make a medical kit even if you risk your life."

Having said all of this, Scud can only use his "interpersonal relationship" in logistics to do it without hesitation.

'If Sirius hadn't died, he would be more than happy to stay with me. '

In fact, Ivan's side should indeed have a medical soldier, taking care of the front and left infantry, but we must admit the fact that the 1st Marine Division's plan to land on Guadalcanal Island was too hasty, and the preparations were seriously insufficient, especially everything related to medical treatment , to this day there are hundreds of malaria patients lying in field hospitals.

"Want to actually get me a Chicago typewriter."

Yiwen was going to use it differently. The longest part of the depression in front of him was only 60-[-] meters. Aside from a few sparse rocks, there was basically no danger to defend. Automatic firepower was definitely the king of kings at this distance.

Farther away, in the Austin Mountains, more than 1903 meters are very suitable for M[-] Springfield rifles to be called one by one.

It's just that his expectations seemed a little high.

After more than ten minutes, Scud came back, but he brought a medical kit.

"Sorry, I couldn't ask for a weapon."

The feeling of being lost is still quite uncomfortable, but this is also a helpless thing. Up to now, the M1丨A1 has only been distributed in the army on a large scale. It is Ma Run's turn to wait until next year.

"Lieutenant Stone gave me this and asked me to bring you a sentence."

As he said this, Scud took out the half bottle of whiskey from the medical bag, "The lieutenant said—the winner of the Navy Cross, and the 19th position will be handed over to you."

Alcohol is much rarer than cigarettes in Guadalcanal. The dream of every big soldier is to drink a sip of wine to strengthen his courage before a battle. However, there are only chewing gum and cigarettes. After nighttime, open flames are prohibited, only chewing gum can be chewed.

"This wine—!"

Although there was only half a bottle, it was still enough to make Laki and the others' eyes glisten, as if they had turned into searchlights aiming at whiskey at this moment.

"Let's have a drink together."

Ivan picked up the wine bottle and took two sips, then handed it to Scud.

Regardless of the alcohol burn in the throat, a whiskey with caramel, vanilla and toffee flavors is really good.

When the smiling tiger tried to stick his tongue into the bottle, Ivan already had the feeling of being slightly overwhelmed by alcohol, and his stomach was warm and comfortable.

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