The majestic German army saw the central square and strode forward regardless of whether there would be an ambush, but they didn't hear any sound of firefighting, which made the soldiers feel a little bad.

When they were approaching the target area, there was still no sound of firing guns. The German soldiers who were able to run all the way back and immediately went into battle began to look ugly. They realized the problem.

"Thinking of the bright side, it's not that the guerrillas won, but that we defended—!"

The roar from the Doppler drew the soldiers' attention back.

Although I think the probability is quite low, I don't think the guerrillas can completely capture the battalion headquarters building in less than an hour.

The strength of the combat troops does not exceed 150, and everyone may have a gun but not necessarily enough bullets. The battalion building is strong enough to withstand the bombardment of [-]mm heavy artillery, and it cannot be easily breached by the guerrillas.

"Follow me—!!!"

After yelling, Doppler rushed out first, and the soldiers followed him after seeing him so bravely, but they didn't see even a single bullet coming at the gate of the battalion headquarters building, but they saw many corpses on the road. There are also Germans in the law.

The uneasiness in everyone's hearts spread rapidly-could the guerrillas have really completed their military operations and withdrew before they came back for reinforcements?

what speed is thatIs the infantry platoon in the battalion building so weak?We lightened our loads and accelerated our runs along the way. The journey that originally took at least 90 minutes was shortened to 58 minutes, and there were still 1 minutes left before the full hour, but we couldn’t even see the guerrillas withdrawing. ! ?

"I don't believe it!"

Seeing the expressions of the soldiers beside him, Doppler cursed and rushed into the battalion headquarters building, but what he saw immediately made him freeze on the entire first floor.

Judging from the exterior of the building, it is just that there are no windows in the normal sense. Doppler is more willing to believe that this is the trace of the fierce resistance of the left-behind infantry platoon, rather than the trace of being breached by the guerrillas.

It's just that everything seen on the first floor proves that Doppler's thinking is too optimistic.

Aside from the corpses that were obviously his own, and the broken limbs and arms scattered everywhere, the whole interior looked more like ruins than the outside. A series of things such as furniture, decorations, and cabinets were blown to pieces. The walls, door frames, and ground ...everywhere that can be seen by the eye is covered with bullet holes and fragments, proving that there has been a fairly violent engagement here.

After Doppler forced himself to calm down, he looked at the stairs with the dead body lying on his face, saw the blood flowing from the wound along the stairs to the first floor, and immediately judged that the guerrillas had just evacuated not long ago.

'Either the troops with perimeter security evacuated immediately after we came back, or they evacuated in an orderly manner after completing their military objectives. '

Doppler simply could not accept the latter, because it would kill all hope.

"Crack, creak..."

The sound of military boots stepping on shell casings and fragments rang in the ears of the soldiers who entered the battalion headquarters building. The only living person they saw here was Doppler who was charging upstairs with an MP40 submachine gun.

"It's already..."

"All our people, all dead."

"Late? Damn it!"

"How can the speed of the guerrillas be so fast? It took us only 58 minutes to return from the forced march, and the enemy took a faster time to lay down the headquarters!?"

"If so, is the enemy we are facing human?"

Doppler didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Lieutenant Colonel Hans would be defeated within an hour in the face of a guerrilla with less than a hundred people, let alone that the guerrilla would have such a terrifying combat capability.

He hoped to hear voices, voices from people, even painful groans.

The second floor and the third floor are as quiet as if there was no battle at all. If it weren't for the corpses, blood, bullet holes, and shrapnel all over the floor, Doppler would almost have hallucinations—Lieutenant Colonel Hans not only held the The battalion headquarters even launched a counterattack and is now hunting down the unexpected group of guerrillas.

Hausmann Iwen, who claimed that he was coming to attack the small town of Savigny on June 6, did not come, but carried out a military operation to rescue the airborne prisoners of war the day before, which gave a severe blow to the German troops who were carefully fortified in the small town of Savigny. The commander slaps.

Later, the news that Ivan was overworked and collapsed was released, saying that the offensive was postponed until June 6. During this period, the public opinion in the southern part of the Cotentin Peninsula reached an unprecedented level. Everyone generally believed that this second lieutenant belonging to the 15st Division was In bluffing, there is no way to attack the town.

The judgments of Lieutenant Colonel Hans and Doppler were more accurate than the rumors. They thought from Ivan's point of view, and came up with the answer that they were not fools who were overwhelmed and would never come. On the same day, I went to encircle and suppress this resistance organization that jumped up and down and made the German army lose face here.

Everyone thought that Evan would come, but he used extremely poor excuses to delay.

After the first time, few people would believe the second time, because the last thing in the world is an excuse, but he really led the combat troops to launch an offensive against the small town of Savigny on June 6th.

From the beginning to the end, he was played around by this guy, but Doppler firmly believed that these guys did not have the ability to capture such a stronghold of the battalion headquarters, and Lieutenant Colonel Hans was not an incompetent officer.

Until Doppler, holding an MP40 submachine gun, arrived on the fourth floor and saw the officer who reused himself lying on the aisle.

died?Probably dead?

But after Doppler didn't see any obvious signs of injury on the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, hope seemed to be revived.

Until the last moment, until the moment of certainty, Doppler will never believe it.

"Sir, sir...!"

He shook Lieutenant Colonel Hans' body, gradually losing control of his inner emotions, and stubbornly believed that the officer had just passed out, even though the skin he touched was extremely cold - only the dead would lose their body temperature.

"I know the chief will not die, we will fight side by side, you will not are just a little tired, rest here..."

Doppler is lying to himself.

If you want to say who in this world doesn't want Lieutenant Colonel Hans to die in battle, apart from his family, there is only Doppler left.

Those officials in the country who took money and did nothing about it took him for a fool, and the officers in the town of Savigny often said a few bad things about him behind his back—the main reason was that there was a soldier on top of him pointing fingers, whoever refused to accept Hans Zhong The school directly dealt with it by military law, which made the officers quite uncomfortable, but there was nothing they could do.

Without Lieutenant Colonel Hans, it would be impossible for Doppler to have a stage to show himself, nor would he be in the position he is today, let alone command the officers below him with the rank of senior exempt soldier.

From the moment he was reused, Doppler imagined how wonderful the future stage would be. He would become famous in the Cotentin Peninsula, and he would bring victories to the motherland one after another, until he saved the country from declining. .

Of course, he didn't know that he was just a pawn. Everything Lieutenant Colonel Hans did was for himself, not for the achievement of Doppler.

However, the Wehrmacht Lieutenant Colonel's plan has only begun, and everything that follows is still under planning.

Therefore, Doppler is lucky, because in his cognition...Lieutenant Colonel Hans is an officer who gives himself a stage, a commander who dares to punish the officers below but also supports himself, He is also the benefactor who ignores the mistakes he made and gives the greatest support.

Unfortunately, the stage just disappeared with the death of Lieutenant Colonel Hans.

Doppler couldn't accept this reality, and continued to do useless psychological comfort, and didn't want to give up hope until the last moment.

But in the end, you need to face reality.


The tragic wailing resounded throughout the fourth floor of the battalion headquarters, and Doppler, who was lying on the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, wept bitterly.

"Sir... Your Excellency, Lieutenant Colonel, I... I'm sorry, I'm... late...!"

The despair brought about by the disillusionment of hope is huge, and Doppler is very clear about the revenge of those officers who have been seeing him unhappy after the death of Lieutenant Colonel Hans.

But all this is no longer in his consideration. Now Doppler just wants to take the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans out, keep him away from this painful place, and try his best to let the beloved officer be buried in a good manner. .

It was this wish that became impossible to realize with a clear voice.


The sound is particularly clear in a quiet space. As a veteran of many vicious battles on the Eastern Front, Doppler naturally knows what this sound represents.

More than one booby trap.

Arranged on the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, just waiting for someone to come to collect the body.

41. Booby traps are full of kindness from Ivan

"Damn guerrillas!"

Doppler, whose eyes were bloodshot, roared and burst out with unimaginable strength, pushing the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans away, and then threw himself on the body of the respected officer.

At this moment, in my mind, there was no evasion at all, nor did I abandon the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, or even use the officer's body as a cover to resist the grenade fragments.

Even if his beloved chief was dead, Doppler would not allow him to suffer a second injury.

The main reason why a veteran who fought on the Eastern Front so risked his life was Doppler's gratitude and the intense guilt he felt for not being able to come back at the most critical moment and successfully protect the chief swallowed everything up.

Doppler, who was crazy and wanted to do something for Lieutenant Colonel Hans, faced many choices the moment he heard the sound of the booby trap, but only one flashed in his mind.

With the sound of an explosion, a large number of fragments pierced into Doppler's body fiercely along with the violent shock wave. In just an instant, at least 15 fragments penetrated into various relatively deadly parts of the body.

Adrenaline was secreted like an explosion in an instant, which made Doppler feel no pain, and gave him a lot of strength. At the same time, because he thought about what he had to do for Lieutenant Colonel Hans, even after every movement , the densely packed wounds on the body will seep a lot of blood, and the fatal parts will bleed crazily, but they can still act and talk like a normal person who has not been injured.

"Sir... this subordinate is incompetent, I can only help you... help you block this booby trap, I'm sorry... woo... woo woo woo ..."

Doppler was crying while holding the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans. Even at this time, the effect of adrenaline, which came and went quickly, was gradually fading, and the pain from a large number of injured parts was transmitted, making him face intense pain. Neutral color, but failed to shake this guy's will.

Gritting his teeth like this, he took a step and left a large pool of blood. He took the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans to the first floor, passed through a group of shocked German troops, and walked outside the battalion headquarters building to find the company commander of the 2nd company.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant Colonel, please."

Von Rudolph, who was also born as a Junker nobleman, was thinking about how to liquidate Doppler, but when he saw this dying guy appearing next to him with the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, he couldn't bear the grudge. Well, no matter the grievances or grievances, he has written them all off in his mind.

The explosion on the fourth floor was quite real, and Captain Rudolph immediately realized that the guerrillas had laid booby traps.

So immediately ordered the troops on the first floor not to go upstairs, checked every corner around, and confirmed that there were no booby traps left by the guerrillas.

If you find it, don't deal with it immediately, wait for the engineering squad to come back and let these professionals come.

The person who reminded the whole army was Doppler, who was seriously injured by the booby-trapped mine. No matter what, it was a credit. Rudolph felt that it was a bit inappropriate for him to think about how to liquidate this guy.

Therefore, for his request, Rudolph agreed without hesitation.

"I will bury Lieutenant Colonel well, Doppler, you can go at ease."

"Thank you."

Watching Captain Rudolph receive the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, Doppler, whose last wish was fulfilled, suddenly collapsed, and his body began to twitch uninterruptedly.

Within a few seconds, Doppler's body returned to calm, which meant that he was completely dead.

Rudolph saw only a small amount of pain on the face of the dead senior exempt soldier, more of guilt and remorse, and a strong unwillingness—if...if...if... ...!

"Before I died, I must have thought that if I came back sooner, I am afraid that this situation would not have evolved into this situation." Rudolph said the last words that Doppler held in his heart before his death.

But they don't know, including Doppler himself, that the booby traps he touches are full of kindness from Ivan.

Faced with whether to set up booby traps, Ivan made a lot of deliberations—first of all, determine who will come to collect the body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans?

Basically, the German army will, even the bloody company commanders who have been trained in the past few days-they are dead, and they were very unhappy when they were reprimanded some time ago, but that is because the commander still knows right from wrong, and he is not in vain Lianhua did nothing wrong... Besides, during the two or three years of staying here, Lieutenant Colonel Hans did not treat any officer badly. Always remember some kindness.

Is it very difficult to help clean up the body and let the officer go decently?

But if anyone would come to Lieutenant Colonel Hans immediately and collect his body, it must be Doppler alone.

So, here comes the question - as a veteran who retired from the Eastern Front, wouldn't he check the situation around the body first?

The answer is not necessarily.

First of all, this is the Western Front, which is not as cruel as the Eastern Front. Anyone who does not tense up will pay the price for the hell-like intensity. The too comfortable life on the side will make the veterans who have just experienced the Eastern Front uncomfortable, but they will always adapt slowly. Doppler has not fully adapted, but it does not mean that he is not affected at all. Naturally, it is difficult to think that even if the enemy stays behind Every single piece of rag had to be checked for booby traps; in the end, Doppler hurried back, and seeing the dead body of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, the shock and anger alone were enough to dizzy everything. The tricks of the three abuses are also normal.

As for the mood of this guy who suffered two disastrous defeats and was beaten by the guerrillas and fled without being punished, but was reused, it was not in Ivan's consideration to die.

Trouble is often caused by troublesome people, and the best way to solve trouble is to kill the troublemaker.

This is not because Ivan is afraid that Doppler will come up with some moths. After losing the backing of Lieutenant Colonel Hans, this guy will become worthless. —You, a senior exempted soldier, stepped on the captain's face and pointed fingers. In the past, Lieutenant Colonel Hans supported you, used you, and trusted you. Now his old man's body is cold and cold. What are you?piss off!

Simply put, Doppler can't make any waves at all.Even if no booby traps are set up to keep him alive, it will not affect the overall situation, because Ivan knows very well that although this guy will be dazzled by anger, he still thinks that he has great power when Lieutenant Colonel Hans was still there, clamoring to be vicious. He ordered those officers to retaliate against him, but the reality would soon pour a pot of cold water on him. The officers who had already had a bad opinion of him did not care about him.

Therefore, the booby trap laid out by Ivan is full of kindness - not giving Doppler the opportunity to experience the terrifying heart, and letting him die beside his beloved officer with strong hatred is undoubtedly a detriment to this man who won the second-class Iron Cross. The best way to deal with veterans of the Eastern Front.

At the same time, it can be regarded as fulfilling a promise to Lieutenant Colonel Hans, letting a loyal soldier accompany him on the road to hell.

This is not to say that Yiwen is such a person who likes to do what he says. The two sides in the war compete most often with cunning and cunning, because they bear the lives of a large number of soldiers. Only by being more cunning and treacherous than the enemy can they win with fewer casualties. ...Since this is the case, shouldn't Doppler suffer more pain and suffering?

Evan's reason for not doing this is simple - he is a human being, not a devil.

Unless you are psychopathic or psychopathic, when you are torturing others, you will often be affected, and eventually you will lose awe of life, become numb, and regard your own casualties as mere numbers.

After going through the third reincarnation after the turning point in his life, Ivan tried his best to avoid taking this path, so he needed to be kind to the enemy, which can also be called [Evan's style of repaying grievances with kindness].

Of course, whether Doppler will accept it is another matter.



On June 6th, for the German army in the small town of Savigny, the loss was extremely heavy.

The combat troops of the entire infantry battalion lost 1 platoon. Counting the 4 squads lost before, the overall loss reached 2 infantry platoons. You must know that the infantry organization in the German infantry company has a total of 3 platoons, and two of them were lost. Basically, it can be equated with [losing combat capability].

But these are nothing compared to the deaths of Lieutenant Colonel Hans and his team... It is not a joke to say that the German infantry battalion in the small town of Savigny lost its battalion commander. , Even the major can use the existing team to rebuild the headquarters.

But the problem is that Lieutenant Colonel Hans is not the only one who died, the chief of staff, the combat staff officer, the orderly...all the necessary personnel to build the headquarters are dead. In addition, there are 3 sets of communication equipment, Including short-distance, mid-distance, long-distance plus professional sender/receiver disappeared together.

The company commanders of the three infantry companies with the same highest military rank and the same responsibility did not know these things until the engineering squad carefully checked the battalion headquarters building to confirm that there were no booby traps.

And the time has come to 1 pm.

Outer & group|~1>[-]}[-]}[email protected]~8+/0|7&|6}1<$

During this period, they did nothing but let the soldiers enter the predetermined battle positions in the town. Rudolf regretted not sending orderlies to Saint-Lô on horseback to report the specific situation.

As a subordinate infantry company, there was no communication tool such as a radio station. Under normal circumstances, it was necessary to set up a telephone line or have an orderly ride a horse or drive a motorcycle to maintain communication. However, when a large number of supplies came over, there was a team with a radio station. Come here, this is a special request from Lieutenant Colonel Hans.

Even if the radio station is a midway radio station, it needs to be plugged in to run. During the attack today, two infantry squads followed the team, and they were rotating hand-cranked power generation every minute and every second.

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