"Pay attention to your movements, get on the beach as soon as you stop, and then quickly cross the beach, don't stay for more than a second!"

"If the wife in your hand gets into the sand, don't clean it up as soon as you go ashore. Rush across the beach to find the foxhole and then clean it up. Don't let your life be wasted because of stupidity!"

Arrived at the destination in half a minute.

"GO! GO! GO!"

"Don't stay, rush out!"

"go forward--!"

This is the second time for Ivan to experience explosive strenuous exercise, which is obviously much stronger than when he got off the warship before. After a year, he finally felt the perfect coordination and vigorous limbs of a healthy and strong body.

There is an inexplicable sense of pleasure in my heart-this is what I should be like!

Not the weak, scrawny, terminally ill boy, but a tall man with broad muscles who can move freely!

Holding the M1903 Springfield rifle tightly, Ivan followed the large army quickly across the beach at high tide, but the imagined scene of gunfire flying all over the sky and bullets splashing everywhere did not appear. Instead, a group of Ma Run who had landed early were lying on their backs about The edge of the beach at 50 meters is watching the newly landed Ma Run.

That was Ma Run from the 5th Marine Regiment.

"Why did you come here?"

"Welcome to Guadalcanal!"

“A resort like Hawaii!”

The tension and uneasiness before the landing battle disappeared in an instant, and in the next moment, the Ma Runs in the 1st regiment experienced the [Parallel Hawaiian style]-the hot wind that seemed to burn the face, and the air that was almost saturated with humidity.

With a high temperature of 40°C and direct sunlight, Yiwen felt like he had been in a sauna for half an hour in just one minute.

4. The deceased

The last drop of water in the military kettle also entered his mouth. In just half an hour, Ivan reduced his weight by 1 kg.

The 5th Regiment had already set off before the 1st Regiment, and now the 1st Regiment who landed half an hour ago was staying near the coconut tree that was blown up by various artillery shells and aerial bombs.

Even though the maruns were uncomfortable with the hot and humid weather, there was no need for a bloody beach landing, everyone was grinning and clutching coconuts trying to open it.

Many people don't know how to open a coconut, just like the smiling tiger trying to open a coconut with a cigarette in his mouth.Ivan remembered that he was good at opening coconuts in the past, but he couldn't remember when it was the last time he drank coconut juice and ate coconut meat.

"Hey, tell me how to open it," he said to Lakey.

"I think the islanders would use machetes or rocks."

Recky replied while eating a mandarin orange that he stole from somewhere.

"You can use your head, anyway, it's like a stone." Scud reminded kindly.

Of course, Smiling Tiger didn't follow Scud's suggestion, but took out a bayonet from behind and tried to pry open the coconut.

"Here, Bill, and Douglas."

Lackey divided the half-eaten orange into two portions and handed them to the mountain man and Ivan.


At this time Sirius ran over and said to the smiling tiger: "Believe it or not, Corporal Dobson said that Xiaozi probably poisoned the coconut."

"They poisoned thousands of coconuts?" asked Scud.

If it was a smiling tiger who asked, Sirius probably wouldn't be able to take a step back. He could only say that Scud had a sharp face, as if he could think of what kind of swearing he was going to say next second, or come up and give it to him. You are a big asshole.

At this time, a nearby soldier probably scratched his hand accidentally while opening a coconut, yelled and called the medical soldier. Sirius glanced at Ivan who was signaling him to go, and ran over decisively.

"You know him?" Leckie asked.

Ivan briefly talked about what happened on the LCP landing craft.

"That's really bad luck."

Lecky smoked a cigarette and teased: "I saw it, and I almost vomited from laughing. Because at that time, I thought I should buy a camera to record the way you vomit all over the ground, and wait until the day when I get old. Let me show you the true face of tough soldier Douglas Ivan~~"

"Be yourself!" Ivan couldn't help but said.

At this time, seeing Smiley Tiger put down the coconut in his hand, he looked a little scared.

"If you want to poison, you have to penetrate at least two layers of fruit."

Yiwen said to the smiling tiger: "When you open the first floor, you will find that there is a second floor. Little Japan doesn't have such spare time and energy."

Smiling Tiger felt relieved when he heard this, and continued with his 'homework'.

In fact, until departure, he failed to open the coconut with the bayonet.

In fact, Company H had to leave the beach with a hint of Hawaii in just a few minutes. After all, Company Commander James and Deputy Company Commander Hugh Ligan had already gone to the battalion headquarters for more than half an hour.

The first thing to do when returning to H Company is to greet the soldiers to advance to the jungle search.

"Information shows that Little Japan has hid in the jungle, cleaned up the sand in the gun, and set off in 3 minutes."

The person who came to make an announcement was Second Lieutenant Stone, the deputy platoon leader of Company H's weapons platoon, and he was considered a top-notch man.Chewing gum is always in the mouth, and the cigarettes are one after another.When I saw him, he was either smoking or chewing gum.

Second Lieutenant Stone was the immediate boss of Ivan and the others—in fact, there are many vacancies in the 1st Marine Division today, and soldiers are recruited quickly, but the number of officers has always been a big problem.

The navy and the army, isn't this much more comfortable than the third-class people in active service?

Be stupid and go to Ma Run to be an officer here - to fight the toughest battles with weapons eliminated by the army, to eat nauseating MRE, to watch boa constrictors baring their teeth during rest, and to fight with poisonous snakes and insects while sleeping Battle of wits and courage.

"Go to Little Japan—!"

The soldiers got up and marched in two files before stepping into the shallow jungle.

Immediately after entering the half-meter-high jungle, the formation was dispersed, with one row of left wing, two rows of right wing, middle row of heavy weapons, and third row to ensure the rear. It was a very standard inverted triangle formation.

Each soldier is scattered at a distance of 4-6 meters, watching carefully with his eyes and listening carefully with his ears, and don't let go of any movement.

When approaching the west of Guadalcanal Island Airport, I saw a field of chicken feathers left after the Japanese army fled.

Including a pile of personal items, as well as a large number of discarded lunch boxes - with white rice inside.

There was nothing but white rice, and Yiwen always had an ominous premonition... It was very likely that Ma Run and the others would rely on the rice left by the Japanese army as food to fill their stomachs for a while.

Ivan has a box of .30 bullets in his backpack, and a box in his hand, with a total of 500 rounds of .30 bullets. The mountain man has resisted so much as a No. 1 ammunition player, but as a model, the actual rate of fire exceeds 300. A heavy machine gun with a rate of rounds per minute, this amount of ammunition is simply not enough.

If it weren't for this heavy machine gun with bare feet, it would weigh 30.5 kilograms, and the assistant shooter would also carry at least 250 rounds of ammunition.


If you want more bullets and shells, you have to go to the battalion headquarters.

Before completely entering the forest and mountains, the company commander, Captain James, took out a map of Guadalcanal Island from 90 years ago. After comparing it for a long time, he did not feel that the location marked on the map overlapped with the place to be entered now. But the general direction is not wrong, so I ordered to move on.

Because the terrain was too complicated and the vegetation in the jungle was too dense, the deputy company commander, Lieutenant Hugh Keligan, ordered the formation of the march to be changed into two columns, and at the same time ordered to prohibit talking.

The 1st Platoon acts as the vanguard, followed by the Heavy Weapons Platoon.

It looked like there were many big trees blocking the sun in the forest, but because it was not ventilated at all, it was hotter than the outside, and Ivan's water bottle was empty...including everyone else.

In fact, this is all tolerable, but what is disturbing and frightening is that the Japanese army cannot be seen—such a complex terrain, looking in all directions is a good ambush point.

The Ma Runs were sweating profusely, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.Some people bit their lower lip tightly to support their spirits with slight pain, some kept taking deep breaths to calm themselves down, and some clenched their Springfield rifles tightly to cover up their uneasiness.

Ivan did not perform better than the others, and it could even be said to be worse.

Even though this body has been trained, his soul is still a 19-year-old boy who has never been in contact with war. In order to fight cancer, he would not hesitate to throw himself into such hell. The wet clothes have not dried out yet, and the sweat is still coming out. Coupled with hunger, thirst, fatigue, and the Japanese army who doesn't know when they will come out, his excitement has been swept away. In the air, it was replaced by a kind of fear before the battle.

The palms of the hands holding the Springfield rifle tightly were covered with sweat, and Ivan's body trembled every time he took two or three steps.

The reason for this is that he understands the meaning of the most frequently used word related to war in history books, "wait for work with ease". Run crushed.

Ivan kept reaching for the kettle, trying to drink a few sips of water to calm his shock, but there was not a drop of water in the kettle.In just a few minutes, his throat felt like it was being burned by fire, as if the entire tonsil had been burned to ashes. This feeling was the first time he experienced it, and it was terrible.

Everyone is not much better, and naturally they will not distribute the precious water resources to him, except for one person - Sirius Dodge.

He had seen Ivan's slightly painful expression very early on, and had seen Ivan take the water bottle from his waist many times, so he naturally knew what the soldier who accidentally stepped on his hand this morning needed urgently now.

He leaned over without leaving a trace and handed over the military water bottle with half of the water left in his hand. As a medical soldier, he basically prepared five water bottles. Apart from drinking, most of them were reserved for soldiers who needed to clean their wounds .

'Googling gurgling...'

Yiwen drank the rest of the water in one gulp, but he could feel some salt in the water when he drank it anxiously. He thought that he was indeed a professional medical soldier, and he helped him solve a big problem—being repeatedly thirsty. The burning throat immediately improved, the pain and itching disappeared, and the whole person's complexion improved a lot.

Just as he was about to say thank you to Sirius, he motioned to Ivan to stop talking, then took the empty water bottle away, took out a new water bottle, and went to those in need.Ivan noticed that Sirius's lips were even more chapped than his own just now, and the sweat on his face fell like running water, but he cared about his comrades first and put himself last.

This may have exceeded the duties of a medic.

' What a nice man! '

In fact, Ivan was not the only one in the company who suffered from dehydration symptoms, but he was the first Ma Run to enjoy the care of Sirius.

'I hope that when I find the water source, I don't encounter devils. '

Ivan's idea was quickly verified - no Japanese army appeared near noon, and a small stream was encountered to replenish the water source.

The company commander asked everyone to settle lunch on the spot and set off in half an hour.

The soldiers around Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, and this tortured march ushered in the intermission.

Since the order to prohibit talking was issued before entering the jungle, Ma Run and the others are all solving their stomach problems on their own.

Ivan was hungry for a long time, because he vomited all his breakfast on the LCP landing craft, and he didn't feel so hungry in the first hour. Since he entered the jungle, his stomach was croaking, with a slight twist. pain.

Due to suffering from stomach cancer for a year, he is not only sensitive to stomach pain, but also has an indescribable fear. Fortunately, the [Physical Energy] [Physical] of this body is very high now, which helped him overcome the panic.

In the dense forest, apart from the subtle movements caused by Company H, there were more calls from various animals in the forest.I don't know whether these animals are welcoming or using their voices to drive Ma Run away.

When eating the D-level MRE, Ivan was always appraising things that looked like chocolate but not like chocolate. In short, it tasted strange—it was hard and salty, and it had to be accompanied by water in order to swallow it.

If Yiwen is lucky enough to meet the designer of this MRE, he will definitely go up and slap him.Looking at the comrades around him, they all showed 'painful' expressions on their faces, and guessed that they often greeted the designer's female relatives from the bottom of their hearts, but if the taste was better, it wouldn't be like this.

There was no more rest time after the meal, and Company H had to arrive at the designated location before nightfall.

Ivan is not quite sure what the mission of the 1st Regiment is, because what the company commander and deputy company commander explained was very ambiguous—according to the intelligence, there may be devils here, who will threaten to seize the flank of the 5th Regiment at the airport, and they must be eliminated before that .

In fact, it was not that they did not try to scout the marching route in advance. When the mission of Company H was determined after landing, the deputy company commander, Lieutenant Hugh Ligan, sent three scouts, but until Company H entered the dense forest, no scouts came back.

As a result, the bodies of the three scouts were found while crossing an unnamed hill.

It was by no means the first time Ivan had seen a corpse.

People will always die, but this is the first time he has seen such a horrible corpse.

After just one glance, there was a violent movement in his stomach.

It was like a typhoon, and the food that had been swallowed for more than half an hour was almost spit out.

5. The First Battle of the Night

Apart from the horrifying blood and terror, the sights he saw were more cruel.

The head of one of the three scouts was cut off, and a small piece of minced meat was hung from the jagged neck, and then stuck on a branch facing the sky, as if warning the US troops who came here-look at the sky, ask Ask the God you believe in, why invade the territory of my empire.

Beside him is a corpse whose hands and feet have been cut off, leaning quietly against a big tree, eyes gouged out, ears and nose cut off, the death is very miserable... what is more hateful is the devil The chopped off human organs were placed in front of the corpse in an unconventional manner, as if to warn the US military that your fate will not be worse.

The last scout seems to have a complete corpse, but in fact, every man cannot tolerate this perverted and heinous behavior—his male genitals were completely cut off, and then stuffed into the into the soldier's mouth.

Seeing this situation, Ma Run not only didn't have any fear, but the crowd became excited, and he directly forgot the "silence" requested by the deputy company commander, Lieutenant Hugh Keligan. He himself stood in front of the scout who died tragically. Aside from being pale, they were not affected too much, and it did not stop the Ma Runs from breathing their fragrance.


"These gods!"

"Fucking wait for me, if I have the chance, I will blow your heavenly spirit cover away!"

Lieutenant Shock Ligan and other weapons platoons passed by and called the logistics stretcher soldiers to collect the bodies of the three scouts.

This scene had a greater impact on Ivan than anyone else.

Nausea, nausea, intense physical reactions after just one glance, although he resisted these and continued to follow the team, he couldn't help but think - if I die here, I will also be with these three Like Scout?Outside~>group+|[email protected]+-7-<8<}8*0=~7=>6<&1<=

'Don't think so—'

'—My death is just to end this reincarnation! '

It's just that there is no lack of a possibility-the cruel and bloodthirsty devil wants to kill an irresistible American army, he will not use precious bullets to solve it, and he will not give him a happy knife, but exhausted torture means.

'Even if the obtained points and free attribute points are halved, you must not become a prisoner! 'Evan secretly warned himself.

War is not just about flying shells and bullets without eyes, but more about marching, patrolling, heat, hunger and thirst, exhaustion, exhaustion, burying comrades in miserable death, and fucking hell alert.

Physical fatigue is never better than mental fatigue. When a person concentrates for more than ten hours, the moment he relaxes, he will be so tired that he will not want to do anything or even say a word.

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