The old sergeant babbled a lot, but just listening to Yiwen felt that these methods of killing and hurting people could no longer be described as 'malicious' just by saying it.

During training in the afternoon, Ivan was more serious.

Every time you swing a knife, every hand-to-hand fight and fight is for yourself to survive in the more tragic reincarnation in the future - only when you become more vicious than the enemy can you kill the vicious enemy.

In the war, there are not only airplanes, cannons and bullets, but also viciousness that loses humanity.

When Ivan is training, he often thinks about what he will look like in the future, and can he return to normal life?

If he returns to normal life, how long will it take him to overcome the huge mental shock in the world of reincarnation?

But all this so far has not been able to overcome the pain caused by the terminal illness that tortured Ivan for a year.

'Whenever I think terminal illness is nothing, I'm afraid it's when I beat the disease and get PTSD. '

Evan would rather live with PTSD than be tortured to death.

'If it is not normal, it is not normal, and I am not a normal person. '

Yiwen is a self-aware person, and he has been different since he became a problem solver—other geniuses have a photographic memory, learn quickly, and make no mistakes. In contrast, he only has the ability to work hard to double his gains. To stand shoulder to shoulder with those geniuses, you have to pay something that ordinary people can't stand.

When many geniuses are unrestrained and singing every night, he spends all night studying questions on his rest day, shortens the distance with them, does not waste time and energy on socializing, and is so lonely that he does not have any friends.

It is not normal for a guy who desperately grasps his talents to stand shoulder to shoulder with geniuses, but is unwilling to be inferior to most of his peers.

Sweat soaked the combat uniform, like a stream flowing down, the old sergeant looked at this young, energetic, passionate and desperate guy, his eyes were full of relief.

Aside from hand-to-hand combat training, Ivan's live ammunition training did not stop.

By the end of the repair of H Company, he had been able to shoot 400 out of 10 bullets at a distance of 8 meters and 500 rounds at a distance of 6 meters. His performance on moving targets was poor, but most of the targets at this distance were fixed targets.

In the case of pure machine aiming, I am afraid that only shooting geniuses can come and compare with him.

Shooting with the left hand has a much higher hit rate than the one who just set foot on Guadalcanal Island, but it is not as good as the right hand after 150 rounds of live ammunition training.

At least [-] rounds of ammunition were knocked out. The quartermaster seemed to report this to Brigadier General Vandergrift many times, but he was scolded all over the place, so the logistics side understood one thing--for giving up honor The battle hero Douglas Ivin, who is also decorated with his comrades, is such a waste of bullets. It is best to ignore it. If you have to point fingers, no one knows how angry Commodore Vandergrift will be.

The hand-to-hand combat has also been improved under the training of the old sergeant. At least he has won three out of ten duels with this strong man. Various crooked techniques and tactics emerge in endlessly. Anyway, there is only one word that stands out-dirty.


This book will be written in more detail, and the information will be searched a lot. The wrist is still damaged. The explosion will consume all the manuscripts. It is my limit to guarantee full attendance every month. Thank you for your subscription and cooperation. Support - it would be better if there are fewer skip orders and more full orders.

58. His starting point is the battlefield, and his end point will also be the battlefield

The reporters arrived as promised and pestered Yi Wen for two full days.

For the first time, he didn't produce dopamine because of other people's admiration and respect, because this help is really annoying.

Although I saw them coming from thousands of miles away, I probably vomited a lot because of the thrilling journey and not getting used to the life floating on the sea, but after a few hours of heartache, my mind was full of thoughts of "Can you finish it?"

The most fucking thing is posing. The reporter wanted to shoot a video of Yiwen charging, so he performed a heroic charge. The whole person seemed to be stuck on the ground without heroism, which made the reporters very uncomfortable. satisfy.

So a period of Ivan's charge on the flat ground foolishly holding a machete with a determined face and no tactical movements at all was recorded, and many photos were taken during the process.

Including the shooting posture, you have to follow what the reporters think is handsome.

Even the movements, postures, and manners of digging trenches have to follow their customized scripts.

Can you imagine that a single-soldier bunker can actually hold three or four people?

Can you imagine shooting from the stomach without parapet protection?

Also, you must show a smile of 'you are dead' when shooting from a standing position on a horse.

The whole movement of kneeling and shooting was twisted so much that Ivan couldn't relax his muscles.

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When wielding the machete in hand-to-hand combat, Ivan performed the ugly but very practical method given to him by the old sergeant, fast, accurate, and ruthless. Ivan thought it was perfect, but the reporters shook their heads and insisted that he raise the machete above his head.

The posture of holding the M1903 Chuntian bayonet has also undergone dozens of revisions.

Yiwen found that nearly half a month of rigorous training did not torment him so much that he didn't want to move, and he was even alive and well every day. After spending two days with these reporters, he was stretched out in the tent with only the strength left to curse and smoke.

"Grass mud horse!"

When the group of reporters finally went to interview Edson and Brigadier General Vandergrift, Ivan couldn't hold back his quintessence of nationalism.

"So you still understand Chinese?"

The old sergeant Leeson who had been with Ivan for two days came over and said in surprise.


Even more confused was Ivan.

"It's not surprising. I've seen many Chinese people in Europe." The old sergeant lit a cigarette, "They are all laborers sent by the former Beiyang government. I saw them in France as if they were animals. Using it, repairing railways, moving supplies, digging trenches, and even being forced to go to the front as cannon fodder by the supervisory team.”

Ivan didn't know much about this period of history, but he had heard about it. Anyway, after just a few glances, his blood pressure was full, and he wanted to chop off the heads of those Frenchmen.

"At that time, I was very angry, but it was useless." Sergeant Li Sen said, "They were all pale and thin, as if they had never eaten meat in their lives. Every day, some people fell down and couldn't sleep. The supervisors held whips, and I seemed to From this group of Chinese people, I saw black slaves."

Hearing this, Ivan couldn't help asking: "Don't you despise non-white people?"

"Why racial discrimination?" asked the old sergeant, "Aren't they human?"

To be honest, let alone this period, even in the 21st century, racial discrimination continues.

Similar behavior during World War II was even more common and more explicit than in the future.

People like Sergeant Leeson are actually outliers.

"Where's the devil?" Ivan couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Is Little Japan considered a human being?" The old sergeant glared, "What they have done has already prevented them from being attributed to the scope of human beings."

These words gave Ivan a deeper understanding of the old man in front of him. He was a sergeant who was highly skilled in tactics, full of empathy, hated evil, judged by morality rather than law, and taught Ivan many things.

Before the rest was over, Leeson gave Ivan all the last things he had - traps, homemade explosives, sticky bombs, Molotov cocktails.

These are the experiences summed up by the old sergeant in a lifetime of fighting. Ivan has benefited a lot and learned what is vicious... Next, more actual combat is needed.

Then I thought that the preparations before the battle at Edson Ridge seemed perfect, but in fact they were not enough at all-he could order gasoline, cloth, gunpowder and used cans, and make some good things by hand for the Japanese army, even on the battlefield Laying booby traps and traps makes the little devil want to stop.

In this way, Ivan at that time would not be carried off the position half dead, and survived by losing the dignity of his brothers and Captain Huckleberry.

'I'm still too young! '

Ivan sighed in his heart to say goodbye to the old sergeant, and Lisen called him before leaving.

"The old man will be crossing the Matanikau in a few days to beat the kid."

"You don't have to go, do you?"

It is mentioned that three marine battalions fought over the Matanikau River some time ago, but they were surrounded at Cruz Point west of the Matanikau River. If it were not for the assistance of the US destroyer and the landing craft driven by the US Coast Guard personnel, I am afraid It was wiped out.

The total battle loss exceeded 800 people, but fortunately only some non-heavy equipment was left behind.

He didn't know the specific process of the battle, but he only knew that the morale of the Ma Runs who had fled back was quite low. When passing by, Ma Run, who had retreated, would often hear Ma Run murmuring, "This group of Japanese troops is different from the previous ones," as if the Japanese troops had given up on the past. That kind of suicidal charge tactic.

Ivan heard that the 7st Battalion of the 1th Regiment...that is, the battalion where John Basilone was located also went, but the damage was the lightest. Very reliable.

"Why do you think that a sergeant doesn't need to go to the battlefield?" Leeson asked, patting Ivan on the shoulder.

"In the fierce battle a few days ago, we lost hundreds of people." Ivan was very glad that he did not participate in this failed battle.

"So revenge is needed."

The old sergeant threw away his cigarette butt with a murderous look on his face, his appearance did not overlap with his bragging appearance during this period, and Ivan even thought he had a dual personality.

"The place where young people should be is not the battlefield. This kind of thing should put us old people who have been in World War I forever at the forefront."

After leaving these words, Sergeant Leeson put on his military cap and left Ivan's side without looking back.

At this time, Ivan suddenly realized that the fundamental reason why Leeson returned to the army was by no means as simple as Ivan thought, but that he could not adapt to the normal world even if he worked hard. PTSD.

It's just that Ivan, who had experienced two bloody battles in World War II, witnessed the battle fatigue in the hospital, and subconsciously thought that PTSD patients should be in the hospital, not an old sergeant who can speak well.

'Should have thought of it a long time ago, the injury is so serious! '

Looking at his leaving back, an inexplicable fear surged into Ivan's heart... because he found that the old soldier's back might be his future—he had entered the battlefield, but he could never leave the battlefield again.


Li Sen yelled as he walked: "I am really happy to know you, a fighting hero!"


"Sometimes, don't hide everything in your heart like me... You have comrades who cherish you, and officers who are willing to give up their dignity for you. You can speak out boldly when you are talking nonsense with them! "

"Don't die, sergeant, don't die—!"

Ivan tried to catch up, but only took two steps.

Knowing the reason why such a valuable talent as the old sergeant went to the battlefield, he really wanted to tell his benefactor that he was a good listener, but Yiwen was not a person in this reincarnation. Leave this day.

The things accumulated in the heart of the old sergeant have already taken root and sprouted, and the only thing to do is to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

PS: After finishing writing the Eastern Front, there will be [International Column], [Yugoslavia], and [Korean War (Volunteer Army)]. Pure cool writing, especially starting from the Eastern Front.

59. Evan stayed on the battlefield even with malaria

On October 10, Ivan returned to the team and ushered in a combat patrol. Leaving the airport meant that food could not be guaranteed.

It didn't matter to Ivan, after all, after half a month of eating the breakfast, lunch and dinner provided to senior military officers, he almost drank his mouth. If he continued like this for half a month, he might be completely unacceptable when he ate slop later.

In fact... the front-line soldiers of the 1st Marine Division began to eat the rice left by the Japanese army in August, and each person still had two meals a day of 8 grams.

There is no other reason. The strength of the airport has been strengthened, and the number of aircraft has reached 71. At the same time, on September 9, Japanese aircraft from the Rabaul base attacked Henderson Airport again, and the battle in the sky continued. It has continued uninterrupted until now, and all food is given priority to pilots, ground crews, technical non-commissioned officers, and some big soldiers who want to attack the Japanese army.

A leader who does not take part in offensive operations is not worthy of bread.

The day of October 10 was firmly nailed in Ivan's mind like a steel seal—because on this day eight years later, a great man raised his arms and shouted to the descendants of Yan and Huang: We have stood up!

It is said to be a combat patrol, but it is actually a circle around the airport. It can be regarded as a mobile force that can be mobilized at any time, and there is no danger at all.

As time passed, Ivan became more and more relaxed. Even in the first few days of October, the 10st Marine Division launched a fierce attack on the Japanese 1nd Division on the west bank of the Matanikau River. It doesn't matter if the company's remaining strength is less than one platoon.

The only thing that troubled Ivan was the countless mosquitoes on Guadalcanal Island. He bit more than a dozen bags. Since he didn't have any physical discomfort in the past few days, he treated it like being bitten by ordinary mosquitoes and didn't care about it. But on the night of October 10, Huge changes took place in Ivan's body—waves of cold poured from the top of his head into the soles of his feet, as if he was not in the hot Pacific Ocean, but Siberia in Comme.

" cold...!"

Ivan couldn't control his body shaking crazily, even if he rolled up the quilt, he couldn't stop the coldness that invaded his bone marrow... After only a few minutes, his brain began to have a headache, and his body experienced severe soreness.

It didn't last long before suddenly a gust of hot air rushed out, and the whole person was as hot as a high fever, but it only lasted for a few minutes before falling into the freezer again.

It was hot and cold for a while, and Yiwen only felt as if he was running back and forth between the desert and the snow-capped mountains.

In half an hour, his face had turned pale, his lips were purple, and he was short of breath, and then without warning, a strong nausea broke through the checkpoint in his throat.


"Hmm... um? Chef, you..."

Lai Ji, who woke up, rubbed his eyes, and exclaimed in the next moment: "Chef—————!"

His uncontrollable scream instantly woke up the other brothers in the tent. One moment he was dazed, and the next moment he was so frightened that he crawled out of bed.

"what happened to you?"

"Your body is so hot!"

"high fever?"

"No, no!"

"Go to the hospital, take him to the hospital!"

Smiling Tiger immediately carried Yiwen on his back and rushed out of the tent, and several people ran all the way to the hospital.

On the way, Yiwen couldn't even control his body, and was taken to the hospital by his brothers like a cripple.


Still seriously ill!

Evan was all too familiar with this feeling.

On the night of the celebration banquet, I was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment for stomach cramps, and my body was not stable for a while. It was difficult to relieve painkillers, and various symptoms appeared. Although I did not die immediately like now, but It also left a deep memory on him.

Before arriving at the field hospital, I heard the screams of the wounded soldiers. Although the hospital was not overcrowded, it was much busier than usual because there were wounded soldiers being transported back from the Matanikau River. At night, he launched a counterattack against Ma Run who was crossing the river.

Operation Matanikau at the end of September and Operation Matanikau at the beginning of October, the total of the two attacks had nothing to do with Company H. Ivan thought he could get through this month safely, but who knew a few days ago It's okay to be bitten out with more than a dozen bags, but tonight's sudden illness turned into what it is now.

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