The sound of Japanese fighter planes was particularly harsh in the air defense sirens. There were at least 6 96 Land Attacks lined up in the sky. Although it was not too big from Ivan’s perspective, this thing could drop 2000 bombs and escort The 96 Lu Gong is naturally the very famous Zero fighter of the Japanese Navy. In addition, there are five 5 warships behind it.

The 99 Ship Explosion is a dive bomber. Although the bomb load is not at the same level as the 96 Land Attack, it can conduct dive bombing and drop the aerial bombs into the designated position.

"Into the hole, into the hole!"

"Don't stand on the ground stupidly!"

"Hurry up!"

Second Lieutenant Stone stood outside the trench with a face full of fear, shouting loudly, trying to let the Maruns know how to avoid air strikes.

In just one minute, the Ma Runs got into the anti-aircraft hole they had dug before, and then prayed that God's aerial bombs were not dropped on their positions.




A large number of explosions came, but there was no ground shaking on the ground.

Ivan carefully drilled out of the anti-aircraft hole, listening to the sound and movement, he found that the Japanese plane had dropped all the bombs in the airport, and at the same time heard the sound of anti-aircraft guns firing in unison.

Since the shells didn't land on the beachhead, then... Ivan retreated decisively into the anti-gun hole. Who knows if the Japanese Zero fighters would get nervous and fire at the position when they returned home.

The caliber of the machine gun is 20mm, if it is hit by this thing, it is lucky that it does not die immediately, and then it is carried to the field hospital on a stretcher. I am afraid that the doctor will say that what the unlucky guy needs is not a doctor but more morphine.

The air raid ended quickly, and the Japanese planes seemed to be only heading for the airport, not considering the beachhead at all.

The Ma Runs came out of the bomb-proof hole while greeting the Japanese women, and then looked at the airport covered in thick fog and continued to greet the relatives of the Japanese.

"This is actually a good thing." Lecky bravely judged, "At least in a short period of time, there is no possibility of them landing."

Otherwise, it is impossible to dispatch more than 20 planes and only bomb the airport.

"Come on, it's our turn to eat."

The 600 grams of rice left over from yesterday was originally stubbornly refusing to hand it over, but the gendarmerie ran over and had to hand over what he had made through his "relationship" with tears in his eyes.

When Yiwen and others arrived at the temporary cafeteria, they could no longer see how much smoke there was in the airport, but they greeted Little Japan cordially, but Ma Run and the others were silent after lunch.

"If I remember correctly, I poured the leftovers into this wooden barrel yesterday."

The soldier at the front of the line stared at the scud who was working part-time as a cook with a strange expression on his face.

This guy who looked like he opened his mouth "F丨ck" and closed his mouth "Shit丨it" naturally didn't give this Ma Run a good look.

"If you like to eat or not, if you don't eat, get out."

After shaking a spoonful of rice that had obviously been soaked in water twice, he threw it into Ma Run's lunch box with an unhappy expression, and then shouted: "Next!".

I'm so hungry, can I not eat?

Ma Run could only look for a place to sit and eat while holding the lunch box with a bitter face.

"When we are pigs?"

"Pigs eat better than this, don't they?"

"Son of a bitch, kill your ancestors!"

The wooden barrel is still the same wooden barrel, but the sign hanging on it is not yesterday's "leftovers disposal place", but a sign that says "fresh rice".

Ivan picked up the lunch box and brought it close to his nose, and in the next second a half-smelling smell came over his face.

"It's really ruthless, giving soldiers rice that is about to rot."

When he was all down, the scud ran over and told the reason.


That is to say, all the big white rice that should have been supplied to Ma Run on the front line was taken to the airport for the group of brave fighters, so the food that was wasted yesterday was naturally supplied to this group of Ma Run who was shivering in the bomb shelter.

"The rice is about to go bad, adding water is useless!" Yi Wen scolded.

"I know, and the division headquarters also knows." Scud said helplessly, "Because they defended the airport against the bombing and strafing, the improvement progress has not been delayed...Even if there are objections, will the division commander listen to us?"

"If you eat something rotten, you will have diarrhea." Ivan reminded again.

Scud spread his hands to express helplessness.

At this time, Laiji said in a straight line: "Isn't their duty just to defend the airport? Air defense company, ground support, this is the natural mission. Why do they have to take food from our mouths after winning?"

That's what I said, but what can I do?

Little private, there is no other way but to whine.

In the next few days, the Japanese army repeated one thing-bombing the airport.

Since he came every day, Ma Run, who was staying in the position, was already numb. When he heard the sound of the propeller, he didn't go into the anti-gun hole.

Until August 8th, the Ma Runs in the camp could finally cheer for once, because the Japanese plane did not launch an air strike in the morning, which meant that there was no need to eat thick porridge with a rotten smell at noon—you know that it does not have a rotten smell How delicious is porridge! ?


【Explosive Power——1{6}】

【Physique: 1{8}】

【Physical stamina: 1{11}】

At this moment, Ivan could already clearly feel the decline of his body function. He used to be very tired after a day of heavy physical labor, but after a night of rest, he would relieve a lot. Now he just sat on the ground like this for a whole day and felt unrelieved fatigue.

Putting aside the decline in performance, what bothered Ivan was that his body had been in trouble since the 16th-he started to have diarrhea.

At the beginning, he did it 5-6 times a day. By the morning of the 19th, he had done it 6 times. He became a real jet fighter. Every time he wiped his butt, he felt a burning pain. Because of this, he became extremely unstable. Not long ago, he had made enough determination to become stronger in the world of reincarnation. After a few days of diarrhea and his body became weak, he only thought about some medicine to relieve the pain.

At the same time, I also thought of Sirius Dodge, the medical soldier of Company H who was the first to die. He was obviously half a 'doctor' but couldn't stop the physiological reaction of diarrhea.

During this period of time, the number of times he swears has been dozens of times, or even a hundred times, the total number of times in the past 19 years.

The reason why you don’t have a mental breakdown is that you are always accompanied by comrades-in-arms. They won’t laugh at you for squatting in a pit every half an hour, they won’t mind you spraying a few meters away, and they won’t dislike you for pulling your pants down.

More importantly, Ivan has a 'accompanying person'.

That's right, the unlucky guy is a scud. He started to have diarrhea yesterday, and it turned out that he had diarrhea more than 20 times in one day. I heard that his asshole was swollen!

"It seems to have been used more than 20 times." He complained himself, "Damn the air raid, and the order to prioritize the supply of the airport!"

"You guys are lucky enough." Leckie lay on the trench and looked at the two guys who had taken off their pants and sat on a dead tree to urinate, "Didn't you see those people who had malaria? They looked half dead like that. "

During the period of mid-August, 8% of the people in the 1st Marine Division were infected with diseases that are highly prevalent in the tropical rainforest, mainly malaria, and a small number of undiagnosed diseases.

Ivan was quite afraid of malaria, because it would trigger an accident in the [Main Mission], which would cause him to take half of his points and free attribute points to leave reincarnation even though he did not die in battle.

'Never get malaria! '

Thinking of this, he subconsciously lifted his anus, and immediately screamed in pain.

The comrades who were used to it didn't take it seriously and continued to smoke and chat in the trenches.

When Ivan staggered back to the trench, the mountain man walked over from the direction of the company headquarters with a face full of excitement, and he brought a piece of great news.

"Five days of food supplies have landed!"

15. Tradition

According to the mountain people, this wave of material delivery is extremely risky, because the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States is still three days away from Guadalcanal Island. Once the Japanese find out and launch an air strike, even if the aircraft carrier responds, it will not be able to quickly support it. .

Such reckless delivery of materials to Guadalcanal is precisely because the 1st Marine Division has experienced a 20% non-combat attrition. They urgently need medicines to treat malaria and sufficient food to maintain their health.

"Fucking can finally stop eating rotten leftovers!?"

Lecky, who was a little thin, slammed his fist on the trench, "Does the big man know how to feel sorry for the soldiers? My two brothers have almost pulled themselves out!"

The first-line Ma Run, who lacked food supplies for [-] days and was often deducted from food, generally lost two to three kilograms for those who did not contract malaria or diarrhea—the torture and devastation of the body could still be endured by gritting their teeth. After all, the navy I didn't give up on them, but the mental pain and torture couldn't be easily relieved.

It was hot, humid, and full of poisonous insects. Every day, Japanese planes flew over to bomb the airport. The most frightening thing was that it became extremely unsafe at night during this period.

H Company's position is close to the beach on the east, so there are no "missing persons" like other companies.......The disappearance of these Ma Runs has only a very small probability of being driven crazy by the harsh conditions in Guadalcanal Island. It can only be The little Japanese hiding in the deep mountains and old forests quietly captured them through night operations they are good at.

It wasn't just Ma Run who was hungry and crazy, but also Little Japan who had been stationed in Guadalcanal Island in the early days. They left all their supplies as early as the first day when they fled.From that moment they became primitive people, and in the mid-term they would inevitably start to 'eat people' in order to fill their stomachs, and now they have become even crazier-started to find "food" from the US military, and they often succeeded!

Those missing Ma Run had no chance of surviving, and would only be eaten by the little Japan, even the bone marrow.

Non-combat attrition and hunger lead to low morale, and soldiers suddenly disappear while squatting in a pit every three to five times. This makes the division headquarters urge the Navy Command with a tough attitude and must take the risk of delivering the necessary supplies first.

The decision was undoubtedly correct.

Not only Lecky's spirits were lifted when he heard the news, but Ma Run on the other positions also changed from the decadence and fatigue of the previous few days, and his morale seemed to climb from the bottom to the peak all of a sudden.

Ivan and Scud were treated immediately.

The doctor said that he was lucky enough that his diarrhea did not develop into malaria.

"Isn't this caused by eating rotten food every day?" Yiwen couldn't help asking, "Our physique is not bad, definitely not bad...!"

The doctor seemed to know what they wanted to complain about. For example, the food and drink in the logistics area were good, and when it was the turn of the frontline soldiers, they were given swill, so they said with a straight face: "If people like me also get malaria, then the entire land battle 1 It is impossible to control the non-combat attrition of the division to about 20%."

Heh—the tradition of American imperialism!

Don't be unconvinced, the military strategy of the United States is based on logistics.

As the king of industry and the world's factory today, there is a set of standardized procedures, each link has a separate post, and one person is never allowed to shoulder the responsibilities of two posts, so that the advantages of the labor force can be fully utilized to make the warship appear like dumplings. in port.

The same goes for army logistics. If you want to protect the front-line soldiers, you must first protect the logistics master—because each logistics personnel has their own fixed positions and responsibilities, they cannot be concurrently. Whenever there is a problem in a certain aspect of the logistics, the upstream and downstream immediately stop. The work of the head, and when the problem is solved, when will they continue to work.

Because a problem in one link of the logistics will cause the entire process to go down, it is a clear rule in the United States army to give priority to the support of logistics personnel. As a result, the frontline soldiers in Guadalcanal can only eat leftovers wasted by the logistics master.

In contrast, Germany is doing the opposite. Its logistical forces, especially its transportation forces, have a low status and are generally considered to be the second-tier department of the army.Even if those German generals were promoted and transferred to logistics, they would feel that they had been punished.

If Ivan had to choose a military system, he would choose the US imperialism decisively.

"Hopefully the medicine will work."

Scud and Yiwen, the brothers and sisters, went to the cafeteria with their arms. Since the temporary canteen set up several cauldrons with supplies, Ma Run and the others could finally bid farewell to the thick porridge and return to the embrace of the B-level MRE.

The so-called B-level MRE is a bunch of non-cooked food, purchased from the United States for semi-processing, in the words of the 21st century, it is a pre-made dish, and after being transported to the army, it can be eaten after simple processing by the cook.

It includes a pot of stew made of more than a dozen kinds of vegetables and meat, and snacks such as biscuits and coffee are also distributed to soldiers.


The stewed 'soup' can make Ma Run want to die.

Before that, every Ma Run who arrived in the temporary cafeteria had a bad face, but today was different——Ivan saw the rough embryos talking and laughing, as if the hardships he had suffered in those days disappeared all of a sudden.

The Ma Runs have also learned that wasting food is a shameful thing. Ivan saw many scumbags sticking out their tongues and licking up the remaining residue in the lunch box.

"This lunch is almost as good as the 'chef'!" Smiley Tiger ate happily, "If you want to ask me what is the most memorable thing in the battle of Turtle Island, it must be the most unpalatable white rice made into top-notch dishes chef!"

"I think it's not as good as the lunch that the chef gave us." Leckie said with a smile.

"a little?"

Scud said unceremoniously: "It's far from good. Although this thing tastes good, it looks like a piece of shit. How can there be an appetite for the dishes made by the chef?"

"That must be—!" The mountain man raised his head and said, "Our chef can turn the vomited rice into something that God is full of praise for!"

"Uh... Excuse me, what happened?" the bad boy Phillips asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's nothing." Ivan patted him on the shoulder, "It's just a chance to improve the food."

"You should be proud, why be shy!" Laiji came over and told Ivan's achievements with his unique 'literary' accent.

Ivan found that the biggest difference between himself and this group of rough embryos came from his soul—he had the reservedness and introversion handed down from 5000 years of civilization, and he had to hide his complacency or pretense, whereas the people of the United States wanted to put everything on their faces.

"Let me tell you, our 'chef' is definitely the entire 1st Marine Division..."

Ivan doesn't like bragging, but these bastards seem to want to blow him up to the sky-it may be a little ashamed to say it, but he enjoys it and is a little complacent.

Before stomach cancer, he stayed up late to do the questions and did not forget to exercise. It was because he enjoyed the envious and jealous eyes cast on him by his peers. Is a little proud.

Even if I suffer from stomach cancer and suffered a year of blows, I still can't change this stinky problem after coming to this reincarnation.

Back on the battlefield after dinner, the medicine seemed to have worked, until the evening Ivan only went to spray once.Scud was more serious than him, but only went to spray three times.

Dinner is the same food as lunch.

After receiving the supplies, the division headquarter was not stingy at all to let the soldiers have a good time. In addition, the Japanese army did not launch an air strike today, Ma Run's mood immediately adjusted, as happy as they wanted, and they walked with more energy Great.

It's even better if you can get a good night's sleep.

It is a pity that the Japanese army does not seem to be ready to let Ma Run, who is stationed at the beachhead, sleep peacefully.


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