The shell hit the ground, blasting out a deep pit, and countless light particles condensed in the pit, quickly forming a tall figure.

"It's really scary. I didn't expect Miss Yin to become so powerful after I haven't seen her for a few months, but she is still the same as before. She hates pirates and human traffickers extremely."

"Ah, is that the orange lizard? It turned into a dragon. It's really scary."

Huang Yuan said in a strange manner, and at the same time raised his finger, the fingertips were condensed with a high concentration of light particles, emitting a dazzling light.

"Although you are killing pirates, who gave me an order to kill all of you?"

Yin's face was solemn, and he held the handle of the knife tightly, shouting loudly to Mortlas and the fire-breathing dragon who were fighting with the pirates.

"Everyone, be careful! This fisherman is an admiral! He is powerful! Get out!"

She saw with her own eyes the strength of the yellow ape in the top battle. He even ended a battle with only slightly dirty clothes.

Yin stood in front of the two of them, ready to delay the time.

The next moment, the light from the yellow monkey's fingertips swelled suddenly, and a thin laser beam shot away, but it happened to pass between the three of them.


The laser light hit the mangrove tree, blasting a deep hole, and a charred black hole appeared in the trunk of the tree, and the whole tree slowly fell backwards.

Mangrove minus one...

"Ah, I accidentally missed the shot. But next time, it's hard to say."

Huang Yuan smiled embarrassedly.

Above the sky, a meteor-like figure descended, trailing behind it a dark light and a white circular air wave.


The moment it landed, the ground shook, the whole island seemed to be trembling, dust was flying, and a hoarse voice sounded.

"Put your finger down, Kiwi."

The dust dissipated, the ground was covered with cracks like spider webs, and there were no craters, obviously the force was withdrawn.

With a little darkness floating on his body, Bacchus said to the three people behind him.

"Go and clean up the pirates, I'll deal with him."

The three nodded and chased after the scattered pirates.

"Yo, Brother Bacchus, I haven't seen you for a long time, and your strength has grown a lot!"

Huang Yuan smiled, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes under the toad's mirror, and he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

This guy, it has only been a few months since the war on the top, and his strength has improved. You know, at their level, every point of strength has been accumulated for a long time. The strength of these generals seems to have reached a level. The bottleneck, has not felt the feeling of progress for many years.

Bacchus, on the other hand, only took less than a year to reach the general-level combat power, and he can still make some progress...

"It's like a monster!"

Huang Yuan muttered something, and then leaped into the sky, crossed his arms, pinched his fingers, his whole body was full of golden light, and golden light bullets condensed around him.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The light bullets shot down towards Bacchus like a torrential rain, and the darkness behind Bacchus quickly climbed to the sky, weaving a large black net, and the light bullets touched the big net like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any waves .

A mass of darkness the size of a human head condensed in the palm of Bacchus, and a faint golden light was bred in the darkness.

"Let you taste the taste of your own moves!"

Darkness and Liberation!

One after another light bullets were fired from the darkness in Bacchus' hands, and the yellow ape looked surprised. He didn't expect that Bacchus' darkness could be used like this.

The light bomb flew high into the sky and exploded with a loud bang. There were continuous explosions, and the bright light shone on the sky, which was very dazzling.

Suddenly, a thin ray of light fell straight to the ground, and turned back to Bacchus the moment it touched the ground.

Countless light particles condensed in front of Bacchus, and a long leg with a golden glow was raised high into the air and slashed down like a battle axe, a wrinkled wretched smiling face appeared in front of Bacchus.

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

But Bacchus didn't become a little flustered, and even raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.

Huang Yuan's eyes were fixed, and he saw a palm wrapped in darkness grabbing his long leg, and the light on his leg was quickly swallowed up by the darkness.

"Your light cannot escape my darkness..."

Chapter 77

During the war on the top, Huang Yuan had seen Bacchus' ability, even Whitebeard's shaking fruit could absorb it, but he didn't expect to face this problem now.

"What a tricky ability!"

"The old man is really not good at gymnastics."

Since the fruit ability cannot be used, then only domineering can be used.

The black armed domineering entwined around the long legs held by Bacchus, and the yellow ape kicked hard, kicking Bacchus' chest.

Bacchus had expected it a long time ago, and covered his chest with armed arrogance. He only felt a huge force coming from his chest. With a muffled grunt, his figure kept retreating, and his feet plowed a long groove on the ground.

"As expected of an admiral, physical skills are also top-notch!"

Huang Yuan is only a little dependent on the devil fruit, but this does not mean that his physical skills are poor. Those who can become admirals are all monster-like existences in this sea.

"Sure enough, domineering is the nemesis of all devil fruit ability users."

Huang Yuan said in a strange way, with the domineering arms wrapped around his legs, and a whip kick swept out.

Bacchus bent his arms, blocked the powerful kick with his forearm, then took a step forward, and blasted out his right fist with bursts of sonic booms.


Huang Yuan dodged sideways, and the fierce fist wind whistled past his ears, full of murderous intent, and was about to strike again, but Bacchus refused to give him this chance.

I saw his waist twisted suddenly, and the straight punch changed into a horizontal punch. Huang Yuan couldn't dodge, and was hit hard in the side of the face by this punch. There was a "click", the sound of bones breaking, and Huang Yuan fell down. Flying out, knocked down a piece of houses, dust flying.

Huang Yuan struggled to get up, spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, his expression was covered by toad sunglasses, his right cheek was swollen high.

"Exquisite fighting skills, murderous boxing techniques, and a knife-like style of boxing..."

"Bacchus, there are more and more mysteries in you, how did you learn these..."

Facing the foggy Bacchus, Huang Yuan became more and more interested in him. He is indeed the person recognized by Mr. Zefa...

"I don't want to waste time with you, Kiwi."

Bacchus clasped his hands together, and a black energy ball swelled between his palms, and then he threw it high. Terrifying gravitational force emanated from the black energy ball.

At first, it was just dust in the sky or on the ground, followed by larger rubble, and then large pieces of broken buildings...

The gravitational force continued to increase, and in the sky, a stone ball covering the sky and the sun slowly formed. Thick clouds surrounded the stone ball, and the Chambord Islands were shrouded in large shadows.

Seeing this scene of deja vu, even the usual casual Huang Yuan couldn't help trembling slightly.

"You are weak! Do you care about the life and death of the civilians here? Are you worthy of the justice taught to you by Teacher Zefa?"

The yellow ape roared, and Bacchus looked at the angry yellow ape with interest, so he would be angry too.

"I'll leave it to you. I hope you won't let this place suffer heavy losses."

Bacchus spit out a cloud of mist, which turned into a black lightning bolt and shot towards the Nether which was moored on the sea in the distance.

"damn it!"

Huang Yuan cursed that because of this stone ball during the top war, the entire Marin Fando was razed to the ground, and he would never forget the huge impact of the explosion.

The entire Chambord Islands will be destroyed because of this!

Compressed rays of light emerged from Huang Yuan's fingers, and the beams of laser light hit the stone ball only to blow up a few potholes, which were repaired by the sucked stones after a while.

"You can search! What should I do to..."

In the sky, the fire-breathing dragon carried Yin and Mortras and flew towards the Nether. They had already cleaned up the pirates and slave owners on the Chambord Islands.

Sail, steer, power, set sail...

The Nether sailed quickly to the distant sea.

Bacchus on the bow had a thought, the floating stone ball seemed to be stuck, the gathered stones slowly fell off, the strong gravitational force disappeared, and all the floating stones fell down.

Huang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, the surrounding gravitational force seemed...disappeared?

After a while, the huge stone ball disappeared, and the Chambord Islands looked like ruins, but most of the houses were intact, but the auction venues all disappeared, and the corpses of pirates and slave owners were everywhere.

The bright sun pierces the thick clouds like a sharp sword, the gloom recedes, hope rekindles,

No matter how dark life is, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is enough to keep you going forward.

Many people showed the smiles of the rest of their lives, and of course there were the liberated slaves, who fell to their knees and cried bitterly. It is hard to imagine how tortured they were.

Huang Yuan sat on a boulder, the warm golden sun shone on him, and he didn't say a word.

"Am I being tricked?"

Huang Yuan smiled wryly, Bacchus's soul had no intention of destroying this place from the beginning, but just wanted to hold him back and buy time to escape.

He looked at the smiling people around him, some slaves wept with joy when they found their families, some were looking at the golden light rising from the sky, their eyes full of longing...

Perhaps... Bacchus wasn't wrong, what was wrong was this distorted world.

He took a cigarette out of his pocket, put it in his mouth, lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

He suddenly laughed, and he also became a little interested in the world that Bacchus was talking about...

"Old man Zefa, his eyes seemed to be full of light when he talked about that world. Speaking of which, that world is really exciting..."


The phone bug rang, and Huang Yuan took out the phone bug in his pocket and connected the call.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Huang..."

"Yazan, did you kill Bacchus?"

An old and deep voice came from the phone, it was the highest leader of the world government - the Five Old Stars.

Huang Yuan showed a regretful expression and explained vaguely.

"Ah, ah, I'm so sorry, Bacchus' strength has improved too fast, and I'm no longer his opponent, it's really scary~"

"Hundan! You must..."

Without waiting for Wu Laoxing to vent his anger, Huang Yuan hung up the phone immediately. He didn't want to be criticized by others. The old man Zefa scolded him many times back then. Those memories are really not good...

"Well, you can go back, it's already time to get off work!"

Huang Yuan raised the watch on his wrist and confirmed the time, um, it's already overdue by 1 minute...

He turned and left, the cloak of justice behind him fluttered in the wind, clouds of smoke spit out from his mouth, his figure was still as lazy as ever...

"Finally understand why that guy Sakaski asked me not to hurt you. Speaking of which, I've known him for so many years, and it's the first time he's asking someone else..."

"He should also want to see that world..."

"Well, let me also look forward to it..."

However, it is still comfortable to touch fish...

Chapter 78 Tai Chi and Exit

On the vast sea, a blue-gray ship was moving fast, its tail dragged a long white groove, stirring up waves.

Suddenly, an unpredictable and strange wind blew up on the sea, sometimes big and sometimes small, and always revolved around the blue-gray ship, like a tornado, and the ship was the eye of the wind.

On the deck of the ship, Bacchus is doing a set of punches. His movements are relaxed and soft, round and natural, with a continuous momentum like waves and endless changes. The same movement has different effects at different angles. , all-encompassing.

Bacchus is fast and slow, opening and closing hands, right single whip, elbow bottom beating, turning around and pushing palms, jade girl shuttles, kicking right and left...

When his hands are drawn in a circle, there seems to be a cloud of breeze in the palm of his hand, the wind moves with him, and with the surrounding wind, darkness emerges from his body involuntarily, and pours into the cloud of breeze in the palm of his hand little by little. The black ball with weak gravity condensed in front of Bacchus.

The fine grains of sand on the deck slowly floated up, a regular circle appeared under Bacchus' feet, and even the phantom of the Tai Chi diagram appeared.

But the whole Taiji diagram is only black, with more yin and less yang.

Bacchus frowned, his forearms rotated at the same time, his palms were shoulder-width apart, palms down, and slowly dropped.

"Why, it always feels wrong? Is there something wrong with my posture?"

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