The boy standing in front of the silk thread froze, his eyes suddenly dimmed.

I saw the silk thread passing through his body, and the whole person was instantly cut into countless pieces of human body, the internal organs and blood spilled all over the ground, and he lost his vitality before he could fight back.


Seeing the tragic situation of the boy, the residents screamed in horror. Fear spread among the crowd like a plague. Everyone scrambled to stay away from the silk thread and ran to the center of the kingdom.

Where the silk thread passed, houses, stones, trees...all objects were cut into smooth incisions by the hair-thick white silk thread, and they were fragmented.

"Hey, what's going on here!"

The bustling crowd scattered Smoker and his party like a wave. Smoker looked at the silk thread leading to the birdcage suspiciously. Tina beside him snuffed out the lady's cigarette in her mouth, frowned and said.

"No matter what it is, if you let it go, the whole Dressrosa will be destroyed!"

"It's useless, it's too late..."

Violes's eyes were empty, with tears streaming down the corners of his eyes, Nan Nan whispered.

"This is Brother Ming's fruit ability, the birdcage, and the entire kingdom will be destroyed in a short time."

"Sorry for dragging you into this disaster."

"I'm really not reconciled, obviously I have found a helper..."

Violes squatted down and sobbed softly, confused, painful, desperate... Years of accumulated negative emotions overwhelmed her.

Crash, just in an instant.

"Try anyway! Tina won't give up!"

Tina rushed towards the ever-shrinking birdcage, like a flat boat going upstream, her hands turned into black fences, firmly against the birdcage.

The birdcage was still advancing, and Tina's feet plowed a long gully on the ground. Even so, she still tried her best to firmly block the birdcage from moving forward.

"Even if it delays a little bit of time, a little bit of time..."

Yixiao stood where he was, with the crowd passing by beside him. He could clearly feel the breath of fear and sighed deeply.

No matter where it is, sin can never disappear.

"Since it's a fruit ability, then just kill the person with the fruit ability."

With a smile, he turned and walked in one direction, and said.

"I'm counting on you here, please try to slow down the shrinking speed of the birdcage."

"In that case..."

Smoker drew ten hands of the Hailoushi weapon on his back and went to support Tina.

But the strength of the two was still too weak, and the speed at which the birdcage shrank remained unchanged.

"Ah, you brats are pretty persevering."

Suddenly, a smiling, bearded uncle drew out his samurai sword and stood side by side with Smoker against the advancing birdcage, with the cloak of justice fluttering behind him in the wind.

"Huoshaoshan, you are too late!"

"Little devil, we are your seniors! Get rid of your bad temper."

An uncle with a mohawk hairstyle and mustache also held a samurai sword and leaned against the birdcage. His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and his bony face was full of evil spirits, and he did not speak or smile.

"Hmph, mind your own business, flying squirrel."

"What did you say? Brat, do you want to fight?"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

"Shut up, old lady! You're still arguing! Tina is very angry!"

Tina yelled loudly, and Smoker and the flying squirrel immediately fell silent and focused on resisting the birdcage.

"Women are really scary."

Huoshaoshan took a peek at Tina, remembering how he was when he was angry with Lieutenant General He, and shuddered fiercely.

More and more navies arrived, armed with weapons, desperately trying to slow down the birdcage.

Finally, with everyone's concerted efforts, the shrinking speed of the birdcage slowed down visibly to the naked eye.

But as time passed, everyone was struggling more and more, and their bodies gradually trembled.

"Everyone! I have notified Marshal Akainu, and he will be here soon!"

"Hold on! Please hold on!"

The lieutenant general of the flying squirrel roared loudly, and his low morale suddenly rose.

"Marshal Akainu wants to come in person!"

"Great! Everyone must work hard!"

"If Admiral Akainu comes, we will be saved one by one with his strength!"

Humans are such creatures, no matter how desperate they are, as long as you give you hope, even a sliver of hope, the potential power will erupt out of your body like a volcano.

Unless this person has the will to die and is determined to die, this is why depression is so serious, because you can't stop a person who wants to die, and it will only increase his pain. (deep experience)

So, young man, if you encounter the scourge of predicament in the future, then give your heart to Hope (Gu)!


King's Heights.

The villa was in a mess, with countless small black spots moving. They were short in stature, about the size of a palm, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, as if they were looking for something.

"You can search! Where did Doflamingo's soul take Princess Manxueli?"

A small figure wearing a crown-shaped hat and goggles anxiously shuttled from room to room, growling angrily.

"Leo, I've searched here, but I haven't found Princess Manshirley."

"Me too."

Sabo and Klar each walked out of a room. Sabo was very abnormal. He always smiled confidently, but now his face was gloomy. The usual calm disappeared, replaced by resentment and anger.

Taking advantage of the time when the auction was held, they went to Doflamingo's underground factory. It turned out that Doflamingo had been imprisoning the little people to serve as labor.

Then it was destroyed there and the task was successfully completed.

This time the mission went very smoothly, without encountering any powerful enemies, Doflamingo seemed to have sent out all the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Sabo naturally knew why, but after saving the little people, in order to let them join the revolutionary army, he agreed to help them find the lost princess.

And someone saw Doflamingo take the princess away with his own eyes...

Sabo's body trembled violently, his chest felt tight, and he was panting heavily.


Kral looked at Sabo worriedly, it must be very uncomfortable to bear the feeling of hatred...

98 Threat


Krall whispered Sabo's name.

"what happened?"

Sabo took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions.

"Do what you want to do, leave it to me here, anyway, the task assigned by the leader has been successfully completed."

Clare's eyes were full of encouragement, and she smiled gently.


Sabo stared blankly, then raised the corner of his mouth, lowered the brim of his hat with one hand, nodded gratefully, turned and left.

"Fool, although my partner has been messing around with you all the time, but..."

Krall watched Sabo's disappearing figure and prayed silently.

"But I still hope you come back safely..."


"Thunder Breath·Xingyi·Piquan!"

The black lightning exploded on Bacchus' body, his legs kicked the ground fiercely, stepped on two deep pits, and shot towards Doflamingo not far away.

The black lightning condensed into a vicious tiger, and it rushed towards Doflamingo like a hungry tiger, and the terrifying coercion rushed towards him like an overwhelming force.

"Five-color line!"

Doflamingo's five fingers formed claws, five thin lines of different colors flew out from his fingers, and with a flick of his wrist, he lashed the black tiger like a whip.

I saw that the tiger twisted its waist in the air, dodged easily, then stretched out its front paw, and slapped Doflamingo on the neck.

The five fingers of Bacchus' right palm were bent like hooks, and the palm was held inside. The metacarpal bone pressed against Doflamingo's neck quickly and relentlessly with bursts of sonic booms, and there was a pleasant and crisp bone cracking sound.


Doflamingo vomited blood, his throat hurt, and he couldn't breathe for a while, and he couldn't even scream. The huge impact made him fly backwards.

Bacchus pulled him back with one hand, thrust the knife into his chest with his backhand, and then put his elbow against his chest.

Fist, elbow, shoulder, knee...

The boxing technique is strong, and any hard part of the body becomes a sharp weapon for killing, and the strokes hit the vital points.


Bacchus' right arm stretched straight, and he punched Doflamingo's abdomen, and pulled out the magic knife Thousand Blades stuck in his chest. Red pearls scattered in the air.

There were circles of white air waves behind Doflamingo, flying upside down like cannonballs, and with a "bang", they were embedded in the hard rock wall, unable to move.

Doflamingo's face was bruised, his pink coat was stained dark red with blood, his face was covered with blood, his sunglasses were broken, his clothes were ragged, and there was a hideous wound on his chest and a gap between the front and back.

"Quick! Treat me quickly!"

He let out a low growl towards his chest, his face was ferocious, blood was in his mouth, his eyes were full of hostility like a mad beast.

Whoever beat him, even if he risked his life, the other party must pay the price!

The breeze blows, and suddenly, an inexplicable spirit rises from Doflamingo's body. The wind seems to be still, and surging air waves burst out from him. In the black and white world picture scroll, the ice blue overlord In the domineering arena, a small touch of red is particularly conspicuous, growing like a dancing candle.

From the moment he shot his father with his own hands and carried his father's head up the sacred steps, he would not allow anyone to bully him, anyone!

His aura became stronger and stronger, and his spirit became stronger and stronger, trying his best to resist Bacchus' domineering aura.

"Foo Flick~~"

He lowered his head, his eyes were full of madness, and he let out a piercing smile.

"Why? Don't you want to? Your people are in my hands!"

"If I die, they will die too!"

After two breaths, a part of Doflamingo's blood-red coat seemed to be wetted by water, and the injuries on his entire body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmph, congratulations on making a smart decision."

Feeling the rapid recovery of his physical strength and the power coming up from his body, Doflamingo resolutely "pulled" his body out of the wall, and the broken wall turned into thousands of colorful lines, and two more appeared beside him. A puppet made of string.

"Has Overlord Color broken through, but what happened to his injury..."

Panting heavily, Bacchus took another handful of Bingliang pills, and looked at the "intact" Doflamingo in surprise.

This recovery speed is even more terrifying than the system's recovery potion.

He glanced at the battlefield, there were not many pirates left, Yin was floating in the air, his calf was bent, and two famous knives were shuttled among the crowd, like spirit snakes, Mortras calmly passed by with his natural strength and knowledge. The pirate group killed the Quartet.

A few smears of dark knife light slashed on the fire-breathing dragon, and the flesh and blood instantly transformed into a hot flame. The knife light passed through, and the fire-breathing dragon's fist condensed and compressed the flames. With one punch, a wide pillar of fire plowed out on the ground. There are long and long grooves, rolling up countless broken stones.

From time to time, Gatrina used a knife to fork the six viscera of the pirates, enjoying the gluttonous feast while killing the pirates, very happy.

"Almost over……"

Bacchus murmured, although the breathing method and pulse door brought him powerful lethality, but his physical strength was not enough to support his high-intensity continuous combat.

Physical strength is recovering rapidly.

"Bacchus, next, let me see your justice! Flick, flick!"

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