Jia Xuan understood.

It turned out that Jia Yuanchun, who was in the palace, was appointed concubine.

The emperor is still very kind to the Jia family, and rewarded so many treasures.

"Qin this~" Han Diaosi radioed.

Old Mrs. Shi's face was originally pale, but now her brows were brimming with joy, her cheeks filled with joy.

"Thank you Lord Ron." She said loudly, full of air.

Various thoughts flashed through Jia Xuan's mind.

He definitely couldn't do anything to her today.

With the backing of Jia Yuanchun, a virtuous concubine, Rongguo Mansion's prestige and power reached its peak.

Because in the imperial decree just now, both Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng were rewarded, and Jia Zheng joined the Ministry of Industry.

"Hahaha, this is the real joy." Mrs. Shi smiled sarcastically at Jia Xuan.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, and everyone in the Rongguo Mansion followed behind her.

There was a cold smile on the corner of Jia Xuan's mouth.

"Flowers bloom brocade, fire cooks oil", it depends on how far your Rongguo Mansion can go.

The current emperor must suppress the four princes and eight princes.

It's just that in the process of tidying up, he has his own pace.

"Master Xuan, congratulations." Han Diaosi smiled at Jia Xuan, "Ningguo Mansion has the Xue family, and it can be said to be in full swing."

"Han Diaosi, are you making fun of me?" Jia Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Han Diaosi approached him, lowered his voice and said:

"Your Majesty is paying attention to you. He said, Jia Xuan dares to face two kings and eight princes. He is indeed Xu Xiao's son-in-law."

Jia Xuan frowned slightly.

This is a huge amount of information.

The emperor hoped that there would be a person who dared to confront the two kings and eight princes.

But this person is Xu Xiao's son-in-law, and the emperor still dare not trust him.

He summed it up, and that's probably what he meant.

"I am Jia Xuan from Dali Chaoning State Mansion!" Jia Xuan said in a deep voice.

Han Diaosi was stunned, surprised for a moment, and then smiled:

"Very well, His Majesty will see you, and you will let His Majesty see you."

After speaking, he left with a smile.

Jia Xuan pondered the meaning of his words.


Although the Rongguo Mansion had the backing of Concubine Xiande, it actually lost two major offerings.

They didn't dare to attack the Ningguo Mansion for a while.

However, the Rongguo Mansion will not swallow this breath.

The two kings and eight princes in the capital have already moved around in private to completely suppress the newly emerged Ningguo Mansion.

Jia Xuan is also working hard day and night.

Yes, trying to make people.

These days, I was with Xue Baochai.

late at night.

Jia Xuan came out of Xue Baochai's room and went to the attic.

He comes here every day to practice spells.

After the primordial spirit came out of his body last time, he went out of his body several times later, but he didn't dare to drift away.

In the capital, the water is too deep.

Who knows what kind of magic master will be hiding in which family.


The startled salamander flashed in front of him.

"My lord, Anhe has replied, and Mu Yumo agreed to meet you." She frowned slightly, "However, she chooses the meeting place, which is the Feiyan Tower in the city."

Feiyanlou is a brothel.

This bitch Mu Yumo actually chose to meet me in the brothel.

Jia Xuan smiled slightly:

"No problem, then Feiyan Tower, when?"

The startled salamander nodded:

"Tomorrow night, my lord, I will go with you."

Jia Xuan waved his hand:

"It's not appropriate for me to take a girl to Feiyan Tower. I'll take Xiongba with me."

The startled salamander pouted:

"Isn't my lord disgusted that I'm not strong in martial arts, so I can't protect you?"

Jia Xuanlang laughed, and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

The startled salamander's eyes drooped slightly, and a soft color flashed across the beautiful eyes.

Under the moonlight, the startled salamander was dressed in a black outfit, but it couldn't hide its graceful curves and attractive figure.

"Press my shoulder." Jia Xuan patted her, "You can't get pregnant, otherwise who cares about the trap?"

The startled salamander pursed his red lips, clenched his hands into fists, and wanted to hit him in anger.

"Zhiri went to Jianzhou for a while? No news yet?" Jia Xuan asked while enjoying the massage.

Startled salamander, please press Jia Xuan's shoulder and say:

"He came back with news and is still investigating. He said that the water in Jianzhou is very deep. The Martial Arts League, Azure Dragon Club, Power Gang, etc. are all there, and experts gather."

In the holy land of the rivers and lakes, there are no masters like clouds.

Although Zheri is the peak of the Happy Heaven Realm, there must be a lot of land gods there.

Jia Xuan frowned:

"Tell him, life-saving is the first priority, and all the hidden stakes of the net will be planted among the major forces."

ps: It’s not easy to code in the middle of the night, please ask for flowers and votes for support.

39. The truth about the Battle of Lishan was erased. Was it the prisoner who did it?


Jia Xuan's class was full, and most of them were female students.

This day, after finishing class, he went to Mr. Da to ask some doubts about martial arts.

He felt that he was about to break through, but he just missed the goal.

"Fighting people is indeed the fastest way to break through." Mr. Da said, "But it's also very dangerous. You have to calm your mind. What's the rush? You have no shortage of experts in Ningguo Mansion, right?"

Although he told Jia Xuan not to worry, he still told Jia Xuan about his breakthrough experience in detail.

Jia Xuan felt that kind of sincere care from the elders in Mr. Da's place.

Therefore, whenever he had any doubts, he would come to Mr. Da.

After chatting with Mr. Da for an hour, Jia Xuan left the academy and came to the Imperial City Division.

He went directly to Haoqi Tower.

Today is also the day to report to Yuhuatian.

As a successful twenty-five boy, he also wants to hug Yuhuatian's thigh.

After all, it is convenient for the Imperial City Secretary to do many things.

Yuhuatian was still so graceful and luxurious, with an indifferent expression.

After listening to Jia Xuan's report, he didn't let Jia Xuan leave immediately, but said calmly:

"Your Majesty has asked me about you these two days."

Jia Xuan pretended to be surprised:

"Your Majesty, who manages everything every day, can still think of me, a little imperial secretary?"

Yu Huatian snorted softly, displeased with his sloppy attitude.

"Your Majesty has promoted you. From today onwards, both you and Gu Qianfan will be promoted to Deputy Commander of the Imperial City Division." He looked at Jia Xuan, "Don't disappoint Your Majesty's expectations of you."

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you Governor." Jia Xuan was overjoyed.

I'm really happy, deputy commander, the authority should be very large.

At least in the future, you can lead the brigade of the imperial city to show off your might.

Coming out of Haoqi Building, Jia Xuan went directly to the archives room.


He threw the token of the deputy commander that he had just received in front of Old Wang.

Old Wang was dumbfounded:

"You've been promoted to deputy commander in just a few months? I've been in the file room for three years."

Jia Xuan had a very smug expression:

"Old Wang, who am I? The first-class Shenwei general, the youngest gentleman in the academy, and the direct disciple of Jianzheng, with so many identities, wouldn't promotion be like riding a rocket?"

Pharaoh was upset, and stared at him:

"Don't worry, what do you want to check, I will help you."

Jia Xuan put away the token and laughed:

"Help me find out all the information about the Battle of Lishan, and I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

Lao Wang was very familiar with the archives room, so he moved the materials over in a short time.

Jia Xuan looked at the few notebooks in front of him, raised his eyes and asked:

"Just like that?"

Pharaoh's hand:

"Didn't I tell you that all the materials of the Battle of Lishan were taken away by the prison officer, and there are only sporadic records in them."

Jia Xuan picked up the notebook and flipped through it.

Not long after, with a surprised expression on his face, he pointed to the notebook and shouted to Lao Wang:

"This...how is this blank?"

The battle of leaving the mountain recorded in the notebook involves specific content, but those few lines are gone, and it is blank.

Lao Wang looked like 'you don't want to scream like a ghost':

"Isn't this normal? The Battle of Lishan must have been modified by a powerful warlock, so the information about the Battle of Lishan will be missing, and our memory of the Battle of Lishan will also be revised accordingly."

Jia Xuan was astonished.

Are Warlocks really that powerful?

I just heard about it before, but now I see it with my own eyes, and I am still shocked.

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