As soon as he entered the door, he saw a man in fine clothes sitting on a chair. He had a handsome face and was graceful and luxurious.

"Xixia Fenghua, no better than Jun, curling his lips and smoothing his hair."

Jia Xuan recalled this comment on Yuhuatian when he watched dramas in his previous life.

"Master, someone has brought it here." Gu Qianfan bowed to Yuhuatian.

Yu Huatian looked up, his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

Jia Xuan had a feeling of being completely seen through.

He was shocked.

Ci'ao, this is an enhanced version of Yuhuatian, right?Gives a sense of unfathomable.

"I saw you make a move, and I happened to be at the nearby teahouse that day." Yu Huatian said indifferently, "Your sword skills are good, and your shots are decisive and ruthless. You are a talent. Join our Imperial City Division?"

Jia Xuan: "???"

Join the Imperial City Division?

You really don't play your cards according to common sense.

"I..." He pretended to hesitate.

"Join the Imperial City Division and kill Xue Pan, we will help you uncover it." Yu Huatian said indifferently, "If you don't join, I will arrest you now."

"I'll join!" Jia Xuan said decisively.

Gu Qianfan on the side couldn't help laughing.

Yuhuatian's face remained indifferent:

"Then you follow Gu Qianfan first."

Jia Xuan nodded slowly.

I really have no choice.


Gu Qianfan took Jia Xuan through the entry procedures.

After everything was done, Jia Xuan had already changed into the black official uniform of the Imperial City Division.

"It's just right, follow me to ransack the house today." Gu Qianfan said.

"Copy the house? Whose house to copy?" Jia Xuan was still looking forward to it. On the first day of work, he encountered a big job.

"Sheng family!" Gu Qianfan said as he walked.

When he arrived at the place, Jia Xuan discovered that it was the Sheng family.

Because he saw the petite and exquisite Sheng Minglan.

"What happened to the Sheng family?" Jia Xuan asked.

"Recklessly talking about the Holy Majesty, about the Crown Prince, the Sheng family dares to talk nonsense about the affairs of the Tian family." Gu Qianfan said, "Aren't you courting death?"

It turned out to be the case.

It's a little bit different from the original.

Jia Xuan glanced over, and the female family members of the Sheng family were trembling with fright, and their faces were pale.

However, Sheng Minglan was quite calm.

A few officials of the imperial city smiled and walked towards the daughters of the Sheng family. Jia Xuan immediately went over to block them, and smiled slightly:

"Big brothers, I have some connections with the Sheng family, please show them your respect."

They all knew Jia Xuan's identity, and although they were reluctant, they left anyway.

The female members of the Sheng family breathed a sigh of relief.

Jia Xuan's eyes fell on Sheng Minglan.

She has a delicate and delicate face, and her big black eyes are very agile.

Mom, I want to be a concubine again.

Ps: On the first day of the new book, please ask for flowers and evaluation tickets, brothers, please.

8. The Ningguo Mansion held a happy event again, concubine Sheng Minglan

Gu Qianfan noticed Jia Xuan.

He pulled Jia Xuan aside, raised his eyebrows:

"Have you taken a fancy to that girl?"

Without hiding anything, Jia Xuan asked in a low voice:

"Boss Gu, is there a way to save them? If they enter our Imperial City Sizhao Prison, it will be very difficult for them to come out completely."

Gu Qianfan smiled but wasn't smiling:

"Your boy is indeed suitable for the Imperial City Secretary, and he wanted to seek personal gain from the first day."

When Jia Xuan heard it, there was something going on.

Gu Qianfan said in a low voice:

"Official wives and daughters, you can imagine the consequences of going to prison. Even if you come out, you will be rushed to the Jiaofang Secretary. That girl is blessed, and you have taken a fancy to her. You only need to give me the money, and I will give it to you." You do it."

Jia Xuan was stunned.

Is it so blatant?

Gu Qianfan glanced sideways:

"This is a routine operation of the Imperial City Department. Keep part of the banknote and hand in the other part. Brothers live with their heads on their belts. The Governor will just turn a blind eye and close one eye. Just don't go too far."

Jia Xuan understood.

I have enough bank notes.

So, an hour later, Jia Xuan led Sheng Minglan out through the back door.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving me." Sheng Minglan's face turned pale, and she was also frightened.

"I'm not too hard on others, you can either follow me or go wandering by yourself." Jia Xuan spread his hands.

Sheng Minglan wanted to cry.

Her home was stolen, she had no relatives, how could a weak woman really go homeless?

"Minglan is a slave and a servant girl, to repay the son for saving his life." Her eyes drooped and tears fell.

I really feel sorry for you.

Jia Xuan brought her back to Ningguo Mansion.

Qin Keqing, Xu Weixiong and Zhao Pan'er all waited for him anxiously.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him come back majestically in the official uniform of the Imperial City Secretary.

Jia Xuan introduced Xia Sheng Minglan's situation.

The three of them sighed for a while, and Zhao Pan'er sighed quietly:

"Another poor man."

Feeling her kindness, Sheng Minglan broke down and cried in her arms.

After enduring it for so long, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Jia Xuan didn't expect that he would join the Imperial City Division by such a mistake.

Xu Xiao said that maybe the Imperial City Secretary had a detailed record of his parents' death in battle.

So, he went to the archives to look.

However, he was stopped. To search for the file, he must be approved by someone above the level of the deputy commander.

The files on the third floor can only be viewed with the approval of Governor Yu Huatian.

Jia Xuan frowned slightly.

The information about the Battle of Lishan must be on the third floor.

In this battle 20 years ago, it was a big defeat, and all the information about this battle was sealed up.

The common people only know that Dali's entire army was wiped out, including the crown prince.

Later, it was the king of Beiliang who sent troops to drive Beimang out.

"Jia Xuan, do you want to check the files?" Gu Qianfan called out.

"No, I thought it contained martial arts secret books." Jia Xuan smiled.

"The secret book is not here, it's in the front building. After you have done your work, you can think about the secret book." Gu Qianfan pointed.

Is there really a secret?

Jia Xuan was secretly surprised.

Imperial City Secretary is more powerful than in the play.

"Will there be a strong cheat?" Jia Xuan asked curiously.

"There are all heavenly skills." Gu Qianfan spread his hands.

Jia Xuan didn't know much about martial arts in this world.

I don't know what heaven means.

Gu Qianfan was very surprised:

"Your sword skills are so fierce, don't you know that kung fu is divided into four grades: heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow? Then you always know the ninth grade of martial arts, right? Damn, you don't know that? How did your master teach you?"

Jia Xuan: "I learned it by myself, do you believe it?"

Gu Qianfan: "!!!"

He explained it to Jia Xuan in detail.

Martial arts in the world are divided into nine ranks, and the second rank is considered to be a grand master.

There are very few who can reach the first grade.

The first rank is divided into four realms: Vajra Ordinary Realm, Freedom Realm, Happy Heaven Realm, and Land Immortal Realm.

"Our governor is the land fairyland." Gu Qianfan said.

It really is an enhanced version of Yuhuatian.

It is estimated that the other four supervisors are also enhanced versions.

In this way, they are qualified to be by the emperor's side.

Jia Xuan thought to himself.

According to Gu Qianfan's description of Breaking the Realm, I'm just a second-rank.

However, the evil king's ten kalpas should be a heavenly skill.

"In addition to martial arts, there are also warlocks, that is, the group of Qin Tianjian." Gu Qianfan said, "I don't understand the magic at all. They all say that after the master ascends to the sky, the prison is the strongest in the world."

Jia Xuan has also heard of warlocks, and this system of warlocks is extremely special.

They can heal illnesses and save lives, they can read Fengshui, they can invent and create, they can deploy formations, they can also spy on the secrets of heaven, and they can use talismans in battle. When they reach the second-rank or first-rank warlocks, they are even more terrifying, and they are simply invincible.

And Jianzheng is the only first-grade warlock in the whole world.

If there is a chance, I will go to Qin Tianjian to have a look.


One month later, Ningguo Mansion held another wedding.

With the help of Zhao Pan'er, Sheng Minglan married Jia Xuan.

Jia Xuan is still married to Ming Media.

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