Xu Hongdou's nervous heart was about to hit his throat.

"Nothing particularly big."

"It's the treatment time, which may be a little longer."

"There is also the process and complexity of the treatment, which will be a little bit heavy."

Hearing what Cao Ze said, the two immediately felt relieved.

At least, this shows that it can be cured!

Strange to say.

It was an incurable disease.

But when I heard what Cao Ze said.

In their hearts, they subconsciously felt settled down.

The man in front of them gave them a great sense of security.

"So, what do we need to do?"

When Xu Hongdou heard that it could be cured, she became excited.

As long as Nan Xing can be cured, then nothing else matters.

"The silver needles for acupuncture and moxibustion here are all complete."

"It's just that during the treatment process, it may need to be soaked in a wooden barrel."

Cao Ze, who has integrated the skills of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, looks like an old Chinese medicine doctor at this time.

With a serious face, he began to talk about the treatment.

Because Chen Nanxing's disease is at an advanced stage now, it is necessary to take a two-pronged approach.

"Not only that, but during the treatment process."

"It's very likely to be very painful, and you have to bear it when the time comes."

"Acupuncture will expel some toxins in the body, and then stimulate the expansion of pores to absorb the efficacy of medicine."

"But during detoxification, maybe your body will produce some subtle changes."

"The current preliminary design of the treatment plan is three courses of treatment, with seven days as one course of treatment."

"After the first acupuncture, there should be improvement."

Chen Nanxing was slightly surprised, and then nodded solemnly.

"I am very happy to get such a sentence from you."

The previous doctor just told him to eat whatever he wanted.

The current treatment is conservative treatment only.

No doctor would dare to say such a thing!

What's more, it only takes 21 days!

Which doctor dares to say such a thing!

Moreover, acupuncture and moxibustion can be effective once!

"So can we start now?"

"Or, what do you need to prepare?"

Xu Hongdou asked anxiously beside him.

"It is indeed necessary to prepare some medicinal materials, whether it is for soaking in medicinal baths or eating."

"You can drink some water, eat something, and relax now."

"To avoid being too nervous, it's not good for her health."

Cao Ze smiled and said.

Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou looked at each other.

They both saw some hope in each other's eyes.

Maybe this time, there will really be a good result!

Xiaomeng watched from the side, feeling a little more happy in her heart.

As long as it can be cured well, it is better than anything else!

How could a girl of Hua'er's age be willing to lose like this?

After Cao Ze made a phone call and went out.

Someone helped him buy the medicinal materials he needed, and the wooden barrels for soaking in medicinal baths were arranged later.

Cao Ze is also a straightforward person, since he decided to help Chen Nanxing cure his illness.

When the medicinal materials and wooden barrels were delivered to the home, acupuncture soon began.

In the wooden barrel, all kinds of medicinal materials are already in full bloom at this time.

Chen Nanxing felt a little embarrassed when he learned that he was going to soak naked in the medicinal soup.

Xu Hongdou also frowned slightly.

But looking at Cao Ze's upright look.

It was still blunt, suppressing the weird feeling in my heart.

"I'll go outside to prepare an acupuncture pack first, and call me when you're all right."

Cao Ze exited the room in a very gentlemanly manner.

After all, the two girls must still feel a little uncomfortable.

After seeing Cao Ze go out, Chen Nanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

・・・ Flowers・・・

It's really embarrassing to take off your clothes in front of a man.

After the door is closed and all clothing is removed.

Xu Hongdou supported Chen Nanxing, and carefully soaked it in the wooden barrel.

This wooden barrel is heated at a constant temperature, so the temperature is just right.

After the inside was ready, Cao Ze entered the room.

He held an acupuncture pack in his hand and spread it out beside him.

Originally, Chen Nanxing was a little embarrassed, even though he was soaked in a wooden barrel.

The medicinal soup also has some slight yellowing, but it still can't cover everything.

Indistinctly, it looks even more attractive.

But seeing Cao Ze not squinting about getting ready for acupuncture, he felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

But soon, Chen Nanxing lost these thoughts.

Following the first silver needle, it slowly pierced into the acupuncture point on the shoulder.

Chen Nanxing only felt that there was a fire burning non-stop from his shoulder.

... 0 ...

This flame slowly spread from the shoulder to the whole body.

Chen Nanxing gritted his teeth, holding back the voice that was about to come out.

Involuntarily, his hand pinched the edge of the barrel.

Xu Hongdou watched from the side, feeling a little more worried.

But he didn't dare to bother too much, so he could only watch from the side.


Chen Nanxing couldn't take it anymore, and moaned in pain.

"If you can't stand it, you can tell me to stop."

Cao Ze glanced at her slightly.

But the movement of his hands didn't stop.

Chen Nanxing gritted his teeth, and shook his head with difficulty.

How can there be no pain in healing?

Although you can choose to stop now, it will definitely affect the effect.

Since it's going to hurt, let's have enough pain at once!

Nothing else matters!

Xu Hongdou looked at it with distressed heart.

He held Chen Nanxing's hand unconsciously.

"Nan Xing, it's okay, it's okay..."

Chen Nanxing forced a smile.

But in the next second, he was overwhelmed by overwhelming pain again.

Sweat trickled down from his forehead and dripped into the yellowing medicinal soup.

Seeing Chen Nanxing's extremely uncomfortable look.

Cao Ze didn't show any sympathy, on the contrary, he didn't stop at all.

According to the treatment plan in mind.

Several silver needles pierced directly into Chen Nanxing's body.

Looking at those long silver needles, Xu Hongdou felt frightened.

"Take another half an hour in the medicated bath, and today's treatment will be over."

After the last needle was inserted, Cao Ze said with a smile on his face.

Chen Nanxing was in so much pain that he couldn't even say a word of thanks.

He could only nod his head slightly to express his gratitude.

Chapter 237 Chen Nanxing takes a medicinal bath, Zhu Suosuo's mind! (Please subscribe! Please customize!)

Seeing the appearance of her best friend, Xu Hongdou was a little worried.

"Is it okay for Nan Xing to do this?"

Cao Ze shook his head slightly, but fortunately he came in time.

With acupuncture and medicated bath, I will take a good rest in the later stage.

It shouldn't be a problem if you take some medicine.

If it was a little later, even he would have nothing to do.

Because when the time comes, Chen Nanxing will not only be concerned about cancer.

Rather, the entire body will reach that terminally ill state.

At that time, if you want to cure it again, it will be much more troublesome.

"It's normal for her to be fine."

"Let's soak first, and I'll come in later."

Cao Ze knew he was in this place.

Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou must feel very embarrassed.

So I didn't stay too long and went out directly.

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