500 years after the conferment of the gods, I only became the patriarch of Jiejiao Nine Heavens Slaying Demons

Traveling through the world of Conferred Gods, Xu Linyuan landed right at the gate of Biyou Palace.

Xu Linyuan felt that he was very stable after successfully worshiping the Master Tongtian.

It was only later that I realized that it was already the Empress Conferred God.

It has been 500 years since the leader of Tongtian Cult trapped himself in Biyou Palace.

And his identity is not one of the Jiejiao Immortals, but the only Jiejiao disciple in the Three Realms.


"This doesn't seem to be a bad thing!"

"Does Kangong Doum know? That's my senior sister!"

"Does the Nine Heavens Respond to Yuan Thunder and Puhua Tianzun know? Is that my nephew?"

Walking in the Three Realms requires a background.

All the gods in the heavenly court are brothers of their own teachers, and the teacher behind him is a saint who has no desires and desires and is feared by the three worlds.

Xu Linyuan could only express.

"I have only one goal - to make Jiejiao great again!"

PS: The introduction is incompetent, please read the text!

1. Landing is Biyou Palace! (Please collect!)

The mighty East China Sea ebbs and flows.

In the sea, there are countless fairy islands with aura scattered, fluctuating with the blue waves.

On the fairy island, there was already a dead silence.

The former immortals on the island had already fallen in the catastrophe 500 years ago.

But even after 500 years, no monk dared to occupy any island.

Because among the countless fairy islands, there is a fairy island in the deepest part of the East China Sea that still has a lot of fairy energy, and the boundless aura rises into the sky.

It was a huge island that looked like a golden turtle.

In the center of the island, there is a purple cliff towering high.

On the top of the cliff, there is a magnificent Taoist palace that has stood here since ancient times.

The island is Jinao Island.

The cliff is Zizhiya.

The palace is Biyou Palace.

Even the two clans of Lich who ruled the world were also annihilated in time.

Even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the Xingsheng Human Race finally hid in Huoyun Cave and never appeared again.

But the Biyou Palace on Zizhi Cliff has stood since the dawn of heaven and earth.

Regardless of the three realms and six realms, look at the immortals, demons and ghosts.

Anyone who mentions this must bow to the East China Sea and salute with full courtesy.

The reason is that this place is the ancestral court of Jiejiao, the Daochang of saints.

Sitting in the palace is the leader of Jiejiao, a sage of immortality.

Even after Conferred God Quantified Tribulation, Jiejiao has already fallen.

Thousands of congregants turned into ashes.

All the immortals of Jiejiao were on the list of gods.

Even the countless fairy islands in the East China Sea have no owners.

But the saint is still there!

Therefore, no one dared to be disrespectful and presumptuous.

At this time, Biyou Palace.

The celestial light is bright, and its own boundless dream turns into golden flowers and falls.

All kinds of immortal energy fell on the whole body of the Xuanpao Taoist sitting upright in the palace.

The Taoist has sharp sword eyebrows, black hair and black beard.

His face was seven points Daoist and three points majestic.

With his five hearts turned to the sky, he sat upright on the futon.

There are no luxurious decorations on his body, only a blue fairy sword like a lotus stand is placed beside him.

It can't be anyone else, it is the sage of Jiejiao, the leader of Tongtian.

Everyone knows.

After the saint proclaimed himself a god, he was trapped in Biyou Palace.

His mind wandered far and wide, and he never went out for half a step.

Of course, not anyone has restricted him.

In this world, except Daozu Hongjun, there is absolutely no one who can restrict his actions.

The reason why he didn't come out of Biyou Palace was because he no longer cared about everything in the three realms.

But at this time, it is rare for the former master of the sect to have never lost his mind.

The reason is because of the person in front of him.

That's right - in this Biyou Palace, except for Master Tongtian.

At this time, there is still one person!

This is the first time in 500 years!

It was a young man.

He was wearing modern clothes that were completely different from this world, and he had short, crisp black hair.

But at this time, he was looking at Master Tongtian in front of him in a daze.

Of course Xu Linyuan was confused.

He is just habitually looking for some old things in the flea market.

As a result, just as he picked up a gray bead that looked a bit old, he passed out as soon as his eyes went dark.

When he woke up again, he appeared in such a Taoist palace inexplicably.

Moreover, there appeared in front of him such a Taoist priest in black robe with special effects.

The other party didn't talk to him much, but kept silent after asking his name.

Of course he could only feel dizzy for a while.

"What's the situation? I've time-traveled?"

There was only one thing he could roughly understand.

And the other side


Master Tongtian was also looking at Xu Linyuan.

There are extraordinary splendor and Daoguang flickering in his eyes.

There was even a look of doubt in his expression.

He is a saint, and he is undoubtedly one of the strongest among all saints in terms of mana alone.

Say something that isn't bragging.

The three realms and six realms, except for the Zixiao Palace in the chaos of 33 days.

As long as it's not in the chaos of heaven and earth.

Then for any other things, he only needs to figure out the cause and effect.

However, Xu Linyuan in front of him was an exception!

Master Tongtian knew very well that Xu Linyuan suddenly appeared in front of Biyou Palace.

Not even he was aware of any mana.

It was after Xu Linyuan suddenly appeared that he discovered the other party.

Besides, for Xu Linyuan.

He could only see that the other party was a pure mortal.

The kind with no cultivation base at all.


He couldn't calculate Xu Linyuan's background at all, nor could he see any heels.

It seems that it has no contamination whatsoever with the Great and Desolate Three Realms.

Even if he asked Xu Linyuan's name, and consumed the saint's mana to calculate again.

In the end, it turned out to be the same.

Even the Master Tongtian has never seen such a strange person.

"Fruit without cause... If the two fellow Taoists in the west knew about it, I'm afraid the Buddha's mind would be unstable."

He whispered in his heart, and even rarely wanted to laugh after 500 years.

He naturally knows that the most important Buddhist orthodoxy is the theory of karma and reincarnation.

But Xu Linyuan is the only 'effect without a cause' in this world.

This kind of existence, if it is known by the two saints of Western Buddhism.

I'm afraid that there will be problems with his Buddha heart.


But just as Master Tongtian was thinking about this moment, he was suddenly touched in his heart.

The sage and the heaven and the earth have their own interactions, but whenever a thought is moved, there is always a whim.

So he immediately raised his hand to calculate.

Afterwards, complex expressions appeared on his complexion.

"This son has a relationship with me as a teacher and apprentice."

The master-student relationship he mentioned is not simply passing on the law and teaching karma.

But the real ones, personal disciples.

And you have to know—even if the Master Tongtian used to follow the law of teaching without discrimination, the Jiejiao under his command was called Ten Thousand Immortals.

But in fact, there are only four direct disciples.

Even Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao who have great supernatural powers and are powerful in the three realms.

He also failed to become his direct disciple, but only an outer disciple.

Especially after the decline of Jiejiao.

In the past 500 years, there has never been any newcomers.

But at this moment, while he was making calculations, Heaven and Earth clearly told him.

The young man of unknown origin in front of him actually had a relationship with him as a master and apprentice.

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